In my last post I told you how disgusted I was by Donald Trump's depraved obsession with the size of his hands.
And the size of his genitals.
And how I feared that if he ever became President, he might come after me...

For obvious reasons.
So that's when I decided to take this test.
To find out how much he hated me.
And sure enough he does !!!

But although the thought of Trump coming after me is a horrible thought.
And it does bring back bad memories...

I'm actually delighted at the thought that if men like Harper or Trump knew of my humble existence, they would loathe me. Because the feeling is mutual.
Like millions and millions of our decent American neighbours I know I'm in good company...

Theo Moudakis/Toronto Star
I'm sure that many Republican are walking away from the party of Lincoln.
And that many won't bother to vote, if Trump is their candidate,
And now that the hog has been revealed...

I can't help feeling that he has crossed an invisible line.
And that the essential task of destroying him.
Has just become a little easier...
I'm sure that many Republican are walking away from the party of Lincoln.
And that many won't bother to vote, if Trump is their candidate,
And now that the hog has been revealed...
Not according to the NY Times.
From Michigan to Louisiana to California on Friday, rank-and-file Republicans expressed mystification, dismissal and contempt regarding the instructions that their party’s most high-profile leaders were urgently handing down to them: Reject and defeat Donald J. Trump.
Their angry reactions, in the 24 hours since Mitt Romney and John McCain urged millions of voters to cooperate in a grand strategy to undermine Mr. Trump’s candidacy, have captured the seemingly inexorable force of a movement that still puzzles the Republican elite and now threatens to unravel the party they hold dear.
In interviews, even lifelong Republicans who cast a ballot for Mr. Romney four years ago rebelled against his message and plan. “I personally am disgusted by it — I think it’s disgraceful,” said Lola Butler, 71, a retiree from Mandeville, La., who voted for Mr. Romney in 2012. “You’re telling me who to vote for and who not to vote for? Please.”
The US is being ruined by Wall St., the military industrial complex, and US jobs being offshored. Would Trump change that?
Over the past decade geopolitical and technology converged into what the RepublaCons must have thought was manna from heaven. Technology produced an ever increasing pipeline of remote killing machines eliminating the unpleasantness of Americans seeing their youth killed and maimed while the constant threat of terrorism produced opportunity to squash freedom in exchange for "protection". The ultimate Con dream...perpetual war with a totally controlled population. What they didn't count on was the increased anger the American public felt due to their governments inability to provide even a moderately prosperous and safe environment. Trump saw an opportunity and opened a new door to the future while slamming the RepublaCon door shut.So far progressives detest what seems to be on the other side of that door but Trump is not finished painting the picture. When and if he gets the nomination I expect to see a change in tactics starting with the selection of a very capable woman of mixed race as his running mate.Christie will be disappointed!
Scary to think Trump might be America's next president but probably less than being perpetual residents in a Con inspired empire.
He has no room to tack to the centre as his rabid populist hard right base isn't going to let him and no one in the mushy middle or left is going to buy it.
And if you think he's going to stop stupid wars? Not a chance. This is a man who gets into fights with everyone over perceived or real insults. He's so easily provoked it isn't even funny.
he isn't going to. he is part of it. his brand of ties and shirts are made in China and India--Letterman called him on it, on his show some time ago.
Trump has figured out a way to become president. he has learnt a lot about how people think. they like reality shows and he is giving them a great one.
Its called a democracy. People will vote for whom they wish and then they will have to live with the results. Electing Trump may make people feel better but within a few months they will realize he is just the same as all the other "elites".
Trump has no magic formula for dealing with the issues facing Americans. Cruz and Rubio aren't any better.
Every major country at one time or another has started to fail and collapse. Now its America's turn. Other countries will rise. The down fall of American isn't the end of the world. Canada just needs to get busy and build a wall.
Hi Dan
Yes, Trump seems to be quite the narcissist so it could be death by one angry swift blow rather than 1000 politically correct RepublaCon lashes.Guess the best we can hope for is that they muddle through with four years of Hillary and somehow a new generation of visionaries rise from the ashes.America has an abundance of intelligent compassionate people but few are politicians and those that are get shunned by the main stream. With the exception of dumb Brose and her gang Canada is fortunate in that area.
Both the American media and the Republican Party didn't take Trump's candidacy seriously. Trump tapped into the anger felt by many Americans who blame Obama for a lack of good paying jobs and the way Obamacare was rolled out.
hi anon...I'm sure Romney's message was received badly by the Trump hordes. And maybe some other Republicans. But the establishment does reflect the views of many moderate Republicans, and if they stay at home in November and don't vote for Trump, the Democrats will sweep the election. Trump is too vulnerable to survive an all out assault coming at him from two fronts, and the Republican Revolution will end up looking like an absolute debacle...
hi Hugh...I don't know how anyone can trust what Trump says when he has been all over the map and beyond some populist slogans can't explain what he's proposing, and changes his mind all the time. Americans who want real change should vote for Bernie Sanders...
hi RT... I agree that Trump has tapped into a powerful wave of discontent, but I doubt he can sustain his popularity until the next election. He may have the fanatic support of many Americans, but right now they are overwhelming Republicans, and if he alienates the more moderate ones as he is doing, and splits the party, they will not win the next election....
hi David...I think it's more visceral than that. He is saying things that decent people don't say and playing to the racist streak in America. The fear of social change, the fear of the outsider, etc etc...
hi e.a.f...the American democratic system has been completely corrupted by money and influence. And the election of Trump would be an absolute disaster for the U.S., Canada, and the rest of the world. Never mind his demagogic appeal, it's his incompetence that will bury us...
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