In my last post I looked at the sad case of Michelle Rempel, and what her new American husband thinks of Canada.

Which isn't very nice, but Rempel still thinks is hilarious.
So I thought I'd share what some Canadians think of her and her husband.

Most of the reaction was fairly predictable from a lot of Canadians who don't like their country ridiculed by a Trump/Pence supporter and a Con MP.
But since I am one of the thousands of people Rempel has blocked from accessing her Twitter feed.

I especially liked this one.

And since Rempel likes wine so much, I thought this one really helped me understand what might have happened:
Michelle Rempel Garner tweeted that Andrew Scheer "punched him in the face on behalf of pissed of(sic) Canadians" about Trudeau. How can an MP be so publically foolish? Oh, yes, I forgot. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/fpTtK8Qmjj— Memeditorialist (@ajhtweeting) July 7, 2019
But whether she was drunk or not, Rempel needs to apologize to Canadians, and so does her boss.

So all may know who are the Trumplings or traitors in our midst.
And be sure to vote Canadian...

Why is the MP for the riding of Calgary-Nose Pick still a candidate for the CPC? Considering her penchant for turning Twitter into an echo chamber, shouldn't she be a candidate for the "Bloc(k)"?
Doubt very much that she speaks French. And we can enjoy a bit of wine with food here without getting sodden. Toasting her move to the Demented States (with caffè freddo, of course).
She hasn't blocked me. Of course I don't have a twitter account but I still feel ignored.
Hi Jackie...Stephen Harper made her believe that she had a bright future, but Scheer prefers more religious women or handmaids like Rachael Harder so Rempel has become more despondent and ugly. I wonder whether she is just sticking around to see if Scheer loses his job, and if he doesn't I wouldn't be surprised if she rides off to Oklahoma...
Hi lagatta...She is very much an Alberta woman and although she is a sommelier has shown no interest in our belle province. As for her drinking, it's not the drinking that is a problem, although her doctor may disagree. The problem is that when she gets looped, her Twitter and YouTube get even uglier....
Hi rumleyfips....I don't blame you, with so many people blocked by Rempel, you must be feeling very lonely. I was blocked without ever having sent her a single tweet, and years ago, so I feel very proud of myself....😉
Just found out I was blocked too. Never sent her a tweet either..maybe the Clinton's are connected to financing her run here in Canada thanks to the okie hubby?
Why would she marry an old guy from Oklahoma? Her commitment to Canada is suspect.
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