It's finally starting to feel like Spring in the place where I live, and after a long hard winter I am reminded again why I love Canada so much.
Soon I'll be out on the lake feeling the fresh wind in my face, far from the madding crowd and all the problems of this troubled world.
And then in a month or so I'll be here.

On my way to the Scottish highlands again, my home away from home.
But wherever I go I always be proud to have a Prime Minister who in a world full of bigots is standing up for diversity and tolerance.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's first order of business after descending on Donald Trump's hometown Wednesday was to enlist thousands of newly minted American university graduates in the fight against a rising tide of intolerance and nationalism around the world.
Whether he is condemning the slaughter in Gaza.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is calling for an independent investigation into what he calls the excessive use of force by the Israel Defence Forces against protesters along the Gaza border on Monday.
Reported use of excessive force and live ammunition is inexcusable. It is imperative we establish the facts of what is happening in Gaza. Canada calls for an immediate independent investigation.
In the strongest possible terms.
Or defending the rights of women and LGBT Canadians...

He is always on the right side of history.
And whether you agree or don't agree with him on one issue or another, nobody can deny that he is standing up for our Canadian values like no other leader before him.
Unless of course you are a Con or one of those ghastly old Trudeau haters who infest even our own progressive blogosphere...

Who hate Trudeau, and yours truly, with a passion that can only be described as demented.
One calls Trudeau a bitch, wants him to be raped in prison, and has bombarded me with the vilest "anonymous" messages I have ever received, while the other one succeed a diseased anti-gay bigot onto me who ended up threatening my life.
But then nobody really cares what those losers have to say about anything. They're only poisoning what's left of their own lives.
While I'm getting ready to enjoy what I hope will be my best summer ever.
And preparing to loudly and proudly proclaim wherever I go:
I'm a Canadian eh?
And this is my Prime Minister...

Trump just called undocumented immigrants animals. Considering how he and his two oldest sons think even of animals (they're big-game poachers, pretty much) that's pretty damn frightening, on top of the Nazi rhetoric in and of itself.
But New York isn't having any of that either, and is proud to be a hub of the world. If not THE hub of the world. Boy, would I have loved to be there seeing Trudeau encourage those kids -- some of whom are probably Dreamers themselves -- to fight the Dark Side and the storm troopers of hate.
The Force is strong with this one. May the Force be with him, stay with him, and keep him safe for a long, long time. ��
I saw part of the speech live and it was amazing. The kids cheered our prime minister like a rock star. Andrew Scheer and our nasty media claimed that Justin had embarrassed Canada abroad, how wrong they were. I was really proud to be a Canadian.
Hi Simon, I hope you take care of yourself and that those two Trudeau haters aren't dangerous. I still remember the commotion on the Island when some mentally disturbed person tried to stab you. I shut down my social media accounts about six months ago, and I don't regret it a bit.
What'd he say that was so offensive or embarrassing? That Abe Lincoln was America's greatest president and not Donald Trump? That Wilfrid Laurier was his second-favorite PM? Duh, it's plainly obvious who his favorite is, and it's definitely not Stephen Harper...
Or maybe it was that not all points of view are worth entertaining because they're factually incorrect and/or harmful. Or that (gasp!) Canada isn't perfect, but strives to get better. That's a breath of fresh air for a leader to admit, especially in a neighboring country that refuses to acknowledge its sins and continues committing human rights violations in the name of profit and building the Galactic Empire.
Sounds like the insular tribe in the Postmortem Media/Cult Brainwashing Corporation cabal is afraid to get out of their own bubble, lest their egos get burst. Cons are ignorant cowards. The leaders of tomorrow are the ones who show #TruCourage. Justin's two favorite PMs would be really proud too. Especially dear old dad.
Hi Jackie...I haven't written about Trump for a while because I'm a bit trumped out. But talk about an animal calling others animals, I pray for the day he is arrested or at the very least removed from office. As for Justin Trudeau, hearing all those kids cheering for him lifted my spirits. For years I was so embarrassed to go abroad and have people ask me how Canada could have elected someone like Stephen Harper. So now I'm happy, proud to be a Canadian, and feel The Force is with us again... ;)
Hi anon@9:19...yes, I remember how just a few weeks ago Scheer and the Con media were screaming about how Trudeau had embarrassed us abroad during his trip to India. And I knew it was all bullshit. I'll definitely have to rub their noses in that one while those cheers are still ringing in my ears...
Hi Jackie...Trudeau didn't do anything embarrassing in India. The Con media just played into the hands of the Modi regime that wanted to punish Canada for having so many members of the Sikh community in positions of power. But they did manage to give Scheer and his Cons a boost, and for that they can never be forgiven...
Hi anon @10:21...don't worry I can take care of myself, and those two old Trudeau haters aren't the slightest bit dangerous. I wouldn't mention them, but they have been in a foaming frenzy recently, they are driving people away from Progressive Bloggers, and they still haven't apologized for what they did to me. And until they do I have no intention of letting them off the hook. I had to fight bullies from the age of fourteen, and I'm from the Scottish highlands where a grudge can last for centuries, so I'm not the forgive and forget type... ;)
‘He is always on the right side of history‘
Nothing creepy about that.....
I hardly ever visit Progressive Bloggers anymore, for thanks to people like those two Trudeau haters, and with a couple of honourable exceptions like your blog, and the Anti-Racist one, it might as well be called the Blogging Tories. What happened to the fighting spirit that helped defeat the Harper government? And do you think it will ever recover in time for the next election?
We are so lucky
Hi anon@1:05 AM...Why would you think there would be? It's the reason Progressives are going to win the final battle, and make mincemeat out of the Cons...
hi anon@7:59 AM...There are a few reasons Progressive Bloggers is not what it used to be, but having bloggers who spend all their time attacking progressives instead of the Cons is a big one. Older readers might put up with that, but for younger ones it's a complete turn off. I think PB might get a boost during the election campaign, but unless those who want it show their support, it probably won't be along much longer after that...
hi anon@ 10:45...we are lucky to have a decent Prime Minister like Justin Trudeau, whatever those dirty Trudeau haters say. They are death and we are life...
Even though as a British Columbian I'm pissed with Trudeau regarding the pipeline, he is still a decent P.M. and I'm proud when he is out internationally making a difference. love it when he goes to the U.S.A. Trudeau has given Canada a positive international profile. The country runs fine. he takes child poverty seriously and hence the cheques families receive each month to ensure kids get fed. So much better than harper and scheer.
The final battle? You know you make the Liberal Party sound like some kind of cult.
Trudeau is just another politician and the Liberal Party merely a vehicle for
power, nothing more.
Hi e.a.f....I’m glad you can see the big picture because I’m so sick of the one-issue people in this country. Thanks to them my view of Canada has been changing, and it’s a much smaller country than I had imagined. If Ford, Kenney, and Scheer are elected I will consider that this place is now too old for me, and I will move to Edinburgh in a much smaller country that somehow seems bigger...
Hi anon@5:30 PM...Oops sorry about that. Didn’t I tell you that I LOVE deleting Con comments? I delete about five a day, and the more the merrier. I know it’s wicked of me but I so enjoy the sounds of Cons screaming in the morning. And as you said, if you don’t like it too bad....🤡🤡🤡
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