When Kevin O'Leary announced that he is thinking of running for the leadership of the Harper Party, I thought that most Canadians would shake their heads in disbelief.
Or burst out laughing.
But it seems I was wrong.
Because believe it or not, some in the Con media think he'd make a really great Prime Minister.
Like Postmedia's Michael Den Tandt.
Canadian politics, and the Conservative party in particular, needs more Kevin O’Leary. And I’m not even joking. O’Leary should run. His candidacy would do timorous, hidebound Ottawa a world of good.
Who not only thinks that O'Leary is NOT a Canadian Donald Trump.
Is O’Leary actually Trump in a beaver-pelt hat? In some ways yes – in others, no. Like the U.S. real-estate mogul, O’Leary’s fame is partly founded on his past success as an entrepreneur. Like Trump, he is a skilled communicator who prides himself on “telling it like it is.” Like Trump, O’Leary is an avowed, unapologetic evangelist for capitalism, red in tooth and claw.
Whatever O'Leary might say about that...

If O’Leary is the pure economic libertarian he seems, and not a culture warrior, then he’s actually no Trump, regardless of what he, O’Leary, may claim.
Den Tandt seems to think that what this country needs is a vulgar greedster, who believes that unions are bad, low wages are good, that the one-percent deserve all the money they make.
At a time when capitalism, "red in tooth and claw," and human greed, are threatening the very future of the planet we live on...

And that despite that tiny detail, we should take that crass jungle capitalist seriously.
In short: Should he run, The Dragon will make a formidable candidate. Liberals who dismiss him risk getting burned.
Which leaves me shaking my head, wondering how desperate his Postmedia bosses must be...

Because he is THEIR ideal candidate.
And having already said what I think of O'Leary, I'll leave it up to Michael Harris to expose the true nature of the beast.
In offering to give Alberta’s premier a million dollar investment in the oilpatch in return for her resignation, O’Leary declared both what he and his class stand for — and, more importantly, what they think of democracy.
What they stand for is the greedy, reflexive urge to run everything to the financial advantage of the one per cent. As for society at large — and especially for those who wonder why there’s so much month left at the end of their money — a Great White shark has more social conscience than O’Leary and his ilk.
The greedy grasping predator who is just another Stephen Harper.
In a way, O’Leary is the perfect candidate to replace Stephen Harper. They’re both Tin Men without hearts lurching down the Yellow Brick Road towards an oily Oz that has disappeared.
Would make the same mistake Harper did...

And lead us to the same disaster.
And the good news?
The Con media can sway like hissing cobras to the jackal song of Kevin O'Leary.
Or the red white and blue song of these tiny Trump cheerleaders...
Or celebrate the Canadian version of this fascist dickhead.
But I'll take my chances with a real Canadian leader...

Dream the dreams of a new generation.
Always choose hope over madness.
And never stop believing in a better world...
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Justin: make electoral reform a reality and we'll have nothing to worry about. If he doesn't, we'll be plagued with pretend politicians and actors for decades to come. Because know this: O'leary is ONLY an actor and will destroy Canada.
"O’Leary’s fame is partly founded on his past success as an entrepreneur."
Only if you don't look closely.
Nothing boring about Canadian politics, EH?
If O'Leary is as big an egomaniac and arrogant as he appears to be then he will run and in the end regret it. It is one thing to shit on anyone he doesn't like from his various media pulpits, but it is another to actually run a party/lead the opposition. Based on his track record, he usually makes a horrible mess of it before cutting and running which is how he ended up at BNN.
Hmmm, run Kevin RUN! F up those CPC morons.
While Power and Politics was doing its usual schtick - featuring O'Leary and trashing the new government, CPAC was featuring (at the same time)Trudeau at Waterloo U opening the Google development center and urging all Canadian schools to teach coding. He also talked a bit about the Davos meeting. He also was making a twelve million dollar investment in the Southern Ontario Water Consortia which is a collaborative organization made up of ngos and universities to do research on water issues of all kinds. Very important indeed. Ask Calgary or Winnipeg or the reserves with no proper water systems. Getting science back into our lives.
What is wrong with the main stream media especially the CBC. Our public broadcaster should be covering important things the government is doing. Ms. Joly, please fix the CBC.
The con media also took out front page ads to support harper close to the end of the Oct election.That didn't work and no more will their support for this O'Leary fellow.I'm sure many people have had their weekly laugh already.Time to move him to the cartoon section where he belongs.
Kevin O'Leary is a perfect example that you don't have to be smart to be rich, greedy works just as well.
Simon, I haven't read this post of yours,but I will as soon as I share a great link to Huff Post. Henry Mintzberg wrote it. Very inspiring indeed.
Canada Welcomes The Return Of Liberal Democracy
I thought you and others would enjoy it, if you hadn't already read it.
Ok, now for more enjoyment, your January 15 post !
Den Tandt's drooling over Kevin O'Leary reminds me of a teenybopper squirming over the latest boy band. How juvenile.
Unfortunately, den Tandt is among many in the punditocracy who have nothing to add to the national conversation except over-inflated opinions and deficient standards. O'Leary would bring no improvement or benefit to Canadian politics. Den Tandt should know this; If not, he go back to covering junior hockey or whatever his previous beat was.
Socially irresponsible capitalism as practiced by the great oily Messiah sentenced our country to a world of economic hurt by tying our future to the commodity cycle. Now that we are trapped ( at least temporarily ) the Chinese have come back to try and finish the job by promoting a free trade deal where they buy and control the oily resources for cheap finished goods. The carrot is that they would also buy significant quantities of renewable agricultural products so let the games begin! All thanks to the Retro-Cons for wasting the past 10 years by taking us down this dead end road in the first place.
I say "Bring Him On" There is nothing funnier than watching the GOP clowns/candidates make complete fools of themselves, bickering amongst themselves, trying to out do each other's phoney holiness, all the while lying and misrepresenting the facts on any issue. I'm hoping we have the same thing up here, because it just proves to most logical people, how insane these people view the world and why they should never again, let them control our government's policies. This guy is a blow hard clown, who would do nothing more than stir up their xenophobic base and scare away the rest of the voting public. Win win, in my opinion.
That video is horrifying in so many ways.
The Con media also thought Stephen Harper was a good PM. Enough said about that. Ol'eerie would actually be a perfect fit to lead that band of miscreants. He's a loud mouthed schnook who's so full of himself that he'll need a moving truck to cart his ego around.
In other news Simon, I heard Stevie's been spotted in Mexico slinking around hideouts in various places and now going by the alias "El Harpo".
I've always wondered if Kevin O'Leary will have any regrets for his boorish and bullying behaviour when he's lying on his death bed, waiting for his money to help him.
On the upside, I think that he would alienate enough Canadian voters that he'll never be Prime Minister.
The world is f$/ked!!!!! Simon........ Human GREED is alive and well and shows its ugly demeanour as soon as I step outside my house!!!! Seems everyday another piece of morally depleted, waste of human flesh rears its ugly face!!!!! Thankfully I have built a wall as to not allow these bastards to invade my lifestyle..... I stay far away from these shatheads!!!!!!! Seems I cannot get to the first stop sign before I encounter someone WAY more important to this world than I..... Luckily I have a tight social circle that does not include these VERY important humans...... I too am thankful that Canada has a great Prime Minister!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess these waste of human flesh humans are in a pickle now that oil is worthless along with a low dollar!!!!!! Looking forward to ten dollar a barrel oil so these GREEDY bastards all go tits up in the market!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!! Karma keep it up!!!!!!! Love your blogs Simon!!!!!! FS
O'Leary is different, so far from Trump, in that he hasn't started the "hate rants".
People like Trump. He says what many think. he brings out the "inner racist" of many Americans. Now O'Leary, will attract followers. The Cons themselves may see his as their "saviour". However, he has a history and that will be drawn out once it suites the other political parties. it might start though during the "candidate fight fest". Although O'Leary may put off a lot of Canadians with his big mouth.
If nothing else, it will provide a lot of material for the bloggers and cartoonists.
of course the MSM will "support" him. He's their type of guy. Its all about the profits and these hedge funds want to make money in Canada.
Trudeau's selfie stops aren't important. Unless you consider malignant self-importance news worthy.
Oh my Ginger snaps!!!!! If these girls were in Canada flag costumes repeating that garbage I don't think I would ever say I was Canadian again!!!!! Talk about ISIS brainwashing......... That Trump guy is obviously clearly an Oscar Winner for his "bigotry" role!!!!!!! These poor little girls...... That is child cruelty!!!!!!!!!
You know, I've about had it up to here with loudmouth boors proffering advice as how I should behave.
Show me the money! What's in it for me? I'm Mr Wonderful. I always tell the truth. I'm the greatest.
- Excerpts from "My Important Life" by the well-known intellectual and philanthro-pissed, Kevin O'Leary.
value of Postmedia stock now at zero. Oleary mess
O'Leary, another reform/alliance/con. buffoon! Interesting though, that the MSM, especially the CBC give him so much exposure. They are so pathetically obvious in their continued Con. support.
Anon 4:09pm Like putting the Harper Government on letterhead instead of the Canadian Government? Or the many many photo ops said Harper did strictly for PR?
Con trolls living glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Go to:
and read: What doesn't CBC understand about 'conflict of interest'?
on the main page.
hi anon...yes I couldn't agree more. Electoral reform is the way to go and the only way to ensure that the Cons that the Cons are never able to rule this country again...
hi anon...yes you're right, the Mattel deal that made him rich was all smoke and mirrors bordering on fraud, and the economic performance of his financial empire is nothing to boast about....
hi Kathleen...well if you put it that way, I guess you're right. But after ten years of Harperland, a little boredom doesn't sound too bad to me ... ;)
hi Dan....he is an egomaniac and as arrogant as he appears, and I am hoping that it will be his downfall. And of course the downfall of the Cons. For his mouth is bigger than his brain and he simply can't help himself....
hi anon8:43 am...well I'm not surprised, I find it very hard to watch Power and Politics these days. I thought Barton's interview with O'Leary was more like a massage than anything else. But I did see Justin Trudeau at Google, and it was encouraging. For while Harper seemed to suggest we should all be working in the tar ponds, technology and green power are the roads to a better future....
hi anon...yes Postmedia's blatant propagandizing did neither the Cons nor themselves any good. But it seems they didn't learn their lesson. For if they persist in promoting the Con clown Kevin O'Leary, there will be absolutely nothing left of their credibility but a heap of smoking ashes...
hi TS...thanks for the link, and yes it is inspiring. There is a lot of gloom around and I must confess I am weary. But we must keep pushing forward until the Cons have finally been buried, and can haunt us no longer....
hi ExMTLer1642....I must admit I was surprised at the glowing review Den Tandt gave O'Leary. For even for him it was a new low. How anyone could think that O'Leary would be a valuable addition to the Canadian political scene is simply beyond belief. Not only is he an economic poseur, but his crass vulgarity would demean our politics rather than enhance it....
hi unknown...yes it is a good example, and the way O'Leary made his fortune by dressing up a dying company couldn't have been more dubious...
hi RT...yes I'm sorry to say that Harper's economic policies have led us to a very bad place, and goodness knows how bad the situation could become before it gets better.
But at least now it should be clear to all but the most fanatical and the dumbest that Con times are hard times, and it will help destroy them...
hi GreazedLitenen...yes I too would like to see a clown like O'Leary make an absolute fool of himself. For I couldn't bear to watch him when he was on the Amanda Lang show, but watching him destabilize the Cons would be much more pleasurable, and for once I would be cheering him on... ;)
hi anon....yes it horrible, and as you say, horrible in so many ways. I've been trying to avoid the Republican leadership campaign because I've never seen anything so low and so crazy. And since I don't think Hillary Clinton is a very good candidate having been around for too long, and I'm not sure America is ready for my preferred candidate Bernie Sanders, that horrible spectacle makes me fear for the future of us all...
hi JD...I find it hard to believe that O'Leary will get very far in the leadership race, but the further he gets the more he will shame the Cons. So I will cheer for him, and can't wait for the day him and Rempel get into a shouting match. That as the Visa ad says would indeed be priceless... ;)
hi political junkie...I very much doubt that a psychopathic predator capitalist like O'Leary is capable of remorse. For he seems to enjoy making hurtful comments and has never to my knowledge ever shown an ounce of remorse. But yes as I said in my post, I would enjoy see him hurt the Cons. For a blowhard like him may have the same kind of fans as Trump and Rob Ford, but they are a noisy minority, and in a general election, in Canada, he will not stand a chance....
hi anon...thank you for your encouraging words. And yes human greed is all around us and it is taking us to a very bad place. I am lucky to be happy living a very simple life, and have friends who don't judge me on how I dress, or what I own. Although they are jealous of my robot collection, which I admit are my weakness along with sailing boats and dogs. ;)
But yes, I too am glad that we have a great new Prime Minister, his idealism is something that moves me a lot, and I am looking forward to see what we can all do together to make Canada an even better place to live...
hi e.a.f.. although O'Leary is better than Trump because he doesn't appear to be a bigot, I find his act turns me off just as much as Trump does. I was raised by very decent parents, and they taught me to be as good as possible, and to have manners.
And while I am no saint, I've never bullied anyone, and I do have manners, and rude people disgust me.
So the very idea of someone like Kevin O'Leary in the House of Commons, absolutely appalls me....
hi anon...yes it was a sad spectacle. I don't blame the children for they are only doing what adults have told them to do. But those adults should be ashamed of themselves for making the kids mouth such disgusting lyrics or cavort in such a manner. My only hope is that when the children grow up they will not be kind to those who disgraced them in that manner...
Hi e.a.f.
I think that when O'Leary shows admiration for Trump, whether he likes it or not, he is aligning himself with racism as well.
Evidently he knows everything and does not need media training. He will be interesting to watch.
hi anon...I share your disgust for boors, I simply can't stand them. And I like to believe that one of the things that distinguishes us from the American is that there are less of them here than there are in America. I'm a very quiet person, and a bit shy in public, but when I come up against a boorish loudmouth, I do let them know what I think of them. And I do give them an earful...;)
hi steve...if I was a betting person, I would bet that O'Leary will last longer than Postmedia will. I don't want it to die, I want Canada to have a strong MSM, I want young journalists to have a place to work. But when I see "serious" journalists praising a lout like O'Leary, I really have to wonder whether our MSM has a death wish...
hi Pamela...The way the CBC made O'Leary by giving him not one but two shows was absolutely appalling, and demeaned that Canadian institution as few other things ever have. Never mind his political opinions, his crassness and his bullying should never have been allowed, and any manager who had anything to do with hiring him should have been fired long ago....
actually watching those young girls perform reminded me of the children singing the praises of Hitler or Chairman Moa, or whomever is leading North Korea.
its actually funny. don't know how any one could take it seriously.
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