Well he's always been a member of the oil club.
The grubby oil pimp who led this country to the verge of economic disaster.
But now it's official.

Two private clubs in Calgary, including one that caters to oil and gas executives, can now count former prime minister Stephen Harper as a member, according to recent disclosures to Canada’s ethics commissioner.
One disclosure is for an honorary membership at the Calgary Petroleum Club, which describes itself as being dominated by higher-ups in the oil and gas industry. The other is for a “privileged” membership with the Ranchmen’s Club of Calgary, based on a letter from president Don Herman.
He finally is an OFFICIAL member of the Big Oil Club.
And while neither Harper nor the clubs want to talk about it. We do know that membership is not cheap.
Though honorary memberships at the Calgary Petroleum Club are free, it costs regular corporate members a one-time fee of $2,625 to enter, in addition to monthly dues of $105. Both figures include taxes. There’s also a “house account” fee of $600 per year, for corporate and resident members.
“Ordinary” membership in the Ranchmen’s Club costs either $2,000 or $3,000 in one-time membership fees—the latter price is for the age 40-plus crowd—and an additional $2,112 in annual dues, plus tax.
And that he will have to change his latest look...

The Ranchmen’s Club describes itself as “the private club of choice for excellence in service, dining and activities.” It’s the kind of place where jeans, ball caps, running shoes and T-shirts are strictly considered “inappropriate attire at any time.”
He will have to stop running around with a baseball cap pulled down over his eyes so nobody can recognize him.
In fact, he should probably think twice about joining the Ranchmen's Club...

Because he's no cowboy, and he didn't know what he was doing.
And of course he will have to enjoy it while it lasts, before his golden coach turns into a pumpkin.

People need to get their heads around the idea that fossil fuels are “probably dead,” the CEO of Canadian Pacific Railway said Wednesday. “I’m not maybe as green as I should be but I happen to think the climate is changing (and) they’re not going to fool me anymore,” Hunter Harrison told a J.P. Morgan transportation conference in New York.
And he's forced to recognize that for almost ten long years he led us in the wrong direction with disastrous results.
But then he was always behind the times. He invested all our economic eggs into the oily basket of a dying industry. He destroyed our manufacturing sector. He failed to do what he needed to do to fight climate change. Or prepare us for a greener future.
He was no Great Economist Leader.
Just a grubby oil pimp, who didn't know what he was doing.
So he does deserve the honour he has received...

From the Big Oil gang he served so well, and so blindly, from the day he came power.
And for that and so many other reasons.
He does also richly deserve the everlasting contempt of most decent Canadians....
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Harper joins a club, but Trudeau is at the White House this evening. I think the company and menu are better in DC :))
Friday, March 11 @10:30 am ET:
Live streaming of Trudeau's opening remarks and Q & A session at American University:
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