There couldn't have been a more bizarre sight, or a clearer sign that Stephen Harper is losing his grip on reality, as well as losing the election.
And is now even willing to debase himself to try to avoid being humiliated by Justin Trudeau.
For there he was yesterday, looking incredibly bagged and grubby, while a young woman threw wads of cash in his general direction, to the cash register sound of ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching.
Looking and sounding like a sleazy carnival barker, or a third-rate Bob Barker.

It couldn't have looked more tacky, and he couldn't have looked more desperate.
And if you want to know why he's so desperate, just watch this Bob Fife report...
He's facing absolute disaster. He's in danger of losing some of his biggest ministers.
He just can't stand the idea of being humiliated by Justin Trudeau.
And needless to say his Bob Barker impersonation had Twitter going wild, with a hashtag to name Harper's new show.
And this one was my favourite...

Because there can no longer be any doubt that Harper and his grotesque stooge Pierre Poilievre, in a last desperate attempt to save their jobs, have made voting as hard as possible.

Elections Canada is apologizing after many people complained about long waits to cast ballots at advance polling stations on the weekend.
That is a form of vote suppression, and only the voices in Boss Harper's head know what he might have planned for election day. So we do need to be prepared.
But the good news is that more Canadians voted at the advance polls than they did last time.
On Saturday, the second day of the advance polls, 780,000 people voted across the country. That's a 34 per cent increase from the first two days of advance polls at the 2011 federal election. Elections Canada estimates another 767,000 people voted on Sunday. This brings the total for the first three days of advance polls to 2.4 million.
If the same thing happens on election day the Cons are doomed.
And the best news is that a lot of people are working very hard to make sure that happens.
Including a lot of young Canadians...

And that's important, because as Frank Graves points out, if they turn out in larger numbers than ever before, they will seal the fate of Harper and his filthy regime.
Quite simply, this segment will be critical to the outcome of the election. In the last election, Ekos polls overestimated this segment’s willingness to vote. This time around, that cell-phone-only population is at least three times larger and tells us they are much more certain to vote than they told us last time. When polled, they insist they are extremely engaged and motivated by the values war that has come to underlie this election.
What that means: if they show up Harper loses; if they don’t he wins.
And I'm betting they will show up.
I said before the election began that the internet would play a bigger role than ever before. Now the cellphones are humming, and the message is going out: Get ready to march on the polls.
Get ready to vote strategically for Anyone But Conservatives.
Stop. Get ready. GO...

And with only six days to go before the election, I couldn't be more excited.
Because although I realize the election is not yet won, I do want to see the Cons crushed. I want to see their depraved leader humiliated.
I want him to pay for his crimes against Canada.
I want that grubby political pervert sent to the place he belongs...

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Whty does the so called Media not have headlines saying Harper Lies?
I have a terrible suspicion, Simon, that we are going to see a liberal/con coalition gubmint here after the election ballots are miscounted again. I said a couple of weeks back that this is the NDP's election to lose and right away mulcair starts his bullshit attacks on trudeau thus creating the new underdog candidate. Canadians are really stupid when it comes to that. They will vote for any rabid, unqualified idiot (see the last 9 1/2 years here for proof) out of national pity, guilt, shame or some bullshit emotion like that just because he/she is now being attacked by the "big, bad other guy". My hunch is that this whole current scenario was premeditatedly (new word in the "I don't give a fuck" dictionary) worked out before mulcair was ever "elected" to head up the NDP. (That was always much more than a suspicious move in my book. A has-been liberocon running the "lefty" party? WTF???) trudeau's Cinderella comeback looks a lot like O-bomb-a coming out of nowhere and miraculously becoming the preznit of the western world.
Oh, well... Same old tired fascistic bullshit....different face.
Another walking the dogs moment.
I live in the demographically oldest riding in Canada - Cumberland Colchester Muscadobet. It is also historically conservative. It looks like we are going to elect a liberal.
Atlantic Canada is the oldest region. I Newfoundland and Labrador, the CPC is being shut out. The latest 308 shows the CPC blanking Nova Scotia. Most think the CPC will be wiped off the PEI landscape. Only in New Brunswick does the CPC show any strength.
These results go against all conventional wisdom about old fogyism and conservative electoral success.
Where did that insane spectacle take place? While I generally cannot stand to even hear Harper talk, to watch his wormy lips slither around and his dead eyes not even twitching, I do believe I need to see this travesty in video.
Next it will be "Who wants to be a Millionare"
Simon: We had been told repeatedly by the likes of Paul Wells, John Ivison, Chris Hall what a brilliant strategist Harper is. Wells, in addition, was still predicting a Harper victory a week or two ago. Well, now it looks like Wells "brilliant" strategist has successfully engineered the downfall of Tom Mulcair and the NDP only to replace him with someone much more disdained by the Cons base, anotherTrudeau. I cannot wait to see the looks on my Cons voting neighbours' faces when we wake up on Oct. 20 with PM Trudeau. The very mention of the name Trudeau makes them mad (cannot understand why as they were not from Alberta). No wonder Harper seems to be in a dark mood.
And to help make PM Trudeau happen, I even voted for the local Lib candidate here (even though I had much preferred Mulcair to Trudeau, and the NDP to lead the expected combined government) as he is in the best position to defeat the Cons incumbent according to Vote Together local polls.
Alright, it ain't over till the fat man leaves .... and the fat man can still cheat as he had done in every election since 2006 .... but still it is only 7 more days, eh?
Yesterday in Waterloo.
I think it is a safe bet that Stephen Harper's descent into madness is near complete.
Stephen Harper has never been a brilliant political tactician. His timing was fortuitous. He was fortunate to be facing an imploding LPC led by weak leaders. While it is true you don't choose your opponents Stephen Harper was extremely fortunate in this regard. Had he been facing Jean Chretien in his prime his political execution would have been short, swift and brutal.
He employed the same strategy against Justin Trudeau as he did with Ignatieff and Dion. When it failed having any resonance he did not adjust he doubled down. The noqab may have gained him a few brownie points in Quebec but it repelled mainstream voters everywhere else.
Stephen Harper is suffering the consequences of his own actions. In ten years he failed to expand his base and he no longer has any handouts in his empty bag of tricks to bribe them with their own money.
The true ignominy will come when he is relegated to the dustbin of history remembered for nothing other than attack ads and debasing Canadian politics.
I rather suspect the shredding machines are in overdrive in the Harper bunker.
In my opinion Harper cannot form a coalition government with anyone because as soon as he loosens the reigns even a little all of the suppressed corruption will boil to the surface. Likely the strategy would be to call in as many markers as possible and pull a Bush style disappearing act as quickly as possible in the hopes that Out of Sight Out of Mind applies in Canadian politics as well.
The PMOcchio thinks that if he uses PROPS (like his buddy that lives over there across the ocean and just off the Mediterranean Sea LOL ...) that this will give folks a reason to vote for CPC ... and now he's giving away $$$MONEY$$$ (our tax payers money) as if it was HIS alone ... Everyday it's something new, or rehashed or lets pick on them, or blame everyone for ALL the problems we're having ... Anyone notice that his buddy from that Middle East country is NOT even mentioned lately??? ... BNet had a 44 second silence at the UN awhile back ... maybe PMOcchio will give us 4 YEARS OF SILENCE from him and his party ... that would be the best news EVER ... DON'T FORGET TO VOTE ... OCT 19th ....................... TY
That spectacle with the ka-ching ka-ching is the most bizarre sight I've ever seen in campaigning. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or dial 911. The man needs mental help now and if not, after JT kicks his ass he'll need a rubber room. A fitting end for the party of one.
Just watched a video of the CON candidate in Ontario accusing the LIBS of establishing brothels and drug houses throughout Canada. I really do believe some of these people, Harper included, are now certifiably insane.
"For there he was yesterday, looking incredibly bagged and grubby, while a young woman threw wads of cash in his general direction, to the cash register sound of ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching."
But how much MORE money would the woman and her husband gain with the Liberal or NDP plan???
06:22 mark
I would pay good money to a charity to have a picture of Steve when he finds out Justin is moving home..........
"A 6:33 p.m.: its not only in Ontario where that is being said. In Vancouver, B.C. Con ads in ethnic newspapers, i.e. Chinese and South Asian/Indo Canadian the same is being said. i.e. drug houses, brothels being opened in neighbourhoods. In Vancouver that is some scary, when your average house is $2 Million and the thought of a brothel or drug house next door all being legal. They aren't even worried about the ethics of such things, just the impact on realestate values. Its to try to get Wai Young re elected in Vancouver and a couple of others.
he got that from nuttyahoo with the hand-drawn cartoon of the bomb he took into the u.s. congress that one time to portray some other trumped up, bullshit accusation against Iran. Small minds do think alike.
Bill Casey all the way!
I felt sorry for the young lady!
hi Steve....because apparently the MSM feels that word is too harsh. I can think of no other explanation. And because they didn't call a spade a spade or a liar a liar we've been stuck with him for almost ten years...
hi anon 9:45....I don't think so, I don't think Justin Trudeau or Tom Mulcair would dare not work together when so any progressives are demanding that they do ANYTHING to defeat the Con regime. There would be a riot even in this quiet country if they dared hesitate to topple the Con regime. What we demand we shall have or ELSE....
hi RT....Harper wilt be able to form a coalition because he will find no partners. Even the Bloc made that clear yesterday. Just look at the angry sentiment out there, if any progressive leader got into bed with the Cons they would be practically lynched. No, if we get the numbers we will lynch the Cons....
hi rumleyfips....isn't that interesting in so many respects. Yes, Atlantic Canada is an inspiration to us all. I used to be so proud of my province Quebec, but sadly not anymore. Although I see EKOS now says the Liberals are leading there, and if that's the case I might be willing to forgive them. The way things are going, unless Harper can pull a rabbit or a terrorist out of a hat, I can't see how he can save himself...
hi Noah...well that's why I included the Fife video. It really was an insane spectacle, but it does show how desperate the Cons are. I am going to enjoy ever last minute of this travelling cabaret because unless our people are absolute fools, I can't see how it's going to help him....
hi anon 2:34 pm....yes it does look as Harper is teetering on the abyss. As Fife said he's started to snap at those around him, and he has cancelled any remaining interviews with the MSM. By the time the weekend arrives he should be fit to be tied, or carried away on a stretcher....
hi Pamela...well that's the idea isn't it? Why else would he pile all that cash on a table. I have never seen anything as crass in my live....
hi anon 11:41pm...yes it is a delicious irony isn't it? They stirred up bigotry in Quebec to destroy Mulcair only to be left with the son of the anti-Christ himself. It must be absolutely unbearable for Harper to think that history will record that he brought the Liberal Party back from the dead and installed the son of his greatest enemy. But good for you for putting your country before your party. And yes, we have to be vigilant because we all know those Cons are quite capable of trying to steal the election....
hi anon 2:44...I completely agree with you. Harper is a mediocrity, who is good at playing cheap political games, but had no vision and will be remembered only for what he destroyed. To see how the MSM has praised him as a political genius, despite his absolute lack of morality and decency, has been absolutely unbearable, or plain sickening....
hi anon....yes Harper hasn't said a word about Benny recently despite all the trouble in the occupied lands. And I saw that strange silence at the U.N. it made Netanyahu look absolutely insane. Or should I say even more insane than usual. He has absolutely no right to look aggrieved or claim the higher ground after the bestial way he has behaved. But yes four years of silence from PMOcchio would be excellent, although not enough. And don't worry I'm going to be at the polls as soon as they open and will stay in line for as many hours as it takes. I'm not letting this one get away from us...
hi JD...it's not just bizarre it's degrading. I mean THAT is a Canadian Prime Minister. How low have we fallen. I seem to remember that during the British election David Cameron had some kind of prop. I'm going to have to try to look it up, because if he did, then we'll know it's Crosby. In a way though, I'm happy to see Harper go out like that, grubby and desperate and without an ounce of class...
hi anon...yes I heard about that story and I don't know if they're insane, but it couldn't be more disgusting. Those Cons have no sense of morality, and there is no depth to which they will not go. The good news is that stunts like that only make them look more corrupted, and can only fuel the desire for change....
hi David...Harper is not only distorting the Liberal numbers, he's also deliberately leaving stuff out, like the tax on the 1% because he knows that even many in his rabid base would look upon that favourably. It is the most squalid political spectacle I've ever seen, and I can't wait for this nightmare to be over....
hi e.a.f....yes I would also pay to be there when Stephen Harper finally realizes he has been beaten by a Trudeau. For he will deserve every ounce of pain he gets. The man is an absolute hog, and a wretched example of humanity....
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