It couldn't have been more of a fairy tale beginning.
Prince Justin, his princess Sophie, and the Liberal cabinet marching up the driveway to Rideau Hall to be sworn in, after having toppled the tyrant.
And yes what a difference a day makes...

One moment we were living in his grim Harperland, the next moment we were living in our beautiful Canada again.
And so magical was the atmosphere I found myself wondering how did Justin manage to get even the weather to cooperate with his sunny days slogan?
Until I remembered he was born on Christmas Day...

And was clearly destined to be the one who liberated us from our cruel fate...

But of course I'm just kidding, and nobody can deny it was a great day.
Gender parity, an aboriginal woman as justice minister, a combat tested Sikh as a defence minister.
To make the former defence minister Jason Kenney look even more ridiculous...

If that's possible.
And this was a signature moment.
A sign of generational change, and along with everything else a clear sign that we have finally got our Canada back.
But of course even fairy tales can end badly, and the danger is still great,
The mad king Harper may have been forced to remove his throne from the Prime Minister's office.

And today he is supposed to give up his other throne as party leader when he confronts his increasingly restless Con caucus...

But as we all know he will try to hold on to as much power as possible, so he can keep going after Justin Trudeau, for humiliating him beyond recognition.
And in that mission he will be supported by the money bags in this country, the porky one percent, who hate the idea of paying more taxes...

And by most of the MSM who they control, who as Murray Dobbin points out, have also humiliated themselves.
Observing the cathartic effect of the end the Harper regime reveals just how traumatized millions of Canadians were by nearly 10 years of rule by this vindictive prime minister. The analogies and metaphors keep coming: like getting out of jail, like waking up from a nightmare, like the end of an occupation.
By collaborating with and endorsing a foul regime, that by any decent moral standard was unfit to remain in office.
Those who run the country’s daily newspapers show themselves to be concerned only about “the economy” in the narrowest sense, using it as a code word for the corporate elite, the one per cent — not the economy of ordinary wage-earners.
They throw their support behind a government that simply facilitates economic growth by getting out of the way of business, by signing “trade” deals, gutting corporate and wealth taxes, and driving down wages.
So if we are going to reform our democracy, we do need to think about reforming our media.
When we talk of democratic reform, we absolutely must include the reform of the newspaper. There is little point in reforming parliamentary institutions if the instruments of civic literacy have been turned on their heads to produce precisely the opposite result.
Or creating our own.
And of course we do need to keep demanding to know whether the Cons used government departments as blunt weapons to intimidate their political opponents.
And whether some in the security forces also worked for them, for since they are now charged with protecting Justin Trudeau, it's not a question that should be ignored...

But for now, for me at least, this is a time to celebrate. It is a fairy tale story.
This is my kind of Canadian Prime Minister...

We finally got our country back.
And after our long and ugly nightmare.
It never looked more beautiful...

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I have to say I was quite impressed by it all. Giving Canadians an up close view of the proceedings made me feel as though I was there. As well, Justin's cabinet choices tells me he is indeed ready.
It must be driving Harper nuts that Justin has garnered more positive worldwide attention since his victory than Harper did in his whole miserable tenure. Sucks to be you Steve.
Canada and loving it
I know. For me I keep having moments of Frozen running through my head, that incredibly catchy song "Let it go" as Elsa runs up that mountain as I watch what is happening. For me, I can finally let go of my need to try and document the damage and get a monster out of the PMO before all was totally lost, and for so long I did so with despair my constant companion at how many still failed to see reality. You know that Simon, you know exactly where I have been over this past decade, both when we disagreed and when we came together in the understanding that stopping Harper had to be the ONLY priority.
I never was so monofocused on a political aim/agenda before, and it felt very uncomfortable for me, and soon the last elements of that need will be gone, I can finally see not just the light at the end of the tunnel but the edges of the sunny blue sky outside. There is still a little ways to walk, as you said we need to understand what Harper truly corrupted within out government structures and expose it. We need to figure out how to protect ourselves from a Harper 2.0 from doing this to us again down the road as well.
However, one thing we also need to do is sing hosannas to the father of our new PM for his protecting us from the worst ravages of Harper with his Charter, because that was ALL that stood between Harper and his ability to do whatever he wanted by legislative fiat. One of the things with my age Simon is that I know exactly how little protection we citizens and our civil rights had from such an abusive government pre-Charter days, the way the War Measures Act could be used to trip away citizen rights by the stroke of a pen illustrated that power within the PM's hands especially a majority PM all too well. Without the Charter protecting us and empowering the courts to throw our Harper's bad and dangerous laws things would be a HELL of a lot worse than they current are!
Your last picture there Simonoid at the bottom of Simon's rant is beautiful :> It is a new day let us hope it is not Camelot because that is doomsday spelled with Lancelot. Who would that be? Also where did you find that picture of baby Just In in his Papa's arm Pierre? Beautiful how that frames the Trudeau the elders cavalier approach. He was my Prime Minister I was old enough to vote for him and did. The only thing he did wrong is the bank act I hope his son undoes that wrong. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms best thing that man ever did for all Canadians and the prick Harper tried to destroy it. I will go to my grave grateful for that charter. :><:
Now I can read "Common Ground" with pride!
The Stephen Harper Non-Answer Generator (Part 9)
Craig Oliver (CTV): https://www.youtube.com/embed/zs8hkuEA3Q8
"…to compare him [Justin Trudeau] with Mr. Harper: integrity, trust, openness, tolerance, truthfulness. I have to say that Mr. Harper promised all of these words himself, and basically lived up to none of them. I know that many of you may feel that this is the night we should say nice things about Mr. Harper. But he was caught lying. He was caught cheating. He showed toward the end, incredible intolerance to Canadians who are Arabs and Muslims, which many will find always unforgiveable. The whole idea of a tip line, listen to your parents and to your neighbours, and report on some kind of practices you might… and call the Mounties--who wanted nothing to do with all of this. So now our challenge will be--my colleagues and I--to hold Mr. Trudeau to scrutiny, to make sure that he lives up to the words about honesty and truthfulness and openness in politics, that he is now talked about, because there are times when some of us wonder whether that is possible anymore in modern politics. We don't see very much of it. So Mr. Trudeau's words were inspiring, thoughtful, emotional, and he deserves all of the success he's got tonight." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKWyk86yWsQ
The Latest news (3:09pm) PST ... the interim CONservative leader is none other than: RONA AMBROSE ... all I can say is LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... TY
Alright, that was yesterday... party's over... get back to work!
Slimey Steve's egregious exit does not come without a shadow. Like a snail he has left a trail of intransigent goo behind him.
EMBEDS: These are the folks who have monkeyed for years on the various branches of the Conservative family tree, and - seeing the writing on the wall and the writhing in the streets - headed for the cover of the Public Service.
The first example I have found was this:
Senate hires PM's former spokesperson
- by Glen McGregor, Ottawa Citizen
Mélisa Leclerc, who served as Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s deputy director of communications and later ran as a Tory candidate in Quebec, has taken a job in the Senate after a stop in the private sector.
Leclerc was hired sometime during the election campaign as Senate director of communications — someone who is supposed to be non-partisan and unaffiliated with any party.
Keep a vigilant eye out for Conservative combatants in civilian clothes.
Just brilliant! BTW, thanks for keeping a light burning during those dark years. Cheers!
I think almost the same way .
TG our beautiful country was rescued , I never in my entire life want too see another Harper ll .
Good news for our new PM.
It was wonderful to see the new cabinet. I never thought I'd live long enough to see an African American President and I did. I thought I'd never live to see the day a First Nations Woman would be the Minister of Justice in Canada, but I did and half the Cabinet be female. It is and I have. Its nice. Its pretty good. Its joyful. Watched the whole thing on t.v. and it felt good.
Today's news advised the long form census will be back. I'll never complain about it again! Look forward to it. Now we will once again know how the country is growing and how.
The media as it now is, will not survive. Out here in B.C., the t.v. news is not doing well. those who watch are falling. Why? because it doesn't report news. Radio, ditoo. Papers, The Vancouver Sun and Province continue to loose readers. None of it will be a viable business enterprise within the next few year. What will be left with. the PBS from the U.S.A. CBC in Canada. Bloggers. Corporations who control the media, make the media irrelevant to the average citizen of Canada, so they stop reading, watch, listening There will be no reform as long as media is controlled by corporations. they have their own agenda, and after all it is their money. What may survive and thrive, is on line media, which is not as expensive to produce and smaller local papers.
So lets look forward to a better government and consider it a nice early Christmas present.
Aye Simon, 'tis like Bonnie Prince Charley has finally succeeded. Some of the corporate elites are keeping their powder dry to see how they can sway advantages in their favour, but some are complaining already that he hasn't accomplished enough in his second day of governing. The Corporate controlled mainstream media needs to be broken up, if Democracy in Canada is to survive.
Rona Ambrose could never had made a happier man [sorry Raven] by uttering these few words we [even ravens] were praying for.
"...the days of the Harper government are over." Um ya that lady took the whip out of Harper's hands I think i'll fly now knowing Canada is a happier fairer land as she must be eight little words eh :>
I remember seeing/hearing that election-night soliloquy (I won't call it a rant) by Craig Oliver, and was glad that a hard-boiled, old-school journalist like him honestly coloured the news instead of dishonestly bleaching it. I also recall, moments later on that CTV broadcast, the prototypical buttoned-down, bespectacled Conservative apologist complaining that Oliver went beyond all objectivity and was totally unprofessional ... yada yada. Once ConBoy was done, the rest of the crew paused for a second before getting on with the show.
Too bad neither Lisa LaFlamme nor anyone else turned to the ReformaCon and said, "Tell us what part of Craig's statement was untrue." Would have shut him up real good.
hi JD...yes it is great to see that in less than two weeks Justin Trudeau has garnered more attention around the world than Stephen Harper did in more than nine years. And I must say I think Justin has been doing a fabulous job. I know there is a tendency in this country to tear down the good, but I choose to celebrate it, and give thanks that I finally feel like I am living in Canada again...
hi Steve...yessir Canada is finally back, and isn't it beautiful?
hi Scotian...yes I know where you and I have been, and I shared your fears about what this country might become. And yes, thank goodness for the Charter of Rights and our courts that stopped Harper from wrecking this country. Imagine if he had been given four more years to appoint more judges and demolish the last bastion of our Canadian values.
But we did beat the bastard and while it will take me some time to recover from the nightmare, I am filled with hope for a brighter and better future for our country. Damn isn't freedom great?
hi Raven...I'm glad you like the photo, it's just a quiet lane in my humble shire, in the colours of the Canada I love. As for the photo of Justin I found it on the internet, and it's my favourite kid photo of him, apart from the one of him and his two young brothers watching daddy speak and all yawning at the same time. But yes, thank goodness for the Charter of Rights that stopped Harper from turning us into a police state. For after he subverted our Parliament only the courts were able to stop him. May the old man rest in peace, and may his son be strong enough to carry on his struggle...
hi Canadian4ever...well your name says it all. We did live through a dark time, but in the end our country was rescued. I was always confident we would defeat the tyrant, but now that it has actually happened, I can't quite believe it. But yes, let's make sure we never have to go through an experience like that oner again...
hi Kathleen...I'm not sure I'll ever get around to reading "Common Ground" but I must say that Justin Trudeau is already the Prime Minister that has moved me the most. I love his friendly decent manner, and find his energy and optimism inspiring....
hi David...thanks for transcribing Oliver's remarks. I only saw a short clip and I must say old Craig deserves a lot of credit for telling it like it is. Good for him. I find a lot of the MSM coverage pathetically cynical, and I want us all to be able to overcome that and dare to dream again...
hi ExMTLLeri642...I didn't know that some yappy Con had objected so violently to what Oliver had to say. And yes I also would have liked him to be asked what part of it didn't he understand. Because when I read Oliver's words I see nothing that anybody could challenge. The old man may be almost totally blind, but he still sees further than a lot of his grubby colleagues...
Yes, love that Charter. We should have a Charter Day in Canada. Or a monument to the Charter. Wouldn't that drive harper crazy?
hi anon...yes I've seen the stunning news, and couldn't be happier myself. I've got a Village Idiot button of her that I made about seven years ago, and will wear it on my jacket along with my poppy. For in their own way they both stand for the same thing. The liberation of our country from those beastly alien invaders...
hi anon...awww come on, can't we party for at least another week? But yes I know what you mean. It would be fatal to believe that just because we won the big battle, the war is over. The Cons are still relatively intact, they have the support of Big Business and most of the MSM, so you know they will come after Justin Trudeau and company like a pack of rabid hyenas, and we must be ready to fight back and keep pushing for real change...
hi Gene...thanks I'm glad you liked that post. I must say I quite enjoyed writing it. It feels so good to be able to write about something positive, and reclaim our humble but precious Canadian values after so many years of darkness. I'm finding freedom a bit discombobulating but I'm not complaining... ;)
hi e.a.f...yes I must say I am quite impressed with that cabinet. I thought it showed courage to keep General Leslie and Bill Blair out of the positions they might have expected. And having an aboriginal woman as Justice Minister is for me about as perfect as it gets. As for the MSM, they are going through a hard time, and I don't wish them to disappear. But new technologies have given us a chance to create a stronger alternative media and we should definitely use it to counter the bias, and give more Canadians a voice...
hi anon...good god, not that Prince again? His incompetence killed enough of my ancestors on the battlefield of Culloden. Will he NEVER be satisfied? But seriously I have noticed how many in the MSM are already taking aim at Prince Justin, even before he was sworn in. You can be sure that the big media bosses already have a price on his head. So we should go after them, in the same manner. One of my ancestors played a small but inspiring role at Culloden. While lying wounded on the ground he was asked by the butcher Cumberland who he was with. He replied he was with the Prince, and was for his brave words slaughtered. Needless to say I don't wish to share his fate, but if I'm asked who I am with these days, would say exactly the same thing...
hi Raven...yes I would have enjoyed hearing those words, but unfortunately I see Ambrose as a Gucci version of Harper, and under the influence of the monstrous pretender Jason Kenney. But it doesn't really matter because I can't see either of them ever posing the same threat as their depraved leader, and for that I am grateful...
Damn Skippy, it feels GREAT! Be glad you aren't within reach, because the kisses you would be getting in appreciation...let's just say the wife would be almost jealous (only almost, thankfully I married well, being poly amourous and pansexual does not make me an easy mate...LOL) of the attention you would be getting!
Seriously though, I really do appreciate your work in working to dethrone Harper to the point that I would feel that strongly, you have a gift for working with images and imagery that I simply lack. I can appreciate it when I see it, but I cannot create in that way at all, my forte is with words, written and spoken. I believe you did make a material difference over the last several years because of how good you were with the imagery work and its repeating throughout the net, far more so than I ever did with my words I would argue.
That is not to say I believe my own contributions had no impacts, just that your visual visceral manner simply worked a lot better for simple comprehension and emotional impact. You spoke far better to the heart, emotions, and soul than I, I was restricted to the cold language of reason, which is why I am so grateful for all your hard work and your clear talent, and of course your warm heart and humanity.
I'm not sure even if he had gotten that additional 4 year second majority he wold have been able to wreck the courts, they proved remarkably resistant to him even when he was appointing his choices to the SSC, but that was I believe because of how professional overall our legal profession is in this country and that it is harder to appoint overtly partisan judges, especially at the higher levels without causing major blowback. Still though, he was clearly getting closer to making it work, and so I am more than happy to not see him getting the chance.
Whatever else Simon, I count you as one of the only people I call brother/family in this world, not just the online world. You were one of the few who came to realize that I really was what I was all about, and granted me the respect you did even when you disagreed with me on the means. You are someone always welcome in my home, as tiny as it is, and should you ever know you are coming to Halifax with enough lead time to try to arrange it, I would love to meet you and buy you whatever choice of drink (within budgetary limits) to toast this event, no matter how much farther in the future it is. This too is not the kind of offer I ever make lightly even in person, and the first time ever in the online world. You really do hold that high a position of respect in my mind and warmth in my heart for all you have done over these painful years of the Harperium Endarkenment.
Thank You.
Harper did gather a lot of international attention. Editorial in Nature condemning censorship, universal dislike for his stand (head in the sand) on climate change, and I am sure there are others. Lots of attentions, just none that was favourable.
I did note a tone of jubiliation in some out-of-country papers and blogs when Harper lost.
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