He's spent a third of his life in one of the most sinister prisons on earth, for a crime he almost certainly didn't commit. He's riddled with shrapnel and blind in one eye. He's been tortured by war criminals, denied due process, and abandoned by his own government.
Even though he was a child soldier.
Now he's on trial in a kangaroo court, and even though he is a model prisoner, still they seek to torture him.
The Toronto native had earlier refused to come to his Thursday hearing, saying he did not want the humiliation of wearing blacked-out goggles and earmuffs during his transport to court in a windowless van.
But military judge U.S. Army Col. Patrick Parrish told Khadr’s lawyers their client must wear the “eyes and ears” and would be brought to court by force if they could not convince him to come willingly to the afternoon session.
"Eyes and Ears?" In a windowless van? Even though they hurt him?
Doesn't that just say everything about that gulag called Guantanamo, and about a Prime Minister who would let foreigners treat a Canadian citizen this way? A cruel, sinister, psychopath whose name has become synonymous with torture.
But what makes him act this way? Is it mental illness or is it something else ? Why does he say he likes to see fear in the eyes of others? Why did he ask that CBC reporter whether she liked handcuffs? Should we call him Kinky Harper?
And what is his government HIDING?
Either it is simply too bloody-minded to give an inch to its political foes, on whatever matter, or the documents contain something truly awful, so scalding to the national conscience that it would be prepared to go to almost any length to suppress them.

Oh boy. One day I am convinced Stephen Harper will be a prisoner himself. Indicted for war crimes at The Hague.
The truth will finally emerge and it will be ugly...or KINKY.
In the meantime, a young Canadian is still being tortured. The shame continues.
And whatever Stephen Harper and his gang of AmeriCon
Omar Khadr lives here...
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