I wonder if Andrew Scheer will be dressing up for Halloween tonight, as he has done before.
Although the way he looks these days is probably scary enough.
But what I think it's fairly safe to say, is that he won't be running the same Halloween greeting he ran last year.
When a Conservative government is elected next year, I’ll make sure this one doesn’t get a sequel. #HappyHalloween pic.twitter.com/U9bL2lx2jC— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) October 31, 2018
It seems a bit past due, more like a rotting corpse or a Halloween skeleton than anything else.
Especially since the carbon tax helped Justin Trudeau win the election.
And besides, poor old Scheer has his own nightmares these days.

Even if Peter Mackay can't make up his mind whether he wants his job.

Former cabinet minister Peter MacKay is again trying to quell rumours that he's planning to seek the leadership of the Conservative party should the job come open in the next six months.
Even after MacKay delivered a blistering critique Wednesday of Andrew Scheer, calling the current Conservative leader's social conservative values a "stinking albatross" around his neck that cost the party the election.
But then that's why I've always called him Dumbo MacKay...

You can't believe a word he says.
And besides as even the old Con fluffer Andrew Coyne points out, the Cons have more than just a Scheer problem.
Should Andrew Scheer step down as Conservative leader? Probably, but it’s beside the point. Scheer is more a symptom of the Conservatives’ malaise than a cause.
If all the Tories do is change leaders, without a more fundamental change of course, as I suspect more than a few of those calling for his head would prefer, they will be doomed to much the same result. The problems of the Conservative party are not of a kind that can be cured by a simple leaderectomy. They are deep and enduring.
With all the religious fanatics, misogynists, and homophobes in the Con party, the notion that it could reform or heal itself is just not realistic.
So whether Scheer stays or goes, his scary legacy will continue, and he'll continue to scare off decent Canadians.

Until the Cons are no longer a threat to this country.
As for Justin Trudeau, who as we know does like to dress up, I think he should probably skip a fancy costume this year.
And just take his kids out dressed as a real prime minister.

That would make the Cons scream in pain of course.
But after all the dirty things they've done to this country.
That would be music to my ears.
Happy Halloween everybody !!!!
Yeah, Justin already said to that Facebook mom he was going to skip the getup and just give out candy. Maybe at some point he'll go as prime minister Trudeau who won a third-term majority after a brief stint in minority government (but not have to pretend). Right now he's got all to deal with Jason the swamp creature taking a chainsaw to the Alberta budget, and Count Dougula going for Ontario's jugula'. I suppose Andy could go as Harper's haunted puppet or dress up as an insurance company mascot from the U.S. Although I think calling himself "Progressive" is a stretch nobody would believe. Maybe a caveman, reflecting his neanderthal viewpoints. He can pair up with that slimy lizard holding a Daisy. No doubt they'd both come home to find toilet paper all over their respective places of residence...
I think Scheer should just dress up as himself, that would be scary enough. We were lucky to have dodged the Con bullet, and nobody should ever forget that a Scheer government would have been a real horror show.
Happy Halloween Simon. I don't know how many crotch scratchers the ReformaCons have managed to add to their ranks but suspect that they will not bow out graciously regardless of a leadership change. Damn the rocks, they believe a thick media induced fog that masks out their true course combined with faintly visible Trudeau senior and junior apparitions in the distance are their best friends! Suspect the compromise will be a major media campaign that lures some of the Ontario voters onto the upper decks where the air feels slightly fresher and the conscious mind is slightly more at ease. A craftily attuned multi deck ship of fools that will still be just as painful for those without the means to jump on the class reserved life rafts when it crashes.
I love that picture of Scheer with the head of a pumpkin. Wasn't there a horror movie like that? I'm so glad that horrible man was defeated I'm even sleeping better since the election! And thank you Simon for keeping my spirits up during the campaign.
If weak Andy realy put on a Star Trek uniform it should have been a red shirt.
air show made his bones saying a one engine airplane will never have engine failure. Repeat that observation that he made in front of a plywood replica that the conservative goverment paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for.
I just want to add how angry, sad, and heartbroken I am that the Cons leaking those photos took all the fun out of trick-or-treat for Justin and his family. There's something to what Blanchet said about Scheer being like a jilted ex-lover, and it's not just about his desperate pursuit of votes in Quebec, in a place where the Con vote share is dying. It's not exactly the same thing, but the publication of those photos is similar to what that awful ex-husband did to Katie Hill in the U.S. Congress. Or whoever went to press with those pictures of Margaret dancing at Studio 54 on the eve of the 1979 election. The Cons damaged Justin personally. They took away his light because they're joyless, bitter creatures who can't stand to see someone they so rabidly hate being himself and having fun.
I hope that the stupid Aladdin scandal fades from significance over time, and that someday he's able to recapture his innate playfulness, individuality and creative expression. I'd hate to think that this marks a permanent shift in his performance or personality. I really liked seeing him dress up, and I hope he does it again in the future. Heck, I hope he glams up as Snow White for a Pride parade someday just to piss off Michael de Adder and the other crotchety old (white) men in the media. Thanks a lot Cons, you fucking ruined it. You made him "grow up." You broke it for us.
Given his years as one of Harper's favorite lapdogs, would it not have been more appropriate for Captain Jerk to dress up as a Klingon? "jIH petaQ"!
Hi Jackie....I think Andrew Scheer should go as Warren Kinsella and vice versa. They resemble each other and definitely deserve each other...
Hi anon @5:29 PM....Believe I will never forget how close we came to losing our country. It kept me going all through that hideous campaign, and although we held off the monster, I will not relax until I can be sure he no longer threatens this country and its values...
Hi RT....Thank you and I hope you also had a fun Halloween. I didn't join in the festivities, the election campaign had enough horror in it to last me for several years. As for the Con leadership, my guess is that Scheer is in more trouble than he appears. For the Cons must be really dumb or deluded to believe that Scheer can change his stripes. He is a religious fanatic and like others his mind is inflexible. And even if he pretended he had changed almost nobody will believe him after all his serial lying. I am just hoping that the infighting spins out of control until the RepubliCons are drowning in their own blood or excrement....
Hi anon....I don't know if there was a pumpkin head movie. I just saw all those jack o lanterns behind Scheer, and decided he should have one as a head. And I must say I thought I chose a good one, for that is what Scheer would have resembled if he had ever become prime minister....
Hi Steve....I believe that Scheer chose to dress up as a caracter from Star Trek only because Justin Trudeau is such a big Star Wars fan. No doubt he wanted to dress up as Caotain Kirk so he could try to make Justin Trudeau look like an American. Which considering what we now know couldn't be more ironic..l
Hi Jackie....I share your disappointment. The Cons and their grubby media are trying to make this country as grim and as boring as it was during the Harper years. It may work for them, but I doubt the younger generations will want to go back to that horrible time....
Hi JD....yes, I must admit when I saw Scheer pretending to be Capt. Kirk I practically shit myself laughing. If Scheer had ever steered the Enterprise it would have got no further than the moon, and the series would have had to be renamed the Adventures of Captain Jerky...
Looks like the knives are out for weak Andy. Curious the Lisa Raitt who is as close to a red tory as we have these days is strongly supporting him. Reading between the lines she wants his job bad.
Is it too late to chime in -- just to say, Simon, that I love the photos you post and how cleverly you edit them.
So Liz retired as cult leader and not a moment too soon. Weak Andy is such an also-ran he even comes second among ex-leaders, and Chantal says his "legacy" will be putting the cons in a climate trap. He's a lame duck and can be ignored while Pete, Jason and even Doug sharpen the blades. Liz's departure throws a spanner in the upcoming meetings Trudeau has scheduled for next week, but to his credit, I have no reason to believe he won't still conduct himself professionally and in good faith. His response to Liz on Twitter proves it. Which is more than I can say for the rest of them, save maybe for the unknown-quantity Blanchet who has no reason to piss anyone off. Bye Liz. Chalk another one up in the L column for Wornout.
Hi. I second that, Cathie.
(Ever vigilant, I've been keeping tabs on Simon's Blog.
Not saying much, though: I've been somewhat under the weather.)
follow the money, where do you think most of the funding for the green party comes from?
So caucus held their vote. Andy gets to stick around for now and Baird is in charge of analyzing their "strategy."
Meanwhile, Wornout is back on Twitter.
Something smells.
Hi Steve...yes, it seems a lot of Cons don't like him. I wonder why? I'm now hoping that he hangs on as long as possible, so Trudeau can turn his minority leader not a majority..l
Hi Cathie...it's never too late to praise me. 😉 But seriously Thank you I appreciate it. I do put a fair amount of work into trying to illustrate my blog posts and hopefully complement what I've written. But nobody usually says anything good or bad about my illustrations, so your comment is most encouraging....
Hi Jackie...yes Kinsella does seem to have the reverse Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to shite, including his career. It would be hard to decide who was the biggest loser of election 2019, but he must be considered a serious contender. As for May, I understand she wants to run for Speaker, but I'm afraid that after that lapse in judgement she can't be trusted to rule over anything let alone parliament...
"Something smells"
There's always an odour of malfeasance with anything the Cons do, Jackie. A potpourri of reek and wretch as it were.
Letting Andy stick around until April, 2020, simply gives the appearance of unity when the facts point to the complete opposite, such as 42% of Cons wanting Scheer gone. The dividers posing as unifiers is as ludicrous as Scheer wanting to unify the country and being a champion of ethics and anti-corruption. How laughable is that?
Platinum card Baird
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