You know how Christianists and other Conservatives are always going on about how sex is satanism...and pornography is Beelzebub's way of sapping our body fluids ?
So you figure that wherever Cons live, porn stores must be selling Bibles under the counter to survive. Right?
Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.
"Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by..."
So Christianists and Conservatives are not just porn hounds...they're Holy HYPOCRITES.
Gawd....I mean Mr Big. How come I knew that?
Can I call them freaky friggin wankers now? PLEASE ????
Aren't these Cons RIDICULOUS?
I remember my college classmates and I used to frequently the Northern Bible Society store which was located next to the strip-joint. Or was that the other way around? I think it was the other way around because I remember the strip-joint actually had a good buffet (food only).
After the buffet, we would hold our Bible meeting in the same place where we ate our buffet meals. I could never remember the Words from the Bible. I was too busy watching the "girls" as they would interpret stories from the Bible with their dance routines. I always felt moved when I saw "Mary" with her back against the dance pole as she interpreted herself being crucified when Jesus wss crucified.
I remember hearing a story on the radio in which s guest stated that Demcratic voters loved porn on the Internet. Republican voters loved to visit "wife-swapping" websites.
Hi Skinny Dipper...I'm trying to think what to say but the image of the Bible Society and Mary on the pole is making me feel faint... ;)
But seriously I does reinforce my belief that just about every kind of evil springs from sexual repression. the more they want it and can't have it the crazier and more dishonest and ridiculous it makes them. My philosophy? Everyone stop talking about sex and just DO IT !!!
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