When Rona Ambrose was crowned temporary Queen of the Cons, and promised that her shell shocked MPs would set a "new tone" i.e. raise their behaviour out of the gutter, and stop acting like animals.
I remember wondering whether she was dumb or delusional, and whether she really believed she could do that in the snake pit of a party Stephen Harper created.
And Jason Kenney now runs.
And sure enough she couldn't. She just couldn't CONTROL them.
For first there was Candice Bergen tweeting this about Justin Trudeau.

Which couldn't have been less nice or more ugly, but was quickly forgiven.
Ambrose chalked up Bergen's tweet to heightened passions in the wake of Friday's attacks by ISIL militants in Paris, which killed 129 people and left hundreds more injured.
"After what happened last week, there is going to be some emotion and some passion and I'm going to chalk that one up to some emotion and passion," Ambrose said.
And then there's Michelle Rempel who is now so out of control, she was recently spotted on Ezra Levant's hate mongering Rebel Media show, in the company of the notorious religious fanatic and scummy bigot Brian Lilly...

Trying to make the Syrian refugees sound like a mortal threat to Canada. Even though both CSIS and the RCMP have made it clear they will be properly screened.
But nothing happened to her, and Rempel is still acting as if she's the real Con leader...

Although to be fair, Ambrose could hardly ground Princess Conchella for promoting bigotry.
When she herself was asked about the Cons so-called Barbaric Cultural Practices act, and denied she had anything to do with it.
Only to have her own words come back to haunt her...

And now that the ghastly Con Tom Lukiwski's foul words have come back to haunt him, she's STILL doing nothing.
Saskatchewan Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski has denied that he referred to a female politician as a "whore" — and interim party leader Rona Ambrose says she accepts his explanation.
If derogatory language had been used, any caucus member would already have been removed, she said. "I have accepted Mr. Lukiwski's explanation in regards to these comments," she said.
Even though she claims she's a champion of women's rights, and even though Lukiwski doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt...
And should have been fired long ago.
But then they are Cons, and that's how they behave. And if you have any doubt what kind of people they are, all you have to do is check out another snippet from that same drunken party.
Where Brad Hall, the Little Con on the Prairie, who is also trying to portray refugees as a "malevolent" threat to Canada, but claims he isn't a racist.
Is caught on tape mocking Ukrainian-Canadians...
And they're all shown acting like animals.
But then what do you expect? When it is the party Stephen Harper created.
As this latest Con propaganda makes only too clear...

And all I can say is if they're not dumb they're deluded.
You could never put lipstick on this Con hog or his party...

If Rona Ambrose can't control her or Kenney's caucus she should resign.
And yes, in the name of human decency.
Let's never let those foul Cons anywhere near power again...
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They believe in the rightness of their cause, just as we do.
The only difference is that they're all ignorant, bigoted morons.
And here I was blaming SH for their behaviours..........OMG!
Harper lives on in the guise of his remaining neocons.
I read somewhere this morning that Paul "CryBaby"Calandra had joined the pundit's on Power&Politics Gong Show last night..Perhaps tonight they could have Candice,Rona,Michelle and Tom on to do their best impersonation of Gene Gene the Dancing Machine...
Well, what we all used to say about Harper is apparently true of most of his Party - the just can't help themselves! They are just nasty by nature and to the very core. It is a Party that has become a de facto extension of the Tea Baggers in the US, and if it were acceptable to push the envelope a little further here in Canada, you can bet a number of them would talk just like Trump. If this party ever wants to rebuild itself into a meaningful political party they really are going to have to look beyond this core of nasties, but I really don't see that happening for a while. I suspect that they will elect one of their Harper Clones like Kenney and they will get humiliated at the next election based in large part on their failure to jettison their nastiness. And then they will go through another leadership campaign to finally try to grow up. (Unless smiling Maxime wins the leadership this time, in which case all bets are off).
My watching Power & Politics has shrunk considerably since the end of the election, but if it's true they've granted pundit status to the likes of Calandra, I will never watch the show again.
The remaining Cons are still playing to their base. They still have 100 M.P.s in Parliaments, so they do have an audience. How this will all play out in the future, remains to be seen.
there hasn't been much in the news about the other European countries, but we do know they haven't been visited by the ISIS terrorists the way France has. Why is France special? well, they have a real history in the middle east, the country is easy to get to, and from all appearances, there are more disaffected Muslim youth in France than in other countries. If you are never allowed to become part of the mainstream then how are people thrive. Integration into a society goes best when people are recognized as being part of that country and society. It doesn't matter that your ancestors came from an other country. When countries aren't able to make the adjustment there can be trouble. We have only to look south of the border to see how race continues to play out with violence, even though African Americans have been citizens there for centuries.
It is a complete an utter travesty that David Yurdiga from my riding is the critic for Northern Affairs. This after the putz voted against much needed changes to the Northern Food Program.....argh!!!
"When Rona Ambrose was crowned temporary Queen of the Cons..."
How could you miss such a chance to dub her 'Queen of Cats'? Especially when it looks like keeping her caucus in line is going to be like herding cats (that being the premise of the rest of your post). Opportunity missed imo.
Of course removing Harper wasn't going to change anything on these lines. Keep in mind the CPC is the party that Harper built, built out of treachery and betrayal and deception in the murder of the PCPC. This is the party that in its first act as a government swore in two ministers, one they bought from the Libs named Emerson, and the other was Harper's Quebec bagman Fortier who failed as a candidate, was made a Senator and then to add insult to injury Minister of Public Works aka pork and patronage central where the Sponsorship Scandal was out of just to name one of many such scandals from said department. That the Harper CPC acted in such a corrupt fashion on its very first day of government contrasts with the first day of the Trudeau government so extremely underscores what it was from the outset. Then Harper had nine years of government and a hyper controlling government and party to warp and shape everyone within it to his will and belief structure. So now that he is finally gone it is no wonder we see essentially the same thing still, how given all this could it not be?
The CPC is going to be the party of Harper for a LOOOOONG time to come. How could it be anything esle?
African Americans have been citizens there for centuries.
Not really. African Americans have been US citizens since 1868, so about 148 years, or in Canadian terms just after Confederation.
See the US Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision in 1857.
hi thwap...yes you're right, but of course it is hard to come up with a good team when they're fishing in such a shallow gene pool....
hi Kathleen...well he did raise them to be like him, so even though he's gone old bad habits die hard....
hi political junkie...yes he does, he was a party of one, and they're all his clones....
hi anon.. yes I saw him on the show, and for a moment I wondered whether they were going to make him a regular member of the panel. Then I quickly dismissed the thought because I thought it was too preposterous. So if it turns out to be true, I'm really going to have to wonder who on earth is running the CBC?
hi Omar...yes I've stopped watching the show as regularly as I once did. But you know the funny thing is that now he is free from his ghastly talking points, Calandra sounded almost reasonable. But why would they put him on the air if that clown doesn't represent anyone? Honestly how low can they go....
hi Kirby...yes it seems they really can't help themselves. He moulded and muzzled them for almost ten years, and the present gang will always be his faithful clones.And you're right, if they do elect Kenney as their permanent leader they will go down the memory hole. But as for Maxime, he might be considerably more human and entertaining than someone like Kenney. But he is an extreme right-wing ideologue/libertarian. He was the one credited with coming up with the idea of scrapping the long-form census, so if he ever becomes leader he will lead them to the same place....
hi e.a.f...yes that is a good point. We may all be Paris this week, but Canada is not France. They have a long colonial record, an apparent inability to integrate their minorities properly, and all of that is coming back to haunt them...
hi Way Way Up....OMG. Isn't that great? Oh well hopefully the new government which has some great aboriginal candidates will finally get around to declaring the food problem in the north an urgent national priority. There really couldn't be a more pressing issue as far as I'm concerned....
hi A Kisaragi Colour...The Queen of Cats? Good lord, I am already fighting off charges that I slander pigs, and now you want me to enrage cat owners? And besides I paid good money at a pawn shop to get her that crown, and no self respecting cat would wear that... ;)
hi Scotian...yes I'm afraid you're right. As long as they keep insisting that it's just a matter of tone, they won't change, and they won't go anywhere. I also think that some of the bitter rivalries are also going to make their mark, and it will be very interesting to see what's going to happen when people like MacKay return to the fray, or the Red Tories get some outside candidate to run against Kenney. Because then it could get vicious. Oh goody I can hardly wait...;)
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