During the last election campaign I used to have fun portraying Stephen Harper under assault by our superior social media.
And that superiority helped us bring down the Harper regime, by exposing their lies, helping to get out the vote, and by humiliating Great Closet Leader over and over again.

I loved it, there's nothing I like more than seeing bullies deflated.
But of course the Cons hated it, and vowed that they would never allow that to happen again.
And that this time THEY would be the Lords of Social Media.

Or the internet neanderthals.
The Con Trumplings who would overwhelm OUR social media, and bludgeon us into submission with their fake news and crude attack ads.
Justin Trudeau failed to lead like a Prime Minister should. He failed to resolve the disputes between the Alberta and B.C. governments- now, Kinder Morgan is suspending the Trans Mountain expansion. Trudeau not only failed the workers he promised to help- he failed all Canadians. pic.twitter.com/tHOdV3ddv7— Conservative Party (@CPC_HQ) April 9, 2018
And to a degree they are succeeding. For they have us wading up to our knees in their ghastly propaganda, and gasping for breath in the foul stench of their excrement.
But here's a little story that tells me that when the election campaign gets underway in earnest, we're still going to crush them like bugs, like we did last time.
And believe it or not that story starts right here on my little blog!!!
When I wrote this post.
And I complained that Andrew Scheer's new Twitter and Facebook picture was making me feel like I was living in Trump's America...

Or at the very least making me feel like I should be marching around singing Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Only to have others in our social media, like the very popular Stephen Lautens, also notice the Trumpling picture, and make it go viral.
As @montrealsimon pointed out, what's with Scheer's new Twitter and FB profile photo and the American flags? pic.twitter.com/OsEqKKsMZL— Stephen Lautens (@stephenlautens) April 10, 2018
So my humble post got more that
I had a chance to have even more fun at the expense of the loser Scheer...
If Andrew Scheer insists on losing more like an American than a Canadian, let's give him a new cap so he can really look the part. #ConTrumplings #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/SgvbnF5XgP— Simon (@montrealsimon) April 11, 2018
And when the panicked Cons finally surrendered, and changed Scheer's profile photo...

From Mr Trumpy to Mr Scary Whitey, or Mr American Psycho.
I was able to keep laughing at him...
Oh look Andrew Scheer changed his star spangled Twitter photo!!! (I insisted he keep the cap) I can't wait to see what our great social media is going to do to him and his Cons in the next election campaign.#cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/IJKDAJz9M6— Simon (@montrealsimon) April 12, 2018
But seriously, what I take from this little story, is that many Canadians are very worried about the Con threat to change our country into some kind of Trumpland North.
And that we still have what it takes to put those Con bullies and would be traitors in their place.
We are better than them, we are MORE than them, all the bots in the world can't change that.
We are the future, they are the past.
And when the time comes, and it will come soon.
We really ARE going to crush them just like we did last time...

Speaking of Twitter, did you see that disgusting tweet put out by the ghastly Nora Loreto?
"I'm trying to not get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role."
Absolutely vile.
In Ontario the provincial police force seems willing to get involved in strictly political prosecutions. If Doug Ford becomes Premier the policies we fear from an extreme right Scheer government will get an early and dangerous test run.
John W.
To funny. You gush on Twitter about how the government website was done up in pink for anti-bullying day, when in actuality you and the rest of the hard core Liberal supporters are some of the biggest bullies out there. Ironically like the very people you criticize, you as well can dish it out but cannot take it. You all go on about how transparent and accountable the PM and his government are (yeah, right), but turn around and bristle and have nothing but utter contempt for media or ANYONE who doesn't sing the praises of the PM or makes any attempt to hold this government to account.
That's awesome, Simon! Congratulations to you and the little blog that could.
I hope "Yankee Doodle Andy" takes notice and has to pop about 10 tums once he sees what you've been up to.
So, if in fact you're reading this Andy I have this to say, your propaganda may work for your red meat base, but the majority of Canadians who are a rather intelligent lot, will not be fooled by your lies, deceptive ads and constant flogging of dead horses.
The truth is out there people! We just need to work a little harder to find it and Simon, you've definitely made that job easier. Long may you run my friend.
I hope this doesn't mean that you'll give up blogging and move to Twitter. I've been reading your blog for about six years and although Progressive Bloggers isn't what it used to be I still enjoy reading you and I don't find Twitter to be the same experience. So please don't go !
Most of the complaints about Trudeau are false, misinformed or purposely distorted, so yes we have contempt for much of what is reported in social media and on the MSM news. The reform-a-cons have no positive message for Canada, they deal only in negatives, and divisiveness, and hate.
My sentiment as well!
Way to go Simon,I have been doing my best in the west to Bully (LOL) the Prime Prick of Alberta Jasson Kenny.What a piece of work that Jackass is.Please Keep it up, I think we are going to accept all the help we can get to bury these Slobs. Love you
I didn't see the tweet, because when I went to look for it, it was buried under a mountain of disgusting misogynistic violent comments. I understand she she said something about the Humboldt Broncos only raised so much money because they're white and male. It was a dumb thing to say at a time when emotions are still so raw, but that doesn't justify all those violent comments directed against her. Twitter can be a very ugly place at times, but I try to fly above all the hate, I never troll anyone, and so far so good...
Hi John...I too shudder at the idea of a brutish ape like Doug Ford in charge of a provincial police force. And if Scheer should also manage to be elected and control the RCMP we could very easily end up living in a police state. The good news though is that if Ford is elected, Scheer's chances of becoming Prime Minister will sink like a stone....
Hi anon@12:32 PM...I don't agree with anything you say. The Cons are the bullies wherever they rear their ugly heads. How often do you see Justin Trudeau attacking Andrew Scheer like the creepy Scheer attacks him? Never. And I have never bullied anyone in my life. I spent my high school years defending gentler kids from bullies, and while I did get into quite a few fights, they were only defensive, and I never went out of my way to hurt anyone. However, bullies tend to believe that if you're a good person that must mean you're weak, and in my case that would be a mistake, for I do believe in giving bullies a taste of their own medicine....
Hi Filcher...Thecway the media have treated Justin Trudeau is disgraceful. Trudeau may not be perfect but he is decent in a very Canadian way, and is about a thousand times better than the religious fanatic and alt-right sympathizer Andrew Scheer. I thought Harper was a divisive hate monger, but Scheer and his filthy gang are worse. It's a hate fest every day of the year, and it has the potential to wreck everything good about this country...
Hi JD...thank you. I must say I was stunned to see the numbers that post got, which is now well over 20,000. I have never aspired to be famous, in fact as a quiet introvert It's the last thing I want. So be honest that Cinderella moment caused me more anxiety than pleasure. But with the Cons and the Con media ganging up to impose another Harper nightmare on us, I'm prepared to step up my Twitter activities and contribute to the people's media. The gentle and the decent must do what they must do to make sure the Cons are defeated or we will lose our Canada...
Hi anon@2:47 PM...To be perfectly hones it has crossed my mind. Tweeting is a lot easier than writing a daily blog. You also get a lot more encouragement and you can reach a lot more people. But I do love writing, I enjoy the comments from the readers I do have, so while I might slow down a bit I have no intention of quitting...
Hi RT...thank you, and you are one of my readers who I am always glad to hear from...
Hi anon@6:18 PM....thanks for that sweet note. I haven't written anything about Jason Kenney for a while, but I have been following his disgusting activities, and hope to have a chance to add my voice to all those fighting that ghastly bigot....
Congrats Simon!! You keep on doing what you have been doing and the rest of us will be fighting back with all that we can. Great work my friend.
I recall Mike Harris and his OPP guards. Ford has his nastiness and the brain of Trump.
good work, hopefully out of the 19000 many are former Conseratives
hi Yvonne...thank you and welcome back !!! I hope you had a great holiday. And yes, I think it's time to attack the Cons will all we have. And since you are all relaxed and refreshed, you go first !!! ;)
Hi Steve... Yes, I suppose that would be good. And it could always be worse. Two hundred could be real, and all the others could be bots... ;)
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