Over the years I've become accustomed, or numbed, to the disgusting way the ratty Con media have gone after Justin Trudeau.
I've become accustomed to the flinty ideologues at the National Post, wearing their Con sympathies on their sleeves, working feverishly to destroy Trudeau to pleasure themselves and their Big Oil Masters.
I've become accustomed to the dirty little Sun, and its stable of hacks, spewing Con excrement out of every orifice.
But who knew the Toronto Star was now one of them?

For this editorial is so Con and so dumb it beggars belief.
By all rights the federal Liberals ought to be cruising toward a comfortable victory in October.
So why are the Liberals fighting for their lives, barely running even with the Conservatives in the latest polls? Why would so many Liberals be happy at this point just to cling on to office with a minority government?
In two words: Justin Trudeau.
Can you believe it?
They admit his government has created more than a million jobs, and that unemployment is lower than it has been since 1976.
They admit this:
More Canadians than ever have been lifted out of poverty. The government is on the right side of big issues like climate change. And it’s handling the challenge of resurgent populism as well as any government in the western world.
But still they say this:
The hard truth is that the prime minister himself has dragged his party down. His leadership has seemed unsteady, and his judgment uncertain. At this point some are posing the question: is he up to the job, and does he deserve re-election in October?
As if a prime minister can be separated from the very real accomplishments of his government.
As if the Con media wasn't almost entirely responsible for denting Trudeau's polls by overhyping this fake scandal day in day out, for more than three months.

And is still feasting on its remains.
Oh boy, I'm not surprised that Warren Kinsella went wild with joy when he saw the Star story.
The @TorontoStar (!) concludes what many of us have: the Trudeau government’s biggest problem is Trudeau. After four years, @ElizabethMay @AndrewScheer or @theJagmeetSingh would all be better. #cdnpoli #lpc #cpc #gpc #ndp https://t.co/4weZOtMDy9— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) June 29, 2019
Or that he suggested that anybody, even Andrew Scheer, would be better than Trudeau, for that's where his toxic bitterness has taken him.
But this was my reaction:
The economy is booming, we're number one on the Quality of Life rating, Trudeau is fighting bigots and standing up for women's rights and LGBT rights like no other PM, and the Star still thinks he needs to show he is a leader? WTF? https://t.co/WMGm7btLSt via @torontostar— π¨π¦ Simon π΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ ππ (@montrealsimon) June 29, 2019
And a lot of people agreed with me.
Many of them let the Star know what they thought of it.

And I'm pretty sure that the new Con Star is going to lose quite a few readers because of that absurdly biased editorial.

Which is as it should be.
All the MSM owed us was fairness, they have failed us badly, and deserve to be punished.
But while we should boycott them as much as possible.
This is the best punishment decent Canadians can give them...

A new and strong Trudeau majority.
Yes, he may drive the toxic Trudeau haters and other dirty old Cons crazy.
But he is a great and very Canadian prime minister.
And he deserves to be re-elected....
I am also shocked by the Star Treament for Weak Andy, and the weak reasons to dump JT. Big Money my friends makes the wheels turn, some big money wants Canada in their pocket, and if they can turn the Star, they can change the universe.
People think CNN is "liberal" and the NY Times is "liberal" and MSNBC is "liberal," and we know how complicit they were in running Hillary Clinton out on a rail. They're propagandists, advertising agencies selling themselves as a product who only exist to please their shareholders. The fourth estate is a fifth column. Everything Trump says is projection, but they really are the lying press and the enemy of the people. The M$M sharing that Russian G20 video proves it.
Never thought I'd say this because as an American, I've only been exposed to the stereotypes about politeness and smiling moose saying "soory" and whatnot, but after seeing what happened in Hamilton and what the garbage media is doing to Trudeau, it's apparent that Canada is so corrupt as a country it's like Chicago on a national scale. Sunny ways won't cut it this time. Benton Fraser needs to find his inner Hank Voight.
But if Justin opts for the Michelle Obama approach of "when they go low we go high," and it doesn't work out for him because enough people have swallowed bullshit like they did with Buck-a-Ford, then at least he knows in his heart that he took the higher ground, and the problem isn't him but politics as an irreparably vile profession that only the most self-serving slime tend to thrive in. Like I said with my earlier comparisons of Trudeau to Fred Rogers, Keanu Reeves, Tom Hanks and Jimmy Carter.
It really is a much nastier world out there thanks to the Trump effect, and I doubt he'd agree that political expediency is worth sacrificing his soul. As for the media whores themselves, including the CNN Star? The lying press can eat shit and rot in hell. The derangement syndrome is strong in these ones.
The Star has been really conservative for a while, but at least they have done me the favour of putting their stuff behind a paywall. Now I don't have to pay them any attention.
Now now. One editorial months before the election does not mean the Con has turned Con blue. What it has done here -- aside from, unfortunately, giving fodder to the WKs of this country -- is basically summing up all the mistakes so it can say it did before the pro-Liberal columns, op-eds and editorials begin.
They named Trudeau's response to the MMIWG inquiry as one of his supposed "gaffes" even though they, themselves, put the definition of genocide up for a goddamn online opinion poll. All the evidence you need that they're as complicit in Con racism as the rest of the garbage media and not going to vet it properly if at all.
Where have we seen this before? CNN, Corporate News Network, bothsiding the humanity of Jews, which is a hair's breadth away from outright Holocaust denial. "Are Jews people? Let's ask our panel! Inquiring minds want to know!"
Trudeau isn't just male Hillary, he's white Obama. To the media establishment, that makes him a traitor. The fashin' police would rather have brown shirts than pink socks or tan suits.
God, I hope the TruGrits find a way out of this rut and people get out of their single-issue myopia to recognize the crucial importance of strategic voting for the good of the whole country. The #1 single issue at the ballot box should be keeping the Cons out. They can't grow the base, so they're fluffing the goddamn Greens to split the vote because the NDP is weak. They're even setting up astroturf ecobot accounts and sham websites like "BC Green Coast Alliance" and other noise on social media. Dizzy Lizzie Mayhem is all too happy to play along as long as she elevates her profile and gets to join in the piΓ±ata party having a whack at Trudeau. She's a Con with a composter who's leading a pied-piper cult of lemmings off a cliff.
The Liberals are the only ones with a credible, costed climate plan that's already having positive results. TMX gets all the obsessive, relentlessly negative focus and the media doesn't do their due diligence in explaining how it fits into the bigger picture. So instead we have Maple Jill Stein being her usual narcissistic showboater, never mind that she was all set to quit the leadership in favor of that other narcissistic showboater who shall not be mentioned. But Trudeau is the one who's "just not ready"? I guess Spain isn't the only country threatened by flaming manure. The Greens are useless, attention-grabbing spoilers and Con enablers who need to dive into a recycle bin and fuck all the way off.
Hi Simon,
Happy Canada Day! I've been posting anonymously for a long time on your blog, but I want to thank you for your efforts, humour and passion.
Thankfully, the TorStar article is behind a paywall, so I didn't read it.
That said, I can't say I'm surprised at the decline in their approach to democracy in Canada. They, like other print publishers, have to resort to alarmist headlines and positions in order to gain traction with the public. It's all related to how new media companies are eating the lunch of traditional publishers.
From the tidbits that I *did* read, I'll admit to feeling mildly and tepidly in support of a position that challenges Trudeau to simply DO BETTER. Calling out Justin Trudeau as a hypocrite because there's a plastic water bottle on his table is a bit of a stretch, given that *technically* the ban on single use plastic hasn't actually become law yet. BUT, JT still supports the pipelines, putting him at odds with a realistic climate plan.
Find the positives, identify the weaknesses and recommend ways to emerge as a better leader.
And that's ideally the position they should have emerged with. Again, I have no idea if that's what they actually recommended.
On a final note, I want to thank you again, this time for calling out Wornout Kinsellout. He's really emerged to be the worst of the breed of hypocrites, saying he's anti-racist and yet advertising for Doug Ford, supporter of Faith Goldy and others. I truly don't understand the radical shift in focus, but he's driven to torpedo the Liberals at all costs.
As we ALL face down the fake vs the real, there's a transition going on. The fake news isn't what the traditional media is saying it is. Traditional media is the most plastic, counterfeit, phony and bought conversation that we could have ever conceived for keeping companies above people (just ask the Hearst family) and they're running scared.
Humanity will survive once we peel back more layers of these stinky, rotting onions.
Hi Steve....I believe the real reason the Star editorial seemed so off kilter is that the paper is trying to attract new readers in Alberta. Or maybe it was just an outlier with the A team on holiday and the B team left to run the editorial shop...
Hi Jackie...It definitely is a much nastier world out there, but I don't think Justin Trudeau should lower himself to the level of the Cons. The Scheer gang is trying to make Canadians believe that Trudeau's decency is a sign of weakness, but in the long run I haven't the slightest doubt that decency will prevail, and that the Cons will be seen to be too disgusting to govern...
Hi rumleyfips....The Star has become a lot more conservative than it once was, but it still has enough progressive content so I don't mind helping to support it. It's coverage of the Ford debacle has been excellent, and I'm confident that it will endorse Trudeau, which is more than I can say for any of the others....
Hi Antonia....yes, you're right, maybe I was a bit too harsh. The Star isn't as progressive as it was when you worked for it, but it still is much better than the others, and that's why I am still a subscriber. If we lost the Star we would really be in trouble. So I will try to remember that in future....
Hi anon.@8:07 AM..Thank you for your kind words and Happy Canada Day to you too!! I don't have any problem urging Justin Trudeau to do better. I think all leaders need that, or it's very easy to let things slide. My main objection to the Star editorial was that it mentioned many of the accomplishments of his government, but didn't give him any credit for them, which seemed to me unfair. As for Warren Kinsella, I try to avoid mentioning his name because he has become everything I despise. A man clearly driven to try to destroy Trudeau for not wanting anything to do with him. His ugly diatribes have ruined Progressive Bloggers for me, and I really don't understand why he can support people like Scheer and still call himself a progressive. But there's nothing I can do about that, and all I care about right now is doing what I can to help the real progressives who are trying to stop the Scheer gang from stealing our country again. After that I'm retiring, π
Happy Canada Day Simon and thank you for all you do to ‘stand of guard’ for this beautiful country! You are a fierce Canadian and I thank you for your passion and your wisdom parlayed thru your fabulous posts which I have been following for years and give me hope when politics in this country seem so dire and savage. All the best and Canada is a better place because you are in it! Cheers! :). FL
Remember that if the cons don't get what they want this time, they'll be back.
FYI: New Nanos as of 7/2/2019: Libs 35 Cons 32.
Dear God, please let this trend keep going up until October.
Wornout and another of his partners in slime Charles Adler trying to push some conspiracy BS about Dominic LeBlanc in NB. Gotta wonder if he's been in touch with the Irvings after deAdder revealed their political motives after he was fired over the Trump cartoon. Quote from CBC interview "the Irvings don't want to see Trudeau re-elected." Now, I don't like deAdder's homophobic depictions of Trudeau as a Disney princess and thought he went way over the line during the fake-scandal BS, depicting Trudeau as a violent abuser of women. But I have to give him credit for blowing the lid off the oil-funded media. Something smells funny, and it's not the fish being caught off the Maritimes.
What the actual fuck. Susan Delacourt's guzzled the Kon Klan Kool-Aid?
Opinion: Stephen Harper a good choice to negotiate Brexit deal
There isn't a mental institution in Canada big enough to hold every single one of these delusional stenographers. The only bigly yoooge deal that Herrball Harper should be negotiating is a plea agreement at the Hague.
FL, I echo your sentiments.
(I couldn't say it better.)
NP. Don't worry about the Star. Just keep supporting it!
Hi John....I'm hoping that if the Cons are defeated in a convincing manner, they will be disabled for at least a good ten years. The demographics are working against them, and if the Trump fascists in the U.S. are also defeated, I think many will see that their time will have passed. Of course if I end up in a concentration camp with you John, I'll deny I ever said that and pretend I've never heard of you...π
Hi FL...Thank you so much for those kind words. You are far too generous, I have been a very bad blogger recently, posting at different tim s of the day, or depending on the weather not posting at all, and being too slow to answer comments from readers. But you're right about one thing, I do love this country with a passion, and I refuse to let the Cons turn it into a savage jungle as they have done to other countries all over the world. The fact that we are considered the country with the best quality of life is something that makes me very proud to be a Canadian, and hopefully if we can defeat the bestial Cons we can keep working to make it an even better place. And next Canada Day we can celebrate for at least a week!!!.π¨π¦π¨π¦ππ
Hi Jackie...yes, the trend is encouraging. The Cons are showing signs of slipping in several polls, and neither the NDP or the Greens are a vote splitting threat, at least at this time. So yes please keep praying, and by the beginning of August we should get a pretty good idea whether of where we are going. I think we'll be OK, but keep the getaway car running...π
Hi Jackie....I'm not surprised that the Brexiteers would ask Harper for this escort services. They are extreme right wingers and Cons of a feather flock together. I am hoping that Labour can take advantage of the situation and defeat the Thatcherite Party in the next election. But I figure I can't lose, because if they can't they will only pave the way for Scottish independence...
Hi Brawnnfire...Thank you too for your kind words. As I told FL, I haven't been a very good blogger recently. I have had some clan issues in Scotland to take care of, and Summer has me more upended than usual. But I promise to do better, and I am grateful for your support and encouragement...
Not worried about the Star. The article on Trudeau was correct. Said for years - he is not his father. He's a lightweight by comparison. But he has some decent people around him and he landed just in time for the economy to take off. Saved many a butt in the past. Frankly if the results are what they appear they could be on Monday then both JT and AS should resign. Both are seriously damaged goods. The shining light out of this campaign has been Jagmeet Singh. He has resurrected the NDP from the dead. Blanchet (BQ) has also looked good by comparison as well resurrecting the Bloc from the dead. The failure for the Greens to really rise further has to fall on May and it is time she goes as well.
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