I see that Rona Ambrose really is trying to make it look like her Cons are a kinder gentler version of the Harper Party.
For that's the first time the word "peace" has appeared on any Con propaganda.
But sadly that new image couldn't be more absurd.

Not when the wretched Rona is a raving chicken hawk.

Not when she is now threatening to use the Con stooges in the Senate to block electoral reform.
And of course, not as long as Michelle Rempel is in her shadow cabinet.
Because although Rempel has been showing off her skills as a wine expert or sommelier...

Which is scary enough.
She's also been attacking the Liberal government for missing a refugee deadline.
Two more weeks — that's how long the Liberals say it will take to get 10,000 Syrian refugees to Canada, a goal the government was hoping to have met by midnight Thursday.
As only she can.

When in fact the Liberals have already brought in about five times more refugees in two months, than the Con regime did in a year. Refugee groups couldn't be happier.
Roadblocks prevented refugees from coming to Canada prior to the federal election, according to Chantal Tie, a representative for the Canadian Council for Refugees. “To us on the outside, [it] seemed inexcusable and unexplainable, and we welcome the fresh wind that appears to be blowing through,” she said.
Rempel who once attacked the Liberals for moving too fast, is now attacking them for moving too slowly.
And her grotesque attempts to stir up fears of a refugee invasion have never looked more ridiculous.
According to UN figures, just three out of every 10 households contacted about resettlement in Canada go on to relocate. “Some families are still hoping to return home, others are concerned about their ability to integrate into another country – including learn the language,” said Aoife McDonnell, an external relations officer at the UNHCR refugee agency in Jordan.
Which makes me wonder what IS her problem?

And when will Rona Ambrose get rid of her before she embarrasses her party and herself even further?
But of course the biggest obstacle Ambrose faces as she tries to give her Cons a sunny makeover, is the dark legacy of Stephen Harper.
Whose lingering presence it seems cannot be removed, like a stubborn tumour, from places like the National Energy Board.

The Liberal government appears to be stymied in its campaign pledge to remake the National Energy Board as it signalled Friday that it will not demand the resignation of last-minute Conservative appointees to the embattled regulatory agency.
The Liberals promised to “modernize” the NEB to ensure it reflects regional views and has expertise in environmental fields, community development and indigenous knowledge. But Conservative appointments and the renewal of sitting members’ terms means the Liberals will not have an opportunity to appoint a full-time member of the board until 2020.
So in effect Rona Ambrose is now in a position to block Justin Trudeau from implementing changes to our energy policy AND changing our electoral system.

Which is outrageous, and so anti-democratic it beggars belief. And can only be described as a quiet coup.
You know, I like Justin Trudeau's sunny ways. I think it's working for him and is making our country a better place.
But while he tries to disarm the Cons by being nice to them, he should also keep this cannon handy...

For they are the scum of the earth, they are trying to destabilize his government.
And if we are to use electoral reform to drive them from power forever, as we must.
Sooner or later he will have to use it...
Please click here to recommend this post at Progressive Bloggers.
"The Liberal government appears to be stymied in its campaign pledge to remake the National Energy Board as it signalled Friday that it will not demand the resignation of last-minute Conservative appointees to the embattled regulatory agency."
See...here it comes! I told you that Trudeau was going to pull an o-bomb-a and let the sickness prevail! No investigations: no removals of toxic personnel: no indictments: no prosecutions: NO CHANGE!
I just had a real bad feeling about this with Trudeau's reluctance to wield the big stick and do the right goddamn thing from early on! The excuse "he's only been in office a short while" doesn't cut it!
More of the same shit we got with mcguilty and wynd!!!
Hi Simon! Do you know what is the reason behind the Liberals' decision to not ask for the resignation of those Conservative appointees to the National Energy Board? What's the point of having a majority government if they can't do what they want? I am very disappointed in this turn of events.
I am sure that, while Trudeau may not be able to dismiss the Harper appointees at the NEB he can likely set the ground rules for his expectations on how they operate - open and accountable hearings, transparent decision-making processes, etc.
Last photo is priceless. Let the government bomb the cons in a proverbial sense, and stop the real bombs that result in blood and loss of life that only those who have seen it first hand can truly grasp its horror. People who try for political mileage out of this have, in my opinion, had their souls sucked right out of them.
If we don't make corrective changes to our electoral system, based on last ten years, we will only have ourselves to blame. It's as much a responsibility as it is our right to do so.
The Czar's cannon and The Little Prince in the same picture, both products of overwhelming hubris. Was that your intent Simon?
I sincerely hope that 'big oil' has not overtaken the Liberals like they did the Cons. All the towns on the path of Enbridge are going into overdrive. The RCMP are arriving to put down the 1st nations opposition. Housing vacancies are rapidly vanishing from these cities and towns and everyone up north thinks the pipeline is going forward. (From June 17, 2014. "The federal government has agreed to let Enbridge build its Northern Gateway pipeline, subject to 209 conditions recommended by the National Energy Board and further talks with aboriginal communities. Enbridge wants to build the pipeline from Bruderheim, Alta., to Kitimat, B.C."
Happy New Year Simon..
Well, it appears that the CPC party of Canada is still lost..
That link above...That is why the CPC Party of Canada will remain obsolete..
The entire NEB should be disbanded.
"So in effect Rona Ambrose is now in a position to block Justin Trudeau from implementing changes to our energy policy AND changing our electoral system."
To Trudeau this is a feature, not a bug.
He'll let the cons do the dirty work and then play act like there is nothing he could do to stop the cons.
Rona is right, the first of many lies.
Yes he's bringing in more refugees then the Tories, but he knew his refugee numbers during the election were bullshit, but he had to one up Mulcair's realistic numbers.
If he lets the Tories block him on electoral reform and the NEB he's doing so on purpose, he has choices and options to stop that from happening, so if happens its because he wants it to.
Good Cop Trudeau, Bad Cop Rona.
Fine let them stay but hand them a toilet brush and a new job description. Happy New Year Simon and friends. Pam.
Sorry Rona. Air strikes are NOT key in the battle against ISIS. What would be key is thousands upon thousands of western boots on the ground. And even then, it doesn't mean that the western coalition would "win". Elizabeth May is right that bombing alone has never solved these Middle East wars. All it does is destabilize the area even more.
And would those boots on the ground operate without air support?
hi anon...I think you're jumping the gun. Some of those late appointments can be fired without cause, but others can't. Not just because a settlement would cost a lot of money, but also because their contracts are so air tight the courts would nix any attempt to remove them. So at this point the best way to get rid of them is to try to shame them into resigning, so you should be more patient and wait to see what happens...
hi anon...as I explained to the commenter above, some of those people can't be fired, because their contracts protect them. And when one of them was fired he took his case to court and won. So yes it is very disappointing, but as I said in my post we can use it to discredit the patronage Cons, and turn the situation to our advantage....
hi UU4077...yes I suppose that's possible, and should they defy those instructions, they can be held up to the light of public opinion, and exposed for the Con operatives they are. Still, it is outrageous, and this attempt to limit the power of a new government is grounds enough to make sure that the Cons are never returned to power again....
hi TS...I'm glad you liked the cannon, which although it is only metaphorical, when loaded with the indignation of Canadians should help blow the Cons out of the water. Thanks to the record of the Harper regime we have a unique opportunity to change our electoral system, and failure is not an option....
hi anon...not really. I wanted a cannon that was big enough, but not one that could fire real ammunition at the Cons, just the anger and outrage needed to defeat them.
But I must say I have never heard the word hubris used so much. Once the rednecks thought it had something to do with car wheels, and now they are all screaming the word at Justin Trudeau. Oh well, I suppose anything that educates those ignorant louts can't be all bad...;)
hi John...well I hope that Big Oil isn't trying to wrap its tentacles around the new government like it did the old one. But so far I see no evidence of that. I think the Liberals have realized that some of those appointees have bullet proof contracts, and that they are going to have to find other ways to try to get them to quit...
hi Grant....thank you and Happy New Year to you and yours. Yes I saw that monstrosity on Levant's porno site, although I didn't dare watch it. When people like that bigot bimbo Faith Goldy take up residence at The Rebel you know the end is not far off. Her Facebook page describes her as "a reporter and commentator with a passion for truth that spares nothing."Which considering her shabby record couldn't be more laughable.
So yes, with people like her on the Con boat, you know where it's going....
hi anon...well that is an option that has been discussed. Kill the NEB, and set up a new board with a different name, and a slightly modified mandate. I don't know if the Liberals are considering it, but if push comes to shove it is definitely an option. And in the meantime it could make the Cons on the NEB do as they are told, or else...
hi Gyor...you know it;'s a sad thing when an NDP supporter like you sounds like a Con. And no Rona is not right. The fact that thousands of Canadians are working their butts off to bring in and welcome refugees is the only thing that counts. It doesn't matter how long it takes, the country is doing the right thing.
And you really are in no position to criticize the Liberals ideologically when your party, the one I voted for too, is so far to the right of the Liberals it's no example to anyone. And I haven't a clue what it's doing or where it's going....
hi Pam...well that is a BRILLIANT idea. I had thought of shaming them in the conventional sense, But a toilet and a tooth brush would be even better... ;)
hi anon...the boots on the ground can get the support of other air forces, goodness knows there are enough of them and not enough targets. But we can do more good by training Iraqis or whoever on the battle line, or helping the approximately four million refugees.
No. But no western country is willing to send in ground troops since they all know it would become the quagmire that ISIS hopes it will be.
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