Well I have to admit that Stephen Harper's concession speech didn't live up to my high expectations.
It sounded more like a victory speech, like he had won instead of being humiliated. Or worse like he didn't realize the campaign was over.
And he forgot to tell us he's resigning, which no doubt disappointed about 20 million Canadians, including all those like me who wanted to make a tape, and play it over and over again.
But the main thing is that after a decade of darkness the mad king, the depraved monster, is at last finally gone.

Stephen Harper was upbeat in the face of a one-sided election defeat, but will step down as Conservative leader following the result.
Conservative Party president John Walsh released a short statement shortly before Harper took the stage in Calgary, indicating Harper had instructed him to reach out to the elected caucus to appoint an interim leader and begin the next leadership selection process.
Justin Trudeau is our new Prime Minister...

And as Jeffrey Simpson points out, for Harper that is the ultimate insult.
Losing power is bad enough; losing it to a Trudeau with a thumping majority is the ultimate political insult for Stephen Harper, who resigned on Monday night.
Everything in Mr. Harper’s political career from his early days as an assistant in Ottawa was directed at undoing or diluting as much as possible of prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s vision of government and Canada.
Now, to be crushed by Mr. Trudeau’s son Justin, someone Mr. Harper considers intellectually weak and, worse, a chip off the old man’s block, must cut the Conservative Leader to the core.
Or the ultimate humiliation.
He spent millions and millions of dollars attacking Trudeau in the most disgusting manner...

Only to end up looking like a political pervert.
He underestimated him like Patrick Brazeau did, before their famous boxing match, when he told people he didn't think Trudeau could "take a punch."

Only to suffer the same fate...

And leave all these Cons also lying on the canvas.
Or looking for new jobs...

Joe Oliver, Paul Calandra, Chris Alexander, Julian Fantino, Leona Aglukkaq.
Could it get any better than that?
And the best thing is, it was the triumph of hope over fear...

It was a triumph for decency.
Cheers broke out across the land as Canadian voters chased Stephen Harper’s arrogant Conservatives from office on Monday night, in a richly deserved rebuke after years of corrosive misgovernance. Thus ends a dismal, divisive era in our political history.
Trudeau’s compelling vision of a Canada that is “open and confident and hopeful” caught the spirit of voters who believe this country can be more generous, more ambitious and more successful.
And it was the triumph of our precious Canadian values, that Harper tried so hard to destroy. ..

But ended up destroying him.
And now suddenly Harperland is Canada again.
It couldn't look more beautiful...

And I couldn't be happier, because we did take our country back.
As I always knew we would.
Congratulations everybody you were amazing.
The tyrant is finally down...

The Great Darkness is finally over.
Light up the sky.
Fire off the fireworks.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
We are free at last...
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Simon it truly was a moment to behold when the realization sunk in that this filthy bully was finally finished. With the shredders parked outside of parliament offices all week, we may only catch a fading glimpse of the depths that this depraved regime actually did sink to. The icing on the cake was watching the likes of Alexander, Oliver and Fantino go down in flames to, couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. The real miracle for me was a local one with Liberal Stephen Fuhr, winning Kelowna Lake Country, an area that is infested with harperite transplants from the rich oil fields of Alberta. Alas, it didn't happen on the other side of the Bennett bridge but it was darn close. Good to see the bastard gone and although he will face many fortunes for the rest of his sad life, we will not be bombarded with his racist and degrading rhetoric, day in and day out. We finally have a man worthy of office, and Sunny Ways indeed. Congratulations to progressives across the nation for getting this job done.
We are free at last indeed Simon and I couldn't be happier.
Thank you for your blogs which exposed the tyrant for what he was and for allowing me to vent my frustrations at having him as our leader. It's been quite a ride and I wish you all the best in whatever you do.
I will savor every move Justin makes to undo the damage Harper has done to this country and we will return to the Canada we all know and love.
Best wishes to all!
I'm as thrilled as you are about the downfall of Harper, but it could have been MUCH better, with a stronger showing by the NDP, and by the Greens in BC.
I've been an activist in a tenants' association - located in Trudeau's riding (I lived there when I joined, and now I live a very short walk south of the riding, in Boulerice's riding) for what, 25 years? We remember that it was the LIBERALS, and not the Cons, that eliminated federal funding for social housing (public housing, cooperatives, non-profit housing etc...). And hopefully not only the NDP and the Green(s), but also the Bloc, will be keeping an eye on connivance with the petroleum industry and its program of profit through planetary death.
Thanks for blogging every day Simon. I didn't know it was something you promised you would do until harper was gone. You kept up a lot of people's spirits.
Simon thanks for your undying support for Canadian democracy and the values that makes this country great. i have a general sense that troubled times as well as times of great opportunity lay ahead for mankind if we can keep our politicians from leading us back into the primordial swamp. After a well deserved break I encourage you to use your evident talent to blog / characterize some of the issues we face and how our politicians are responding to them. It may not be as popular as "Give Harper the Boot" but just as important. Thanks again.
Jym Symond alias RT
Instant Karma where this morning harper wakes up in a city with Nenshi as mayor,Notley as Premier and Trudeau as PM, that started here in NL.Where this morning we saw a beautiful rainbow over St.John's.Simon,my man,you have my greatest respect over these last four years.I didn't always comment but I always read.Your daily message got through to many.
Rock On.
Our "hopey-changey" moment. I hope it works out better for us than it did for our American cousins.
Thank YOU so much, Simon, for your constant optimism and uplifting posts through this dark chapter in Canadian history. Many times over the last few years I felt despair that we would never get our country back, but thanks to your blog I never felt alone in wanting to get it back.
At long last, Canada is back. The tolerant, compassionate Canada that baby boomers know and love.
I would be remiss if I didn't thank you for your efforts to change Canada for the better and end the reign of the Harper regime. As a fellow blogger, I took the attitude that if a single one of my postings could convince even one Canadian to vote against Stephen Harper, I could count my efforts as successful and worthwhile.
I'm finally free from my decade long nightmare, and I got exactly what I wanted to see at both the riding and national level. I also got to see my analysis of the strength and power of Trudeau, including his ability to come back from the C51 vote which we both thought was the right call at the time for Trudeau to have made, turn out to be supported by this result. It is so nice after a decade of being Cassandra to finally not be, and to finally be able to stand down from this fight and need to be monofocused against the cancer on Canada known as Stephen J Harper.
Thanks for your patience with me Simon, and your placing the need to defeat Harper above all other considerations. I will still be around, but after last night I am feeling very tired now, as I got little sleep. I look forward to seeing the post election analysis here and elsewhere and offering my own thoughts, but until then, take care and be well my friend, and...
ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead...
And let me thank you Simon, for the untiring work and optimism in very difficult times. You lifted us almost every day for years as we wandered through that wilderness. There is always more work to do but the first, perhaps most important, shot has been fired. You have our love, our affection, and our infinite appreciation and respect.
.. you're on 'The Harper List of Enemies of Canada'.. high on the list I might add.. So props to you.. you 'glowing heart' Canadian.. for courage, coherence & concern and.. eloquence, effort, fortitude & stamina.. and artistry.. and outrage.. You outlasted and beat on the pricks partisans and creeps like a drum Wham Bam Bam Bam .. Whack Whack Whack... & take that ! .. If anybody left their mark on 'The Harper Government' .. it was Canadians like you.. and all the indy bloggers. Well done.. props to you .. unforgettable !
You did it. We did it.
This should be a national holiday.
I am sad that we have been deprived of the joy of witnessing the last words out of Harper's wormy mouth being those of his resignation, but I take solace in what was no doubt an apoplectic rage wracked his bloated body.
Good riddance to the worst rubbish. The tyrant has fallen.
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead, the witch is dead
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
A comment from the Star editorial comments section that I love.
When Harper wakes up tomorrow Nenshi will be his Mayor, Notley will be his Premier and Trudeau will be his Prime Minister.
Well done Simon,you can take a break now. And thank you.
i hope it works out better too, but to be clear - i'd be quite happy that it works out as well as it did for our american cousins - obama was one of the best things to happen to that country since i don't know when
Could it get any better than that? Yes it could have.
I would have loved to see Cons such as Pierre Poi LIE vre, Jason Kenney, Michelle Remplestiltskin, Kellie Leitch, and Steven Blaney booted.
Simon, are you going to keep the blog going and hold Trudeau's feet to the fire for all the promises he made?
There's little I can add that others haven't already said. You literally deserve the Order of Canada for your tireless efforts and for inspiring the rest of us.
the reign of terror is at an end. Thanks all for your comments and votes!
.. thwap .. you were always there every step of the way dude .. a 'glowing heart' if there ever was one ..
.. Scotian .. another outstanding 'glowing heart' Canadian .. thank you thank you thank you !
I hope you'll keep blogging even though Harper is gone now. We could still use your words. :)
Thanks so much Simon. Your dedication and your undying optimism helped us all to get through the days of darkness. You have earned a great deal of respect and affection.
Don't go away. We will probably need your blog in the future when the Liberals forget what they promised the people in favour of the oil barons.
Well Done Simon! Can I buy you a beer?
My goodness jrkrideau that is the most hilarious and apropos comment I've seen yet Nenshi came out like a champ against Harper's dead cat on the dining table strategy
"The Niqab" oh my god women are wearing it says sneak athon hyena Harper. He did not tell people that it is a minimum of six month period before a swearing in ceremony where the new citizen has already shown her face many times during that period to officials. One. Two he said over and over and over how afraid he is of the NDP and its policies Rachel you lady can now find reason to mess with his mind, demand an audit of the foul mouthed hyena please. Three strikes and he is out the man who he loves to hate Trudeau his son now can take away his citizenship hah!
But in all seriousness Simon we can never slide into the apathy that allowed Harper past the gates of sanity to rule, never eh? Here is my list for Just In Trudeau:
The only reason the right hand man of the devil made it in to power was the desiccated carcase of the liberals in 2008. If not for that and the same desiccated carcase of the Quebec Bloc that gave Jack a stunning victory we never would have had the mad man in power. I hope we learned a lesson. Never default our obligation never mind it is a right on voting day again.
Third world countries looked up to us they wanted to emulate us we fell and we fell hard into chaos under that pretend religious right wing lunatic Harper that had Justin opening brothels and crack houses on every corner. I don't think we can forgive the man he belongs locked up in a straight jacket. He stole to much from us as a culture as an identity and as a nation. Let's rebuild and fix the broken wheel of elections. FPTP must end Political Parties must end if we are to step into a global vision of true democracy. Now is not the time to become complacent and sit back on our haunches now is the time to demand Justin to skate up to the puck and score for all of Canada and humanity at the same time. So Justin I expect nothing but the best from you:
STOP the first past the post as you promised.
STOP the party system let me vote an independent that works for me in Ottawa and has my communities best interests at heart not some multinational corporation as Harper was fond of.
STOP and undo the damage your father has done when it comes to borrowing money. He changed the course and created an indebtedness to international bankers we don't need and can't afford.
Lastly let men like Edgar do their jobs to be sure all laws passed pass the constitutional and charter litmus test. Don't fail your father, please Justin.
"Canadian Journalists for Free Expression May 15, 2013 - In December 2012, Schmidt launched a legal case against the Attorney General of Canada, alleging that lawyers were being told not to fulfill..."
When it comes to this Justin our democracy is mocked I expect you to make changes as you promised toute suite...
I love Canada and the corporate vultures will only steal it over my dead carcase and I ain't ready to die just yet...
Am I asking too much?
I liked the carton with Harper and Jason best! Yes, what if he had been ready?????
He was, he is and now we can get back to enjoying our country. I felt a lot better last night knowing a Canadian citizen is a Canadian citizen and no back room politician is going to take away our citizenship. people ought to be sent to jail for criminal acts, but you still remain a Canadian if you are one.
The tyrant is out of the P.M. office. Watching those Cons loose their jobs, was nice. Now they can figure out how to get by without their limos and perks. It is to be hoped all politicians learn a lesson from this. Canadians can be pushed only so far and then they don't care about the money. they want their country and their rights back.
lagatta, That was his father. Justin was just a small child. I just hate it when people blame Justin for his fathers deed's. As for angry Mulcair, he hammered Trudeau for the last few weeks because he simply knew that he was not going to be Canada's next PM. Just that the possibility that Justin was the man to unseat Harper. So he paid the ultimate price for attacking PM Trudeau and lost a lot of MP's his own as well. I am happy the cons were beaten but I am sad that you should attack a smart man who lead a great campaign. Canada is proud of the new PM. He will do a great job. Any attack on Trudeau is an attack to his wife and family. The green party will stick with PM Trudeau. Justin was the one that invited her to the debates, not Harper and not angry Mulcair. Irene
Well, Simon, that's one battle over but the big challenges, all of them, remain. There wasn't much we could do about them before, not with Harper keeping a lid on everything. Now the real work begins and we'll see from that what's really inside our new prime minister. Trudeau will need immense strength, vision and courage to build the sort of Canada his children and all our kids and grandkids will need and deserve. To get the sort of change that's needed he'll have to fight his own side, the Bay Street contingent, as much as he'll have to whip the opposition. I hope he's up to that challenge.
For now - and for the next couple of months - it's time to catch our breath. Now we can watch the conclusion of the Duffy trial as a minor amusement. Pax vobiscum.
Jenney pig snout got her face bashed in by da boss! Its over for now Simon, you know some mornings you are going to miss Harper bashing, NAH! My Canada has Trudeau as Prime Minister!
hi bcwaterboy....I must admit it also took me a while to absorb what had happened. As you know I was always confident that we could do it. But I thought we would have to cobble together a coalition to get the job done. While that would have been good in the sense that it would force progressives to work together, it also would have been fraught with danger. Harper would have tried to make it sound like some kind of alien threat, and who knows what he might have done to muddy or poison the waters. So I think a Liberal majority is just as well, and I have been very impressed by Justin Trudeau's performance. I think he represents our values well. So yeah, sunny days forever....
hi JD....yes we are free again, and isn't it an amazing feeling? The ghastly shroud Stephen Harper tried to wrap us in has been torn off and we can go back to being Canadians. Not perfect, but a hell of a lot better than the grim paranoid Harperland the monster would condemn us to live in. And judging from the stories I have read in the foreign media Justin has already started to repair our image in the eyes of the world.
All the best to you and all the others who helped save our Canada....
hi lagatta....as I made clear during the campaign, I was hoping for a coalition government. But the NDP and the Greens and others will get their proper chance once the FTP voting system is changed. And for now I am quite happy to have a Justin Trudeau majority government. His performance during the campaign was excellent, and he does embody generational change which I believe this country needs. He is also very warm and human. And I like that too. After the iceman Harper it's such a pleasant change. And as for the NDP, although it lost some very good people, and I'm sorry about that. It still retains a significant presence and it did us all a huge favour by defeating Gilles Duceppe. For his presence, especially if the Bloc had managed to hold the balance of power, would only have complicated matters. So let';s see how things go, but right now I couldn't be happier and I'm enjoying Justin's show....
hi thwap....thanks, and thank you for your support and for your righteous anger which helped motivate me to keep on going. And yes my vow to blog every day until the Cons were defeated was a vow I made years ago., one I must admit I occasionally regretted. ;) My contribution to the struggle wasn't that great, but I was happy to be able to help keep up the spirits of progressives. But I was able to motivate a group of young progressives across the country who I called the Great Canadian resistance, and they did great work. Not just inspiring other young people, but also by monitoring the covert activities of some Cons and preventing them from spreading their poison on the internet, and hacking our sites. Canada owes them a huge debt of gratitude. As for me, I'll keep blogging because I enjoy writing, but it might not be every day, and it might be a little different, which is good. And I agree with the salamander, you do have a glowing heart if ever there was one....
hi Jym....thanks and my thanks to you for your support and your work to try to depose the Con monster. I am too am hopeful, that we are entering a new era. And I will keep blogging to try to nudge progressives to go for the brave change we need. As you probably know my special interests are helping the poor and the sick. So I will be able to spend more time on promoting a seniors's strategy, and strengthening our medicare system. And after ten years of getting by with very little sleep I look forward to spending a lot more time snoozing... ;)
Hopefully you will stay active. Now we need to keep Justin Trudeau accountable. This may actually be easier. We will see.
hi anon...now that is a lovely thought. Harper waking up to face his new nightmare reality. I thought Nenshi was brilliant and brave to stand up to the hideous bigotry our depraved tyrant was promoting. And as you know I have a very special place in my heart for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. So when I saw that red wave smothering the Cons out there, I was clapping my hands and whooping with joy.
Well done, and yes let's rock on forever....
hi UU4077...I hope so too, and I don't see why it can't. The U.S. is a country afflicted with all kinds of problems on a scale that dwarf any we have here. We do have our problems and challenges, like improving the lives of our aboriginal people, and both embracing and celebrating what they contribute to Canada. But if I didn't think we were capable of great things, I never would have bothered blogging for a better Canada. We can do it, and my hope is eternal....
hi anon...thanks for those kind words, which I find flattering and humbling. I didn't realize until recently how many people I had managed to cheer up during the darkness of the Harper years. And I am so happy to hear that, it couldn't be more wonderful. My closest friend like to gently make fun of me for being like the boy who was always looking for a pony in a heap of manure. But now I can tell them, look we found the pony. Let's all ride it to better days...
hi political junkie...yes, isn't it great to be able to say that our Canada is back? We must seize this opportunity with both hands, and rebuild our tolerant compassionate country. And let me thank you for your blogging efforts, for your posts were always excellent, very well researched, and I'm sure you convinced many Canadians why they needed to vote against Stephen Harper and his alien Cons. So well done and keep up the good work....
hi Scotian...yes this must be a very special day for you. Your confidence in Justin Trudeau was not misplaced, and what he has achieved is truly amazing. You did recognize the curse of the Cons sooner than many others, and I always enjoyed reading your posts, even if some were the length of novels. ;)
But they only showed how committed you were to a better Canada. I will also be glad to be able to be free from focusing so much on Stephen Harper. He is as he proved again during that long campaign just a squalid little man, and the only way I could immunize myself from his toxic poison was to mock him as hard as I could, so there could be absolutely no doubt what I thought of him and his no class gang. So rest up you deserve it. And yes ding dong the wicked witch is dead ....
hi salamander...yes you are right again, Scotian is another "glowing heart" and BTW so are you...
hi Kirby....thank you my friend, for your sweet comment. I am getting far too many of them, and I don't deserve such praise. But I'll accept it gratefully, and coming from you it is particularly special. For I have always enjoyed your posts. I love the way every blogger has a unique style, and your posts are always incredibly thoughtful, and interesting. I hope you will keep them up. And yes isn't it great that we are finally out of the darkness and into the light. I couldn't be more happy, and look forward to urging progressives to keep up the fight for real change in Canada and the world...
hi Salamander...well I certainly hope I am on Harper's List of Enemies of Canada, for I couldn't think of a greater honour. And if I'm not I'll sue the, !!!! ;)
But yes they did try to get me in different ways over the years. I blame them for inspiring a mentally ill man to come after me with knife years ago. And they have tried a few other dirty tricks in an attempt to intimidate me. But luckily I have been well guarded, so apart from that one incident, their ugliness has never bothered me. And I have been able to do my work in peace. But thank you for your kind words, and my congratulations to you and all the other members of our blogging family for never giving up, and helping us arrive at this happy moment....
hi Noah...yes we did it, and it should be a national holiday. I have never been prouder of my fellow Canadians than I was last night. It took them a while to get angry enough to get organized. But when they finally did they took down the walls of the Con castle as if they were made of sand. It was, as I said in my post, very disappointing that the monster was too cowardly to publicly announce he was resigning. But having him scuttle away like a rat is just as satisfying, and seems only appropriate. Celebrate our victory Noah, and let's work to make our country even better and more beautiful....
hi jrkrideau....yes indeed, I'm skipping down the yellow brick road with the munchkins today. I usually have an idiot grin on my face, but today it was even wider. Even though I had to go to the hospital today and have a giant needle stuck into my arm, and a considerable amount of blood extracted. But that only made me think what incredible damage Stephen Harper might have done to our marvellous medicare system had he obtained another majority mandate. We have been given a new lease on life, so let's hope we can use it to make this country even better...
hi Mogs...yes you are right, we should never allow ourselves to get into a situation where a cruel and monstrous man like Stephen Harper could hijack our country. I was very encouraged by the signs of democratic awakening in this country that I witnessed during this campaign. We must guard our democracy more carefully in the future for without it we have nothing. And no Mogs you are not asking too much. We all need to stand guard for our country and fight for a better world...
hi David....well of course it could have been even better. And for a while last night I thought that Poilievre was about to bite the dust, which had me incredibly excited for obvious reasons. But think of it this way, Skippy is now about to find himself in a life and death struggle with the poisonous Jason Kenney for the leadership of the Con party. Hopefully like two scorpions in a bottle they will sting themselves to death. And should either one be chosen they will help kill the Cons for a generation....
P.S. I discovered the other day that like the witch Rempel, Kenney has blocked me from his Twitter feed, even though I have never written anything on his site. Needless to say I am going to have to take stern action... ;)
hi David...I will keep this blog going, and I will continue to struggle for a better world, and if Justin does break his promises, particularly the ones to scrap Bill C-51 and our present voting system, I will protest loudly. But I am pretty confident that won't be necessary because I have no reason to believe that Justin is not a man of his word, and he does have his heart in the right place....
hi JustCallMeRick....thanks for that, but I'll only accept one if you and all the others get one too. For it was a collective effort. That's the best part about it, and that's what inspired me to keep going....
hi Deb...yes the reign of terror is finally over, and all our Canadian institutions like our medicare system, and the CBC and so many others are I hope finally safe. It's an enormous relief, and I couldn't be happier. ...
hi anon...I will keep blogging, for while the Cons may have been driven from power, there are many others still active out there, like the ones who control the MSM, and they will do all they can to damage our efforts to rebuild this country. I might take some time off now and then but I'm not going anywhere....
hi Editor...thank you for that. I must admit I am really moved all the incredibly kind comments I have received. As I said above I don't feel I deserve them, and they do make me blush, But I am grateful for all those kind words, and if I was able to cheer up progressives during this dark years I am happy and more than satisfied. My optimism came from this big beautiful and still young country, and I was damned if I was going to let the Cons steal it. And as i found out very early in life, there is nothing bullies hate more than someone laughing in their face....
hi anon...I'm not going anywhere, and if anyone breaks their promises to the Canadian people, I will let them know what I feel about that....
hi p2p....thanks for the offer, but I don't drink. My Scottish granny once muttered the dire warning that those who start late are the WORST. But so far so good... ;)
hi e,a,f...yes that cartoon was a good one. And it is so deliciously ironic that Great Leader was brought down in such a convincing manner by a man he had declared to be not ready. What kind of Buffoon Leader is he? And yes I really enjoyed the sight of all those Con ministers losing their jobs. No more limos for them. And you're right, I too was impressed by the number of Canadians who told the Cons they can keep their bribes and just give them their country back....
hi Mound....you're absolutely right, removing that maniac from power is just the first step in an even harder and longer struggle. For as you have pointed out so eloquently over the years, if we don't win the battle to save the planet, or radically change our corrupt economic system, it will all be in vain. And as you also point out the Bay Street sharks are NOT on our side. I am encouraged though by the fact that many of the young voters who finally made their presence felt, were motivated by those greater issues. As for the Duffy trial, I can only hope that now that Harper is out of office, Bayne might decide to try to get him to testify, for I sure would enjoy that. There must be some way we can send him to prison... ;)
hi anon...yes I see that Byrne has ended up on Harper's enemy list. How horrible for that Con hog who used to go around wearing a t-shirt with the words "I've got the hots for Harper" on it. And you're right ,there may be some mornings I will be sorry I don't have Harper to kick around anymore. But they will be few and far between. For as I said above, he is a squalid little man, and it pained me to have to spend so much time attacking him, when all he deserves is richly earned obscurity...
Simon we have gotten a wake up call with this man you call 'monster' and we literally have to concede some blame by allowing him. No more i say as Mound of Sound says I agree we have to we must hold Trudeau's feet to the fire and if he fails us brimstone. There can be no other way we are the guardians of democracy not our government they are our office boys and girls lets not forget that and we must keep them in line.
Thanks Simon for your persistence and perception over these last nine years. And for your passion and outrage. You never gave up!
Ottawa Rally, October 20
Kelly and Kaylen Prescott on writing Justin Trudeau’s victory song: “It was an absolute honour”
"We're Ready"
No, it was after Pierre Trudeau that federal funding for social housing was cut. It was either Chrétien or Martin; I'll have to check. I wasn't blaming Trudeau for things that happened after he was PM, and perhaps even after his death! I said Liberals, not Trudeau. But Trudeau fils signed up for that party.
Others than Canadians seem happy to have Harper gone. Some Australians seem rather happy. I'd almost think that Harper was not popular on the world stage.
Just wanted to offer you some hospitality and appreciation for your great work.
How 'bout a kale smoothie? A latte grande? A mineral water? ... Diet Coke?
All the best,
I wonder if Benjy Yahoo has phoned and congratulated Trudeau.
Good evening Simon. I too love your site and visit it every day. I am sorry that the NDP didn't win more seats but I blame all that on Mulcair who kept attacking Justin Trudeau on live television.. He was known with my friends as Angry Mulcair, I am guessing that he did that because Trudeau was out performing him. Mulcair went from 91 seats to just over forty right now. I too go your site everyday. The best blog that I have found
Thanks Simon. Now I can happily sing Oh Canada our home and native land, glorious and free.
I could not agree with you more - This is a new day - I am still high as a kite and I don't smoke ANYTHING!
Yes my friend We did it and we should all be proud. The bigot, the tyrant, the bully is gone only he stayed way too long.
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