I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at their latest atrocity.
Not after the way Rona Ambrose's cruel Cons treated the dying Liberal MP Muril Belanger.
But still it shocks me, and makes me wonder whether they are humans or beasts.
Because believe it or not the Cons are going after the Trudeau children again.

Last December it was Rona Ambrose wailing about how paying two nannies to look after the Trudeau's three young children wasn't a legitimate expense. It was a luxury.
Interim Conservative Leader Rona Ambrose says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a rich man who should pay for his own nannies and not saddle taxpayers with the cost of raising his three young children.
And now the ghastly Con Candice Bergen is making the same kind of brutish noises.
Conservatives are once again pouncing on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for using taxpayer money to pay for two personal nannies.
On Thursday, iPolitics reported that the cost of Trudeau's child care is on pace to hit almost $100,000 a year — not including expenses sustained by having the nannies travel with the Trudeau family.
As only she can.
"Let's be honest, the prime minister has never actually needed to work a day in his life yet he feels it's completely acceptable to take money from hard-working moms and dads and get special privileges," she said, sparking some grumbling from the Liberal benches.
For she does hate Justin Trudeau with a passion that borders on insanity.
And she is a squealing Con hog...

A Con so bestial and so dumb one hardly knows whether to feed her or water her.
One that can't seem to understand even the simplest explanations. Or remember what Trudeau said about the nanny issue last December.
Trudeau pledged at the time that he would operate within the "same family budget" as the previous prime minister, but shuffle it around to meet the priorities of his wife and kids.
Or even understand that despite what their depraved leader Stephen Harper told them ...

It is 2016, and a woman's place is NOT in the home, unless that's what she chooses of her own volition.
And as for the money being paid to the nannies, it is only what child care workers deserve.
Bergen should be the last one to complain about it, when she spent enough of the tax payer's money trying to buy votes...

To keep the Trudeau family supplied with a small army of nannies for the next fifty years.
And the only reason she is squealing so loudly is because she ran for interim leader of the Cons...
Was totally humiliated, isn't even being considered for the post of permanent leader, and she is terribly, terribly frustrated.
But it does show how low the Cons are prepared to go to try to get at Justin Trudeau.
And all I would say to them is by all means go after Justin, and even Sophie if you must.
For they can defend themselves...

But keep your dirty paws off the Trudeau kids you cowardly bullies.
Lest after crushing the dream of a dying man, you shame yourselves further.

And yes, Cons are more beast than human.
And we can't destroy them soon enough...
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Like the old liberal saying goes "he's entitled to his entitlements".
She sounds really desperate Simon, but Canadians I'm sure are tired of her mindless attacks on Trudeau and his family. With all of the serious issues that need addressing, she wastes time in the house resorting to personal attacks. As an MP, she brings nothing to the table.
Bestial yes; but Candice Bergen is that most useless of animals . A Half pit bull and half poodle she is a poor watchdog but a vicious gossip.
I can't believe Bernie is going to lose to Hillary who has a track record of war war war in every country. no to war! no to clinton
The parents are working on behalf of the country therefore they are entitled to have the salaries of the nannies paid for from tax dollars. Its not about whether Trudeau can afford it or not, its a general principle of paying for child care.
as to the amount of money, its the nannies who are paid this money, its not as if the Trudeaus themselves are keeping the money. Of course if its Cons complaining about the amount, perhaps they would prefer the nannies are paid min. wage and then have room and board deducted.
I don't recall the Libs ever questioning Harper's use of the allotted family budget or stooping to Candace Bergen's levels of attack. She is the epitome of Stephen Harper. No bar to low for them.
In case Rona doesn't tell her, Candace, kindly STFU.
So true, to the point where even Henry Kissinger is endorsing her record in foreign affairs. Who better to verify your skills than another war criminal. Now that is scary.
Didn't Harper wife have a personal secretary? And what about Steve's makeup artist and personal barber? I don't recall the Cons objecting to those things paid for by the taxpayers.
hi anon...no actually he's entitled to spend the household money, the same amount Harper did, in the manner that suits his needs as a Prime Minister with a very young family...
hi Pamela...yes she's desperate and bitter, and shameless for attacking Trudeau's family in that manner, even as he tries to deal with a national catastrophe. And no Bergen didn't ever contribute anything except the scrapping of the gun registry, which in my opinion is a very dubious achievement...
hi rumleyfips...yes, her low opinion of others is only matched by her high opinion of herself. And she does have a vicious streak. But then ask said in my post she still hasn't recovered from her double defeat, and she is sounding absolutely desperate...
hi anon...yes I'm disappointed by the way the Democratic campaign has been going, but win or lose Bernie Sanders has made a mighty contribution, which will influence the future of American politics. For never forget that him and his young followers are the future of the Democratic party....
hi e.a.f....you know I never begrudged Harper the trappings of office. A Prime Minister deserves all the help he can get to do a proper job, and represent us in a dignified manner. And with three young children Trudeau and his wife do need help. The wage paid to the nannies is in line with what others are paid, so this is nothing but cheap politics...
hi JD...no, as I told e.a.f. it really is a low blow to question a Prime Minister's household expenses, and drag his kids into it. But it's clear to me that the same old PMO gang is still running things, and they're just as revolting as they ever were....
hi David...yes of course, Harper had his household expenses, and nobody complained about them like the Cons are doing with Trudeau. It's absolutely shameful, and dragging the kids into it is simply unforgivable...
Steve spent more than 100k a year on hairspray
50K on mascara and he still couldn't cover his lumps, what a waste of money.
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