Or at least Paul Wells has second thoughts about their influence.
And seems to regret heaping scorn on this story.
Good for him. But why did it take so long? Why did the media fail to connect the dots? Probably because like so many Canadians they believe that religion and politics don't mix. And that stuff like that only happens in Amerika.
When it should have been clear that the Canadian Christianist organizations were just branch plants of the ones in the U.S. And were moving into areas that had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with politics.
So the media just might have wondered why influential Christianists like Paul Wilson, and Darrell Reid, the former President of Focus on the Family Canada, were being given powerful jobs in the Harper PMO.
Or noted that the influence of the "Christian" Right was spreading...right under their noses.
There is little in progressive Ottawa to rival the networks that have been created by the religious and political right. The right is a minority in Canada but groups that are well organized can punch above their weight as the saying goes – particularly in an era of fractured parliaments and minority governments.
And that even the Christianist clown homophobe Charles McVety was being consulted about all kinds of things. Even though his wacky views include the belief that environmentalism is SATANISM.
Which makes me wonder whether him and the other Harperite SoCons had anything to do with this quick clarification?
Less than 24 hours after Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised the G8 for its latest climate-change targets, his environment minister said those targets are "aspirational" and that Canada will not meet them.
Hmmmm. Whose calling the shots on this one I wonder.... Big Oil, or the Christianists?
Because when it comes to the shadowy operatives in the PMO anything is possible eh?
Oh dear. So many questions, so many YouTubes to make, so many new ways to hurt the Cons.
But it all comes down to the Big One. My fave.
The burning question.
Who is REALLY running Canada?

Simon wrote: "But it all comes down to the Big One. My fave. The burning question. Who is REALLY running Canada?"
Answer: the bankers.
quote: "Raitt describes how, at a closed-door meeting of politicians and corporate CEOs last January, bank presidents threatened to cut off funding to the deeply indebted Liberal party if Ignatieff voted against the Conservative budget:
"They did it at the Canadian Council of (Chief) Executives, there was three presidents of major banks who stood up in the room – and this is not from cabinet so I can talk about it – stood up and said, `Ignatieff, don't you even think about bringing us to an election. We don't need this. We have no interest in this. And we will never fund your party again.'""
-- Toronto Star: http://www.thestar.com/comment/article/651248
hi 'berto....I'm sure you're right about the bankers. But since they are all Cons doesn't it amount to the same thing? ;)
Seriously though that Raitt allegation needs to be investigated, because it is really troubling. And Canadians need to know how their government really works...
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