It's been an uphill battle for Bernie Sanders and his #feeltheburn followers. The Sander's campaign gets less media coverage than any of the others.
And it doesn't have the Super PAC money Hillary Clinton does.
But after last night it does have momentum on its side.
And it's definitely not going away.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Hawaii Democratic caucus, claiming every state up for grabs in Saturday's presidential contests, the Associated Press and the Washington Post projected after hours of delays from the state party.
Sanders swept to victory in the Democratic caucuses in Alaska and Washington state Saturday, as he sought to cut into Hillary Clinton's commanding delegate lead and gain fresh momentum in his bid for their party's presidential nomination.
The Democratic party establishment won't be able to pressure Sanders to give up his campaign.
And although Clinton is heavily favoured to win, Sanders has the overwhelming support of young Americans.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are well on their way to becoming their parties' 2016 nominees for president. Among young voters, though, Bernie Sanders has more votes than both of them — combined.

It's a stunning margin, and since their energy and organizational skills helped power Obama to the White House, anything is possible.
And because they are the future of the Democratic Party, their voices will be heard.
So win or lose Bernie's revolution is only getting started.
The true basis of Sanders' strength has been largely overlooked: He gives voice to a set of policy ideas that lie closer to the hearts of most Democratic voters — and especially the Democratic voters of the future — than Clinton's do.
That's why the "revolution" he's repeatedly called for won't be quelled for long, even though Clinton will be the one accepting the party's nomination in Philadelphia. This is as much a demographic certainty as a political one.
The millennials are on the move.
Eight years ago, when Obama first ran, many weren't eligible to vote. This year they're as large a share of the voting-age population as baby boomers. By 2020, when a President Clinton would come up for reelection, millennials will easily outnumber them.
They want to take the party to the left, which is the direction of the future. And neither Clinton nor the party establishment will be able to ignore them.
"Sanders isn't just a flash in the pan," say Teixeira. "His success indicates something much deeper. For better or for worse, the Democratic Party is a party in flux and moving in a more progressive direction. And if you're going to lead the party, you ignore those elements of discontent at your peril."
The bottom line: Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination, but the party's future lies with Bernie Sanders' supporters.
Of course, I'm still hoping that Bernie will win, and I take this to be a good omen...
You know, I don't know how that great old man has managed to inspire so many young Americans, and others of all ages all over the world.
But it is amazing, and it is wonderful.
Hope springs eternal.

And the revolution is just beginning...

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hi anon...as Bernie says, you gotta believe...
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