As you know, the Con zombies and their friends in the media have been attacking Justin Trudeau and his plan to change the electoral system as if there was no tomorrow.
After having realized there will be no tomorrow for them, once the first past the post system is scrapped.
Claiming they are not against electoral reform in principle...

While screaming for a referendum to try to stop it from ever happening.
So I was almost relieved to see Margaret Wente, our Marie Antoinette, sashay out to meet the mob, and let them know how the Cons really feel...

As only she could.
The urgency is curious. Hardly anyone (apart from a few wonks) is clamouring for electoral reform. Many Canadians do not think our voting system is a major problem. Most voters likely didn’t have a clue that electoral reform was even in the Liberal platform. After all, we’ve had the same voting system since Confederation. It isn’t perfect, but our country is still here, and everybody understands how it works. So why the rush?
Claiming that nobody is interested in electoral reform, suggesting that Canadians are too stupid to understand it.
But not too stupid to vote in a referendum.
Electoral reform isn’t like the spanking law (which the Liberals also vow to change). It’s at the core of our democratic institutions. So you’d think that voters would be entitled to register an opinion about it. But evidently not. Maybe the Liberals think we’re too stupid to decide such important matters for ourselves. Or maybe they’re afraid we would just vote to keep the system we have. That’s what usually happens.
And even more outrageously declaring that even though the system we have is horribly flawed, we peasants should just live with it because it does have its virtues.
As flawed as our system is, it has its virtues. The greatest one is clarity. Any party that wins a majority has the chance to fully implement its agenda, for better or for worse. Unlike a coalition, it doesn’t have to compromise its platform to retain power. In due course the voters get to pass judgment on how they’ve performed. If it’s time to throw the rascals out, they know how to do it.
When in fact the only virtue it has for old hacks like Wente, is that it would allow the Cons the possibility of winning a majority again.
And do to this country again what this monster did after he got his majority...

Assault this country in a bestial manner, while most Canadians were forced to look on helplessly.
Something Wente somehow fails to mention, along with the fact that seventy percent of Canadians in the last election voted for parties who support electoral reform. So they have already registered their opinion, and there is no need for a referendum.
But then of course, Wente is a Con, like the others she is desperate, and they don't call her Marie Antoinette for nothing.
The eager beavers who are now in charge are overflowing with solutions we don’t need for problems we don’t have. They are going to be very, very busy. And electoral reform is just the start.
She's against ANY change, and will for that be very disappointed...

For that is what the last election was all about.
And in fact it's going to be very easy to convince Canadians to support electoral reform when it's presented this way:

For I think I know what the answer to that question will be.
And yes, the Cons should stop fighting the winds of change that defeated them. And face their end bravely. For we are going to destroy them.
And as for our Con Marie Antoinette, before she loses her head completely, she really should retire...
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When I see "the idiocy of Margaret Wente" in a title, I'm drawn to it like it's a magnet.
Do you want to know something? I thought about reading the quoted excerpts from Wente's column, but I could only start 3 of them. Each time, my contempt and disgust for that lazy, stupid plagiarist overwhelmed my morbid curiosity.
The Globe & Mail can go fuck themselves. I have zero interest in their opinions. They continue to pay that moron Wente and they endorsed stephen harper on multiple occasions. They are irrelevant.
hi thwap...I know what you mean. I too am drawn to her idiocy like a moth to a flame. I keep vowing never to read another of her columns again, let alone write about it. But her position on electoral reform is so outrageous I simply couldn't resist...
P.S. wait until you hear what John Ibbotson said... ;)
Ms. Wente neglects to acknowledge there was a referendum on this issue on 19 Oct. 2015.
Oh dear, Wente is still writing, or "writing" a column? At least the Glob has finally changed her photo, and she actually looks her age now. (Nothing wrong with that, mind you).
And Meg, "Borgen" is about a female Prime Minister, eh? And notice that Wente seems to be basking in not being able to understand Danish politics, which are pretty straightforward multi-party Parliamentary politics. Ignoramus!
What Thwap said, only without the moderation.
Anon 12:18 PM wrote: "Ms. Wente neglects to acknowledge there was a referendum on this issue on 19 Oct. 2015."
Nope. Wente wrote: "The greatest one is clarity. Any party that wins a majority has the chance to fully implement its agenda, for better or for worse." But, she also wrote: "Most voters likely didn’t have a clue that electoral reform was even in the Liberal platform."
Wente lies about her lying lies.
Just think. Being old and stupid used to be a plus.
Just watch the ageism there. There are plenty of young idiots. And two of the most prominent "lefties" out there are definitely not young: Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders.
Something else worthwhile to reflect on but still relevant...
Kind of shows the trough that all the swine are feeding out of.
I'm old and stupid and proud of it. And I've never voted Con in nearly 50 years of voting. STFU
loved wente's dress. so appropriate. my god who would bother reading her drivel. no wonder the newspapers are going broke. with articles like that, who wants to read the paper. she must still be shrilling for the cons. Notice to Wente, get with this century. we've been here awhile or just retire gracefully.
hi anon...indeed she does, as well as forgetting all sorts of other things. But like all the other Cons she knows that only a referendum can save them, and she's desperate...
hi lagatta...yes she's still writing, and her work is still as shallow as ever. She's good at stirring things up, and that's fine. But in this case she's just playing the Con game by echoing their position while trying to sound like she isn't. I wish I had watched Borgen, it looked like a classy series. And next time it runs I'll try to watch it....
hi mound...that's a good one. Thwap usually doesn't mess around with words, so it's funny having someone accuse him of moderating his remarks. I hope he's not offended... ;)
hi anon...I find her position contradictory. She defends the FPTP system, but seems to believe that people are too stupid to give its results any meaning. For me the idea of electoral reform was a huge issue, and I want my vote respected...
OK everyone... I rule that everyone young and old can be stupid. Except me of course... ;)
hi anon...yes I wrote a post on that Harris story. I thought it was really good and exposed the Cons for the hypocrites they are...
hi e.a.f...I'm gla you liked wente's dress. I have several versions of her as Marie Antoinette but that one is my favourite. And yes, it was her last paragraph that finally provoked me into writing this post. I see change as good, not something threatening as she obviously does...
You also need one with her SUV in downtown Toronto...
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