As I said the other day, I think it's going to be really hard for Rona Ambrose to move herself and her Cons out of the darkness and into the light.
When among other things, she was prepared to put her foul ideology before the lives of thousands of drug addicted Canadians. Which is almost impossible to forget.
And after the way Stephen Harper and his foul regime brutalized the people and the values of this country for so many years. Which is almost impossible to forgive.
But I see that hasn't stopped Ambrose from claiming that from now on the Cons won't be so nasty.

Newly named Conservative interim leader Rona Ambrose says her caucus will leave the former Harper government’s “nastiness” behind and opt for more “constructive, effective” work as the Official Opposition.
“I think you can be constructive, I think you can be strong, but you don’t have to be angry,” said Ambrose. “I do think that my colleagues have sent the message loud and clear that we want to be effective and constructive but leave the nastiness behind.”
Which is all fine and good. Except that like all the other statements the born again Cons are making these days, one word seems to be missing. The word SORRY.
For surely if the Cons now admit that they did nasty things they should apologize to their victims?
For there were so many of them. So many who lost their jobs, so many who were muzzled or intimidated, or lived in fear in his ghastly Harperland.

Harper never said sorry for anything, and neither will the Ambrose Cons. Because like their depraved leader they're only sorry they lost.
But if they ever did, they could start by apologizing for what they did to poor Rémy Beauregard, the gentle, decent human rights campaigner, and the President of the organization Rights and Democracy.
Who they bullied into an early grave...

The Cons appointed a group of ideological fanatics to the Rights and Democracy board, who proceeded to go after the organization for funding some groups who had dared to criticize Israel's appalling human rights record.
And they went after Beauregard like a pack of rabid hyenas. They tried to smear him, they accused him of running the organization into the ground.
Until in January of 2010, he came home from a brutal meeting, wept in his bed that night, and died of a heart attack the next day.
But even that didn't stop the Cons.They tried to tailor an audit to make Beauregard look bad. But when it was finally released almost a year after his death it cleared him.

It shows what Beauregard’s defenders have long asserted: that the agency was run without scandal, and without unusually lax management, even before his arrival; that he was taking clear steps to improve its management; and that specific claims against him and his staff from Gauthier and others hold no water. In short, that Rémy Beauregard died while fighting back against an unfounded witch hunt perpetrated by scoundrels who today stand unmasked and humiliated.
But the guilty were never punished. We never found out who stole those computers in Beauregard's office while his staff were attending his funeral.
Two board members quit. The president died in his bed. A widow mourned, the staff revolted and accusations flew. Now, a break-in at the Montreal offices of Rights and Democracy. It's the latest twist in a political drama that grows more unusual by the day.
Montreal Police confirm that property was stolen from the offices of Rights and Democracy between Friday and Saturday evening last week. Two laptop computers belonging to staff members were taken. One of the laptops belonged to the organization's media liaison.
We never found out which PMO operatives ran that foul operation, that helped send a good man to an early grave.
Just like we'll never have a complete list of Stephen Harper's many victims...

So yes let's move on, and let the Cons try to move on too. Move out of his darkness and into the light.
But let's never forget those victims, or stop demanding the truth.
Never forget that Harper and his depraved regime were the nastiest government this country has ever known. Or that they never said sorry.
And never ever forgive what they did to poor Rémy Beauregard...

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That village idiot and the rest of morally depleted CON crew should all be lead out of our house via the loading docks...... Like the weezily Hitler Harper did!!!! That bitch could not say sorry I'm English let alone French!!!!!
"I'm sorry" is Not in their vocabulary..........I personally know several people with the same problem.
They can sugar coat and sprinkle fairly dust on the Con brand all they want, but their nastiness will always manifest itself in their policies. Not to mention, where were all these Cons calling for a kinder, more constructive approach when Harper was in charge? Ambrose and friends were more than happy to sit by and clap like circus seals during our decade of darkness.
Doesn't matter though, we won't see a Con government again for a long, long time. People say Bob Rae ruined the NDP in Ontario, well, I think it's safe to say that Harper did that to the Cons nationally.
Rona is in good company among Tories who think their party's problem is one of tone. They cannot grasp that their odious tone was merely the companion of really horrible policy that they routinely foisted on the Canadian people. They did what they could in secret and when their skulduggery had to be passed in Parliament they buried it in omnibus bills. They were thugs through and through.
Sorry? The Harper Cons are only sorry they lost their hold on power.
They are not fucking welcome in my neighborhood in rural BC being !/2 native and !/2 mongrel unlike those stupid shits we hunt we trap we fish we collect plants they are in our cross-hairs only we are not cannibals and they would taste as shitty and horrible as the sound of them mouthing off. I want them to go back to their country of origin thanks to Harper's new laws I can force that upon them because in our native books they the whole cabinet caucus PMO boy's ETC are now labeled as TERRORISTS so now can be deported to their land their scum-bag skin came from we don't welcome them anymore. The rest of you stick around we don't mind you as long as you look after our mother the land the animals the birds the trees and the skies and oceans our EARTH :>
Re: Settling 25,000 Syrian refugees in Canada.
I recall hearing on TV recently that the Atlantic provinces were in desperate need of new immigrants because of their aging population, low birth rate and loss of youth to the ROC.
25,000 Syrian refugees would be a Godsend for all those Maritimers who voted so overwhelmingly for Justin. I dug up this G&M article on the population decline:
I hope these new refugees aren’t resettled in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver… all having an overflow of new Canadians…. particularly Toronto. They should be resettled in the Atlantic provinces and they should pledge to stay there for at least 5 years before migrating elsewere in Canada.
Call your local Liberal MP and tell them your feelings on the necessity for refugee settlement in the Atlantic provinces. Back me up on this one, Simon !!!
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."-- George Santayana, in The Life of Reason, 1905
revised & updated:
Parts 1 - 9 (of 9) The Stephen Harper Non-Answer Generator
I'm surprised that right-wing National Post colunmnist John Ivison said on CTV's Question Period last year or in 2013 that the Con's approach to governing is:
never retreat
never explain
never apologize
I think she has had a brain transplant. And I also remember Ralph Goodale and Judy Sgro. There should be no forgiveness for things like that and I will never.
What about Goodale and Sgro?
"suddenly" they are going to stop being nasty. Mother always told me a leopard does not change its spots. In this case nasty people suddenly don't stop being nasty. They may change their behaviour for awhile hoping to get re-elected but that is about it.
There was no need for a lot of the nasty stuff which went on. YOu can get your point across without being rude or nasty, even if that is what boss harper wanted. they could have conducted themselves with a tad more dignity. Don't believe a word Rona and her Cons say when it comes to behaviour. suspending a scientist because he sang a song. that is right down nasty. of course it gave him and his cause way more publicity than they could have hoped for.
The Cons lied to Canadians for 9 yrs, so it is reasonable to conclude they are lying about not being nasty now.
GRAPHIC: Ten years of attacks on dissent & debate in Canada
The Duffy trial scheduled to resume Nov. 18 for five weeks. Will Harper be called?
If so, can he refuse, citing "parliamentary priviledge"? Is that the real reason he hasn't packed it in as an MP?
This is sooooo good, written by a "conservative heretic":
Instead of attacking the credibility of a group of what appears to be eminently qualified people, conservatives and the media might do better to ask why it is that the Conservative Party cannot attract talent of that calibre.
This is absolutely what should happen and all but the most racist, bigoted Atlantic Canadians knows it's the right thing to do and wants it to happen.
Dave because of Harper's new laws I can have the entire con caucus sent back to their country of origin they did not originate here. Reason being they are TERRORISTS they not only broke Canadian law they broke ours and did it on purpose. They knew what they were doing. Colvin made it clear that under Harper's order's our Military was handing off prisoners for torture which violates International law and moral law Harper is a corrupt official.
So now you tell me Dave how a university dropout in Toronto goes to mail room boy in Edmonton for Imperial [no less] Oil to professional student at University of Calgary a well known hotbed of American right wing lunatics. Calgary Alberta Canada is the largest American city north of the 49' who think they own Canada que si or que no? Que si my ffriend. They used Harper to get thier dirty deeds done and Harper was a willing slave he sold us out. There is a tribunal in The Hague Holland where we can get him for the crimes he committed while in office like they did to Saddam:>
Ya no shit MofS we have to take them to task to show future generations of so-called Parliamentary leaders we will not put up with that crap forever more-:>
Cheers Mogs <:
hi anon...well if they don't say sorry at some point they'll never enlarge their party beyond their rabid Con base, and that'll work for us just fine...
hi Kathleen...well in their case they got that from their fallen leader Stephen Harper, who never apologized for a single thing, during his many years in office. But as I've said before, unless they say they are sorry Canadians won't believe they've changed and the Cons won't go anywhere...
hi Rev...yes I share that view completely. None of them did anything during the Harper years except follow his orders slavishly and parrot their talking points. And they should all be ashamed of themselves. But as you point out, in the end they did more damage to themselves than they did to their opponents...
hi Mound...yes it does seem to be their new mantra doesn't it? Kenny was the first to call it a mere matter of tone, and now they're all repeating it. But as you point out their horrible policies and the way they treated people will not be easily forgotten...
hi anon...yup, that's it. That is indeed the only thing they are sorry about. It is something of course, but it won't be enough to save them...
hi anon...I do hope that many of the refugees get a chance to settle in the Atlantic provinces, because they are so beautiful. In fact I'd be jealous dammit !!!!!! ;)
I think that refugees make some of the best immigrants because they don't take freedom and democracy for granted. So let's hope you are indeed blessed with many...
hi Omar...that's an encouraging story. I am a bit concerned about the plan to bring in so many in such a short time. But it would make for a lot of great spirit of Christmas stories, it will make us feel like Canadians again, so I'm ready to welcome them with open arms....
hi David...I honestly don't know where Ivison is coming from. Like so many other reporters in the MSM he gathers up the facts, but can't seen to see the forest for the trees. And of course the fact that he is from Glasgow, and is such a Con tool, drives me absolutely wild... ;)
hi anon...I could forgive the Cons for a lot of things, but I could never forgive them for the way they bullied so many Canadians, or tried to use fear as a weapon against their own people. And what they did to Rémy Beauregard was unforgivable, and a rehearsal for all the horror that came later...
hi e.a.f.....I don't they think they can stop being nasty, it's embedded in their ghastly inhuman policies. They are attracted to those policies because they are nasty, and carrying out those policies only makes them nastier. But they did hurt a lot of Canadians, and what they did will not be easily forgotten...
hi David... that's the million dollar question. But I'm glad to hear that the trial is expected to last another five weeks, because that should allow time for anything to happen....
hi David...I actually follow that writer, and the bear has always been a light in that dark pit. Very reasonable, a cut above the rest. If there were more conservative voices like that one, the Cons would be a very different party...
Concern? Bah. This morning I learned Germany has admitted our target number in a mere weekend since this crisis began. We can do this! We must do this.
Hi, Simon ...... how about a feature piece on your great blog promoting the resetting of the Syrian refugees in the Atlantic provinces. This great idea should be promoted by the Canadian media and the Atlantic governments too. A cheerful piece on your blog would be welcome and could gain momentum too. Go for it, Simon, udaman.
Out here in B.C., the most far-right Con blogger is Dean Skoreyko, who is a writer for Levant's "Rebel Media." (Does he have a day job?)
being "nice" isn't all that hard and doesn't really "cost" a lot and it goes a long way. I was reading the CBC news and they say Trudeau offered Harper the use of the government jet to fly home. He accepted. it was a nice gesture by Trudeau. It was an easy thing to do.
Some times I think the Cons got nasty because they had been out of office/power for so long, they forgot its important to be nice to people on the way up, you might see them on the way down.
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