He is without a doubt the most anti-gay political leader this country has ever known.
A creepy religious fanatic who began his political career by working with an Alliance MP who wanted to re-criminalize homosexuality, and arrest LGBT Canadians.
And has refused to apologize for comparing them to dogs.
So you can imagine my surprise when I saw this.

A hollow promise to preserve and protect gay rights.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says a Conservative government would “support and introduce” legislation that “protects LGBTQ Canadians,” but didn’t specify if that would include amending the Criminal Code to ban conversion therapy.
The promise to ban the practice—seeking to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, often through religious counselling—was a commitment from the Liberals as part of their full platform released on the weekend.
From a man who has voted against every bill brought before parliament to make gay people more equal and safer.
So why is Scheer doing this?
Answer: Because this story is scaring the living daylights out of him, and his cult followers:

And is threatening to expose a massive conspiracy to try to steal the election.
One worthy of the Da Vinci Code...

More about that soon, if the albino hitman doesn't get me first.
But of course, pretending to be nice to LGBT Canadians, is not what Scheer's rabid religious base wants to hear.
So he had to make it up to them with this announcement today...

So the faithful should know that if they vote for him, they'll get religious bigotry AND Stephen Harper.
And it will be just like the good old days before Justin Trudeau liberated this country...

Which is of course just one more reason I stand with Trudeau, the decent.
And why I shared this on Twitter today:

Andrew Scheer and his religious fanatics are trying to kill our beautiful Canada.
And we have only three weeks left to save it...
I am not a religious person, but I'm still praying for a miracle. Interesting to note that one of the subplots in the Da Vinci Code (yes, I read it) has to do with a Scottish church said to be the final resting place of the son of Christ and Mary Magdalene, who supposedly is the heir to the Sinclair clan! And the Andy-Christ wants to bury him! Weird if true, 'deau?
And if the rapture happens and the unholy trinity of Trump, Boris and the Andy-Christ on top of out-of-control climate destruction burns us all at the stake, I might as well crucify myself. I just found out I have stage-2 liver failure. If the worst should happen in this election, I'm going to reject treatment and let nature take its course. I cannot and will not live in a Trudeauless universe and there's no point sticking around for the Second American Civil War and a horror-show Canadian ripoff of a bad Dan Brown novel. I like your persecuted Canadian Christ, but I do not like your phony Reformacon Christians. Scheer can rot in hell, but God can't fire me -- I quit!
Note the artful dodge: "A spokesperson for Mr Scheer said he was never a member [of Opus Dei]." "Was never" doesn't answer the question of whether he's now a member.
Seeming to answer questions they're really avoiding is how spokesthingies earn their money. Scheer is really bad at this, which is why he woodenly recites talking points. I suspect he and his buddy Jason from AB are both members of OD.
The Da Vinci Cons is a much more imaginative conspiracy than Trudeau the son of Castro. Nope Scheer is just the delusional son of a preacher man who somehow thinks he can bring back the good old Christian days before Trudeau Senior destroyed them and Junior was appointed to deep six the resurrection. A weak self proclaimed Christian knight on a fools mission backed by agitated chaos loving anarchists who really don't give a dam about his holy cause. What could go wrong?
OK, what the hell is going on with polls? I went to bed sobbing after seeing Mainstreet unexpectedly pull the Cons into consensus with Ipsos and Nanos (Angus Reid is a given), but today Nanos is showing the Liberals back in the lead (albeit statistically tied within a decimal range) and Léger shows an outright tie? TVA is tonight, so do debates usually change things? If Trudeau performs well and Scheer is exposed nationally as the actual bigot and fraud he accuses Trudeau of being, could the debates be enough to persuade people to give Trudeau a second chance? Or are people poisoned enough by the Con media lies that they're sick of him and want to turf him out?
Let's see - Saint Clair ... Sinclair, Maggie Sinclair, mother of J. Trudeau, who was born on Dec.25th. Ah, now we know why Scheer hates him so much. The second coming is already here!
Hi Jackie....Please don't let the political situation depress you so much that you would reject any kind of medical treatment. The situation is pretty grim, but good will triumph in the end. Scheer will go back to being a small town Con artist, Trump will be removed from power by force of arms if necessary, and a new progressive world will be born. So you wouldn't want to miss that would you? You are an exceptionally talented woman, and you have a righteous passion that most people would or should envy. So hang in there, the resistance needs you, and I promise you our victory party will be amazing 💥🎉🎉😀
Hi anon...I haven't the slightest doubt that both Scheer and Kenney are Opus Dei members. As are a number of Con candidates like Justina McCaffrey, Faith Goldy's friend, who is on record in a Star article as being a proud member. And the most disturbing thing I've heard is that OD has infiltrated some of the highest positions in our media which would account for the biased coverage. It's a grim situation but all it will take is one mistake and Scheer's Con cult will come tumbling down.☠
Hi RT...I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that there is a strong religious component associated with the Con campaign. I noticed that when Larry Spencer claimed that Scheer shared his views that gays should be jailed, some powerful hardly ever seen Cons came rushing out of the woodwork to defend him. And as you know, I believe that Scheer is such an extreme religious fanatic he is capable of anything. The hunt for the killer albino continues...
Hi Jackie...As I said above, relax. The more it looks like Scheer could win, the more progressives will abandon the NDP and the Greens and support him. The good Nanos numbers today may be a reaction to the #brokergate story, and the reports of his religious fanaticism will not help him either. We have a lot more dirt on Scheer, and it will hit him at just the right time...
Hi UU...I'm sure that having Both Trudeau brothers sharing a December 25th birthday must drive Scheer up a wall, and ruin his Christmas. But when even an atheist like me is a better Christian than he is, he deserves all the hellfire he gets...
Yes, Jackie, please get the medical treatment you need and are entitled to.
Opus Dei is not simply "conservative" in terms of Church teachings, bad enough as that is for LGBT+ people and women. It has been associated with the Iberian fascist dictatorships (Spain and Portugal) as well as Catholics in Nazi Germany (including Austria, which was annexed) and later the violent dictatorships in South America, firstly Brazil, a decade later Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. They have a hell of a lot of blood on their hands.
In my riding that makes zero sense, since the only serious threat to Boulerice is the Bloc.
Jackie, get the treatment you need asap!
If you can start right away, do. Please.
Every day counts, especially if you consider it an investment in bringing about your desired outcome.
Nanos is back down again but someone on Twitter seems to have figured out a pattern. He's holding his cards close on the regional numbers to drive subscriptions while he gets paid to be a "pundit" for CTV, misrepresent the erratic bounces in his toplines and freak people out. He's a pollster. He shouldn't be in the business of "hot takes." But this, plus today's new Forum numbers (for some reason, Forum seems to get closer to the mark as election day draws closer) makes me feel a little bit better about the "Nanos whiplash effect," except that I worry people will be influenced by media coverage. Nanos' work has been compromised ever since he sold out.
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