For nine long years Stephen Harper slowly strangled the CBC, or bled it dry.
He slashed its budget, he killed thousands of jobs, he turned it into the Conservative Broadcasting Corporation.
But now the depraved tyrant has been toppled, before he could finish it off.
And it's time to take back the CBC, and give those Cons the boot.
The two unions representing the vast majority of CBC and Radio-Canada employees across the country are calling for president and CEO Hubert Lacroix and the board of directors to step down, citing a lack of confidence in their leadership.
“Over the last eight years, CBC/Radio-Canada has been systematically crippled, with unprecedented programming cuts across the country and questionable plans to sell off production assets and buildings, which threatens the public broadcaster’s ability to produce programming in both official languages,” says a statement on the website of the Canadian Media Guild...
“Along with constant cuts to staff — more than 25 per cent of workers laid off in five years — this damage is the vision of this president and board.”
For not only have they served as Harper's hatchet men and women, and caused that Canadian institution enormous damage. Not only was it outrageous of them to announce that they are selling off all its buildings in the middle of an election.
So Harper could pleasure his rabid base, who hate the CBC as much as he does...

With a passion that can only be described as insane and depraved.
Despite the fall of their Great Leader, and despite this promise from Justin Trudeau..

The Con board is still preparing to make even more cuts.
The unions say that while the incoming Liberal government has promised to reinvest in CBC/Radio-Canada, top brass at the public broadcaster still intend to move forward with cuts to staffing and production.
So they've got to get the boot, and as soon as possible, because they're clearly out of control.
And while we're at it, since Rex Murphy has also lost his great protector....

Maybe the CBC's hapless stooge managers can now summon up the courage to give that old Con tea bagger and oil pimp the boot as well...

Because his continuing presence on the CBC's flagship news show The National, is an affront to every journalistic principle in the book.
And nobody symbolizes the Con takeover of the CBC, and its corruption, more than he does.
You know, Stephen Harper has had almost ten years to place his Con cult members in positions of authority all over the country. So they can continue dismantling it long after he has gone. They are the enemy within.
So if we are going to take our Canada back, we've got to take our fate out of their hands, and clean house.
Take back our country institution by institution, silo by silo, value by value.
And we might as well start with the CBC...

Never forget what that monster did to it.
Never forget what he did to our Canada...
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Yeah ... I'd expand the firing to include not just the CBC, but the hundreds of federal departments, crown corps and other organizations that have been packed with Con rats. Stephen Harper appointed thousands of these people as a reward for losing elections, funneling cash to the Cons and helping deceive the public for the last decade. Fire them all!!
If our Canadian institutions are not supported by Canadians, then it is very sad future for our country.
Yeah. Their hatred of the CBC as a "state broadcaster" is just another of their idiotic beliefs.
It's important to have a healthy public broadcaster as an alternative to full-on corporate news and entertainment and information.
Culture is one of the biggest industries of post-industrialism. Since they don't want us to have manufacturing jobs, ...
I would like to point out that CBC/Radio-Canada also broadcasts in several Indigenous languages.
CBC North (originally the Northern Service) played a major role in communications between isolated Indigenous communities, improving emergency health services and disseminating Indigenous cultures, whether traditional or innovative.
Oh, as a follow-up, while following one of Simon's links I fell over this. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ottawa-cites-hate-crime-laws-when-asked-about-its-zero-tolerance-for-israel-boycotters-1.3067497
Well yes, I'd say bloggers would have been right to worry if the Cons had remained in power.
I am lucky enough to live where I can get PBS, TVO and Knowledge Network from BC. These public broadcasters are filled with wonderful dramatic series and historical series and nature series from the BBC and Australian broadcaster. Bathrooms through the Ages, Elizabethan Farms, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Coast, British Bake Off to name just a few. Wonderful, quality series. And valuable exports too, creating good jobs. And the cons were busy killing our public broadcaster and trying to sell off production buildings. Such fools.
We should call for the same treatment at the "Canadian Museum of History" which, under its Conservative-selected board and management, willingly turned itself into a propaganda agent for Harper and his vision of Canadian history.
I agree 100%. Harper has infested the Public Service with his hired hacks who bully and discriminate against anyone with an opinion or God forbid who go against them. We all know how that ends up. Fire them all indeed.
Sadomasochist Stephen Harper will not be excused by World Courts for allowing sadomasochism in every extreme to exist and be excused in Canada! Canadian Police, RCMP, our Medical Officials and Law Officials all have the evidences needed to prove this situation - unless this situation is appropriately dealt with by Canada working with International Agencies, due to how far this has gone - there will be no jobs to appreciate irregardless of how dedicated Justin Trudeau may be!
Another 'demand' for Trudeau to do what he says he will..how long will it take for this one to happen? Will it happen at all?
The popcorn is ready...and I'll be happy to add a pinch of crow if and when he actually does anything about the CBC that is positive...
Please check this website out: http://friendsofstephenharper.blogspot.ca ... what a great friend and humanitarian HE turned out to be ... and last but not least is a website I am referring people to have a look at: https://michaelandingridheroux.wordpress.com ... TY
Dear Leader made over 130 patronage apps. before he dropped the Writ , these people need to be weeded out and fired. How dare he saddle us with his delusional followers and try to hold onto power from his political grave. He's worse than Hitler. Thanks for another great post Simon.
Harper is horrible, but "worse than Hitler" is a slight overstatement, non?
all governments make political appointments. its how they reward the party faithful. the difference, was the Liberals did pay a bit more attention to the qualifications of their appointees and did include the odd non political person or some one from another party.
so yes the board of directors at the CBC needs to go but fear not the federal Liberals will be doing that quickly and we will shortly hear the wails of those complaining the boards everywhere are full of Liberals
Now as to Rex Murphy. I too do not like him much, however, firing him is a viable alternative. Its undemocratic. firing Rex Murphy for his beliefs is no different than the cons firing left wingers for their beliefs. We may not like what he has to say, but remember there are 100 con m.p.s still around, the CBC is the Canadian communications organization which represents all Canadians and that means all of their opinions and tastes also, whether the rest of us like them or not.
so the firing of rex would be oh so bad. it would make us no better than steve and his cons
And now they want to re-name the Calgary Airport in his name??? ... are they frikken INSANE??? ... The dickhead robbed Canada blind for the past 10 years ... HE LOST the election 2 weeks ago ... WTF is with these people??? ... MORE money than brains??? ... He's a great ECONOMIST??? ... HE sold Canada out, there's nothing to economize ... HE probably thinks 2 plus 2 = 5 ... Give him a donation and U will get a job in his government??? ... I want a refund, never mind a donation ... Will he resign as PMOcchio??? ... or will HE insist the job is still his??? ... His blue turbaned friend TIM UPPAL, lost his seat in the October 19th voter recount, to a LIBERAL ... TIM will be wiping his ass with his turban ... LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... The CON has conned his CONS all over again ... MAY they all get run over by a 747 at the CON HARPER AIRPORT, and take LEVANT with you ... WHERE do these MORONS come from??? ... GO away and NEVER come back !!!! ................ TY
hi anon...yes that's what I am suggesting. Harper has politicized government departments to a degree never seen before, and we need to find out what exactly he has been up to. An whether for example the CRA was given order to go after the Con's enemies. It's the only way to determine whether our democracy is safe, and make sure it never happens again...
hi Kathleen..I think Canadians just proved that they do care about our Canadian values, and defending our Canadian institutions is part of the same struggle. I'm not happy at the direction the CBC has been heading in, but it can be made better, and it's still a valued Canadian institution that helps bind this big country together...
hi thwap...I've never understood the blind hatred some Cons have for the CBC. It may not be perfect, but it's still better than the corporate media. As you point out it's also a very important source jobs in the cultural industry, and I know a couple of very talented young workers at the CBC who lost their jobs at the CBC and are having trouble finding anything similar, because it's not a big media market. Only the Americans
contribute less to public broadcasting, and we need a way to boost our culture way more than they do...
hi lagatta...yes it does, and I don't see any private media group doing a better job than the CBC does. Fortunately Radio Canada is well supported in Quebec, I only wish more Canadians in the rest of the country had come to the defence of the CBC during the Harper years...
hi anon...I agree PBS and TVO have some excellent programming, and along with the CBC they account for about 90 percent of the TV I watch. In fact I wish the CBC was more like them, but thanks to the cuts they must rely on money from commercials, which inevitable means aiming for mass audiences and the lowest common denominator. Culture is not just for the elites, it enriches a whole country...
hi Editor...I couldn't agree more. The way the Cons harnessed our institutions for crass political purposes was absolutely wrong, and yet another assault on our democracy. So finding out what they have been up to is imperative. If only so it never happens again...
hi anon...yes we have a massive job of rebuilding ahead of us, but we midget rid of the dictator, so I am confident we can do it...
hi mizdarlin...well Trudeau has promised to give the CBC more money to make up for some of the cuts, and he has also promised to improve the way board members are chosen. So it's a good start, and considering the state of the CBC it couldn't come soon enough....
hi anon...thanks for the link, and yes Harper does have quite a collection of friends. In addition to all his other flaws he seems to have a fatal attraction, for the amoral and the scuzzy....
hi anon...yes he has been busy rewarding his befriends in a most shameful manner, and from what I understand even in his last day in office he is still doing it. The new government should review all those appointments and cancel them if necessary...
hi e.a.f....for the reasons I pointed out in my post, the CBC's Con board needs to be removed as soon as possible for they are literally selling the farm. But no I am not suggesting Murphy be fired for his political beliefs. I want him fired because he should not be on a new program, when he is clearly biased, and it makes him look like the editorial section of The National. And the other reason I want him given the boot is for his shameless paid boosterism of the oil industry, for which he is not being held accountable. His name isn't on the list of speakers that the CBC maintains, because the corporation claims he is a freelancer, and therefore beyond their control. I don't buy that argument for a moment, and no serious media organization can buy it either..It's a matter of morality, and since Murphy lives in my neighbourhood, I can tell you that he is a millionaire, so it would be water off a duck's back...
hi Ty...yes it is outrageous, but don't worry it won't happen. The petitions against the move have collected twice as many signatures as the one in favour. And it is established practice not to name buildings after people until after they have died. As where those moron fanatics come from, I have no idea. But it can't be in Canada, it must be a hellish place, and not one I would want to visit...
Please stop writing in the style of a raving loon, and give your shift key a break.
Murphy is entitled to his opinions. It's an OPINION segment. What's needed is to add 3 additional presenters who are clearly known as Conservative, Liberal, and NDP eg. Kathleen Monk (NDP). A person watching Rex Murphy may find it hard to tell which party he supports. He has never come out and said he is a Con supporter.
Stephen Harper Interview by Peter Mansbridge CBC - Harper Must Go
hi David....no you're absolutely totally and completely WRONG. Firstly having an opinion segment on a news show is bizarre enough. But if they are going to do that then that opinion has to be BALANCED. I have studied Murphy closely for years. I even helped a friend file an ombudsman's complaint against his assault on the rights of minorities. I know tea bagger ideology when I hear it, and Murphy must be fired TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And one more thing....have you read my extensively researched post on Murphy's position during the debate on gay marriage? Where he called on the government to invoke the notwithstanding clause to deny LGBT people their human rights? And you expect me to forgive and forget? Never, never NEVER....
In my opinion Rex Murphy ought to stay. he represents an opinion of many Canadians. his spot is about an opinion, not news, we are a democracy and all opinions ought to be out there, except of course hate speech.
Maybe a little ;) but at least Hitler had the decency to kill himself. We'll have to wait for KFC to do the job.
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