I watched the vigil for the Humboldt Broncos last night, and although I'm not religious, I still found it extremely moving.
For it is a very sad story, and it couldn't be more Canadian. Buses roaring through the night carrying young players to their next game many, many, miles away.
And sometimes not making it.

The hockey sticks on the porch.
That mean something to us, in a country where a prime minister and his son can sit in the crowd like any other citizens.

And Justin Trudeau didn't need to say anything, to let the people of Humboldt know that he and we were with them.
It was all so humbly and so wonderfully Canadian, until I saw this.

A tweet from Andrew Scheer attacking Trudeau while he was STILL at the vigil !!!
Devastating news. Justin Trudeau doesn’t need a $300k study to find out why this happened. The reason is simple: he failed to take real action...just empty words. https://t.co/8a9LfHDQRN— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) April 9, 2018
Can you believe that, is that crass or what?
I was glad to see that many Canadians, including some of his supporters, were quick to let Scheer know what they thought of him.

But why should they be surprised that Schmear couldn't restrain himself?
When he has turned the Cons into the sleaziest, most vicious, alt right attack machine this country has ever seen.
One that makes the Harper attack machine look practically primitive...

And Scheer's obsession with destroying Justin Trudeau, knows no bounds.
And all I can say is we don't need that kind of politics in this country. That's the language of the U.S. alt right, or the mark of the beast.
But then if you take a look at Scheer's new Twitter photo, it looks more American than Canadian.

So again who can be surprised?
And all I would say to him is this:
If he can't respect the values of this country, can that creepy religious fanatic please respect the dead?

Has he no decency?
How dare that nasty little man even dream of being Prime Minister?
And thank goodness we still have a real Canadian leader...

Beautiful post, and so true. When did we normalize politicians like Scheer who act more like Republicans than Canadians? If the Cons are acting like this now, what will they be like when the next campaign officially begins?
When he allowed Morneau’s father to dragged into Cons mudslinging with accusation of criminal offence I knew we had a weak amoral man who could never be Pm. But the national media in Ottawa like him and haven’t soured yet.
Disgusting is an understatement, Simon. This pitiful excuse of a wannabe PM has sunk to a level of indecency this country has never seen before.
As it's now obvious he has no intention of walking back this tweet I have to ask, Why was he not there? Campaigning in N. Ontario with his beat up old Ford, perhaps? Did he know JT was there at the time of the tweet or is he so blinded by his rage that it wouldn't have mattered anyway? Here's a good one for Schmear, "Andrew, as PM, what would you do to fix the pipeline situation"? Schmear, "uh, er, um," followed by him running for the exits.
Unsurprisingly, the CMSM has not said anything about this but seem to have a lot to say about the Kinder Morgan situation. Keep retweeting it people. It's obvious that we are the ones who have to do the job our useless fu*king MSM is incapable of.
Also this two faced ruse which the Ottawa media go along with to pretend to ask questions to Trudeau when he is not in the House.What kind of person would try to pull off a cheap stunt like that? Oh because it works.
unfucking real the pig that he is, shouldn't be too surprised. It is so hard to look at this prick and not despise him and what he stands for.
He fools people with his permanent smile, but Simon is right. Scheer is the sleaziest most partisan Canadian political leader this country has ever known, and our useless media is so fixated on attacking Trudeau he is able to get away with murder. I too wonder where we are going.
You Libs need to simmer down. It's obvious that Andy isn't happy with Trudeau's decision to greenlight Kinder Morgan's pipeline. I'm sure he plans to block construction if elected. This is yet another example of Cleek's Law in action: "today’s conservatism is the opposite of what liberals want, updated daily."
I am so sick of this douche bag. Just about everything he posts on Fb is hate filled lies. His people lap it up and the comments from his fans about Trudeau being present at the memorial last night were so full of hate, accusing him of being smug, bored, muslim and wondering if he brought his family. I cannot believe people can hate this strongly. He changed his profile pic to the one you refer to with the flags and after many comments the admin cropped the picture so no flags were visible. I found it shocking the excuses that were made for him using a picture where the american flag is predominant over the Canadian flag. Why would he use such a photo?
They eventually delete many comments that are negative toward him so it appears there is very little disagreement with what he says.
I am seriously worried this constant barrage of lies over every single thing Trudeau does is turning the group that is unsure of which way they want to vote. They have no choice but to believe it's true because, no one is telling them differently. As you say the none of the mainstream media question the bull that Scheer pulls and often cite the reports from Fraser Inst which they should all know are not accurate and very partisan. Or they write an article based on some letter some guy wrote that contained a quote Trudeau supposedly made but that there seems to be no proof of other than this letter. Trudeau will never take the low road that Scheer travels on a daily basis and as proud as that makes me I can see the damage it has caused and the erosion of goodness that once was. I know people who know little about politics but will pass on a meme because they think is true or funny. How do we stop this spread of hate?
the one about him being from Sask, but not being there is totally revealing.
I just wonder who is "pulling his strings"!
hi anon@5:52 PM...Thank you. We have normalized a lot of things in this country over the last few years, and Trump has only made things worse. Why Scheer is allowed to run such a vicious and dishonest campaign by the MSM is beyond my understanding. But what I am sure of, is that unless we raise the bar higher we'll all end up wrestling in the mud...
hi John...I too thought the way Scheer and his Cons treated Morneau and his family to be absolutely disgraceful. And it' a pattern that has been repeated over and over again. They have no decency and they never apologize...
hi JD...I grabbed a screen shot of Scheer recently, glowering at Justin Trudeau after an exchange in the Commons, and I swear that if looks could kill Justin would be dead. He really has a hate on, which among other things makes his claim to have a "positive message" nothing but a farce. As for why he tweeted that message without even waiting for the vigil to be over I have no idea. I guess when he saw a shot of Trudeau and his son he just lost it, but as I said in my post, it says a lot about him and none of it is good....
Hi John...I've noticed that too, and the reason the Cons do it is because they are harvesting clips for their attack ads. When those ads are edited, they will attach those questions to other clips of Trudeau taken before or after. In the real world it's called fraud, but with our shabby biased media the Cons are in no danger of being caught...
hi anon@7:12 PM...yes, Scheer's permanent smile does help him fool a lot of people. But as for me, the day I saw him smiling like the Cheshire cat while describing the death of his mother, was the day I realized he was a psycho. And the day I made it my mission to wipe that ghastly smile off his face... ;)
hi anon@7:12 PM... I always knew Scheer was gong to be bad, because I remember what a rotten Speaker he was, and how he always bowed down at the feet of his master Stephen Harper, and always ruled in favour of the Cons. But I have to admit I didn't think he would be THAT bad, he has more than exceeded my expectations. And if he ever becomes PM, I doubt this country and its values will survive him...
hi anon@10:15 PM...the sight of Scheer going after Trudeau for supporting the idea of a pipeline, but not building one TOMORROW, is as absurd as when he demands to know how much money will be raised by a carbon tax. This country is starting to resemble a mad house, and our shabby MSM only makes things worse...
hi anon@10:51 PM...I am disgusted but not surprised by the content and tone of the Con propaganda. He has two of the worst political operatives in this country working for him. Hamish Marshall the scumbag from the Rebel who is now the Con campaign manager, and the equally scummy Stephen Taylor, the who is his Digital Director. Put the two of them together and they are capable of anything. And yes, they like taking quotes out of context, and turning them into attack ads. Trudeau and his Liberals to their credit never stoop that low, but they will have to start striking back or the Con bullies will run all over them. And those of us on social media can also help expose those Con lies...
Hi Steve...yes, I'm sure that was what accounted for Scheer losing his cool, and lashing out at Trudeau without waiting for the vigil to end. I have no idea why he wasn't there, but it didn't look good...
Hi Kathleen...well that's the ten million dollar question. And since he does not allow access to his fundraising events, unless the MSM get proactive, we probably will never know. It's a disgraceful situation and a direct threat to our democracy...
I expect the Sun and other Conservative-owned media to attack Trudeau, but what I've been seeing lately is supposedly liberal (if not always Liberal) outlets like the Toronto Star doing the same thing. I have noticed factual errors – things have been repeatedly corrected elsewhere – used as the basis for negative opinion pieces. Even when the facts are presented correctly, many columns have a snide anti-Trudeau tone. In so-called balanced reporting, the negative always takes precedence over the positive. Shockingly, I have found Globe and Mail reporting to be far more objective and detailed than what I read in the Star. I have cancelled our Star subscription after almost 50 years, and I wrote letters (not emails) to the Torstar's chair, the Star's publisher, and the Star's public editor, explaining why and giving examples of their bias. No responses.
Hi Simon, I remember it well as you used it in one of your blogs. It was pure, unmitigated spite that was not befitting of a supposed "good Christian".
Now here is the scary part. Scheer is branded as "harper with a smile"
A lot of mainstream folks wont know the difference when they watch the news and a few news papers. They don't know anything about his ties to Rebel and the alt right movement. These are... the swing voters.
SScheer(sic) is nothing but a pseudo Christian TRUMPNADIAN for TWITLER.
Apart from being a real shit, Scheer seems like a psychopath or sociopath to me. He seems to possess no remorse or genuine compassion at all. That smirk is telling too.
Re: Humboldt Broncos tragedy...
Far-right Ezra Levant criticizes far-left journalist Nora Loreto
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