It had to be one of the most obscene sights I have ever seen. Donald Trump using the dead to smear illegal immigrants as criminals.
President Trump hit back on Friday at criticism over his administration’s hard-line stance on immigration, lamenting the “death and destruction caused by people that shouldn’t be here,” and accusing Democrats and the news media of not caring.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary.
While statistics show that native-born Americans commit crimes at higher rates than immigrants, Mr. Trump has long pushed a narrative that suggests otherwise.
And just a few days after he accused them and their children of "infesting" the U.S., as only a Nazi could.

For Trump is acting like a Nazi, and as Paul Krugman writes, it is the return of the blood libel.
The speed of America’s moral descent under Donald Trump is breathtaking. In a matter of months we’ve gone from a nation that stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to a nation that tears children from their parents and puts them in cages.
And you know what this reminds me of? The history of anti-Semitism, a tale of prejudice fueled by myths and hoaxes that ended in genocide.
Even though immigrants aren't raising the crime rate, they're helping to lower it. And crime isn't the problem hatred is.

The important thing to understand is that the atrocities our nation is now committing at the border don’t represent an overreaction or poorly implemented response to some actual problem that needs solving. There is no immigration crisis; there is no crisis of immigrant crime.
No, the real crisis is an upsurge in hatred — unreasoning hatred that bears no relationship to anything the victims have done. And anyone making excuses for that hatred — who tries, for example, to turn it into a “both sides” story — is, in effect, an apologist for crimes against humanity.
And when it comes to Trump's "zero tolerance" what is happening now has happened before...
And not just in the U.S. but also in Canada...

For let us never forget that we have a would be Trump in this country who is also trying to whip up hatred against asylum seekers for crass political purposes.

And as I said the other day, watch him he's dangerous.
For first he would destroy our values.
And then he would destroy our Canada....
I wonder why Trump didn't showcase the relatives of those murdered by native born, white, male, alt-right 'Christians" killed by guns. They are a bigger threat than migrant babies. How many have immigrant babies and children killed? Trump could also showcase the relatives of those killed in gun massacres by native born domestic terrorists. Of course this would demolish his narrative. He is such a simpleton.
4,500+ dead in Puerto Rico. 6,000+ "lost" Hispanic kids. Who knows what he'll do next: Anschluss Mexico? Now we find out that the Pentagon is going to house kids in military camps -- in hurricane-prone areas, at that. This is a genocide, no doubt about it. Trump loves Andrew Jackson. Considering the fact that many of these families have Indigenous heritage, this is Trump finishing the job of the blood sacrifice the "New World" was founded upon. First he'll come for the Hispanics, and then he'll come for the African-Americans, and then he'll come for the Muslims, and he'll come for you sooner rather than later if you check off two or more categories on the new "white makes right" U.S. Census form. A young black French woman in B.C. accidentally jogged over the U.S. border and was held for two weeks by Border Patrol thugs. If she looked like some Aryan bobblehead from Rebel Media, no one would have taken notice.
As for what Canada can do, this isn't 1972 with a stream of white, middle- or lower-middle class draft resisters and a Conservative Party that still had a conscience. There are 65M+ displaced refugees around the world -- twice the population of Canada -- and only more to come as endless war amps up and climate change too. The vast majority are black and brown people from "shithole" countries like Trump so cruelly demeans them. Which means Trudeau fils simply cannot open the borders and suspend the Safe Country Agreement, lest he get crushed one way or another by the hate-mongering right-wing like what's happening to Angela Merkel in (of all places) Germany.
Bad enough the mouth-breathers have made numerous attacks on mosques, that Scheer is hanging out with the werewolf Nazi biker gang in Québec, and that the trolls never let up on their social media attacks against cabinet members and MPs of nonwhite background. Getting voted out as the con media shows a "horde" of brown faces coming in over the border (thus giving the cons a veritable "highlight reel" for their attack ads on TV and the Internet), would be the least of Trudeau's problems. Some racist, Oswald-wannabe piece of dog shit from La Meute or the Three Percent or self-radicalized Rebel binge-watcher would do their worst.
And like Krugman says, the useless media would do their usual, spineless "both sides" debate. They fear losing ad revenue and "ratings" and being accused of "liberal bias," more than they fear another Reichstag fire or Kennedy assassination. Lying fake news indeed.
Trump is like a spoiled child using attention grabbing behavior to subvert the teacher and gain control of a liberal minded class where authoritarian punishment or expulsion is not an option. The adult in the room still has the advantage but is so focused on each new tantrum that it is slowly being squandered away as the class starts to experiment with the concept of selfish disruptive behavior without consequence. In my view the message on Melania's jacket said it all, an immigrant from a former election meddling soviet block country can have it all if they don't care and become subservient to the class bully.
Pleading with the class is not a strategy, the teacher needs to get a whole lot smarter in a hurry!
The cops and the border guards themselves are domestic terrorists. But of course, the Johnny Reb A.G. would rather list Black Lives Matter as a terrorist group than the good ol' boy enforcers of state-sponsored white supremacy acting out their power-trip fantasies as part of militarized PDs and ICE. Or the Oafkeepers, the Bundy bozos and the rest of the uncooked-ham militias "standing up against tyranny" -- which really means keeping it in place.
Not to mention the hired mercenaries in Betsy DeVos' lowlife crusader brother's Blackwater brigades, who kill and torture Muslims in the desert and the graveyard of empires for the capital felony and mortal sin of getting in the way of Amerika's resource-extraction wars. Destiny is going to manifest itself, all right, but not in the way the Empire or its useful-idiot stormtroopers would hope or expect.
After 600 years of the white man's boot stomping on black and brown faces to enrich their own pockets, the rent is long overdue. I have no fear of a Wakanda planet. A la mierda el pendejo naranja and the rest of his Paleface Pride goons and privileged defenders in the moneyed propaganda machine.
Its all a movie its not real life, am I correct<
I found the picture of that Japanese-Canadian family really heartbreaking. I realize we were at war, but nothing can excuse that ugly bigotry. The look on the faces of those two children is the same as the look on the faces of so many immigrant children. We can't do enough to defeat the bigots of this world.
I hate white people!!!
Anonymous7:20 PM Obviously bigotry works both sides of the fence.
White people don’t care about your hate. It’s not worth anything.
"No, the real crisis is an upsurge in hatred — unreasoning hatred that bears no relationship to anything the victims have done."
And those are the fruits of the Trump administration's labours since day one of his presidency. America has never been more divided than they are right now and until this scumbag is removed from office, their odious agenda will continue.
Meanwhile, Scheer looks to the south with envy while he dips his toes into the Trump cesspool of hatred, testing the fetid, festering waters, knowing Canada's not quite ready for an all out Trumpian assault on our senses. But he will continue to sow divisions under the guise of "national security" and at the expense of innocent lives.
For that reason alone, he and Trump will surely have a special place in Hell awaiting them when their miserable lives are over.
Hi anon 11:35 AM...I think simpleton is too kind a word. From the day he announced he was going to run for President, and ranted and raved at the " Mexican rapists and murderers," Trump has been a low life racist, and appealed to the worst instincts of his equally low life supporters...
Hi Jackie... El pendejo naranja? I haven't heard the word pendejo for a long time , and I don't dare translate it. But it suits Trump well. The idea of having a meeting with the relatives of people killed by illegal immigrants in a car crash or a robbery, and using their cases to smear a whole class of people, and excuse his caging of young children, is beyond belief and unforgivable. But at least it shows us that the man must be desperate...
Hi Jackie...you're right, doing anything to increase the flow of asylum seekers over the border would be a serious mistake. The Cons are already using these asylum seekers to fan the flames of racism, and if the situation got out of control they would use it to maximum political advantage. I would even go as far to say that it's the only issue that could make Scheer Prime Minister, so it can't be allowed to happen...
hi RT... A spoiled child is at least still a child. But Trump is 72-years-old and should know better than go fishing in such a pool of excrement. I mean did you notice that he even signed the portraits of the dead. The whole thing was choreographed like some macabre dance of the dead. However I agree with you, there is a danger that such behaviour can become normalized and then the Americans will find themselves living in a fascist country...
Hi Steve...It does at times resemble a bad B-movie, but unfortunately it's too real. I think I've mentioned that I've been predicting that the U.S. would become a fascist republic since I was in high school. Now I desperately hope I'm wrong...
hi anon@6:39 PM...yes I too found that picture incredibly powerful and moving, especially since it happened here. The look on the faces of the mother and children, and that crude racist graffiti smeared on the house. But that's what racism does to racists, it makes beasts out of them. And you're right we can't do enough to defeat and/or cage them...
hi anon@7:20 PM...Don't hate any class of people, or you'll become as bad as the right-wing racists. Most people are good, but all have their rotten apples. Attack people for what they do or say, not for who they are...
Hi JD...Yes, Trump seeks only to divide and debase, and the smarmy Scheer may not dare show his true colours yet, but he is heading in the same direction.So far he has been able to get away with it since he's doing most of his hate mongering in Quebec, where the language barrier protects him. But when he takes that message to the rest of Canada he will be exposed at last as the evil bigot he really is...
POTUS - Pendejo of the US.
Actually Yugoslavia was NOT a part of the Soviet bloc. Tito broke from Stalin very early on. Obviously still far from an ideal socialist democracy, despite the laudable aim of workers' self-management, but he stood up to both Hitler and Stalin.
Trump enjoys being referred to as 'Hitler' like. Because that has been what he has been striving for for decades. Hitler is his idol.His wives have stated (and journalists seem always to ignore this) that he has a collection of Hitler's speeches beside his bed, and these ,they say, he reads every night. Also,books or articles analyzing his raise to power. How-to books. Though, I have finally figured out who he reminds me of. How many of you remember "The Dukes of Hazzard" . Donald Trump is Boss Hogg to a 'T' and Jeff Sessions is Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane. The cousins Luke and Bo represent the sane Americans who are resisting Donald Trump.Another, obvious, point: Neither Hitler or Donald Trump could have risen to power without supporters. Their supporters fully understood the character of the men(and what they were capable of)they supported and they were happy with that. Yours truly Granny Betty
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