Andrew Scheer is looking a lot more humble than he was just two days ago, when he described his humiliating loss as a " first step" to victory.
And said he couldn't wait to go after Justin Trudeau again.
Now the sounds of sharpening knives seem to have tempered his wild enthusiasm.
But don't be fooled, he's still the same Ugly American.

A religious fanatic so deluded he believes that a woman hating gay hating social conservative can still be prime minister.
Andrew Scheer remains convinced that a prime minister can hold conservative views on divisive issues like same-sex marriage and abortion, and still be trusted by Canadians not to impose them on the country.
"I believe you can have both of those positions: you can have a personal view and you can acknowledge that in Canada, the prime minister does not impose a particular viewpoint on Canadians," he said of his opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage.
But only succeeds in showing the depth of his delusion.
For a man who secretly nominated dozens of extreme anti-choice candidates. A man who is an Opus Dei groupie. A man who refuses to apologize for comparing gay Canadians to dogs.
A man who now asks us to trust him even though he is a compulsive serial liar.

Must surely take us for fools.
Translation. Prime Minister can think that not everyone is equal and entitled to the same rights and freedoms but shucks he just might not govern that way. https://t.co/6HVXQFtO1W— Dr. George Stroumboulopoulos πΊπ΄ πΌπ π± (@strombo) October 25, 2019
The country is changing, a new generation is taking over. This is Canada not America.
Canadians chose a man who stands up for the rights of women and LGBT Canadians.

Justin Trudeau won, the Ugly American lost.
And so will the Cons if they don't get rid of that ghastly religious fanatic.
Who is bad for them, and bad for Canada...
He is either pregnant with repulsive thought or he is not. You can not be both
The problem with religious fanatics is not their personal beliefs but that their need to force it on other members of society. A leader who claims deep personal religious commitments and backed by core voters who feel the same way but would not manipulate or force others to conform to the same beliefs is rare. If true it would not be very hard to demonstrate in an official government capacity. As opposition leader Scheer could attend a gay parade or go to an abortion clinic. Give someone a hug and make a small monetary contribution to help their cause out of the official party oily coffers. Then perhaps people might believe him when he claims his government would not be anti gay or anti abortion as its just his personal beliefs. Overall the probability of seeing a flying pig is greater.
It is ironic. But Scheer's homophobia is so extreme we are lucky he didn't end up as prime minister for who knows what he might have done? As so many keep saying, we really did dodge the bullet.
Chantal is reading the tea leaves and forecasts the possibility of a civil war that really tears the Cons apart in a way that Max could not. If they turn on Scheer, they lose the Prairie base; if they stick with him, or put in someone even more obnoxious, they risk confining themselves to flyover country and, thus, prolonged irrelevance.
I hope they destroy themselves just like their inbred GOP cousins have with their Russian roulette gamble on Trump. I relish the possibility that Justin Trudeau would be prime minister until he gets tired of it or Hadrien Jr's grandchildren have grandchildren in college, whichever comes first.
I never tended to believe in the supernatural. But I'm coming around to the possibility that a certain prime ministerial patriarch who would have celebrated his centennial this year might have made his presence known in ethereal form ten days before Halloween.
The standoff was probably something like this...
...although he probably just gave the forces of evil a "salute" rather than ward them off with a magical staff. (And Gandalf has a tad bit more hair.)
Flyover country?! That describes all of Canada.
Hi Steve....Andrew Scheer is the most repulsive political leader I have ever seen in this country., He poisoned our political system with his Con disgustingness, and I will be forever grateful that he lost the election, for had he become prime minister our Canada would never have recovered...
Hi RT....for the record, although I am an atheist, I know quite a few good religious people, and none of them are like the fascist beast Andrew Scheer, who claims to be a Christian but most certainly is not. He most closely resembles the fake Christians of the American religious right who sit in judgement on women and gay people, but are the biggest supporters of the predatory pig Donald Trump. As I've said before, I don't demand that Scheer march in a Pride parade, but I know hate mongers when I see them, and he is one of the worst...
Hi anon@7:30 PM...You can say that again.,I don't know what Scheer might have done if he had become prime minister but it would have been cruel and evil. I was afraid that thanks to our shabby Con media many Canadians would have been unaware of how dangerous he was. But I underestimated the Canadian people, and they gave him the bum's rush...
Hi Jackie...I saw that article and although I liked it, I thought it missed the big picture. A new generation is taking over and nothing, or almost nothing, will ever be the same. The West's separation game is nothing but a pantomime, and if those bigots are serious about leaving I say the sooner the better...
Hi anon @12:05 PM....You must be a bitter Con loser. One of those who thought that Trudeau was going to be defeated only to see your Ugly American go down in flames. I only wish I could have seen the look on your faces when Justin Trudeau was declared the winner. Enjoy the next four years loser...
What rights are associated with marriage? Whatever they are, isn't it time that society considered extending them to all cohabitating couples whether it involves some type of sexual relationship or not? With some new type of licencing we could put an end to the arguments that are dominating this issue once and for all.
#whyscheerlost is funny but also contains numerous candid observations. I am sure the Reformacon propaganda machine is already busy trying to figure out how to suck in or fracture a larger percentage of the voting public next time around. When you are a Con actually stating platform objectives and working towards them is so yesterday. Five days after the election and their party website all about sign and donate, anti Trudeau, bogus claims on how they are going to fix border crossers but nothing on things that matter such as climate, health care, education, infrastructure, planning and investment in industry and jobs for the near future.
I fear they won't have to. So far this "coalition" seems to be going well (and it hasn't even started yet), judging by the social media traffic of what appears to be the polarized "base." Not just the Cons, but the hardcore Dippers and/or bot replicas are already threatening sabotage in some form if the Liberals don't cave to their ransom demands. The line that the troll farm is going with so far besides the usual "Liberal/Tory same old story" is that progressives must swear off the Liberals ever again and find a way to punish them if they get any support whatsoever on anything from the Cons. They're holding a hardline on TMX and on other things that cross the line of federal/provincial jurisdiction. So much for working together. They're determined to make this government untenable and a living hell for Trudeau. They've made their lines of attack as personal as the Cons. I'm so tired of purity progressives and/or Con fakers masquerading as such and persuading purity progressives. They just refuse to get it.
Has someone dyed their hair or is photoshopping photos. I am totaly surprised Weak Andy did not declare himself the winner.
Actually it looks like he's channeling his "Romanian" side there. Halloween is every day at the creepy crypt of Stornoway.
100% weak Andy has a stronger hair dye
HI John....I believe that in some places in Canada people can have the same rights as married couples whether they have a sexual relationship or not. However while me and my partner have the same rights as married couples in Ontario living as a common law couple, that's not the case in Quebec, where common law means second class and divorce or death can result in unequal property rights, and goodness knows what other petty humiliations. Also remember that for LGBT people who have had their relationships denied or mocked for hundreds of year, being able to choose to get married or not is a mark of equality that many feel deeply....
Hi RT... The Cons won't get anywhere if they decide to keep Scheer, but even if they get rid of him their party needs to rejoin the more centrist position occupied by most Canadian parties. The Reformers who stormed out of the West were out to tear down the small-l consensus Canadians were comfortable with, and the populism of Trump and others has trapped them in a really bad place. Unless they can be made to be a more Canadian rather than American party they will not attract enough members of the new generations and will wither on the vine...
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