For more than two years Andrew Scheer has smeared Justin Trudeau on a daily basis, and recently he seemed sooooo sure he would replace him and become Canada's next prime minister, or Pope.
And so were his ugly Con supporters, who were screaming, and hissing, and fighting over who would get Trudeau's or Trudope's head.
While their stooge media wrote many versions of his obituary.
But when the smoke cleared last night, Trudeau was still standing, still prime minister.

And his supporters were chanting "four more years, four more years!!!"
“Four more years” chant at Liberal HQ pic.twitter.com/eh7NLPtsIc— Dylan Robertson (@withfilesfrom) October 22, 2019
As all over the country Con heads were exploding. *Pop* *Pop* *Kaboom*
And it was a thing of beauty.
Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have retained enough seats to govern with a strong minority in the House of Commons as the result of a robust showing in Ontario, bringing an end to an acrimonious campaign and ushering in the uncertainty of a divided Parliament and a country split along regional lines.
For although Trudeau will now have to work closely with Jagmeet Singh I think that's a good thing.

Some of Canada's best governments have been the result of Liberal NDP cooperation, and Jaggy isn't going to be too cocky, not after the fizz went out of the "surge."
Rookie NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who pledged to build a sweeping movement of young and racialized voters, was not able to deliver on that promise Monday night. Despite signs of a “Singh surge” in recent weeks, that momentum appeared to have fizzled by election day.
The Liberals are set to form a minority government, with the New Democratic Party falling in fourth place behind the Bloc Québécois, and losing most of the gains it had made in Quebec during the 2011 orange wave.
Although somebody forgot to tell Singh that, so his speech last night went on too long, and led to this bizarre situation.

With all three party leaders talking at the same time, and Scheer who had just started to speak being bounced in favour of the winner.
Which must have humiliated Scheer even more, if that's possible.
Although after watching his pathetic speech I wonder if he's too far gone to notice. For he was frankly delusional.

“Tonight, Conservatives have put Justin Trudeau on notice,” Scheer said. “And Mr. Trudeau, when your government falls, Conservatives will be ready. And we will win.”
Trying to make himself sound like a winner, when there was no bigger loser.
With the possible exception of Lisa Raitt...

Who looked so shell shocked, I was surprised she was still standing.
But of course, the star of the night was Justin Trudeau, who showed that decency still matters, and managed to win without ever compromising his high standards and his Canadian values.

So without further ado, let me play the song I usually reserve for those special times when Cons get their noses rubbed in their own excrement, are humiliated beyond recognition.
And I feel the need to dance around the room and celebrate...
Congratulations everybody, we did it.
We put down the Ugly American and his ghastly RepubliCons.
Our Canada still lives.
And the universe is still unfolding as I always hoped it would...

Thank you for this platform, and your part in bringing about this good outcome of all our combined efforts and hopes. A place to share our voice and an indispensable progressive source. A place for us to crab, and crow, as we see fit.
My heart overflows with happiness and inexpressible gratitude for today, and for the renewal of 'Justin Time's fortunes.
I and we share your joy.
I had a good feeling when I voted and the results for my riding and the greater region were beyond my wildest expectations.
Simon, you led the way for progressive bloggers during the entire campaign. Thank you!
What a great day for Canada, Simon. In spite of the constant barrage of lies emanating from Harper 2.0's derriere, Canadians saw through the BS and opted for substance over an empty suit capable only of slinging mud.
If the knives weren't out for him already, they will most certainly be now so I'd like to add an epitaph to the tomb of pitiful Andy's political career, "Andrew Scheer. None and done."
Interesting ending to the election with Scheer talking over Singh before he finished. I suspect Trudeau decided to put Scheer in his place for that, and after the way Scheer treated Trudeau during the campaign. I don't think Scheer even got a full minute before networks switched to Trudeau!
Many people say Justin is more like his mother than his father. BS. It's exactly what Pierre would have done!
I suspect Scheer and Singh won't survive leadership reviews in 2020.
Followed you through this campaign and you continue to be an uplifting breath of fresh air. Enjoy the day!
This was a highlight of the night all right.
I'm still unsure whether it was legitimate timing or an olive branch to the NDP, delivered by impaling it into Scheer.
So what was the bullshit about the party that wins the most seats gets a Hershey bar. Reformatory internal polling was revealed by the blind panic from Sheer-idiocy and Wornout Kinsellout over the past two weeks. They knew they were toast but kept babbling about winning. To what purpose ?
Sorry I forgot. Thanks Simon for your work and for supplying a format for people like me who don't want their own blog.
Echoing the kudos to Simon for his great work here. Again I want to apologize personally to the crowd for having lost my temper on a number of occasions, and to Canada on behalf of the USA for what that ugly American, Postmedia and our own orangeface racist have done to your wonderful country and its compassionate prime minister. This really was a storybook ending and I'm glad the good guys won.
As promised, a celebratory song to share in the occasion:
Congratulations Canada, and a very, VERY happy belated birthday to Papa Pierre and to future prime minister "Professor" Xavier Trudeau!
"Many people say Justin is more like his mother than his father."
And Justin says he's not bothered by that comparison at all. In fact he's quite proud to be Margaret's son and rightly so. Says a lot about those sniping bullies, they say it like it's a bad thing!
Maybe he can go back to the U.S. and audition to be a GEICO mascot.
Thank you Simon for all you've done. This is a great day. Trudeau has been a big disappointment to me but he kept Scheer and his crew of 'Ugly Canadians' from lording of us Harper style. Best of all, pundits had their asses handed to them. Hebert's repeated silencing of Coyne was a thing of beauty.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Brawnfire.
Thank you so much, Simon.
I felt a personal connection. My mother was a schoolteacher who had her career derailed by a political backroom smear campaign. I told her about the perverse lies that the Cons were cooking up about Trudeau's teaching career. When I said that he had won in spite of it all she said "Good, and I hope he files a lawsuit." It must have felt like a vindication by proxy. There is hope for the truth to win out after all.
I mentioned my brother's birthday recently, hers is tomorrow and this will make a nice intangible gift. No one deserves to be put through the ringer like this, especially not someone who has made it their life's calling to help people. Shame on Andrew Scheer, how the hell does he look his children in the eye after what he did to Trudeau, and to Lorne Nystrom before that? To see him lose -- and get entangled with Kinsella's downfall -- was poetic justice. What a cinematic irony that his own party must now consider the phony insurance salesman an unacceptable risk of liability!
They actually did a poll on whether Scheer should resign if he didn't get a majority. 63% say yes.
None and done! None and done! None and done!
"It's exactly what Pierre would have done!"
Looked so good on Scheer. JT may not be as overt as Pierre but he's still his father's son.
Maybe they'll run Harper and Mulcair next time and the networks can save money by calling it a rerun. Or Kenney and Notley, and the networks can drum up ratings pitting Alberta vs. Quebec... and calling it a rerun.
I am happy but without the block he would have had a majority. Still going up against Weak Andy next time, priceless.
Hi Brawnfire....Thank you for your kind words. I am so happy today, and proud of my fellow progressives, and this blog will always a safe haven for them to discuss or debate how best to fight the populists/fascists that threaten us all. Or just vent !!#@!!
I will add my thanks for tolerating my long winded screeds on your site. Don't ever stop. Progressives need more relentless, passionate voices if we are going to keep the Andrew Scheers, Stephen Harpers and their ilk at bay.
At least until climate change and automation change the world so much it makes them irrelevant.
You are awesome! Thank you :)
I still think it's very unsettling to know that Scheer will take every moment to shatter any progressive alliance and force an election any chance he can get.
This means we must have pratical solutions to shut the Cons down. An investigation into how long Kinsellout would be a good start, but the reappearance of Robocalls should also be investigated.
The Liberals, NDP and Greens also need to push forward with electoral reform that will result in meaningful government that represents all of us and not just a small handful.
ItsI time for change :)
Hi Cathie....Thank you for saying that. At the end of the campaign I was frustrated that I hadn't been able to do more, I was just too beat. So that will definitely help!!!!
Although in the spirit of full transparency, I have to confess that sticking out as a progressive at Kinsella Bloggers isn't that hard....🙄
hi JD....It is a great day isn't it? The monster Scheer was unable to devour us. He'll be back, until the Cons decide to get rid of him. But right now I feel like I got a weight the size of Doug Ford lifted off my back. The damage they could have done. the healing power of victory....
Hi UU....as much as I would like to think that Justin Trudeau did it on purpose, I think it was a network screw up. All caused by Jagmeet Singh going on and on like he had won the election instead of ended up in fourth place. It was one in the morning in Montreal, and the producers should have given Singh the hook, told Scheer he was on, and arranged a time for Trudeau to do his thing. The show was bad and biased enough, but the end was worse....
Hi Gyor....I certainly hope that Scheer is removed by the Cons, but I like Singh, he has the potential to be a progressive star, he represents the new Canada well, so in my opinion he definitely deserves another chance to see what he can do....
Hi Sixth Estate....thanks a lot for your encouraging words. I have to admit that there were a few occasions when I found it really hard to blog because like so many others the news was so grim, it sapped my energy and made me want to spend all my spare time sleeping.😴
Hi rumleyfips....thank you, it's a pleasure to have a space progressives can use to get their messages out, or let the growing fascist menace what they think of them. And yes, isn't Scheer the limit? First he makes a big deal about how every vote counts, and if he gets more than Trudeau he should resign IMMEDIATELY !!!!! Now it's all about a few percentage points.I'm telling you the Cons are dangerous...
Hi Jackie....Thank you for your sweet words, and for apologizing for having lost your temper. We all do and who can blame us after the politically stressful time we are going through. But I feel progressives are heading in the right direction, so the gentler we are on ourselves, the hRder we can fight the Cons....
Hi Jim.....Thank you, and yes it is a great day. Trudeau may not be perfect, but he is a decent person, who has been attacked and threatened by the far-right like no their prime minister ever has. And without his relentless drive, Scheer and his ugly Americans could have ended up a lot closer to power, and throwing our government into chaos. We did dodge a bullet....
Hi Steve....yes, the Bloc seemed to come out of nowhere, thanks to Bill 21. Nevertheless a lot of Quebecers voted for the Liberals, so all was not lost....
hi JD....Thank you my friend. I enjoy your contributions a lot. I know that when I feel my strength flagging, I can always count on you to give the Cons hell. I'm afraid we are going to keep on fighting, but both here and in the U.S. I feel that the right is losing steam, and that we are slowly getting ready to win the Final Battle ...
I found it very helpful to read your take on election events throughout the campaign. You put so much work and thoughtfulness into your posts and it is appreciated
Re: investigations, I just read this pathetic screed at MacLean's. Harper henchman Andrew MacDougall wants the opposition parties to demand an SNC inquiry as a condition of propping up the Liberal government. Yes, I'm sure Canadians would be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to waste taxpayer dollars on the northern equivalent of a Benghazi witch hunt. Especially as climate change, healthcare and housing are at the forefront of their concerns according to most surveys. I would hope that the ABC parties wouldn't be so self-serving as to even bring it up and are more focused on other issues affecting the everyday Canadian? But leave it to the RepubliCons to keep screaming TRUGHAZI!!!! at the top of their lungs in hopes of getting an 11-hour testimony from Hillary Rodham Trudeau. They've been beating this dead horse so much that they're brain damaged from sniffing the resulting glue.
It never ends with these pathetic, sore loser Cons, Jackie. If the Libs launched inquiries into their malfeasances of the last ten years we'd be broke from the costs and litigating well past the second coming of Christ. And therein lies the attractant for the Cons. As long as us taxpaying suckers are paying for it, it's spare no cost. If Harper's former scrotal hygienist MacDougal wants an inquiry so bad then I say either buck up or STFU.
Would the opposition parties be willing to trigger an election over it? Most Canadians don't give a shit about it.
Sure, if they don't mind pissing off 2/3 of the country and handing Trudeau a majority out of spite. The Dippers are broke and the Bloc is incensed by the Cons' politically craven disregard for workers and pensioners in Quebec. That leaves... the Greens and JWR? And weak Andy, so a pathetic haul of, what, 125. Yeah, that math works out. Seems MacDouchebag needs a remedial lesson in quantum computing.
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