I have followed Jason Kenney's long and sordid career for years, and I have watched him disgrace himself over and over again.
In Ottawa he was appalling, in Alberta he is threatening to be even more deplorable.
His ugly outbursts are legendary.
And his latest meltdown couldn't be more disturbing.

Or more disgusting.
United Conservative Leader Jason Kenney is standing by insults he made in a newspaper column about the intelligence of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
"I know Justin. He doesn't have a clue what he's doing," Kenney said. "This guy is an empty trust-fund millionaire who has the political depth of a finger bowl. "He can't read a briefing note longer than a cocktail napkin."
Or more hypocritical.
The comments were published one day after Kenney remarked on what he considers a lack of decorum inside the Alberta legislature, a frequent complaint of his since becoming an MLA earlier this year.
"So now I see we're back to the NDP attacking their opponents," Kenney said in the house Tuesday. "But that's all right, Mr. Speaker. When they go low, we'll go high.
Especially since Justin Trudeau has more academic qualifications than Kenney, who has only ever been a professional politician.
And while Justin is unfailingly polite, Kenney has never been known for his decorum...

But is known for being one of the porkiest Cons this country has ever seen.
Now I don't follow Alberta politics that closely, so I have no idea why Kenney erupted, and blew what was left of his credibility right out of the window.
Has his cowardly decision to encourage his bestial party to go after LGBT children come back to haunt him?

And brought back repressed memories of his own childhood.
Or has losing sixty pounds with a crash diet proven to be more than he can bear?

Has the slimmer Kenney found it even harder to maintain his chastity vows?
Or is it just because Rachel Notley, with the help of Justin Trudeau, has been able to out-pipeline him?
And driven him over the deep end...

Who knows, I don't. Closet queens and chastity vows are just not my thing.
But what I do know is that Kenney's meltdown should be seen as a warning of something really dangerous.
For if Kenney becomes Premier, and Trudeau doesn't give him what he wants, does anybody seriously doubt that he wouldn't try to take Alberta out of Canada?
Isn't it obvious where this story is going?
Could the choice be any starker?

Stop Jason Kenney now.
Before it's too late.
And he blows this country apart...
Kenny is the poster child of scorched earth politics.
Trudeau might well be an air-head. But Kenney is a zero. As was his dullard of a boss; stephen - "pants-pissing coward who likes to war military costumes" - harper.
Aw you didn't post the video of him dancing at some festival. That one always cheers me up.
If he wasn’t trying to hurt people, I’d feel sad for him.
Trudeau is far from an airhead. You don't teach mathematics at a prestigious prep school in B.C. if you're an idiot. He's a Renaissance man and a better actor than the reality-TV Trump cons give him credit for. He takes pride in being thought of as a "geek." If anything, playing up his colorful personality and fondness for "retail politics" (which he himself says he picked up as a trait from his maternal grandfather, Jim Sinclair) has helped him immensely in the media-saturated landscape. Think Kennedy in 1960 with television, and Obama in 2008 with (what later proved to turn ugly) the Internet and social media. Trump is obviously a media-savvy Twitter aficionado too, but I don't think anyone would consider him a "stable genius" in the least.
A bookish introvert like Pierre, brilliant and encyclopedic as he was, would have no chance in today's soundbite culture. Remember Hillary being criticized for being "overprepared"? Justin doesn't know everything -- neither did Pierre, neither does anyone -- but he's smart enough to bring on a team of qualified and capable people in the cabinet to help cover all bases. All Harper did was appoint braindead storm-trooper sycophants like his puppet boy Scheer.
You're right about Kenney being a zero, though. Scheer, meanwhile, is a divide-by-zero error. It doesn't take knowledge of quantum computing or an ability to make the Kessel run in twelve parsecs to understand that. ^_^
If Pierre can stare down gun-toting QuΓ©bec separatists and not flinch, then Justin can deal with a pantywaist like Kenney and the toothless deplorables in those Alberta militia groups. As Papa said of Nixon when Tricky Dick called him an asshole, "I've been called worse things by better people." Justin won't say so publicly but I'm sure he feels the same way about Kenney.
Justin might have a more sunny-ways personality than his often grouchy dad, who could fire off a snarky quip, a "fuddle-duddle" or even a Salmon Arm Salute like a rubber-band slingshot. But if anything, it only makes the cons underestimate him and then get surprised when they find themselves walloped and their heads spinning. It's quite a feat to perform Jedi mind tricks on idiots who don't have minds to trick.
Justin's a boxer. He follows the rope-a-dope strategy of Muhammad Ali, as I'm sure Patrick Brazeau will no doubt attest to. Let them huff and puff and waste every ounce of energy they have until they practically knock themselves out. Jason, the swamp dweller in the hockey mask, is just the latest cocky opponent to do exactly that.
Just another populist rant on pipeline politics. A modern democratic disease threatening to kill western democracy. At the root is an alternate universe with simple minded solutions to complex problems that requires absolute political power over democratic institutions to implement. Although politics were always populist to some extent, in the past the rash promises were made during the campaign and then the elected went off and did whatever was practical within the constraints of a slowly evolving democratic system. Now thanks to social media it has become a high stakes game where the cycle never ends. If votes were obtained by promising a pipeline or a wall then you had dammed well better do it or convince your followers that they have to double down and destroy the others who are preventing implementation. NEVER EVER admit that perhaps the idea was just plain dumb or that it was a good idea whose time has passed! Its now propaganda 24/7 and any honest effort to present scientific information ( or from any other valid sources ) is viewed as partisan fakery if they do not fit the illusion.
Counter measures such as fact checkers and anti propaganda/semblance of truth rules are slowly emerging but will it be too little to late or will the current trend lead to a significant part of humanity being sucked down one of the evolving rabbit holes where the outcome is unknown?
The pipeline debate is a classic example of dumbing down the facts because the political parties cannot trust the population with information. For example modern risk assessment can determine the probability of a bitumen spill and its economic/environmental consequences versus the cost/consequences of a spill with upgraded light oil versus fully upgrading the oil and selling the distillate in Canada and aboard. The facts are there but rather than discussing their accuracy and negotiating a 50% + agreement the politicians are busy debating whether or not the finger bowl has lemon in it.
I think Kenney must be getting frustrated. He can't out pipeline Notley, and despite losing sixty pounds he's still chaste. :p
Sounds like the incels have representation in Parliament.
You are so right Jackie. JT is no airhead. I had the pleasure of conversing with him for a few hours 11 years ago, before he entered politics. What I found was a very friendly, intelligent man who constantly asked for and soaked up information like no one I've ever met before. He also displayed no semblance of being privileged or expecting any special treatment so I tend to just roll my eyes when ignorant comments are thrown his way.
Good one Jackie! ππππ
Hi Steve...I believe Kenney’s Approach to politics is shaped by his chastity vows. Chastity is not a healthy condition and has a tendency to produce the kind of scorched earth politics you mention. Needless to say I wouldn’t even share an elevator ride with him.... π³
Although the possibility of a spill off the BC coast is extremely low it is not zero. Because the density of the heavy oil is greater than water most of it would sink making it difficult if not impossible to clean up. Unless there is evidence I am not aware of, the long term toxic effect on marine life, human life and associated economic activity would be devastating. Why would the people along the coast accept this risk? Normally when there is risk there are compensation agreements and insurance policies in place to cover the loss. In this instance it is very doubtful there is anything other than an impossible guarantee it will never happen and a few feel good dollars to quieten those with the most to loose. Companies faced with huge liabilities simply declare bankruptcy and move on leaving the victims to fight with the government for some form of compensation for something they did not want in the first place. As a minimum the various levels of government should take the much debated carbon tax revenues and finance an environmental disaster fund that could act as a cushion if the impossible happens. If nothing happens it could be returned to the people or used to clean up the numerous legacy issues that are normally left to future tax payers. Compared to Norway, Alberta/Canada have squandered their oil resources in the past with Kenny and the Cons doing their best to make it worse in the future. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/11/oil-fund-norway-millionaires_n_4576887.html
Hi Thwap...I don’t agree that Trudeau is an airhead. He may not be as intellectual as his father, but he is a decent person, which in the world we live in is a scarce quality. I do however agree that Kenney is a loser, a 50-year-old man who punishes himself with a chastity vow, and lives only for politics. In another age he would be working for the inquisition and torturing anybody who dared disagree with him. The fact that he is so popular in Alberta doesn’t say much about that province. And Godzilla help Canada when he becomes Premier...
Hi anon@11:04 AM....sorry about that, but don’t worry I have it in my files and I’m sure I’ll find a good excuse to run it soon...π€
Hi anon@11:58 AM...I might be able to feel sorry for Kenney because the thought of a repressed homosexual vowing to remain chaste until he marries a woman is something I find deeply depressing. But he has hurt LGBT children in his bid to remain “pure” and for that I can’t forgive him. Ever...
Hi Jackie...I think you’re right, Pierre Trudeau would have had a lot of trouble operating in today’s environment. I admired him greatly, but he was not perfect. His views of women were retrograde, and his authoritarian tendencies resulted in hundreds of people being arrested during the FLQ crisis for no good reason. Everything is relative, and if Pierre was a giant compared to his contemporaries, Justin will have his chance to make his mark on this country too. For while I realize that most people think I am exaggerating, I am deadly serious when I say that this country is heading for a constitutional crisis that will rock it to its foundations...
Hi JD...that’s an interesting story, and I must say I’m a bit envious. I’m afraid the only politician I ever met was Stephen Harper. I was trapped in a reception line, and he didn’t say anything to me, but I did get a chance to stare into his cold dead eyes, and when he became famous I would tell my friends that he was Count Dracula. And golly was I right... π»
Hi Jackie...my theory is that Justin realizes that he will eventually be called upon to try to hold the country together and that’s why he seems to be determined to push the Kinder Morgan project so hard, even though he must realize the project is doomed. He has to look as if he did his best, or Kenney will blame him and use that to fuel the separatist sentiment in Alberta. I don’t dare make my views public, as this is a country where most people will say it couldn’t happen here. But as some other rabble rouser once said, history will absolve me... πΌ
Hi RT...great comment. I have to admit that I would be incredibly happy if I never heard the world pipeline again. And when I see polls that tell me most people in Ontario think carbon taxes are just a tax grab, I want to leave Canada and never come back. How did we end up with so many ignorant people? Something must be terribly wrong with our education system. And every time I hear Drug Ford speak I feel like killing myself. From Trump to Ford marching on to nowhere....
Hi anon@3:53 PM...I think you summed up the problem nicely. There is only one way to solve our problem. We must get Kenney laid. Preferably in some seedy motel, with a priest, and cameras rolling. I know that sounds desperate, but these are desperate times...π
Hi Jackie...I know you’re joking, but the scary fact is that if there is an incel leader Kenney has to be the one. I realize that in his case it’s a choice, but that only makes his condition even more acute....
Unless you live on the west coast and have seen some of the storms spring up in an instant and see how strong and dangerous they can be, you just don't understand. Having lived here for my life time, I've seen all sorts of ships go down, lives lost, friends dead, when we just didn't think there would be a storm that big. The list goes on. Twenty, thirty foot waves are a fact of life in a storm. Some times the ship cracks up, can't stand the strain, sometimes they sink, some times the engine breaks down and the ship can't be controlled. Some times the waves are too big to send rescue ships out, even if they know people are going to die. The ocean doesn't care, it doesn't discriminate. it just kills when it gets pissed.
Accidents can always happen. We have seen freighters get caught in a storm without their engines, they were far enough out, they wouldn't hit the coast, but that won't always be the case. Even a B.C. Ferry hit an island because the bridge wasn't paying attention and 2 people died.
These tankers will be foreign owned so we do not know what their age will be nor what condition they will be in or how well their crew will be trained. yes, once they get closer to the Canadian coast they will have B.C. pilots, but still its a crap shoot and I was taught not to play craps. its not a game of skill.
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