As if the people of Paris hadn't suffered enough, as if they hadn't seen enough ugliness.
Well now that horror show just got a little uglier.
Because the self styled Rebel Commander Ezra Levant is in the City of Light, sowing his darkness.
And he couldn't be more disgusting.
France’s president, Francois Hollande, called the attacks an “act of war” and said in response he will “lead a war that is pitiless”. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe him — and if my observations today were any indication, no-one else does either.
If my first impressions of Paris are accurate, Hollande doesn’t mean it, and neither do most Parisians. In fact, the opposite has happened: France has developed a tolerance for terrorism. They accept terrorist violence as the new normal. They’re numb to it now.
Can you believe it? That grotesque bigot arrives in a city mourning its dead, and declares that they're not as angry as they should be.
And then as if that wasn't bad enough, makes clear in this bizarre video what REALLY bothers him.
There isn't a generalized feeling of VENGEANCE.
There isn't enough hate in the air to satisfy that porky bigot. Just shock and sorrow.
He seems disappointed that the French aren't in a feverish frenzy, and attacking their Muslim neighbours.
Which makes me wonder why he bothered to go to France? When he could have stayed at home and satiated his bigotry, by licking the TV screen when they ran this story.

Congregants at Peterborough’s Masjid Al Salaam – literally, “the peace mosque” – are looking for a temporary new home after someone set fire to their building Saturday night.
“It looks like a hate crime,” said Zahid Sultan, vice-president of the local Muslim association. Peterborough police have “told us they are taking this as a hate crime and they have taken evidence into their custody,” he said.
Because that's what hate does. One day it burns, the next day it kills.
Now I realize that a man who would mock the death of Jack Layton in this manner...

Or refer to gypsies, one of the most persecuted minorities on Earth, in these words.
But these are Gypsies, a culture synonymous with swindlers. [...] Well, the Gypsies have gypped us. Too many have come here as false refugees. And they come here to gyp us again, to rob us blind as they have done in Europe for centuries.
Being a Gypsy is a positive choice, like being a Blood or a Crip. Like joining the Cosa Nostra. For centuries, these roving highway gangs have mocked the law and robbed their way across Europe. Now, because of our broken refugee system, they’re here in Canada by the thousands and they’ve brought a Gypsy crime wave with them.
Or accuse Justin Trudeau of "deflowering" a young woman with a selfie, and call his parents sluts.

Is indeed a low creature, and capable of ANYTHING.
But what bothers me is that when I look around this country, and read the comments in the newspapers or on the internet, I'm seeing a lot of would be Ezra Levants. Who are using what happened in Paris to attack peaceful Muslims in this country in the foulest manner.
And are now threatening to use ignorance, fear, and prejudice, to try to stop the Liberal government from bringing in thousands of desperate refugees.
Even though all will be carefully screened, and many of them will be widows and children...

And are no threat to anyone.
And this after the lowest and most racist campaign in modern Canadian history.
When the fires of bigotry burned brightly...

Scared tens of thousands of Canadians, and shamed us in the eyes of the world.
And all I can say is for the sake of the soul of this country, let's hope it doesn't happen again.
We got rid of one bigot...

Dan Murphy
And for the sake of human decency.
Let's hope this one will one day follow him...

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How does Levant pay the bills--from donations to the Rebel Media website? Selling Erza bobble heads, etc. https://the-rebel-store.myshopify.com/
Not only did he lose his show when Sun "News" TV Network shut down, he also lost his column for QMI/Sun Media:
OMG! Where do these 'people' come from???????????????? Must be a 'sale' on would be Ezra Levants........they are coming out of the wood work by the dozens!
My Delete button is getting worn out.......I see a new Laptop in my Future.......
An insane, crabbed, repulsive excuse for a human being. Stupid too.
Mr. Hankey deserves better than that comparison with Ezra Simon, how could you? :(
After all there is more purpose and healthy function taken in the act of defecating and its leavings than anything we ever see/hear from Ezra Levant.
The French should never become "numb" to terrorism!!!! It's unacceptable!!! Canada shouldn't either! My family fought for this country to give us what we have today. This generation is giving it away! We are a disgrace to that generation and should be ashamed!!!
One must understand that Ezra is a well-rounded person. He hates everyone and everything.
I would have much more faith in his Paris broadcast if I thought he could actually speak or even read French. Well, I would have gone from thinking it was total phantasmagorical, delusional ravings to simply phantasmagorical drivel.
Having watched his diatribe against the Roma, I do not know how he escaped a hate crime charge.
I, also watched his interview Michael Welner, the American " forensic" psychiatrist who testified as an expert witness for the prosecution in Khadar's kangaroo hearing in Guantanamo. Welner seems to have not a clue about Islam, terrorism (or possbily human beings). I read his testsimony from the fiasco err, trial and it was less than impressive.
Neither video gave me a great deal of confidence in Ezra's neutrality or even common decency.
Unfortunately there seem to be some Canadians who will listen to him. I n some cases apparently they will support him for whatever strange reasons they have, obviously not pecuniar. Sun comes to mind.
Some of Ezra's videos from Paris have attracted more than 11,000 views.
I wouldn't doubt ISIS clicks the "like" button on all Levant's videos!
So Ezra went to Paris on "business". I'd suggest it is a vacation which can be written off as. A business expense.
At The Rebel "SIGN OUR PETITION demanding he continue Canada’s role in the anti-ISIS coalition".
What an Idiot! (No surprise there.) Trudeau is not stopping Canada's role against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh (as it's more properly known). He is refocussing our efforts in what we do best.
how does ezra even get past security of any border, I will never know. As he is a extremist prick, and canadas #1 terrorist:P
Peter Showler interview
hi anon...I don't know where he is getting his money from to expand his YouTube channel and travel to France, considering all his legal bills. But I have written about the way some sinister Con groups are soliciting money from big business to attack the Liberal government, so maybe they are now also funding the Rebel Commander's ghastly little channel....
hi Kathleen...I don't know where Levant and his bigot followers come from, either from some dark and smelly place in Canada, or some other ghastly planet. But they shame us all and they really are monsters...
hi thwap...yes, thanks for summing the situation up so concisely and well as only you can... ;)
I cannot stand Ezra Levant ... he is UGLY inside and out ... EZRA?? have U looked in the mirror lately?? ... LMAOOOOOO ... Ezra, move back to your HOMELAND, and take that Brian Lilley creep with you ... U make a good couple (couple of dickheads) LOL .......................... TY
hi Scotian...yes you're right, I will have to apologize to Mr Hankey, as well as the hogs of the world, for using them to portray people like Ezra Levant and Stephen Harper. But yes, isn't Levant getting worse with every passing day? What an absolute beast...
hi unknown...the French are not numb to terrorism. They are still in shock,still burying their dead. And you should not believe anything Ezra Levant says, because all he is interested is getting people like you stirred up so he can hit you up for money. And BTW, this generation is not giving anything away. It is just standing up for our Canadian values....
hi jrkrideau...I don't know what demons drive Levant to act as he does, and I don't even know if he even believes some of the filthy stuff he blows out of every orifice. I now see him as a ghastly opportunist, mining the bigoted impulses of a small but noisy group of Canadians. And as for his interview with that quack Michael Welner, which I have written about extensively, it was a new low for Levant, as was his ghastly book on Omar Khadr.
But as you say, there is a small but faithful audience for his grotesque material, and as long as he can keep hitting them up for sucker dollars, he will keep doing what he does...
hi David...well that a depressing fact, for that's almost as many people as watched his crumby Sun TV show. I'll have to get my brother who is good at maths, to calculate how much money could possibly make, and figure out if it will cover his massive legal bills. I did notice something though in the video I posted. It seems his hair is turning grey. It's not easy being such a loser, and such a foul bigot....
hi e.a.f...as I said above I think that Levant must have received a paper bag full of unmarked bills from one of the sinister Con groups out there who are trying to mobilize the resistance to the Trudeau government. And it must have been a big paper bag, because unless Levant is sleeping on a park bench and dumpster diving, just three days in Paris can cost you an arm and a leg,... ;)
hi UU4077...Levant is continually putting up petitions about anything, and no doubt soon after you sign any of them you start getting e-mails demanding money. To me he is nothing but a Con artist, or the closes thing we have in this country to one of those grotesque televangelists in the U.S. It won't be long before he's flogging bottles of holy water, or small pieces of his underwear....
hi Deb...that's an interesting question, because I would really like to see if he can enter a country like Britain, where hate mongers are not only blocked from entering the country, they can be arrested for babbling their bigot nonsense on a street corner. But the good news is that he keeps losing one court case after the other, so sooner or later the legal system will grind him down....
Canada's answer to Donald Trump?????????????????? Entertainment for a lot of people!!!!
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