I must admit it is getting a bit grim out there. Fall has finally arrived, it's getting colder and darker, the skies over this ghastly Harperland are filled with flying monkeys.
Stephen Harper is a frenzy urging them on to destroy his enemies, with his poisonous wedge issues.
And of course this is a living nightmare.
Less than two months ago they were fitting him out for his political coffin, he was being battered by the Duffy scandal and growing less popular with every passing day.
Now he's back, and gunning for another majority.
But the way he clawed his way back in the polls, should make it only more clear to more Canadians why he isn't fit to be a Canadian prime minister...

For he was brought back from the dead by the grotesque Australian flying dingo Lynton Crosby. Who is pulling his strings and running his campaign.
If you still need proof that Australian miracle worker Lynton Crosby is firmly in charge of the Conservative campaign, look no further than what you haven’t seen in the past two weeks: any evidence of Jenni Byrne’s continued presence on the planet, or any further snafus from the hyperactive social media campaign kids.
Everything is transpiring according to the playbook, and Crosby — who probably can’t believe his luck in landing so soon on one wedge issue in the niqab controversy — is actively looking for other flashpoints to divide the voters.
The ghastly morphing attack monster has been able to use even the death of this poor Syrian child...

To fan fears of a refugee invasion.
And he has been able to turn this campaign into the niqab election...

Ben Powless
He has given Stephen Harper a new lease on life, and smothered, at least temporarily, the NDP's support in Quebec.
Even though as Naheed Nenshi said on the Evan Solomon show, those wedge issues couldn't be more disgusting and dangerous.
Stephen Harper is playing a “dangerous” political game with his position on the niqab and “dog whistle politics” when he speaks about the Syrian refugee crisis, said Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi.
“This is unbelievably dangerous stuff,” Nenshi said. “I spoke with a group of mayors and councillors from all over Alberta last week, and in my speech with all of these people from small town Alberta, I stood up and said this is disgusting and it is time for us to say stop it—to say this is enough,” Nenshi said.
And even though the niqab controversy couldn't be more of a non-issue.
Since 2011, two women have been denied the ability to take the citizenship oath without removing their face covering, Sonia Lesage, a spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada told the CBC.
But the good news is that because it is such a non-issue, it will begin to subside after the last debate in Montreal tomorrow. It will be overtaken by other more important issues.
And even if this is the situation:
So, with just over two weeks to go, this campaign is on the cusp of breaking. Harper, with wedge issues in tow, will begin to move within striking distance of a majority government. Left-centre voters — who can’t understand how Harper could possibly be winning, and who will do anything at all to prevent him from winning — will start to line up behind the most viable option.
And we may have to vote strategically as we never have before. We have never been in a better position to do that as that Nanos poll also shows:
When asked to pick their second choice for preferred prime minister: 39 per cent of those who picked Harper first said they had no second choice 50 per cent of those who picked Trudeau first said Mulcair would be their second choice 59 per cent of those who picked Mulcair first said Trudeau would be their second choice.
With large numbers of Liberal and NDP supporters prepared to shift their vote if that's what it takes to stop Harper.
Which only shows you how strong that movement is...

And when you look at the latest CBC Poll Tracker results, you can see that Harper is nowhere near another majority.

Justin Trudeau has more momentum than he has, both the Liberals and the NDP have deeper pools of voters to draw on than Harper, who has almost drained his shallower one.
So if the monster can be constrained...

Even if he does win a minority government, we will have more than enough votes to topple him.
And in the meantime we can use the demonic hate monger Lynton Crosby as a blunt weapon against him. As I have suggested before...

By asking Canadians whether they are going to let an Australian bully scare them.
And why is Stephen Harper using a foreigner to try to divide Canadians, and try to poison a Canadian election?
We shall turn his flying monkeys against the monster.
And they will help destroy him...

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Here is an article that looks at what Canada's Election Act has to say about foreign intervention in Canadian elections:
The real problem is not that idiot from Australia. It's the fact that 40% of the electorate is conservative and as little as 37% of the vote is required for a "majority" government.
If Canada was a democracy (meaning an actual majority of voters is represented in government,) voters would not have to depend on conservative voters not voting conservative to avoid a conservative government. Yet few armchair pundits are actually talking about this fundamental issue. (Despite Harper being the poster-boy for electoral reform.)
Historically (since 1953), the low end of the vote given to conservative parties has been 36%. Three outliers: 34% in 1980 (reaction to Joe Clark’s bungled 9-month government); 35% in 1993 (reaction to 9 years of Mulroney which was rewarded with 13 more); 30% in 2006 (moderate conservatives voted for their own: Paul Martin.)
So if Harper only gets 34% this election, it would be low by historic standards. (Tim Hudak ran a terrible campaign in ON yet got 35% of the vote.)
I think that a Harper plurality would be the ideal outcome. It would force the Liberals and NDP to form an accord (a la Peterson/Rae 1985 ON) and demonstrate to Canadians that democracy means a majority of voters wins the election, not the leader of a minority party. Democracy is not a horse race. The leading minority party means absolutely nothing when determining the will of the people.
Then, hopefully, the Liberal/NDP government will follow through on their promises to make Canada a democracy (like 32 of 34 developed countries.) This would make the country Harper-proof. (Defeating Harper means little when another one can come along an usher in another Neo-Con decade.)
harper would hire Satan himself to run his campaign if he thought he could get away with it!!!
False Flag Terror and another October Surprise!
One correction: Hudak won 31.25%, not 35%. Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario_general_election,_2014 But agree with the main points of your comment.
If the Conservatives win a minority government on Oct. 19 and the opposition parties decide to defeat the government on the Throne Speech, Governor General David Johnston would not agree to call another election immediately and would instead invite other parties to form government if they can, experts say.
Mr. Johnston “would not call an election because the Throne Speech is so early in the session that somebody else has the right to try to prove they enjoy the confidence of the House,” said Prof. Ned Franks, a professor emeritus of political science at Queen’s University, in an interview with The Hill Times.
After the campaign, political parties receive 50 per cent of their money back and individual candidates get 60 per cent from Elections Canada. This means only the Conservatives would likely have adequate funding to run another 37-day campaign right after the Oct. 19 election.
In last week’s interview, Prof. Wiseman also disagreed with Mr. Harper that the party with the most seats has the right to form government and “losers don’t get to form coalitions.” To back up his point, he referred The Hill Times to a quote by the Governor General: “I think that most jurisdictions that have a system of first-past-the-post or proportional representation will from time to time have coalitions or amalgamation of different parties,” said Mr. Johnston just months after taking office in 2010, “and that’s the way democracy sorts itself out.”
I am reasonably sure that is who he hired....
The Cons say they knew nothing about this latest news release so I guess it was just another treasonous act. Seems like it could be a wedge issue as I would be very surprised if the majority of Canadians want to be joined at the hip with the US war machine. Currently the US military budget is over 600 billion. If we want to duplicate their actions and defend Canada against the same type of push back the US encounters relative to domestic and international terrorism our budget would have to go from 20 to around 60 billion. The Con dream has always been two pronged with oil and military expansion as the main drivers.
"CBC News has learned that a Canadian military effort to formally create integrated forces with the United States for expeditionary operations included an even more ambitious option — a plan to fully integrate military forces, explored during a meeting with the top generals from the two countries."
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