When I heard that Doug Ford had decided to give himself and his government a five-month vacation until the federal election was over, I wasn't really surprised.
I'd heard he'd found running a province about a
But then I starting hearing stories that Andrew Scheer's Cons had put pressure on him to crawl under a rock before his plunging popularity also took them down...

Because Ford is taking them down, and Scheer's Cons are
“Doug Ford is the No. 1 issue at the doors (for candidates) here,” said one senior Conservative official, speaking confidentially in order to discuss internal deliberations.
“Let’s just say there are really strong feelings,” added the frustrated federal Tory insider, noting the premier is proving to be a lightning rod with many Ontarians.
But then I started to wonder how Dougie would like being treated like Scheer's baby...

Or worse, made to look like Scheer's bitch.
And since I figured Ford wouldn't like that at all.
And I knew Weak Andy wouldn't dare tell him to take a hike, or go hide under a rock, I started wondering who did?
Then I read this profile of Scheer in L'Actualite.
And when I read what Carl Vallée, Stephen Harper's longtime press flak, had to say, it suddenly all made sense:
"Scheer, Marshall and most of the Con strategists come from the political school of Harper. They grew up with him, he showed them everything. In that sense, in terms of ideas, it's still the party of Harper..."
"Andrew Scheer rarely makes an important decision without consulting his old boss, as well as his former colleague Jason Kenney, now the prime minister of Alberta."
For it does explain why Kenney rushed off to Ontario in such a hurry, even as his province went up in flames...

It only reinforces the many reports that Scheer is still Harper's faithful puppet.

Still working with him to change Canada beyond recognition.
And if any of the above can be confirmed, and Canadians come to believe that Harper is back, as the shadowy leader of a massive right-wing conspiracy trying to seize control of this country, Scheer won't stand a chance.
And Justin Trudeau should be able to win another election by simply doing what he did last time...

Isn't that great?
Stephen Harper created them all.
And he will take them all down with him...
Anyone who follows politics here in Canada should be able to figure this out for themselves!
I sure hope so, Simon. The abject hatred people seem to have for Trudeau is irrational and frightening. Kinsella must be involved with this and I wonder if the Daisy Group is "consulting" with the IDU and/or is part of the Koch network. He's got an unhinged new op-ed in the Sun calling for Trudeau to be put on trial for genocide, as though he himself was responsible for what Canada did to First Nations people. So as if comparing him to everyone from Nixon and Trump to Charles Manson and Keith Rainere wasn't bad enough, now he's basically being likened to Slobodan Milosevic, Bloody-Bloody Andrew Jackson and (why not?) Adolf Hitler. Scheer must be wetting himself with his Ceausescu fetish. But there again, we're back to Hillary Clinton and "lock her up." I wrote Trudeau a letter personally in February, encouraging him and the party to be mindful of what Hillary had said years ago about targeted abuse and the vast right-wing conspiracy. Lo and behold, she was right. Especially when there's oil in them thar hills.
Harper is an absolute megalomaniac who's involved with some really dirty, authoritarian people. He blindsided Trudeau by meeting with Trump to sabotage NAFTA, cheated his way to an illegitimate majority in 2011, and wants his revenge against the son of the man he despised so much. With social media disinfo, the M$M in the bag, the Trump effect, and the populist cancer spreading worldwide, there's going to have to be a massive mobilization effort to counter that son of a bitch. The cat came back, he just wouldn't stay away!
I've always believed that Harper was somewhere in the shadows and if Scheer wins the election it will be hard to know who is really running the country. Ford knows that Harper's people won the election for him so he will do as he is told.
Which reminds me...
In keeping with the title of this post and the 'Hidden Hand of Harper', not much ever came to light about Harper's surreptitious visit last summer to the White House.
Neither in advance, nor afterwards.
It was like it was a blip on the radar that died in our News; while it's never stopped disturbing me.
You cannot convince me nothing consequential came of that visit, including where we're at, at this critical juncture.
Trudeau must know it too.
Surely, subsequent to that little 'secret' trip, he knows he needs to pull out all the stops, use every tool in his toolbox, including getting his Intelligence Services on it, (Harper's machinations); to beat Harper & Co(ns) at their own game.
Kensilla, La Drew and boss hogg should all rot in hell for putting self ahead of party. We all like to party and they dont.
Weak Andy reminds you of that border guard that want to see you genitals for now reason.
Forgot to include this piece published last year, with my previous comment:
a few highlights from a must read--all of it:
The secret trip "raises serious national security concerns, and questions about loyalties within Canada’s Conservative Party, as the old global order is torn up by American President Donald Trump."
"As Prime Minister, Harper was privy to Canada’s deepest military, economic, and security secrets. He received routine briefings on Canadian domestic and foreign operations. He has intimate knowledge of our nation’s financial and social strengths and weaknesses."
"Why Harper went to meet with Republicans is unknown, but what is known is that Harper not only believes in the fundamental principles of the American Republican Party: he has openly lauded them,.. in 1997 in a speech to an American audience..."
"With a hostile Russian government across from our northern shores, and an increasingly hostile American government on our southern border making overtures to the Russians, serious questions exist about Harper’s and Hill’s actions, the risks to Canada’s sovereignty, and Canada’s very existence. And those questions are myriad."
"The new anti-Canadian stance adopted by former senior members of the Conservative Party has rung alarm bells in Canada’s defense and security communities."
Here's why, Brawnfire. Twitter thread on the "Proud" PACs and the IDU. Includes NYT article from 1985 on conservative governments (led at the time by Thatcher and Reagan), assembling this sort of right-wing version of the U.N. Connect the dots and you'll find a similar model underpinning Bannon's so-called Nationalist International. Note that Bannon was in Toronto last year for a "debate" with Bushwhacker-turned-pseudo-Never-Trumper David Frum. Whose sister Linda is one of the more unhinged Con senators.
If Canada had legitimate journalism, they'd be all over this. Instead they have tabloid-quality hacks who go full-steam ahead with But His Emails North while ignoring the elephant in the room -- er, bed. Trudeau wants to fight the election on facts while Herrball Harper and his thugs prefer to baffle 'em with bullshit.
Wornout Kinsellout needs to be turfed from Progressive Bloggers. How do we make this happen? Also, his threat against Trudeau is just plain stupid. Is Trudeau supposed to stick his head in the sand like like every other Canadian leader since day one? Shame on him.
Koch. Koch. And more Koch.
And maybe a little James McVety.
And of course, Stephen Harper.
THANK YOU, Jackie.
Not a thread I'd ever pulled, until you pointed it out.
Disturbing, disgusting, stuff.
Barbara Frum, would be horrified, if alive, like I am.
Harper loves closets so it is not surprising he enticed Dougie to hide in one until the federal election is over. Its not necessarily a smart move as Dougie likes the limelight and will quickly get bored as he peeks under the door and sees both his internal and external adversaries move around unencumbered. Self exile in a simple closet will not prevent him from performing his brand of destructive mischief in the name of DA people!
Ford takes 5......I'm taking 3......no news, no TV and no laptop! I know how I'm voting!
Kinsella's a shitposting prick. He just sent out a tweet mocking the Liberals' environmental initiative to ban single-use straws with an idiotic meme that photoshops Justin's face into a drinking straw. He tagged it "Single-use." Oilberta asshole Brett Wilson retweeted it and now the thread is full of homophobic jerks saying Trudeau is more like a tampon than a drinking straw.
So not only is he willing to attack the MMIWG report in his insane "thirst" for revenge against Trudeau, he downplays climate change and gets cheered by one of Kenney's shills who's threatened violence against environmentalists and sicced his own mob against McKenna.
These men -- and they're all MEN -- are absolutely perverse.
Hi Jackie....we are indeed going to have to make a massive effort to mobilize all progressives. I have to admit that I am not encouraged by what I see so far. Far too many progressives seem strangely out of it, like they're sleepwalking to disaster. But they still have time wake up, and as for me, I'm looking forward to the battle that will decide Canada's future...
Simon, are you going to write something about Kiefer Sutherland getting pissed with Thug over shameful misappropriation of his grandfather, Tommy Douglas?
Also, Rempelthinskin made fun of Justin for his bilingual stutter. The Liberals should run with that too because it's very reminiscent of the Cons' ad in 1993 that made fun of Chretien's Bell's Palsy. Bad enough they make fun of Maggie's bipolar disorder all over social media, but to bully someone in the HoC -- let alone he PM himself -- for a speech impediment is abusive, inhumane and downright unacceptable.
They really are deplorable and I hope Canadians can get over their own Trudeau derangement syndrome to see what kind of Trumpians the Cons really are.
Hi anon @8:47 PM...Kinsella is such a worn out old hack you should just try to ignore him like I do. He lost his credibility long ago, and now he's just drowning in his own excrement....
Hi anon...Yes, I knew that Harper was lurking in the background, and still dreaming of returning. But now that we know that Scheer depends on him and Kenney of all people, the damage they could do to weak Andy will more than make up for everything. Now you see the Cons, and now you don't....
Hi Marmalade....For more people to figure out what is really going on, the MSM has to do a better job. But us we know they are practically a Con propaganda outlet, so we will have to do the explaining ourselves....
Hi brawnfire....yes, I vividly remember Harper and his Faithful Robin Ray Novak slipping into the White House. And who knows what went on there. But I don't doubt that Harper has enlisted the help of many powerful American groups to try to bring down Trudeau. And I agree, Justin should stop holding back and let the Cons have it....
Hi RT....Yes, I think at some point I may have to portray Ford hiding in a closet, if I can find one big enough. But when you think about it, there is something deeply disturbing about all of this. Kenney, Harper, Ford, Scheer, it's like a fascist cabal is trying to take over this country. As I've said before, the failure of the MSM to investigate the shadowy Cons has a lot of Canadians sleepwalking to catastrophe....
Hi Jackie...Your wish is my command 😉 I managed to write about the Kiefer Sutherland story while watching the Raptors' game, which wasn't easy. As for Rempel, I might do something about her, but the story is so disgusting I don't look forward to it. Although I have to admit that it's the perfect example of how the Cons debase everyone they touch, I am still made fun of by a couple of friends for having once wondered whether Rempel might be better than the other Cons. 🙀
Hey Simon,
This is more like it, eh? From today's Huffpo.
(Mind you, this is at a fundraiser. Whereas, the message needs a wider audience. Trumpeted on the public square. Made common knowledge to the distracted, indifferent and uninformed, so that even they CARE.
Go Trudeau!
Trudeau Digs At Conservative Leader For Still 'Consulting' Harper
Hi Steve....I've had some bad experiences at the U.S. Border, but if you have any formation about the border crossing where they want to see your genitals please tell me so Incan avoid it. My worst experience was when I borrowed a map of Vermont from a friend, He as a serious hiker so had written in GPS numbers all over the place, so when the border guard who looked like Don Knotts saw that he treated us like suspected Al Qaeda terrorists. But having a border guard check out my genitals would be even worse...
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