"I can only say this, and I say it with all sincerity and genuine concern for our great country: a majority government for Stephen Harper would be one of the most negative political events in Canadian history."
"The only reason we haven't seen his full plan for Canada implemented is because he had a minority government to keep him in check....There is nothing Harper will not do in order to win a majority government. "
My hero Danny.
Meanwhile .... what were OUR party leaders up to?
Hmmm....let's see....I saw Stephane Dion trying to explain his Green Shift to a group of children who looked like their heads were going to explode. But who can blame the kiddies when their parents don't understand it either? How can a tax be GOOD for you? Duh?
Although there was one moment that REALLY impressed me. When Dion was asked about the attack ads and bullying. And he said he had been picked on all his life...but he was a big boy... and would never use attack ads against his enemies. Mark my words. He may never be Prime Minister...but one day he'll be canonized. Or should that be MARTYRED?
And then there was Jack Layton of the NEW NDP, framed against a backdrop of that other brilliant and successful organization...General Motors. I have no idea what he was trying to flog, because all he was talking about was why he had decided to allow Elizabeth May to participate in The Big Debate.

And why Harper was to blame for the annoying debate debate "distraction." Even though if he had agreed to let May participate, and Harper had boycotted the debate, Great Pig Leader would have looked like an idiot instead of Jack.
Finally in some small basement somewhere in Canada there was Elizabeth May, celebrating her Big Debate debate victory. She looked like a REAL winner. The five or six people in the room with her looked really pumped up too. First we take the debate ......then we take PARLIAMENT !!! Oh goody goody. Now I won't have to vote for the Marijuana Party.
Oh yeah I forgot. I saw Gilles Duceppe standing under an apple tree somewhere in Quebec. He looked so depressed and beat up I thought he was going to resign there and then. Instead of waiting for the day after the election. But then who cares?
As for Stephen Harper I don't know what he was up to, but I can only imagine. No doubt sobbing in some Con bunker somewhere, his corkscrew piggy tail hanging limply between his haunches. And who can blame him? If you were Great Pig Leader wouldn't you be SOOOOO depressed to have the centre-left coming at you in four pieces instead of just three?
Or do you think he's prancing around on his hind trotters? Shouting Oinky !!!! Oinky !!!! Oinky!!!
Oh boy. All I can say is thank goodness Newfoundland joined Canada so we have Danny Williams to tell it like it is. And issue the final warning.
And two...
From now on.
I'll be wearing my favourite t-shirt.
A lot...

Simon, this is hysterical (and so bloody true):
If you were Great Pig Leader wouldn't you be SOOOOO depressed to have the centre-left coming at you in four pieces instead of just three?
Or do you think he's prancing around on his hind trotters? Shouting Oinky !!!! Oinky !!!! Oinky!!!
I totally agree with you about Danny Williams. Oh and Joe Clark made a statement that made me miss politicians of days gone by - when substance had more value than cliched sound bites.
.. a majority government for Stephen Harper would be one of the most negative political events in Canadian history
so very true
Hi Beijing york !! I'm glad you found it funny. I just had to get the frustration off my back. I just wish the other leaders could express themselves as clearly and strongly as Danny Williams does. (I love that little island at its people.)
But now that I've said what I had to say I'm going to concentrate on the Cons. Good luck to all the progressive parties ...and the best one will get my vote....
Hi Sassy !!! Yes I might have to put that one in my sidebar... :)
The progressive side can have its squabbles, and argue over who would best represent us, but they should never forget that we all need to stop Harper from getting a majority.
And that we need to remind less political Canadians what that would mean.
Like for example...I would have to apply for refugee status in the
Magdalen Islands. Help !!! :)
Magdalen Islands? - do they have bunkers there?
I think that when Quebec finally sees Harper for what he is, they will renew their interest in separating. My pick is the Gaspsé area of Quebec. So beautiful, still mostly unspoiled and lots of dog friendly beaches.
Hey Simom, I almost forgot .. and perhaps not really off topic.
Happy Anti-bullying day.
Hi Sassy!! No they don't have bunkers there, but I have a seal suit....and I LOVE mussels !! :)
As for anti-bully day thank you. I'm ashamed to admit that I've been so obsessed with the campaigns in Canada and the U.S. I forgot all about it.
I'll have to make up for that. Although if the Harperites win a majority bullied kids will get no more help. So the election is important.
In the meantime.... here's to those great kids and the great province of Nova Scotia !!!!!
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