Well it's not exactly a surprise. The Globe and Mail's editorial board has endorsed Stephen Harper's Cons in the last three elections.
No matter what their reporters and columnists have had to say about him for the last four years.
But this couldn't be more absurd.
Canada needs a change. It also needs the maintenance of many aspects of the economic status quo. What Canada needs, then, is a Conservative government that is no longer the Harper government.
It is not time for the Conservatives to go. But it is time for Mr. Harper to take his leave. He can look back on parts of his record with pride, but he has undone himself and his party with a narrowness of vision and a meanness of spirit on a host of issues, from voting rights to crime and punishment to respect for science to respect for the courts.
His party deserves to be re-elected. But after Oct. 19, he should quickly resign. The Conservative Party, in government or out, has to reclaim itself from Stephen Harper.
When everybody knows that the Cons ARE the Harper party.
And that if he is re-elected he will NEVER resign.
So needless to say the Globe's decision is being mercilessly mocked on Twitter

And so is the Globe's Editor-in-Chief David Walmsley.

Who deserves a flying beanie AND a red clown nose for that pathetic effort.
For is he seriously suggesting that we should re-elect the Cons, so Stephen Harper can step down, and Jason Kenney can succeed him?

And we can all live in a stinking theocracy.
But then of course we know that Walmsley and his editorialists weren't the ones who made the decision to endorse the Cons but not Harper.
The decision came from the top...

And that's why we can't trust the corporate media as far as we can spit. Because when it comes down to the crunch, it's always about the rich and their profits.
And the good news?
In a country where an overwhelming majority of Canadians want change, that absurd half assed endorsement won't mean a thing.
It will only hurt the credibility of the Globe.
We will decide the fate of the Cons.
That pathetic endorsement will only motivate us more.
And the monstrous dictator is going down...

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That is the most bizarre globe endorsement I have ever read, Simon. The readers' comments that follow it are, however, a real treat to read in their withering condemnation of an incomprehensible and indefensible stance.
The handlers were prepared to ride the Con wave as long as a majority government was a possibility but now that its unlikely they want to set the stage for a minority government by offering up Harper as the sacrificial hog. Nice move if they can carry it off. The party stays in power with some minor re-branding while the pork train and cover ups rumble along only to be soon forgotten The question is who would be the leader, he is surrounded by wimps with little or no credibility.
Is this nonsense for real. They say Harper is nothing but a squalid little dictator writhing in meanness of spirit BUT he deserves your vote. LOL.....These clowns cant be serious.
I really hope people do cancel their subscriptions. I almost wish I subscribed so I could cancel it!
You read your comments and respond to your readers. Obviously Walmsley doesn't value his writers and he certainly doesn't read the online G&M commentary. For months now the readers have been strongly opposed to Harper, his policies, his ethics, his management, his appointments, and all aspects of his campaign.
Perhaps I'm going senile, but I seem to remember finding the Globe and Mail (among other papers) an OK read - maybe as recently as 20 years ago. I didn't always agree with it, but it seemed like a decent enough paper. But like so many papers over the last decade it's just become unbearably, embarassingly bad. What were they thinking? Such a shame. Does anyone take the G+M seriously anymore? These days I don't even look at it if I run across it in a recycle bins. It's painful to read; it just pisses me off.
The G+M had many editorials criticizing the "Fair" Elections Act and Bill C-51.
the 1% own everything and dont give a crap what the hoi polloi think/say/type
I loved "crack but not weed"... Interesting that a lot of the tweets are in French.
Les Canadiens" last win ... but without Carey Price.
I think they got their boards screwed up, it should read "Board of directors endorses..."
hi Lorne...it certainly is bizarre, and it strikes me that it must have been written in some yoga position, so convoluted is its logic. Do they seriously think that Harper could win an election and then gracefully resign? When it is a party of one. It simply boggles the mind and couldn't be more intellectually dishonest or more cowardly....
hi RT....yes, they seem to think that if Harper leaves the Cons will magically transform themselves into a Canadian party again. As for who would take over, it would almost certainly be Jason Kenney, unless he is challenged by someone from the PC wing of the party. So in effect what the Globe is saying is that we should accept Kenney as our leader without even the benefit of an election. And all I can say is over my dead body....
hi anon...yes I must admit that's the question I asked myself. Is Harper now so desperate he's now hanging with the Ford gang? But as I mentioned above, if he wants to go out in an explosion of squalor, I'm only too happy to encourage him... ;)
hi Gayle...I'm not giving up my subscription because my uncle gave it to me and I get to share it with you all. But what I would like to know is what the working journalists in that place think of their management's move. For I'm pretty sure most of them must be furious. How can they spend four years documenting the crimes of that filthy regime, only to have their editors endorse it? There must be some very unhappy campers at the Globe these days....
hi p2p....You would have to be blind deaf and dumb not to realize how many Canadians despise Stephen Harper and his foul regime. So I consider their endorsement to be a slap in the face of their readers. The whole editorial makes no sense and is clearly designed for only one purpose, to please their masters....
hi anon...yes, like many papers unfortunately it has deteriorated as it seeks to become more entertainment than news. It still has some good journalists, but its editorial board is simply hopeless. In my opinion every paper should hold its own debate and should not not be pressured by management to endorse anyone,,,
hi Hugh...yes as I said above, they do have some good journalists, but their editorial board lives on a different planet, and is clearly disconnected from reality...
hi Deb....I'm afraid this absurd endorsement makes that only too clear.They don't give a damn what people think, and they should be ashamed of themselves....
The only drug I ever consume is marijuana. I don't like booze and hard drugs scare me. Although when I was at McGill a friend and I tried kava kava root. It only made our tongues numb so we never tried it again. Which is just as well because a few years later I read that it can cause serious liver damage....
hi JD...you're absolutely right that would have been a lot more honest. If I was working at the Globe I would be extremely annoyed at the way the paper's credibility is being damaged by ridiculous endorsements like that one. Better they should run none than disgrace themselves in that manner....
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