When I saw Peter MacKay heading off into the sunset, and paying for his own flight for a change.
After jumping over the side of the sinking Con ship...

I was hopeful that we'd seen the last of him.
But sadly it's pretty clear now, even if he won't admit it, that he is planning to run to replace Stephen Harper...

And making all kinds of noises about how the party he sold to Harper and now wants back, should be more inclusive.
A former high-ranking cabinet minister considered a potential successor to Stephen Harper as leader of the Conservative Party says an “insular” culture is partly to blame for its recent election defeat.
“Your party has to be a mirror of Canadian citizenship … We have to be an inclusive party. We can never give the impression that this is a party that is exclusive, that is anti-this, or pro-that. We’ve got to be a broad-based party.”
So here's just the latest reason he should not be made the leader of any Canadian party.
The Canadian Judicial Council is reviewing the conduct of a Federal Court judge who questioned the efforts of a sexual assault complainant to fend off her attacker.
The council announced Monday it will review the behaviour of Robin Camp during a 2014 case he adjudicated while serving as an Alberta Provincial Court judge.
In the 11-page complaint, Elaine Craig, Jocelyn Downie, Jennifer Koshan and Alice Woolley said that in the 2014 case, Camp asked the complainant, "Why couldn't you just keep your knees together?" and, "Why didn't you just sink your bottom down into the basin so he couldn't penetrate you?"
Because that judge's behaviour couldn't be more outrageous, and his comments more disgusting.
In response to her testimony that she was in physical pain during the alleged assault, he remarked that “sex and pain sometimes go together … that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”
And MacKay was the one who appointed him.
Camp was appointed to the Federal Court by former Conservative justice minister Peter MacKay on June 26, 2015.
Which can only remind us of MacKay's appalling judgement, and that his political career was marked by one act of sexist idiocy after the other....

For who can forget his callous disregard for the lives of sex workers?

Or the way he tried to smear the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, by claiming she had tried to call the prime minister, when she hadn't...

Which made only too clear, long before he appointed that ghastly judge, that he had no respect for our legal system.
And the good news? MacKay and all the other former Con ministers who are expected to run for the leadership of their party, all seem to believe that they can simply turn over a new leaf.
And call everything they did while working for Stephen Harper an unfortunate mistake .
“We were, some would say, thrashing around a bit and trying to come up with policies that perhaps were aimed a little too narrowly, things like niqab and life-means-life sentencing,” MacKay said of some of the party’s more controversial moves.
When in fact they were all such faithful followers of that depraved leader that they will never escape their ghastly records, or his foul legacy...

You know, I have no idea how a Canadian judge could be such a sexist pig in the year 2015.
But what I do know is that for appointing that judge and for his own piggy actions, Peter MacKay does not deserve to be the leader of any Canadian party...

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Peter is finished. Back in the day, out here in B.C. there was a writer who created the term, "the Peter Principle". It might have been created for this Peter. He reached the height of his incompetence.
The boy who sold the P.C.s to the Cons, ought to stay out of politics. He like his former boss had "judgement issues". it was impaired. All that booze he drank in his youth must have compromised his brain.
He appointed that judge and a whole lot more. it was intended to change the judicial system in Canada. Well it has and now the Liberals will have to fix it. That judge in Alberta needs to go right now. If they can't fire him, he needs to be suspended. His comments are completely unacceptable. If one heard these types of things from the mouth of a defense attorney, that would be bad enough, but from a judge in Canada, totally unacceptable. Reminds me of those Taliban idiots who stone women for being unfaithful when they were raped. This judge needs to be sent some where else. No amount of "sensitivity" training is going to help.
In another way, though, Simon, MacKay would be a perfect fit for the party's leadership. After all, he proved himself devoid of integrity when he lied to David Orchard to get his support to lead the PCP way back when, promising never to merge it with the Reformers, and then turned around and did exactly that. Yes, he would be perfect as the leader for the 'new' Conservatives....
But n Potato Pete's case the Peter Principal just means he's a stupid prick.
The book, The Peter Principle, was published in 1968, when Peter MacKay was 3 years old.
Peter MacKay began his political career with the Reformers by stabbing David Orchard in the back for Stephen Harper and ended it by losing dozens of court cases as (Harper's anti-constitutional) Justice Minister and finally, appointing a judge who supports rapists and derides their victims.
A perfect resume for the worst political party on earth next to the GOP.
I think that from a left point of view MacKay would be bad news as leader. Despite your points, all of which I agree with, MacKay has a pretty good public image. By the time the next election comes around, most of his outrageous missteps will be ancient history to the public. I think he would liked by a lot of people and if he is smart enough to hone his image and has learned anything from Harper's failure, he will work hard to cultivate a softer, gentler style. Furthermore, unlike the crazies like Kenny, I think that MacKay will even try to learn from Trudeau's success and sell the same kind of "open" agenda. We know it will be all bulls**t but I have no doubt that men like MacKay will try.
.. I think Kirby Evans has it right .. its astounding how a complete loser may be seen as redeemable in politics..
Peter Dumbo MacKay will likely try to run for the leadership but he will not win because the Reformacons in his party will not want him. They want someone in the image of their hero, Steve, no matter what they say. They disdain MacKay because, like us, they see him for the traitor he was for selling out his old party. Harper was actually protecting him because he owed MacKay the big favour of selling out his former party but even Harper would not want him to be the leader after him. That was why Harper had not fired him for all the mistakes and scandals that MacKay had perpetrated.
I've been hearing this a lot lately and hopefully it won't happen. Peter jumped ship when he did because he knew the Cons were in trouble and probably wouldn't have retained his seat.
The ReformaCons took control of the PC party after the sellout / merger and will not give up control because when your views are right its a sin compromise them. It would be ideal if the Progressives struck out on their own but its unlikely to happen so electoral reform is the only safeguard we have. With respect to judges I would nominate Vic Toews as the poster boy for the Cons vision of fair and unbiased judicial system.
If it is the CON base who ultimately will pick the leader, it will be Kenney not Mackay that they will choose, Kenney is more aligned to their dogma.
Shows how far-sited Peter Drucker was.
The problem has always been pointing the finger at Harper now makes it possible for the others who supported the PM all that time to wash their hands of the Con sins.
News alert ! Peter McKay is still only three years old.
Did anyone notice the good sense Belinda has always shown ?
From any sane, logical, informed, educated, experienced point of view, MacKay would be a disaster as a leader of anything. His character speaks for itself. He's always been a rat.
As a fop or dandy with no ethics beyond an intense desire to live a life of personal ease, Peter has a fine-tuned ability to spot which side his bread is buttered on and to act accordingly.
That is the extent of his ability, beyond not appearing in the least bit ashamed when caught with his hand in the cookie jar, merely grinning sheepishly like a naughty little boy. Aw shucks. Yes, it's all a bit of a game for him.
That is the complete life bio of one Peter MacKay. Interest in oneself.
hi e.a.f.... I understand there is a way that a judge like that can be removed. It isn't easy, but for saying this to a victim of sexual assault...
In response to her testimony that she was in physical pain during the alleged assault, he remarked that “sex and pain sometimes go together … that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”
Every effort should be made to remove him.
hi Lorne...once upon a time I thought that MacKay might have enough of the PC party he betrayed still in him to lead the Cons to a better place. But by the end of his time in office he had become such a Harperite, I just want to see him gone. Don't forget how he turned a cyberbullying bill into a cyber snooping bill, which was a betrayal of bullied children. His callous disregard for the lives of sex workers was also appalling, and through it all there was his horrible sexism which conditioned his response. So good riddance to bad rubbish...
hi rumleyfips...I agree that MacKay is really dumb, but that can't excuse the viciousness of some of his actions, or his hideous sexism.
hi Moon Rattled...yes, that's quite a record isn't it? And yes, he could only be a member of the Harper Cons. In the article I linked to he also says this:
“We were, some would say, thrashing around a bit and trying to come up with policies that perhaps were aimed a little too narrowly, things like niqab and life-means-life sentencing,” MacKay said of some of the party’s more controversial moves.
And makes it sound like the only people hurt were the Cons. He just just doesn't get it, and he too is good to go...
hi Kirby... MacKay may look good compared to some of the redneck Reformers from Alberta. But when you examine his record it's simply appalling. And a sexist who would appoint a pig like that judge, who in my opinion is a threat and an insult to all Canadian women, really needs to get the boot. I believe in the power of human redemption, but Dumbo has done too many awful things to be forgiven. And I will certainly do my best to try to remind Canadians what a monster he really is. I was a bit too easy on him in this post, but I promise to do better...;)
hi salamander...I'm not saying that MacKay won't try to change his image, or try to carry the banner of the Red Tories that he betrayed so outrageously. He clearly seems to be heading in that direction. But I consider his record to be so awful, and his appointment of that bestial judge so unforgivable, that I believe he is deluding himself if he thinks he can succeed. At this point I believe that only an outside candidate might be able to transform that ghastly cult...
hi anon...yes I don't disagree with anything you say. It seems to me that MacKay bent over backwards in the last few years to try to win over the Reformacons. But like you I don't believe he will be successful. Not because they disdain him for selling out the old party, but rather because they fear he could sell them out to the Red Tories. As long as Kenney is calling the shots, the new leader will be either him or some kind of Kenney clone...
hi Kathleen....I agree with you, I believe that's why MacKay jumped ship. But now that Harper is gone I'm afraid Dumbo is starting to dream that he could actually replace him. As I said in my post, I believe that the Cons were in power too long that it will be very hard for any of those who served Harper so faithfully to escape his ghastly shadow...
hi RT...I agree with you, the Harper ReformCons are not about to give up their hold on that party. The big problem in my opinion is that with such strong support in Alberta, many see that party as the Bloc Alberta. But of course that's their problem, not ours. Unless they can broaden that base they will go nowhere. And of course, if we can get electoral reform in time for the next election, nothing they do will save them...
hi Pamela...I can only imagine what kind of state Kenney must be in these days. He wants the leadership so badly, but most outside observers believe that while he could win the leadership, he could not win a general election. Which is why I believe that sooner or later the Cons are going to end up in the closest thing to a civil war. And of course I will be cheering for both sides... :)
hi anon...well they may try that, and I actually read an article in the Hill Times today where one of them claims they were just too scared of Harper to object to anything he said or did. And all I can say is good luck with that one. I don't want to compare the Cons to Nazis, but that tactic has been tried before, at Nuremberg. "We wuz just following orders !!!!!!" they screamed. Until they went through the trap door in the floor....
I think it's only a small percentage of politicians--whether at the local, provincial, or federal level--who are truly "other" centered, compared to being "self" centered ("what's in it for me?")
MPs such as Elizabeth May, Megan Leslie (recently defeated) and Michael Chong strike me as people who are in politics for the right reason--to serve others.
This is not an isolated incident.
Just google judge Robert Dewar. The Harper Government had ten years to stack the judiciary with inappropriate appointments.
The same Government which appointed Vic Toews to the bench.
YUP STEPHEN ... it's your party, and YOU WILL CRY ALL U WANT to (no one that I know cares) ... LOLOL ... honest to gawd, where do these people come from??? ... and YET, they run this country??? ... How old is Gershon, 14 or 15??? ... She forgot her skipping room and jumping jacks for the video ... LOL ... For 10 years, I didn't even know who existed in the PC party, except the guy that wore the blue turban, nodded, arfed like a seal and laughed while his "MASTER" spoke for ALL of them ... I couldn't even consider talking to them, let alone vote for them, do they have any intelligence??? ... oh ya, marijuana is worse than tobacco ... FFS I forgot LOL ... they sell booze on TV, cigarettes at the stores, and yet pot is bad ... I have never heard of any group called M.A. (marijuana anonymous) ... LOL ... We have a community hall here where I live ... I have never seen so many cars for an event here EVER, except for A.A. meetings ... I thot a party was going on and I missed it LOL ... Any of Steve's party, that did NOT see thru him, reminds me of a "co-dependent" relationship ... "yes Steve, no Steve" ... it was like going back in time 150 years ... the Cons can all F.O. for all I care ... I so enjoy this website Simon ... TY
Hi Simon ... iz mee TY ... I make no apologies for my CAPS or whatever someone was bitching about ... to them, I say "don't read my post, if U no like it" ... LOLOL ... I don't judge people by their typing FFS ... I think they were upset because I was insulting their hero PMOcchio ... that's the best one of all LOLOL ... TY
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