He was the the most disgusting leader of the worst criminal regime this country has ever known.
They lied, they cheated, they muzzled their opponents.
And now they're trying to cripple the Trudeau government with the worst patronage scandal this country has ever seen.
Former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s cabinet quietly stacked government agencies and Crown corporations with dozens of “future appointments,” and early appointment renewals in the dying days of its regime, many of which were only scheduled to go into effect long after the Conservatives were defeated, iPolitics has learned.
Can you believe it?
I warned everyone that he was a Con hog and was capable of ANYTHING...

I warned he would try to steal the election, and that's exactly what he has done.
And the only question to be determined is this just more Con corruption, or a stealthy Canadian coup?
The move by Harper’s government constrains Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ability to put his government’s stamp on some key agencies like the National Energy Board, which regulates things like the construction of pipelines and the import of crude oil and natural gas.
The moves mean that barring the future appointments or early renewals being rescinded, the Trudeau government will not be able to replace any temporary members of the National Energy Board until at least May 2018 and any permanent members of the NEB until January 2020 – which is after the next election.
And all I can say is FIRE every last one of them, no matter how much it costs.
Make Rona Ambrose and her new/nouveau Cons pay for it all the way to the next election.
Put the entire Harper regime on trial. Use this as an excuse to launch a full public inquiry into their years in power.
So hopefully we can send this sleazy low life political thug.
To the place he truly belongs....

He will not steal our country.
And they must all pay for what they have done....
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Whatever appointments were made using order-in-council can be reversed by order-in-council. And if the Harperite appointees want to challenge an order-in-council rescinding their appointment, they will have to pay their own legal fees. Eventually, they will get the message.
Hopefully in the near future we will see a mass exodus of resignations. We all know the type ... don't create a legal hassle and I will take my pension and move on to spend more time with my family and become an industry adviser. Been waiting for Paulson to take the walk ever since the interview where he tried to justify charging Duffy for soliciting a bribe but no one for giving it
Hi Simon! Have you seen this? It's an old article but I am wondering why nobody has ever heard of it. It's just now starting to surface on Social Media. Can it be used to indict Harper? http://presscore.ca/progressive-conservative-governments-steal-billions-in-j-d-irving-sponsorship-scandals
Now that is a good solution. I'm sure the federal Liberals will do that asap. If you hire, you can fire. Works like a hot dam every time. Its as simple as, they are not "alignment" with the current thinking of the government on these issues. Gone they are. The only real thing we may be stuck with are all the judges at various levels the cons anointed. However the SC of C is still under the watchful and experiences eye of Beverly MacDonald. The woman who saved a lot of our bacon while Harper was in ofice
I agree, they all must be fired. Starting with Canada Post's Millionaire, Deepak Chopra. This man has made millions off the backs of hard working people as he dismantles the service which costs the taxpayers nothing. They have reported astronomical profits until the day the Liberals announced an end to the cuts in service , then all of a sudden they're announcing losses. If Harpers puppet Chopra is allowed to remain at the helm he will do everything in his power to sabotage our service. Getting rid of him will save us his half million plus expenses salary and put Canada Post in a position to expand services, something that he refuses to do. His job is to destroy what's left of the service and eliminate the union. He must go before he can do more damage.
Interesting article and hopefully it can be verified. The Cons have a track record of this type of behavior. Duffy and Carson were not the exception. The Cons turned our Consulates into lobby groups for Keystone and tied our foreign aid into leverage for big mining as outlined in the following article. It was all about greasing the wheels of big business who in turn greased their wheels.
"Critics of the new policy are already assailing the Harper government for dangerously lowering Canada’s traditional diplomatic priorities, such as aid, diplomacy, human rights and peacekeeping, in favour of promoting Canadian industry overseas, especially in China. They say the battle for democracy in development areas will become a dangerously low priority compared to Canadian business interests, especially the mining sector."
If the Mike Duffy trial ends without Harper being called to testify, I predict the Con Party will announce that a by-election for the federal riding of Calgary Heritage will take place. Harper won't even have the courage to speak publicly and announce his decision to resign as MP.
NOT so fast with firing Chopra, - fire all his hand picked hangers on, con supporters, -- I want all the purchases he made investigated ( for kickback corruption, hence jail time) and that cross Canada report he hid, opened for public scrutiny, to see where he lied about what Canadians really wanted from their post office.... then tar and feather him and send him packing with no serverance what- so - ever..
Fire them all, including the hundreds (if not thousands) of other patronage appointments.
They will poison Canadian bureaucracy for decades if we don't.
49 is only the tip of the iceberg.
Think of all the flunkies that have been embedded into the public service at the 'excluded' staff level. These are the dangerous ones as they are in leadership positions over the public service union members. The embeds legendary monkey wrenching will wreak havoc over the public servants below them.
are you sure? These were contracts. Can contracts be broken that easily?
I'm even surprised he is still living in Calgary!!!!!
hi anon...thanks for that info, and let's hope the Liberal government does just that. The Cons should not get away with such an obvious attempt to bind the hands of the next government...
hi RT...One way or the other the Liberals have to gain control of the levers of government or they will be fighting rearguard actions all the way to the next election. I am sure that Harper and his gang have infiltrated their supporters into every nook and cranny of Canada, and they will need to be either read the riot act or purged before they do any damage....
hi anon 12:27...I am familiar with some parts of that story, and names like Chuck Guite are a blast from the pass. But I doubt anything will come of it, because its time has come and gone. You may have noticed that in this country we have a very short memory for scandal. However, I do think a public inquiry would come up with many new scandals, and that if we can't jail the Cons we can keep them from power for a very long time. And that;'s even if we can't get it together to change our electoral system, which would make it almost impossible for the Cons to ever get a majority again....
hi anon....yes I've never been impressed with Deepak Chopra. It always seemed to me that he was just working to lay the ground for the privatization of the Post Officer, like the Cons in Britain have done with the Royal Mail. Sold it for a song, for no good reason.
The Cons have had almost ten years to brainwash managers with their anti-government ideology, and it needs to be corrected...
hi anon...yes I agree. The Liberals may not want to rock the boat, but you're right if they don't act forcefully enough they will live to regret iit....
hi anon....yes it is the tip of the iceberg, and they could very well act as a fifth column. Especially since the Cons are so ideological, you can be sure that was the main consideration when making all those appointments. Fortunately if we can get it together to change the electoral system we'll have plenty of time to recreate government that mirrors our values again...
If they refuse to quit, then let them stay and keep their job titles, but change their job descriptions. "I know it says 'CEO' on your access card Mr Watson, but you'll be running the day to day operations on the septic tanks and sewage systems in Fort Mc Murray now. Here's your toothbrush and hip waders"
If any of these "anointed" are from B.C. they will understand that contracts can be broken with the stroke of a pen, just ask B.C.'s former premier, Gordon Campbell, a.k.a. el gordo, now residing in London, England at taxpayer expense. With one stroke of the pen he conducted the largest mass firing of women in Canadian history (9K) when he fired all hospital cleaners and contracted out all the work. Hospitals, in my opinion, haven't been clean since. A lot of stores in B.C. are cleaner than a B.C. hospital. so if a premier can fire workers with the stroke of a pen, why can't the P.M. of Canada fire a bunch of political appointees, who really aren't there to do the business of the people but the business of the corporations.
its simple, change the job descriptions and they don't fit the profile anymore.
No I have a better job for him. Victoria still doesn't have a sewage system. It still discharges all sewage straight into the ocean. Lets get him to start digging a septic system big enough for the City of Victoria. Even if the people in Victoria don't care, the Americans to the south of us do
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