Doug Ford is still trying to buy votes, and is now promising to sell beer and wine on every street corner.
No doubt to try to make people forget that he could be the Premier of Canada's most powerful province in less than three weeks.
And he still has a comfortable lead in the polls.
But that support is softening.

Now it's the NDP that has the momentum
And there are signs that the Ford campaign is slowly collapsing.
The Team Harper operatives running his campaign are starting to panic, and are even muzzling some of their own candidates.
The growing number of Progressive Conservative candidates declining to participate in local debates is raising questions about whether the party is muzzling inexperienced and controversial members in a top-down attempt to control the campaign message.
More than 20 PC candidates have skipped debates since the beginning of the provincial election campaign, a trend that recalls similar absenteeism among federal Conservative candidates under Stephen Harper.
While Ford himself is now even more of a bubble boy or bubble bubbah...

With the media being increasingly restricted from asking any questions, let alone any embarrassing ones.
And to make matters worse, he's being hammered by allegations that his PC party is rotten to the core with corruption.
The rookie leader of Ontario's poll-leading Progressive Conservatives came under concerted attack on Saturday over allegations his candidates for next month's election might have used stolen data to further their cause.
The leaders of the Liberals and New Democrats called for the police and Elections Ontario to investigate the alleged data theft, while PC Leader Doug Ford dismissed the attack.
With his opponents suggesting he's preparing to steal the election, and calling for drastic action.
In a statement Saturday, Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne said the PCs should purge their database of any illegally obtained voter information connected the alleged Highway 407 data breach, fire all candidates linked to the alleged breach and invite Elections Ontario to investigate the allegations.
And if the bad news keeps coming it won't be long before they start calling him Doug Fraud.
So who knows how this story might end...

But one thing is for sure.
With every passing day the stench of corruption is growing.
Call it a swamp. Call it a gravy train. But this week, the Ford campaign is looking messier by the day.
There is plenty of reason for Ontarians to be alarmed at Ford’s track record, his lack of experience, his personal record of impulsivity, vulgarity and disruption.
What all Ontarians should be concerned about, however, is the increasing stench and apparent want of integrity surrounding PCs candidates and, by extension, their leader.
He has never looked less like a leader and more like an ape.
Never looked more vulnerable...

The next debate will almost certainly do him more damage.
And the third and final one could very well finish him off...
After the POLICE went after both the Federal and Provincial liberals for farting in public, watch with horror as they slow roll anything to do with Doug.
Two populist polices that will cost the common people (man) I agree with Jordan Peterson on the nonsense of political correct language police.
A gas tax cut will not lower the price of gas. We can see it in the USA. The less taxed gas just gives a higher profit margin to Big Oil. Gas prices are inelastic to a point. So the gas companies will just raise the prices by the amount of the cut and carry on.
The price of booze in Alberta is not cheaper than Ontario. Some is but beer sure is not. What will happen to recycling? Keep both systems.
For the first time since the campaign began, I'm beginning to feel that Ford can be beaten. But that depends on whether enough Liberals will be willing to vote for the NDP, and I wonder if that's possible.
It's not "politically correct language police." Bill C-16 is about respect for diverse identities and protection for marginalized people under Canadian anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws. After that abhorrent vehicular homicide rampage in Toronto, Peterson defended the "incels" as an oppressed group, and blamed Trudeau for the attack by saying that Trudeau had blood on his hands for promoting something called the "murderous equity doctrine." Like the red-baiting Republican regressives in the U.S., he believes feminism is a stepping stone to Soviet gulags and Trudeau a stealth proponent of communism. He's another dangerous grifter who's radicalizing unstable young men — young white men in particular — and misrepresenting his "expertise" on everything from animal behavior to marine biology in order to do so.
Peterson is a retrograde fanatic and a narcissistic cult leader. Really the only difference between him and Ford is that Peterson has a bigger vocabulary and has obviously read at least one book in his life. The only difference between him and Kenney is that Peterson doesn't come across as a self-debasing closet case. And the only difference between him and Scheer is that Peterson is more "charismatic" than Harper's lying wooden marionette who has yet to prove he's a real boy. But their views on women and marginalized minorities, and willingness to make bank off their frothing hate mobs, are very much one and the same.
But enough about the high priest of the Blüe Löbster Cült who lives in a pineapple — or should I say a chum bucket? — under the sea. This article was about Duh Ford, king of the apes who won't settle for being anyone's second banana. Another regressive Con and a lying, crooked, failing dopey clown who doesn't deserve to run so much as a roadside clam shack, let alone be premier of Ontario.
Simon, there's a movie about Robbie slated for a 2019 release date, called Run This Town. Be interesting to see if Dougie Dotard's candidacy merits even a footnote in the credits. I'd like to see your take on it when it's finally released (although apparently it's teetering on the verge of "development hell," just like Dougie's campaign).
I've yet to see God Save Justin Trudeau about the now-famous boxing fight against Patrick Brazeau. But I'm sure the documentary, like its subject, is infinitely more engaging than anything related to Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.
Liberal is my first choice but if the ndp takes it I will dance knowing that the province is safe for awhile.
A tired Ontario government, an uncertain electorate and a controversial alternative has fomented the typical: a three-way split that the fringe Greens might influence without winning a seat.
I’ll say it again: voters are getting to the point of frustration where they do things “outside the box.” At one time that might have been a Donald Trump or Rob Ford.
It all started with Mulroney’s sistering of Western and Quebec conservatives, begetting the reactionary Reform and separatist Bloc Québécois. Then Harper (who capitalized on Liberal leadership transition infighting, post-Chretien). Layton’s NDP then burst through to Official Opposition, followed by the third-place-to-first-place resurgence of JT’s renewed Liberals. The Cons’ collapse continues as a flamboyant Sikh takes control of the federal NDP. Meanwhile, 43 years of PC rule is upset by an NDP win in Albetar, and the Greens ascend in BC, both federally and provincially where, incumbencies achieved, the BC Greens assisted in the defeat of the long-reigning BC Liberal (the name usurped by a far-right party) and now hold the balance of power in not only the Assembly, but also in the maudlin national pipeline debate. Look south at the failing Republicans and surging socialists, or the dithering Brits, or the ascent of hard-right European parties. All through the West voters are restless and ready to do something—anything—different.
We note the Trump brand is no longer considered different. Rob Ford is gone.
We note that Ontario’s campaign never mentions the Greens but, as longtime vote-splitters and sometimes protest-vote victors, Upper Canada’s tightening race get’s closer to being called by a flip of the Green coin.
your welcome to your opinion. I am a 60 year old white male, I have done nothing wrong. I resent people like you beating up on me. We are on the same side chill.
I'm the oher way around, mainly because I think we need a change but either way reserve a dance for me.
Sorry Steve...I agree with Jackie. Peterson’s so called defence of free speech is nothing but an attempt to whip up hatred again transgender people who are oppressed enough already. And she’s not beating up on you, just pointing out a reality you may not be aware of. Transgender people are attacked and murdered in numbers that far exceed their percentage of the population. So it’s way more than just an intellectual argument...
Warren Kinsella believes the abacus poll doesn’t count because yada yada yada. He’s in love with Doug because they had a nice conversation over the phone recently.
He is also an experienced political operator at both the Federal and Provincial levels.
Can you claim the same?
You’re a bigot, you’re as dumb as a spoon, and you smell like a Con. Three strikes and you’re out. Toodly doodly do 🎵
Jackie Blue, well said. thank you!
Warren Kinsella is way beyond his best before date and needs to get a grip and retire.
it isn't just about Ontario. its about the rest of Canada also. Ontario is a very large province and if Doug Ford were elected, their could well be an out flow. Oh, well Quebec will work for many. The others can look at the Maritimes. Some provinces could use an increase in population. We'll skip Manitobia and Sask. they're too cold to even think about, well we could perhaps freeze Ford and his crew there. Just a though.
Then there are B.C. and Alberta. B.C. is expensive but there is work. Alberta maybe a better choice, but hey there is a lot of room in Canada.
if the majority of people in Ontario vote for Ford, they will get what they deserve and ought not to complain when their lives and economy go down the toilet along with their health care. Vote for Ford and live with it or die because of it. Then there is the choice of the Greens, Liberals, N.D.P. All good choices and as we saw in B.C. the Greens have 3 seats in the Leg. They were able to negotiate with the NDP and we have a progressive government.
The 3 other parties might want to start thinking about their "deal" to ensure Doug Ford and his flock don't control Ontario.
The bad news is that barring a self inflicted catastrophe Dougie has enough momentum to win a majority. The good news is that spastic Dougie does not have the capability to convince the masses that the "others" are responsible for their escalating misery. For example an experienced Con can convince the population that more guns, bigger jails and ruthless policing are the answer to out of control drug and gun crime. Con leadership that enables the seamless transition from the Ugly American lyrics "Nothing to loose" to "I owe my soul to the company store" is the name of the game. Dougie is just not that man although his handlers have great aspirations that the additional misery coming Ontario's way will be craftily deflected onto Trudeau and the Federal Liberals.
The key is to keep Duh-oug on the defensive because he cant do what his normal reaction would be, being "Doug the Thug".
The debates could turn this around and I hope at least keep him to a minority where he'll have no choice but to "hash" out any major legislation or policy changes with Wynn and Horwath. That alone would drive make him ape-shit crazy.
Wynn can then step down and allow some new untainted blood into the leadership that should end the ridiculous possibility of King Bong becoming premier by default.
This photo pretty much sums up what Doug needs to do to avoid a majority.
Hi Steve...I don't blame you for wondering whether the police will act swiftly enough to uncover those Con scandals before the election. For who can forget how they dragged their feet during the Harper years, and allowed the Cons to get away with murder. But the police should know their credibility is also on the line, and if they fail to act they will suffer the same fate as Ford and company...
hi anon@12:48 PM...that's a very good question. But although it will be hard I think it's entirely possible. During the federal election many NDP members voted for the Liberals in order to make sure that Stephen Harper was beaten. And now may be the time for the Liberals in Ontario to return the favour. Assuming of course that the NDP remain the front runners. As for me, I will do what I think I must do to defeat the Cons, as I always have and always will...
hi Jackie...I've heard about the movie, and I'll definitely be watching it when it comes out. I can only hope it's as good as the first movie on Rob Ford, Filth City. Or should I say so bad it was good. Doug Ford called it "hurtful" so I'm my opinion it deserved an Oscar... :)
Hi anon@1:38 PM...yes, as I said above, my only concern is keeping ape Ford out of power, for the damage he might do to Ontario and Canada is incalculable. I'm not partisan, I support all progressive parties, and I like to tell my NDP and Liberal friends that I can't tell the difference between their election platforms. I'm sure there are differences, but it drives my friends crazy... ;)
Hi Geoffrey...thanks for that excellent but very frightening summary. It's not just a Canadian problem, but I find it all extremely depressing. I read a Rick Salutin column where he claimed that a polling expert on Steve Paikin's Agenda had said that young people in Ontario were supporting Ford. And all I can say is I'm glad I wasn't watching that program or I might have fainted, or thrown something at the TV. One day, on some desert island, I might be able to make sense of all this. But right now I'm just hanging on like a shipwrecked person clings to a piece of wood, and hoping the madness ends soon...
hi anon@:4:03 PM...To be fair to Kinsella he was a little more nuanced than that, but I always feel he's fighting old battles with rival Liberal organizers, which is a pity because he can be a very astute political observer, although a little too conservative for me...
Hi e.a.f... I agree with you, this election will affect more than just Ontario. A Ford victory would be a disaster for that province and Canada. And should he win he could set in motion the break up of this country. But as you say, if the people of this province do elect Ford they will get the government they deserve and it won't be pretty. Never in my worst nightmares could I ever have imagined that a people could be so dumb and bestial as to vote for an ape like Ford. They used to say that the 20th Century would belong to Canada, it didn't. And the 21st Century looks like the end of the line...
hi RT...I'm afraid it's true that a perfect political storm has given Drug Fraud a momentum that will be hard to overcome. But that doesn't mean that he can't be beaten. And those who are supporting Ford now better think twice, for they stand to lose the most. First those slobbering rubes will have to live with no safety net, or medicare system. And when Ford is toppled, as he almost certainly will be, they will have to deal with our revenge, for we will make them suffer for what they have done. You will be able to hear them screaming all the way from Newfoundland to British Columbia, and it will be music to my ears. But one thing they won't be able to do is deflect their misery on to Justin Trudeau. For he will benefit enormously from all that chaos, and it will earn him a super majority. In fact, I will even go so far to predict that he will be Canada's Lincoln, and if he is I will volunteer to be Canada's Sherman... ;)
Hi JD...thanks for that picture of ape Ford trying to eat his own foot, or at least stick it in his mouth. The pictures of the other members of the Ford family were pretty good too, and I've saved a couple to use if they should become the ape version of the Beverly Hillbillies. However, like you I am hoping that the debates will shave enough points off Ford so the best he can hope for is a minority, which would indeed have him beating his chest in frustration, and guarantee that is term in office is a short one. Hmmm...when I think about it that could be quite entertaining. Wherever Ford went he would be pelted with bananas and peanuts, and a good time would be had by all... ;)
I'd certainly vote NDP if I lived in Ontario (where I live I voted Québec solidaire, and our candidate won) and NEVER for Ford or his ilk (which would be the CAQ here) but I actually agree with him about the right for groceries to sell wine and beer, simply because that has been the case here in Québec for decades and it has rarely caused any problems. Substance-abuse issues, whether booze, tobacco, "street" or prescription drugs are social-economic and psychological problems.
The Fordist populist policy that infuriates me is the subsidy to petrol for motor vehicles. If they want to subsidise anything related to private vehicles, it should be promoting electric ones.
Ontario is not Quebec. Quebec is another culture and has a more sophisticated attitude toward booze. Booze on every corner in Ontario is what the Ford base wants.
Booze in grocery stores was promised by the previous B.C. Lieberal government (Conservatives actually) and it hasn't been that widely done. Stores figured out very quickly there is a lot of other work around it and may not be the best use of their floor space.
Booze on every street corner, gee and what chain has corner stores all over Ontario? Follow the money and see who donated what to whom.
Actually, there happens to be "booze" in some form on every corner of my nearest intersection - an old fashioned dep that sells mostly cheap (crappy) beer, cigarettes and junk food, a more upscale small greengrocer that does sell a bit of cider, wine and beer (but it isn't a major facet of that business; they only sell local products), a dodgy Italian caffè that does have some kind of licence (we suspect that they sell illegal substances, and I don't mean cannabis) and a small French restaurant. No visible problems. Where we did have a problem was with a rundown apartment block known as a crackhouse where there was a great amount of alcohol, street and other drug abuse, and fights between gangs.
Gentrification did that in, but the tenants must have moved elsewhere.
e.a.f. I presume you mean the chain that is called Couche-tard here?
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