As if the birther controversy wasn't crazy enough, now some Christianist wingnuts think they have found proof that Jesus warned us... in Aramaic... that Obama
Lordy. Baw Maw ? Bamah? OUR--ANOS? What are we talking about here?
And why do so many Americans want to believe it?
The words are in the verses that he quoted. Check the Blue Letter Bible. Heights in Isaiah 14:14 is indeed Bamah. And, since the New Testament is in Greek, he is correct in stating that a Jewish person “under the inspiration of Isaiah” would say in Hebrew Baraq U’Bamah.
Remember, he is saying how they would say it in Hebrew, not in Greek.
Or how about this one?
Jesus told us to watch. I am productive in doing AND in watching.
Golly. Who knew that Jesus used to watch YouTube? That's SPOOKY.
You know if a Canadian came to me with that video I would suggest an anti-psychotic drug, or tell him or her to stop reading scary books like the Bible before they went to bed.
But if I was a patriotic American, I would report the nutbar to the Department of Homeland Security.
So he or she could be arrested, sent to Guantanamo,and forced to watch the Story of Suzie over and over again...
Just so they know that even Jesus was sometimes WRONG.
And because religion is getting so crazy eh?
Something has GOTTA be done....