You might think that Joe Oliver would have stayed missing after the Cons lost the election, and he lost his seat.
Or sought refuge in his private Bay Street Boy's Club...

So he wouldn't have to answer questions about what him and Stephen Harper's oily policies have done to our economy.
But no, now he's everywhere, accusing the Liberals of blowing the surplus that never was.
And going after Justin Trudeau's plan to bring in electoral reform.

As only a Con zombie could.
The Liberal government’s stated intention is to transform how we elect our Members of Parliament, without seeking the approval of the people in a referendum. That’s bad enough. But it looks like its unstated objective is to brazenly manipulate the electoral system for its partisan advantage, while avoiding public consent. While that may not be unconstitutional, it would be profoundly offensive to our democratic principles and must be stopped.
Claiming that it could blow up in Trudeau's face.
If the Prime Minister does not back off, this could well blow up in his face. An otherwise supportive press seems to be drawing a line on the issue. Journalists take seriously matters of political integrity and will not tolerate manipulation of our democracy. Also, public opinion has not yet focused on the subject. When it does, watch out. Political winds can shift dramatically if people believe the Liberals are trying to rig the system for their partisan advantage.
And all but calling for a popular uprising...

Even though Trudeau has a democratic mandate to introduce electoral reform, there is no legal requirement for a referendum.
And no party ever tried to rig the system for partisan advantage more than the Cons did, or had less respect for democracy.
But what strikes me above all is the contempt Oliver and his Harperite cult have for the new government and its young leader.
Who they attacked in a such a depraved manner for so many years...

And now seem to believe they can drive from power long before his mandate is over.
Just like groups of crazed rednecks in Alberta are trying to overthrow Rachel Notley.

As if, as Gerald Caplan points out, the Cons had a divine right to rule this country forever.
They have learned nothing. They have understood nothing. They are the Bourbons of our time, though with rather less monarchical glamour. They are Canada’s own Conservative Party, already making clear their determination to recover what only months ago they believed might be theirs in perpetuity. So blinded are they by this sense of entitlement that they remain heedless of their own uncontrollable drive to self-destruction.
As if the rule of the mob should prevail over the rule of Parliament and it's duly elected representatives.

Something like this warped sense of morality infects all the tattered remnants of the parliamentary Conservative Party. No more definitive evidence is needed than that revealed in the Globe’s final front-page headline of 2015: “Tories vow to block electoral legislation.” The Official Opposition party, we learn, having been unceremoniously turfed out as government, “is vowing to use any means necessary, including a Senate blockade, to keep the Liberal government from forcing through electoral-reform legislation without first holding a referendum.”
“Any means necessary”? “Including a Senate blockade”! These people have taken complete leave of their senses. As they were so often in government, the Conservatives in opposition remain tone deaf when it comes to hearing their own malarkey.
What are those Con teabaggers thinking? And how far are they prepared to go?
But yes, there can no longer be any doubt, they are trying to overthrow Justin Trudeau by whatever means necessary...

And if we want our dreams to survive we are going to have to defend them.
And the good news?
We beat them once, and we will beat them again.
We will fight those monsters, those treasonous tea baggers.
Until the day we bring in electoral reform.
And the day we finally bury them...

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"Reason has no power over the delusions of an unsound mind"! Lucy Maud Montgomery
I have my doubts about the Liberals doing this right. But to listen to vile, harpercon scum pontificate about democracy is absolutely disgusting. Shameless hypocrites.
.. thanks Simon.. you're prolific as usual.. obviously very very hard at work ! And of course timely and reflective all at once.. in a scathing and unique way ! I am starting to think the usual sleazy suspects in the vaunted rotted Conservative Caucus will soon try to REBRAND somewhat to partition off radioactivity emanating from Stephen Harper, secret squirrel Ray Novak Arthur 'my last breath' Hamilton & high priestess Laureen. At some point any sentient CPC members may request that Rona, Clement, Kent, Aglukkaq, Silent Stephen Lecce, MacKay, Moore etc join Stevie in closeted exile.. and proceed to rename themeselves.. perhaps as the DogmaCons of Canada.. or the Conservative Mastadon Society.. even Evangel Conservatories of Ontario. We don't really know what they actually stand for.. certainly not for Canada. They're ripe for ridicule.. so riddle me this, Simon. Will they allow Stephen Harper to contaminate their Convention for a 'leader' ? And will Stephen Harper spit in their eye by appearing at his seat among the Formal Opposition?
Pretty rich considering what the Cons did with the Liberal surplus they inherited from Cretien/Martin.
The Tories have a divine right to rule? I guess you haven't talked to a liberal lately.
After all extactly what are Justin's credentials besides being son of? Nice hair though.
The Cons can throw what they want. Most Canadians,other then their own supporters Cannot undo what they did and try and overturn the leadership of our new PM.Our new PM has to clean up the mess the Cons created yet,they think they could still win with their supporters. Apparently they don't understand the word "Majority". These people are brain dead zombies. Irene
...and what were Harper's credentials? Oh right, he was an "economist".
well it looks like the print media won't be doing much of anything in Canada, most of them got their walking papers as Post Media started their final gasps.
Dear old steve and his cons decided to make changes to the citizenship and voting acts without consulting Canadians. Steve and his cons didn't consult Canadians about Bill C-51, so really why would the Liberals have to consult over, anything. they were clear what their agenda was when they were in election mode. the referendum was the election. If the Cons don't like what the liberals do they can always stand up in Parliament and propose changes. Bills go to committee, they can propose changes there. But really I don't see the Cons doing anything constructive.
Joe needs to accept he isn't a cabinet minister and the days of limos and perks are over. time to get a real job like the rest of us Canadians.
Wow, Justin must be in real trouble if he needs people like you to defend him constantly.
Maybe he will be out in under 4 after all. That's the plan after all.
Hi Kathleen....there is a lot of madness out there, and because it has a violent edge it couldn't be more dangerous. The police must crack down on those Cons for they are the real terrorist threat....
Hi Thwap...well we'll see whether the Liberals will keep their promises, and cross that bridge when we come to it. But yes listening to a Harpercon pontificate about democracy is the absolute limit....
Hi Salamander.... Thanks, it's easier to be prolific when it's too cold out there to bike. ;)
But yes I will not be silent while those filthy Cons try to rebrand their party with the same people who ran the last one. Their contempt for democracy is outrageous, and they really must believe we are idiots. Although I must say, with a leader as dumb as Rona, you'd have to be an amoeba to be even dumber. And yes, you can expect to see Stephen Harper at the convention, being praised as a Great Leader, and we WILL be using that against them
Hi anon....yes it's not just rich it's fraud. They claimed they had a surplus when it was clear from the way they were spending money, that it would end up being a deficit. They are
nothing but Con artists...
We are not defending Trudeau. Just ensuring that Canadians don't swallow the current barrage of Con horse manure and forget the lost 10 years. As evidenced in both Canada and the US the Con mantra is "If you repeat something loud and long enough people will believe it" especially if its tied to prejudice,fear or warmongering.
Justin's credentials were Canadians giving him a majority. Your smears during the election didn't work with Canadians and your smears are not working now that he is Prime Minister. By the way the "Nice hair though" is getting stale. Try saying something original. Oh I forgot, you can't, you're a reform/alliance/evangelical/con. No thinking required, only dogma.
Hi anon 10:22....no you just don't seem to get it. The Liberals have the DEMOCRATIC right to rule, the Cons list and should behave like LOSERS. And may I suggest you stop your stupid little talk about Justin's hair. You all say it and it makes you look really moronic, especially since those idiot ads didn't work, and Harper had a hair helmet and Rona is at least 30% hair....
Yes, I agree, they still think they can win with their supporters/base.
They are like a gnat that keeps buzzing around you. You keep swatting at it, but it won't go away.
Hi Irene....you're right that the Liberals have a majority and the Cons should recognize that and behave accordingly. But they aren't doing that, they are trying to destabilize the country and encouraging crazies to attack Trudeau in a violent was if necessary. They are brain dead zombies, but they are also threatening to turn into terrorists, and for that they must be taught a brutal lesson they will never forget.....
Hi e.a.f...l have no idea why Joe is the loudest Con voice out there, when he should be in hiding or eating his tongue after the terrible damage he has done to this country. Maybe the way he was mocked for going missing has driven him crazy or crazier. He had serious heart surgery not long ago and for his sake and ours he should just STFU....
Have you ever seen a more shoddy, untalented group of hicks? Under Harper they were constantly campaigning. They still are. It's one of their main strategies that they think will get them elected in 2019. That's also why election reform is such a threat to them.You have some reform/alliance/con. trolls visiting you today Simon. You must be hitting a nerve. Keep up the great work.
Hi anon....no Justin isn't in trouble, he's incredibly popular,. And he doesn't need my help. I defend him because I enjoy defending decent people against dumb grunting beasts and bullies like Cons. Once I used my fists to defend kids from bullies, now I use this blog to defend the decent from the Con scum of the world....
And don't get your hopes up, Justin will be in power for a long time, and it's your Cons who are facing extinction....
Amazing how similar Oliver's argument and the op-ed by a couple of lawyers in the Star. I still have not figured out the reason one was apparently either an American or totally American educated. I suppose clerking for the American Supreme Court is good training in Canadian constitutional law.
Naw no collusion :(
Look at the polling numbers anon 4:06, Canadians LOVE their new government. It's called democracy. Every comment on this blog has to do with taking back our country. If you don't like it, too bad!
Well, I HOPE Justin and his fellow Liberals will be in power a long time, but no MP who has been elected (of any party) should ever assume that just because you won your seat, that you will win the next time. Did you watch the recent interview with Megan Leslie (NDP), conducted by Peter Mansbridge.
hi jrkrideau...yes, it is an organized campaign. It is the sole focus of the Con propaganda machine. In addition to Scott Reid's petition demanding a referendum, som of the new American-style PAC groups are also beating the same drum. They are scared out of their minds because they know that if they can't derail the electoral reform train it's over....
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