It was weird out there last night. A massive modern art show was going on all over the city, from dusk to dawn.
And in my neighbourhood there were all kinds of strange and disturbing sights. Like people writhing on the sidewalk, or a hall full of 30,000 black paper moths, which when you were there seemed to close in on you in a threatening manner.

But it was the raven figure on the wall that I found most chilling. For it made me think of Stephen Harper lurking in the darkness trying to figure out how to increase the climate of fear.
And then I saw this story.

The Citizen has obtained a series of photographs, spanning a period of less than two minutes, that show the terrible drama of the shooting at the War Memorial, including the last known photograph of Cpl. Cirillo taken before Zehaf-Bibeau started firing seconds later.
These photos are not the work of a professional photographer, nor are they grabbed from security camera footage. Instead, they were taken by a French visitor as he waited with his wife to hop on a tour bus. From the first casual snapshots of the Memorial to the deliberate photographs of a killer in action, these shocking images fill in important gaps in the record.
And the first thought that came into my mind was why NOW? And how convenient.
The pictures have been out there for almost a year, but are just now being made public two weeks before an election?
In a campaign where Stephen Harper and his poisonous Australian monkey Lynton Crosby are playing the fear and loathing card for all its worth, to try to scare Canadians into voting for the Cons...

Now it may be just a coincidence, part of the Citizen's coverage of the upcoming anniversary of that tragic shooting. But in this ghastly Harperland, in the rotting land of the Big Lie, I've come to believe that paranoia is a higher state of consciousness.
And since there is no doubt that Harper and his poisonous monkey will use those pictures to stir up emotions, I'd like to know more about how those pictures came to be published at this critical point in the campaign.
Because this is the situation. While some polls are encouraging.
Others like the latest Ekos poll suggest Harper could be heading for a majority.

With just 17 days until Election Day, the Conservative Party holds a clear (albeit somewhat narrowed) lead. Our poll of last week was controversial at the time as no one else was showing a clear Conservative lead. Our internal daily tracking (now being shared after the fact) shows that the Conservative Party has held the lead for 15 consecutive days and they now find themselves in roughly the same range as where they were at this stage of the 2011 election campaign.
And just the thought that he could snatch another bloody majority is enough to drive that depraved leader hog wild...

And make him capable of doing anything. Legal or illegal, false flag or not.
For the moment he introduced his grotesque wedge issues, and his monstrous "barbaric cultural practices" campaign, complete with a snitch line...

He crossed the dividing line between democracy and fascism.
He couldn't be more desperate or dangerous.
And as Frank Graves points out, the opposition badly needs to change the channel.
The race is anything but settled and is still very much open, but as long as the focus remains on these (wedge) issues, the opposition may be unable to change the channel to the issues that they want to talk about (for example, the economy and middle class). The opposition parties need to raise the volume on economy and consider their own values narrative about how core progressive values are threatened.
Or as I have strongly suggested, use Lynton Crosby as a blunt weapon against Stephen Harper. By accusing him of using a scummy foreigner to divide Canadians.

And of being a traitor to this country and its values.
Now I happen to believe that Justin Trudeau probably has the momentum to deny Stephen Harper a majority.
But we can't take any chances. We must attack the Cons harder than we ever have before. We can't play patty cake any longer. Not with just fifteen days to go.
For the stakes are just too high.
The night of the raven is upon us. Dark things are happening out there.
And this monster couldn't be more dangerous...

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Looks fake to me. Postmedia and Dr. Leitch should be ashamed of themselves. But they won't be.
And did any journalist interview the 'French tourist' about the authenticity of the photographs?
After reading this post and a Star article promoting the idea that Harper is not worried about strategic voting I made another donation to the campaign and encourage everyone to do the same. If enough people support strategic voting in key swing ridings it will contain this divisive war / fear mongering oily con artist to a minority government at best. Once that happens and a few strategic gate keepers are changed the suppressed stories will start to surface and the Con regime will become an interesting page in the history books. We really need to stop them before they become a whole chapter and possibly the final chapter in Canadian history.
Liberals will win. Harper can't last, even that nasty dog Lynton Crosby can't help him. It would be terrible if he suffered a heart attack or something wicked. He deserves it, supporting the tobacco lobby and propping up a racist agenda.
Harper's laughable comments about marijuana showed Canadians he's never using science or statistics. The TPP will be Harper's Achilles's heel.
Harper will go out with a puff of smoke.
Why isn't the MSM exposing the tactics of Crosby? eg. behind the scenes stuff from the Con war room, etc.
Surely there's one Con with a conscience who would want to spill the beans. Oh, I forgot, there're all zombies doing Harper's and Crosby's bidding.
TPP deal, something about having to eat dead rats, oh great:
Here is an article that shows how much money Big Pharma has spent lobbying the U.S. government over the TPP:
The caption should read "This is how Stephen Harper protects Canadians 2 days after another soldier was murdered by a madman".
Steve and his cons are playing the Canadian version of the "race card". You had suggested he might and he has. There is nothing we can do about it. Steve's business is staying in power and he will do it any way he can. Its not a moral issue with him, because in his "heart" he believes he is right, but as Christy clark in B.C. says in her heart she is whatever she needs to be that day.
We can only hope Canadians are too smart to fall for it. if they aren't then they get the government they deserve. They can feel really, really good about ensuring a couple of women didn't get to become Canadian citizens while Veterans are once again treated like disposable garbage and their medical system is destroyed. They can also watch Canada deport people from Canada who were born here. its what they voted for so they can live with it or if there is little medical care, die with their decision. Me, I'll be one of those who can be deported. I wasn't born here. I will get dual citizenship so I can at least have health coverage in the country I was born in and left at 18 months old.
The Cons 'accidentally' targeted Canadians for retaliation through aggressive action in the middle east . This then allowed them to justify more war mongering and restrictive laws as a result of the misguided retaliation. You will notice that Harper was fully protected before hand with multiple million dollar expansion of his security budget. For everyone else it is after the fact. This includes our overseas embassies, Canadians traveling aboard, public gatherings, etc. If we are going to "talk the talk" and "walk the walk" we should be prepared to pay for it beforehand... not after the fact. Alternatively we could spend our resources helping people and leave the warmongering to the professionals.
Hiring a foreigner to help you undermine Canadian values to win an election. #BarbaricCulturalPractices #cdnpoli
Why Stephen Harper has no fear of strategic voting: Hepburn
Stephen Harper must smile to himself every time he reads articles about how Liberal and NDP supporters plan to vote strategically to defeat him and his Conservative candidates.
He is smiling because the reality is Harper has no real fear that a successful, unified assault on Tory candidates will materialize.
That’s because, as past close elections have shown, the impact of strategic voting has been minimal, affecting only a handful of extremely tight races in individual ridings.
In recent days, near-panic has started to emerge among progressive voters who fear Harper and the Conservatives will be re-elected, possibly with a majority government, in the election just over two weeks from now.
When he speaks of his childhood, Stephen Harper describes an idyllic family, safe neighbourhood and a life so happy it would have made the heartwarming art of Norman Rockwell look like Edvard Munch’s The Scream.
I would love to have a chat with the Harper teenagers!
hi anon....I think they're the real thing, but the question is why did the police never let us know those pictures existed, and did anyone in the PMO arrange for those pictures to be released two weeks before an election? And yes, what might Harper be planning next?
hi RT....yes I saw the Bob Hepburn article, but I found it less than convincing. He bases his whole thesis on what has happened in the past, without seeming to realize that this time it's quite different. Never have there been so many voters prepared to vote strategically, and never have we had the resources to better make an informed choice. As you know the Leadnow campaign is focusing on 32 ridings, and by just winning those we can drive the Cons out of power. And good for you for supporting them. The more money they have the more polls they can run...
hi anon...yes, I think Justin has the momentum now that barring any disasters in the next two weeks could at the very least deny Harper a minority. And once we do that we really can put Harper in a bong and smoke him... ;)
hi David...I don't know why the MSM isn't complaining about what Crosby is doing to the election campaign. That campaign has his fingerprints all over it, and it is so disgusting it should be denounced. I do know that Jenni Byrne and others in her faithful posse have their noses out of joint. So maybe I should phone Byrne at Con headquarters and ask her for a comment... ;)
hi Hugh...that is a grotesque quote isn't it? But is does seem appropriate because as see know the whole deal stinks...
hi political junkie...yes that's another good article. And I'm not surprised that Big Pharma is leading the big business pack. This ghastly deal is just the latest way for it to extend patent protections, and charge us all more for drugs. Just at a time when Canada finds itself preparing to cope with an aging population. Harper may think it's his legacy moment, but it could be his final act...
hi JD...yes indeed, those sentries were sitting ducks, and the security on Parliament Hill was shown to be farcical. But don't accept Harper to take any blame. He exploited the deaths of those two soldiers in a shameless manner, and tried to turn a madman's actions into some kind of ISIS conspiracy to better scare Canadians. While cowering in a closet. If it wasn't so tragic it would be hilarious....
hi RT...I agree, Harper's belligerent policies have led us only to disaster. What Libya has become should be his true legacy. Reducing a country to rubble and turning it into a terrorist paradise. And all because just as in Iraq and Syria oil was involved. And let's not mention Afghanistan, where these days the Taliban are running wild. There is a role Canada could play with a muscular peacekeeping force, but Harper would rather be a Great Warrior Leader no matter what it costs us, or what it does to our reputation in the world....
hi truly is a disgusting game, and his latest plan to create several classes of citizens is the absolute limit. But I can't help but feel that he has made a big mistake, and that it will come back to haunt him on election day. In his bid to divide Canadians he has made many feel like they don't belong here, and they will make him pay for that....
hi anon...yes I saw that hashtag and contributed a couple of tweets. As I was telling e.a.f., I think Harper is making a big mistake. He has been tearing at the fabric of Canadian society, and it could cost him dearly...
hi anon...thanks for the link, I really like that graphic, and we can't help spread it enough. I can't understand why the progressive parties haven't woven Crosby into the narrative, because the more people know about his track record, the more it will hurt Harper. I can't understand why the anti-Harper parties haven't been harder on him. Heather Mallick suggests that it's because we are too nice. But we really have to take the gloves off now before it's too late....
hi anon...yes I read that Hepburn story, but as I mentioned above, I wasn't too impressed. And the reason I'm not is because Hepburn's analysis is based on what happened in the past. And the situation this time is quite different. More people are prepared to vote strategically than ever before, and they have more information than ever before to help guide their choice....
hi anon...yes I forced myself to read that story, even though I was familiar with the central event, the strange disappearance of his grandfather. Who BTW had a lisp and was known as "poof." However since his upbringing was so safe and idyllic, one can only conclude that his problems must be genetic. He inherited the genes of the first Harper who had to be forcibly removed from office, an we're all paying for it....
I do hope it comes back to haunt him on election day, but as with many things, people don't believe it can happen to them. they think they are part of the group Steve won't come after. Some will get a big surprise if Steve is re elected with a majority. Women may find their ability to make choices are narrowed. People may find their friends, family, etc. won't be getting the medical care they thought they would. You see the middle class thinks Steve has their interests at heart. What they don't understand is Steve doesn't. Steve has his own interests at heart and that has more to do with 'free trade deals" with any 2 bit country that wants access to Canada's market and resources. Steve's interests are those in his version of the bible. His religion takes priority, not our democratic rights.
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