Saturday, October 03, 2015

Stephen Harper and the Fascism of the Con Regime

On the night Stephen Harper won his monstrous majority, I ended my very short post by playing the song from the movie Cabaret, of the young Nazi in the beer garden singing Tomorrow Belongs to Me.

For which I was roundly criticized by some of the stuffy poobahs in the blogosphere. 

"Don't you know that's Godwin's law?" they screamed. "It's verboten !!! It's Harper Derangement Syndrome !!!!"

But now I feel I have been vindicated. Because this is fascism...

Or barbarism, or some kind of dystopian nightmare complete with it's own snitch line.

Canada’s ruling Conservatives have pledged to set up a police hotline to report what it called “barbaric cultural practices”, as it sought to capitalize on a hardline stance which has helped it gain in the polls.

The heightened rhetoric over “Canadian values” coincides with a rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes. Montreal police are investigating an incident in which a gang of teenaged boys attacked a pregnant woman in the city’s north end and knocked her down while attempting to remove her head covering.

And that is how the world now sees us, and how low those filthy Cons have fallen.

As the depraved Stephen Harper tries to distract us from his appalling record of incompetence  and corruption, by trying to make the election all about niqabs. 

“Your position is completely disconnected from the reality in Canada as well as the opinions of Canadians and Quebecers,” said Harper, whose party has rebounded in the polls after the issue took centre stage in the election campaign. 

“The reality is that in an open society there are times when we can’t hide our faces.”

I don't know who "won" that debate. 

But I do know that Harper was pounded by Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau, and Gilles Duceppe in excellent fashion. So I don't think he made many new supporters in that province.

I suspect that Chantal Hebert is right when she says that Mulcair probably didn't do well enough to win back the Quebec support he needs to remain a contender. 

And if that is the case, and this new poll is right.

In the latest Nanos tracking completed Friday evening the Liberals had 34.6% support followed by the Conservatives at 30.5%, the NDP at 25.1%, and the Greens at 4.8% nationally.

The end game is upon us, and we are going to have to make sure that every vote counts and deploy our secret weapon. 

If a large number of progressive voters feel strongly enough that, this time, voting to get Mr. Harper out of office outweighs all other factors, cognitive dissonance may not matter. The issue for them would not be their preferred leader, party or issue — it would be their belief that any change is better than the status quo. 

That impulse may harden as the Conservatives appear to be closing in on a win, leading these voters to coalesce around the candidates best positioned to stop them.

Because it is a mighty weapon.

What’s astonishing is the large number of voters who, at this late date, continue to express a willingness to change their current preference. The vast majority of these voters are leaning towards the Liberals or NDP — not the Conservatives — and are listing one party or the other as their second choice.

It's called strategic voting. If properly deployed it could yield amazing results...

So we need to check out that option.

Because one thing is for sure, after what they did yesterday...

We absolutely must defeat those fascist Cons and their depraved leader...

Before they destroy this country. 

I believe we can.

I believe millions of people all over the country are preparing to do what they must to defeat Stephen Harper and his evil regime.

I still believe that tomorrow belongs to us...

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Anonymous said...

Harperman's racism is a head fake.

Watch Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture" to find out what a head fake is.

The real issue slipping through the election are the "FREE TRADE" deals TPP, TIPP etc.

Harperman knows the electorates' visceral hatred of Mulroney and all he stands for is just beneath the surface and any mention of "FREE TRADE" will sink him.

Steve said...

Did you miss this, do familes blow a thousand dollars on vodkov

rumleyfips said...

I think " those people" should be forcibly stripped by CSIS and made to take the oath naked. That way we can check for bombs and ensure they are not dangerous terrorists.

Please note that asylum visiting hours are 2 - 4 Saturdays and that I'm in charge here now.

Marmalade said...

We have to stop thinking about what is best for 'Me' and think about what is best for 'Us'! or Canada will not be a country to be Proud of.......simple!

Cathie from Canada said...

For too long, too many Canadians have been like the old man who sits and watches the younger people singing, looking somewhat uncomfortable but not objecting either. Please let that be changing.
I think Canadians are gravitating to Trudeau now.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sir, and peeing in cups,smearing ketchup on peoples arses,posing in bars half in da bag with underage females...weird crew for sure.They should be about 1% in any poll....
Another thing Simon...The MSM keeps talkin about the farmers issue and the automotive issue relative to this TPP...There's much more than those two items.....somehow doubt they'll expand on it though...

David said...

But to get Harper out, the ABC (Anyone But Conservative) is not going to be successful. Harper will do the same thing he did the last 3 elections and split the progressive vote. Except for certain ridings that have a lock on a particular party winning (eg. Elizabeth May's riding) I would vote Liberal, and already did using a special ballot as I will be out of town on Oct. 19).

David said...

Harper's base are very loyal to him because they are ideologues or "low information" voters, and they all turn out to vote. Even 2 months ago, I recall someone saying their elderly mother was phoned, and she was asked if she would like a ride to her voting station! The Cons are super organized.

Hugh said...

Headline: "Harper to release TPP details if deal is reached"

So we don't find out the details until after the deal is reached. Great. I feel so confident.

Anonymous said...

Simon, I am reading an article at ... it says "Stop the War: Canada's Military Operations are ILLEGAL under CANADIAN LAW" ... The deployment of Canadian Forces overseas to take part in operations in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and Yugoslavia, HAVE BEEN and ARE ILLEGAL under Article 31 of the National Defence Act, yet not one of the major parties has ever raised this issue in parliament, nor have any of the MEDIA addressed it in any of their coverage of these multiple operations. One has to wonder why it is the rest of us are required to obey the laws of CANADA, but the Federal Government leadership and the Armed Forces are not ... it then goes on to say what ARTICLE 31 states: ... the article is todays date (October 3, 2015) and is by Christopher Black ... THEME: Law and Justice, US NATO War Agenda ... TY

Anonymous said...

Thank you Montreal Simon - this is enough! And if it means changing my vote from NDP to Liberal, I will do it - we must defeat Harper Conservatives.

Greenwald's headline - to salvage campaign Harper pulls out Islamaphobia and neo-cons celebrate.

That's pretty clear and we are allowing ourselves to be inflamed.

I want a piece of legislation called "Zero tolerance for Politcial Cultural Practices" - for example partisan politics that inflame a group of people to violence, anger, accusations, defamation, 'list of enemies', bombing innocent civilians to gain domestic political advantage, targeting a single woman for her 'cultural practices' no matter how barbaric a majority of people think it is. I could go on.

Rise up people rise up!

David said...

Cooperate to defeat the Harper Conservatives. // Cherchez à coopérer pour vaincre Stephen Harper.à-coopérer-pour-vaincre-stephen-harper

David said...

I agree. Trudeau has the momentum.

David said...

Rise up people rise up!

Parachute Club - Rise up

Wild Zone Remix '92

Anonymous said...

#BarbaricCulturalPractices Circumcision.

Simon said...

hi anon...yes it is, it is a great distraction, or as Lynton Crosby likes to call it, a dead cat on the table. And you're right other more important issues are being ignored. But the TPP story is finally being used against Harper, and it can do him great damage,,,

Simon said...

hi Steve....I'm not a drinker so I wondered that myself. It is a lot of booze isn't it? And the fact that they were underage makes it even more scandalous....

Simon said...

hi rumleyfips....well that would certainly liven up those dull citizenship ceremonies, and would probably make Jason Kenney want to join a convent. But if you're in charge of the asylum, could you please reserve me a room with a view? Because I feel that after a campaign like this one I might need one shortly... ;)

Simon said...

hi Kathleen...yes we do need to get back to those more collective values that once set our country apart from the U.S. It won't be easy, because ten years of Harper and his Cons have corrupted this country almost beyond recognition. But I think we can do it, and begin rebuilding our Canada on October 20th...

Simon said...

hi Cathie...I think you're right, I think that as the danger of a Harper victory grows, and with the NDP wounded, more Canadians will back Trudeau as the candidate best able to hold back Harper. To do hat Justin will have to increase his support in Quebec, and that's still an open question...

Simon said...

hi anon...yes I agree the TPP needs to be looked at in all its dimensions. And we need to hammer home that it is another threat to our sovereignty, and could lead to among other things, the weakening of our medicare system, and the privatization of the CBC...

Simon said...

hi David...I know the arguments against strategic voting, but there are some ridings where the NDP can't get elected and other ridings where the Liberals don't stand a chance. So we do need to examine all options...

Simon said...

hi David...the Cons have a formidable machine, and in the past they have been very successful in maxing out their vote. But I have heard that they are having trouble getting volunteers, so their ground game night not be as strong this time...

Simon said...

hi Hugh...What??? You don't trust Stephen Harper? Shame on you ;) But yes isn't that great? I wouldn't buy a boiled egg from those Cons, without getting it X-rayed to see what might be buried in it. The good news is we can use that uncertainty and distrust to our political advantage. I'm telling everyone I bump into in the neighbourhood that it's the end of pensions, and medicare. If they're going to smear us I suggest we return the favour...

Simon said...

hi anon...yes but the problem is that if the opposition parties object, in this kind of campaign, Harper will only use it against them. We need to steer the debate away from those hot button issues, focus on the Con record of incompetence and corruption, and we can deal with the war after we've won....

Simon said...

hi anon...yes the situation is desperate, even I never thought that the Cons could stoop so low. But we must not panic, we just must try to get a good reading on who has the best chance of winning in every riding and throw our support behind them. It's harder than it might seem, and I'll post some more information on that soon. But if we attack the Cons like we never have before, and we vote smartly, we can still drive them from power....

e.a.f. said...

Steve wants to spend $12m to have a "tip line" to report "barbaric cultural practices". When and if it is functional I plan to report the following "barbaric cultural practices, mostly by Steve"

1. the killing of 1,200 First Nations women and Steve's comment it wasn't on his "radar". If Steve isn't doing anything about these continuing murders than Steve must be o.k. with it and that is barbaric. Must be part of Steve's culture.

2. spending less on the education and health care of Aboriginal youth than on other Canadians. This can and does lead to more and early deaths amongst Aboriginal peoples. its a form of genocide, so I'd classify it as a "barbaric practise" of the cons.

3. passing 8 bills in Parliament which were over turned by the Supreme Court of Canada. that's not civilized behaviour, to pass bills in Parliament which contravene the Constitution, violating our country's Constitution in my opinion is a culturally barbaric behaviour.

4. Saudi Arabia practises, "barbaric behaviour" And Steve and his Cons are selling them $12 B in armaments . When you support and prop up a barbaric government you are participating in barbaric behaviour. Saudi Arabia latest "feat" is beheading a 17 year old boy for demonstrating against the government. He will be beheaded, his body crucified, and left to rot for 3 days. Now Steve, in one of the debates said he didn't want to deprive the workers in Canada who make these armaments their jobs. Well I have an idea, why doesn't some one go and take a video of the events and show them to the workers and ask them if this is worth their jobs. (the international community has appeal to the Saudi government but it plans to go ahead) All of this seems to be O.K. with Steve, so I'll be first to report him for engaging in barbaric cultural practices.