It was already a horrible tragedy, an act of insane violence or murderous misogyny.
The alleged attacker had posted praise for a mass murderer in the United States who was part of the “incel” movement – a women-hating collection of “involuntarily celibate” men in online forums and other sites frustrated by their lack of success sexually attracting women.
It couldn't be more disturbing.

Or Just plain creepy.
But somehow Andrew Scheer and his alt-right Cons managed to make matters even more disgusting.

With Scheer trying to conflate the tragedy with the situation at the border.
And Michelle Rempel trying to stir up raw emotions as only she can.
— Conservative Party (@CPC_HQ) April 24, 2018
By suggesting the situation is out of control, when in fact the only thing out of control is her hysterical xenophobia.

For she's a repeat offender.
And all the Cons are trying to do is dumb down the debate.
The Conservatives were in full performative outrage mode yesterday, with a Supply Day motion to demand a plan by May 11thto stop the influx of irregular border crossers seeking asylum, and for the PM to admit that his “Welcome to Canada” tweet is the cause of the problem.
It’s not going to work, but it’s indicative of the way in which they are dealing with complex issues and trying to boil them down in a way that is ultimately disingenuous, while using bogus arguments like how the backlogs in this system are slowing down legitimate immigrants and refugee claimants – the immigration stream is separate and is unlikely to be affected by this influx, and when you’re talking about “legitimate” refugees, there is a great deal of difference between resettling refugees in camps and processing the claims of those who arrive on our shores to claim asylum.
All asylum seekers who enter Canada illegally are being arrested.

And only those who qualify are allowed to stay with the others being deported, in increasing numbers.
But then of course the alt-right Cons are our Trump Party or Rebel Party.
And the Rebel correspondent and grotesque bigot Katie Hopkins was also doing her best to stir up hatred against Justin Trudeau.

As only she could.
The Rebel's Katie Hopkins came to Toronto and said she had a hard time finding "someone that looks like they actually come from Canada" because "everybody here looks like they come from Africa." pic.twitter.com/SUIAAIQwY2— ishmael n. daro (@iD4RO) April 23, 2018
And along with others of her ilk, trying to make it look like we're soft on refugees and terrorists...

And as I said in my last post, and on Twitter, it's all very familiar...
But that didn't stop Scheer from claiming yesterday that the Harper Cons had a "generous refugee program."Andrew Scheer is now so desperate he's reaching for the racist card. And what makes it even more disgusting is that we've seen this freak show before.https://t.co/GNai2Nxur0 #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/0xRMoIQuHi— Simon (@montrealsimon) April 23, 2018

Can you believe that? Have they no shame?
And the answer of course is that they don't.
They really are the Trump or the Rebel Party.
And unless we can stop them, this political monster will take this country to a very dark place...

Oh piss off with your immigrants and refugees. Go start a charity in Africa if you want to help so much. Do you think the Quebecois are just going to roll over and get invaded by the third world? If so, you didn't learn much from the years you lived here.
They have no shame Simon. Disgusting, racist pigs are what they are. Emma Teitel wrote an excellent opinion piece that easily applies to most Con politicians as well as their media.
La muette has whined again. Good boy.
Rumple might do better to ask why we suddenly are getting an influx of refugees from the USA into Canada. I doubt a Con has that much mental flexibility or charity.
I am rather surprised, given the casualty rates in the USA, that we do not have large numbers of native-born young Black males from the USA making refugee claims at the Canadian border
Ah, of course thef have no shame. When you hate just about anything and everything around you, there is no room for shame.
To suggest someone like Ezra could feel shame is ridiculous.
Great now Toronto is a world class city like London or Paris. Diversity is our strength.
The Toronto terrorist is from the right wing racist swamps
Simon, thank you for leaving this hateful comment posted to you. Perhaps your readers will see what type of disgusting comments you have to put up with. Keep on preaching my friend for if we can convince just one other person today to see the Cons for what they truly are, your work will not be in vain.
Rempel doesn't care about the reasons. Fortunately there are many who understand that USA feels quite unsafe and Canada can be generous until Trump is banished.
Diversity is our strength Anon 11:28, except not in the lame sarcastic way you insinuate.
I would hire a recent immigrant 100% more likely than I would a white privilege seeking whiner who drags their ugly baggage of racist undertones around with them.
I believe this is true of the majority of, to us, senseless attacks in Canada.
The shooter in the murder of the RCMP officers in New Brunswick and the shooter in the Québec mosque killings were not wild-eye socialists or Muslim jihadists. Just the right-wing pond scum of the type Ezra incites.
The hapless Reform-A-Cons are trying to hide their religious agenda behind an ethnic populist agenda. Last summer was the Trump expulsion of Haitians that the Cons blamed on the Trudeau welcome mat, this summer they are preparing for propaganda associated with the possible expulsion of 200,000 Salvadorans. The Cons know that the Canadian government is working with representative groups in the US to dissuade mass migration as their acceptance will be no better in Canada but its not something that will stand in the way of propaganda. As all things Con its just more smoke,if it was possible to arrest and immediately deport people at the border the Cons would have done so during their 2010 and 2012 revisions to immigration law.
The Reformers are so desperate these days they are trying to link the murderous act of an alt right fringe follower to immigrants. For the sake of our country when will the real Tories step up and kick these hacks to the curb?
Hey comrade if you can scrape together a majority of like minded individuals I see a tin pot dictatorship in your future. It would likely be US backed but you never know as others would pay a hefty price for a toe hold in prime North American real estate and perhaps the Trumpian crowd would find it cheaper to build another wall.
Hi anon 8:46 AM... Is your fear gland acting up again, or are you just drunk? The Quebecois are not being invaded, refugee levels were higher during some of the Harper years. And the federal government is going to give them more than a hundred million dollars to pay for their small tent city, and is preparing to send a number of asylum seekers to Ontario to relieve their burden. The only people who are making racist sounds like you are the losers from the CAQ or CACA party and the PQ, so you're in fine company. And BTW, where did your invading ancestors come from? Or did they spring up like mushrooms from the soil of Mother Quebec? Honestly, get a grip on yourself, Canada has always been an immigrant or refugee country, and in case you hadn't noticed it's a big country....
hi JD...yes, our nasty homegrown racists have disgraced themselves again. I saw the wretched Faith Goldy headed like a missile to the scene of the carnage, and was wandering around no doubt getting ready to make a video about those nasty Muslims, only to look like an idiot bigot. Again. And thanks for the Teitel column, I hadn't seen it and it's a good one. I have been known to grumble about the people of Toronto, but when tragedy struck most of them were magnificent, and I'm extremely proud of them for demonstrating that diversity is strength, and that bigots are disgusting...
hi jrkrideau...yes, la muette has mewled. Again. And Levant and his losers have looked like idiots. Again. I can't imagine what it must be like to be so ignorant and so fearful, and spend their lives so full of hatred. It must be like having a permanent case of indigestion, and reduce them to the size of rats...
hi Yvonne...although I cheerfully delete most hateful comments, I occasionally publish one so everyone can see what we are up against. And why we must and will win. I don't expect to change many minds, but as you say if we can show just one person what the Cons are really like, it's worth the effort. And of course, to be silent in a time like this one is simply unthinkable...
hi jrkrideau...figures actually show that the flow of refugee claimants or asylum seekers was greater during some of the Harper years, so Rempel is barking up the wrong tree, and sounding like Marina LePen. As many articles have pointed out, Trump and his ghastly racists deserve much of the blame, for allowing people with tourist visas into the U.S., even though many of them are just heading to the U.S.-Canadian border. It's complex problem, but complexity is not something Cons deal with well...
hi anon@11:28...yes, believe it or not, diversity is strength. And it's an essential part of any world class city. And I'd rather live in London, or Paris, or Toronto, than in some inbred redneck town in Alabama full of mouth breathing bigots...
hi RT....you ask a good question, when will the real Tories step up and kick those rotten religious fanatics and bigots back to the dark place from whence they came? And yes the Scheer Cons know that the government has been working hard to try to persuade the legions of the desperate not to flood across our border, but won't let details like that stop them from trying to encourage the basest feelings of their bigot base. They stand for nothing but hate, and hopefully they will cremate themselves sooner or later...
hi JD...well said. When I saw the way that police officer arrested the crazed killer, I was extremely impressed. And when I later saw that he was an Asian-Canadian I couldn't have been happier. What a great way to show the world that diversity is our strength. It makes everything so much more interesting, and let's not talk about the food... ;)
hi anon 11:48 AM...yes, he seems to be from that kind of swamp, where they croak like cowards, and blame women for not wanting to sleep with them. I had never heard of that incel group, but honestly could there be anything more pathetic? I suggest we call them wankers, and hope they get the idea... ;)
OMG that is funny. As if the Quebecois are going to get "rolled over"! the population of Quebec, last year was 8.18M. of course if you mean Quebecois and not First Nations, you may have a problem because a lot of Quebec territory is actually First Nations Territory.
Now as to the Quebecois, I think it reasonable to conclude you mean only those who live in Quebec who are descendants of the French. Yeh, they're already a minority. Now Quebec does have an "investor" class, by which foreigners can pay the Quebec government $850K and get landed immigrant status. The majority come from Communist China and once they land in Quebec, they hop on another plane and come to Vancouver. It may come as a surprise to you, but some in B.C. would like you to keep those immigrants because they drive up our real estate market. Quebec thinks its O.K. to flood B.C. with immigrants and Quebec keeps the money. One might say we all have our crosses to bear. Get over yourself.
The people coming into Quebec from the U.S.A. are a small number of the people who actually come into Canada. Get over yourself. If you aren't Indigenous, you're an immigrant or the descendant of an immigrant. In another generation the people arriving at the Quebec border will be speaking French and perhaps run for the P.Q.
People who come here as refugees come here to work, and start a life and are grateful they got to live here, unlike the investor class who are here only because they want to park their money some where their own government can't get at it. I'd much rather have refugees in Canada than those investor class jet setters.
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