I have never understood why the Cons and other toxic Trudeau haters get such a perverted pleasure going after our prime minister and his family.
But I do know it's not healthy, I do know it's not Canadian.
I do know that this is the kind of horror show you get when you let those haters poison our country.

A mock lynching in a Red Deer bar that couldn't be more disgusting.
The co-owner of a bar in central Alberta doesn't regret hanging up a large pinata of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the Canada Day weekend.
"The only downfall was for structural reasons we had to Zip-Tie the rope around his neck because someone would hit it once, it would have fallen," Newell said Tuesday.
I realize that it happened in Alberta, the home of the redneck bigots, and in a province that is more American than Canadian.
But this is obscene.
"We were putting together the Canada Day party and I said it'd be funny to make a Justin Trudeau pinata. We filled it with money, candy and little notes of things he promised. It was all just in fun," he said.
And let's be clear, it promotes the same kind of violence against Justin as this sign does...

Or this great Con production...

Or this one courtesy of Andrew Scheer's yellow vested friends...

It's a Made in America disease that was imported by the Cons, and the day we normalize that behaviour this country will go down the same dark and bloody road.
I know I'll never accept it.
I was forced to fight bullies when I was just a young teenager, I still loathe the cowardly scum, and I'm still fighting them.
So when I see the violent way some in the Con media portray Justin Trudeau...

As not manly enough and too weak to be Prime Minister.
The more they attack Trudeau, the more I support him and his family...

You can agree or disagree with his policies, but the way the Cons go after him is pure evil.
Normalize that behaviour, or start believing that decency is weakness.
And we'll all wake up some day in a fascist jungle...
As the old saying goes, what's this got to do with the price of tea in China? This isn't even policy critique, it's perverse. These people attack his children, his mother, his dead brother, even his dog, and then say it's about building a pipeline or not building a pipeline or whatever. And you're right, Simon, it's not just Cons. It's self-proclaimed progressives, or "bro-gressives" (since many of them are male) who attack female Liberal supporters (and gay ones) saying "you only support Trudeau because you want to sleep with him." (Jealous much?) Or those eco-trolls I mentioned awhile back, who said they were going to protest TMX by urinating in Kokanee Lake. So piss on his dead brother's corpse and that's supposed to change his mind on energy policy? Their rhetoric is indistinguishable from Cons and all they share in common is, like you said, toxic Trudeau hate.
That bar owner should be boycotted if not arrested and his establishment shut down, for aiding and abetting credible threats of violence against the PM. If this is the kind of trash that comes out of Alberta, maybe they should just GTFO. And they wonder why no one would miss them. As for the useless, vulgar media, it's long overdue that they face punitive sanctions from their respective regulatory boards for their rhetoric. So should the entirety of the CPC, which they are nothing but propagandists for. If, God forbid, something should happen to Justin or anyone in his family, the blood will be on their hands. Free speech my ass. This is sick.
Trudeau has done more to promote Alberta's planet-killing oil industry than Harper ever did, and this is the thanks he gets. I don't know why he risks Liberal seats in BC to pleasure these AB ingrates. Makes no sense at all.
FYI: More evidence of Con psychopathy. What the fuck is this?
Federal Conservative candidate in B.C. gives her boyfriend a human skull for his birthday
...and they have a nerve to say Justin is bananas.
Because he really does believe in governing for all of Canada, not just places that would vote for him. He has always said as much even when he was campaigning in 2015. Nothing about that has changed. Some may call it naive, a devil's bargain, selling out, hypocrisy, you name it. But in this ultra-polarized era it can also be construed as the kind of balanced leadership that's desperately needed -- and which directly debunks the bullshit Con meme that he's "undermining national unity."
Haters gonna hate (and accuse him of only caring about Quebec), but anyone with any sense knows the Cons would ONLY govern for Alberta. Trudeau's entire worldview, summed up in his book, is to find common ground. I know it was a bestseller, but did anyone actually read it? I did; maybe if others took the time to actually go through how he formed his philosophy instead of inventing this caricature that leads to anger and disappointment, they'd understand the reasoning behind his decisions. It's just really sad how everyone else is so polarized and myopic that they don't want to work together with him.
Also: Trudeau fils' version of the NEP is actually more complex and ambitious than Trudeau père. The goal is to have TMX be the last pipeline ever built, use the revenue to fund a transition to renewables and incorporate an agreement whereby Indigenous groups get to benefit from ownership. The Indigenous are not a monolith when it comes to this issue any more than any other ethnic group is of a singular hive mind.
That last part is why these rednecks really hate him (well, that and his last name... his hair, socks, their delusional belief that he's a gay, transgender Muslim whose biological father was Fidel Castro). Sad to say, much as he has done more than any other PM for the Indigenous as well, many are still pissed at him over the fact that he wouldn't allow himself to be blackmailed by Jody's petulant temper tantrum. He gives and gives and gives and everyone just spits in his face.
A prophet has no honour in his own country.
It's a tune they just can't get out of their heads. No thought goes into it. Because everybody's jivin' to it, it becomes kind of a community builder. Don't want to be left out, you know. After protracted participation some may graduate to the Well-All-I-Know-Is level.
To Anon,
You do know that oil will still be apart of the worldwide energy mix by 2040. I'm not saying we can't use the proceeds to fund the transition but its not like we can shut it down overnight.
What Albertans seem to think is normal is resonating across Canada and that is they are not normal. They are repugnant in their attacks on JT and his family and we can thank Scheer, Kenney, Harper etc. and the racist rebel for fomenting this disturbingly sick behaviour. It's so easy to blame others for your shitty existence but if they had even half a brain they would know that successive Con governments are the reasons they are where they are now. Even now with their blinders on when it comes down to climate change, they opt to put off what needs to be done now until later, just as they did with their now shitty economy.
Just as you cant turn back time and do what should have been done to avoid economic disaster, with Albertans and their useless leaders, you cant turn back the clock and fix stupidity.
Simon, I'm getting worried. It's clear the haters feel emboldened by, and are salivating over, the prospect of toppling Trudeau. The polls have only slightly shifted and there's only about 3.5 months to go. Polltracker still has the Cons up by 4, 35-31, thanks to an unusually high Green percentage that refuses to budge and the spoiler NDP. Better than the 6-point advantage they had but still worrisome. Now, I don't care if someone wants to vote Green or NDP as long as it's not in such a way that would benefit the Cons just to own the Libs. What scares me is the possibility that the so-called "conscience voters" will split the vote rather than strategically vote to save the country, and the aftermath that would ensue. That they'll absolve their "conscience" with platitudes that if the chips fall where they (cough) May, it's not their fault but Trudeau's for "breaking promises" or "not bending the knee" or whatever. Just like ours did with Hillary. "She shouldn't have rigged the primaries" / "He should have done electoral reform."
I have a sick pit in my stomach that the CPC stealing the ball in October would be enough of a catalyst for some Oswald type to literally "take out" Trudeau. It's not enough to vote him out, they want him to be a pariah and they want him to die. And the "conscience" voters have no conscience either, they wouldn't care because they'd compartmentalize with justifications that he brought his death upon himself by not acceding to progressive promises, or that he's another "millionaire trust fund kid" and "corrupt Bay Street politician" educated in private schools who deserves what he'd get.
I'm not even kidding and I'm certainly not concern-trolling either. I'm seeing a lot more of this fuck-the-system, eat-the-rich rhetoric even directed towards Biden, Clinton and Obama from angry would-be revolutionaries on the left. Is it Russian/foreign trolls (or domestic Proud/Analytica equivalents)? Maybe. But I do know the gilets jaunes in France advocate for throwing Macron in a guillotine and lob "Rothschild" chants at him that plays into the anti-Semitic bigotry of Le Pen and her ilk. I don't envy Trudeau's position in life or the background he came from, and I don't think he should be "punished." Nor do I think he "inherited" the job and "deserves" to have his "comeuppance" and be thrown out, which seems to be where a lot of the animosity is coming from: that he's a male Ivanka Trump, a monarch in his own mind deserving of political or literal regicide.
Remember how the Sanders/Stein cults rejoiced in Hillary's defeat and congratulated themselves on blocking a "coronation"? How they likened her to Marie Antoinette, and all the imagery that conjures up? Only to see their sabotage get a wannabe Russian czar "Put In"! And thanks to their complicity in electing Trump, a right-wing terrorist felt emboldened enough to mail explosives to Clinton and Obama. It's only by the grace of a miracle and the work of law enforcement that they both weren't killed. So I don't think this fear that the Cons getting revenge with help from equally angry purist foot-stompers would pose a threat to Trudeau's life is hyperbole at all.
Trudeau's done a lot of good for Canada that he gets no credit for. He's endured enough heartaches as it is, and I don't take delight in seeing him humiliated the way a lot of people do. I'm a centrist. I don't like populists or absolutists of any sort. At best they're naive about the realities of the system. At worst, they're terrorists, and they don't know or care when to stop. You know how the old saying goes. First they came for Madam Secretary, then they came for the old man from Delaware, then they came for the Northern Dauphin, and then they came for me...
And it's not only Albertan rednecks, JD. It's Red Rose Tea Party types (or trollbots pretending to be them) who justify going after him as an "aristocrat" or "neocon warmonger" or what have you. They took the MMIWG conclusions out of context and have declared Trudeau personally responsible for Indigenous genocide. They called him a racist who deserved to be tried at the Hague. Now they're blaming him for Trump's concentration camps because he didn't suspend the Safe Third Country Agreement and open the floodgates to every single refugee from Central America. Do they know what kind of backlash would result? Now, if China does their worst to Spavor and Kovrig, he'll get blamed for that too!
He's being dehumanized, depicted as a war criminal callously shutting the door to desperate people and cozying up to dictators to pad his portfolio, after the haters spent three months caricaturing him as Nixon of the North and Trump with nice hair. They don't have a real enemy to fight against, so they make up this strawman Falsedeau to hang and whack at and burn in effigy and throw in a guillotine. I hope his children don't see what people say about their dad, let alone the crap that gets flung at them by the worst, most intolerant mouth breathers on social media and in the Con press (which the jealous Dippers and their Green-with-envy acolytes are only too happy to cozy up to for attention).
Case in point: Sarah Sears of CBC posted an adorable clip on Twitter of Hadrien mugging for the cameras on Canada Day. Cue the monsters calling him a brat and a trust-fund baby who should have been terminated because "inherited wealth." I hate these brogressives maybe even more than I do the Cons, because of how they claim the mantle of moral superiority. When your answer to "class inequality" is to verbally abuse a five-year-old boy, you need to rethink your life and delete your account. I want to shake these people and say, quit bitching that he didn't give you everything you want on a silver platter and claiming that he has a "silver spoon up his ass." He doesn't owe you anything personally and you have no business demanding that he "prove his progressive bona fides" by taking a vow of poverty! Take advantage of the opportunities he's worked damn hard to open up so you can get a fucking job!
These irrational, bloodthirsty extremists are doing to Trudeau what's been done to Wynne, Clinton and Notley. What's the underlying common denominator? "Weakness." As I've said before: misogyny against men, homophobia. That's where it begins, and mushrooms out from there. They're the pox populi, the vectors of this prion disease that's spreading like a plague. Horseshoe theory of politics or more like two sides of a horse's ass. The rig pig drillbillies and their Bernie Bro equivalents comparing him to Marie Antoinette think of Trudeau as a "nasty woman." It makes me sick.
Why not? Have you looked at Scotland lately? They've gone from living off North Sea oil to producing 2/3rds of their power from renewables. Norway's even further along and using their huge oil wealth to become the first all-electric country. All it takes is some goddamn initiative.
One thing's for sure, you don't transition away from something by increasing its production - which is what pipeline expansion is all about.
Not to spam the thread, but I just sent an email to Fatima Syed at the National Observer asking if she wouldn't mind doing an article that investigates the vitriolic invective aimed at Trudeau and his family. Her most recent is about politicians blocking constituents on social media. So I asked if she could do a follow-up on the hostility that comes from said constituents, particularly that which is aimed at the prime minister, and furthermore, Trudeau as a proxy punching-bag for the hatred sweeping the country. In other words, if Barack Obama was a representation of racism and Hillary Clinton was a representation of misogyny, Justin Trudeau has become a representation of homophobia, transphobia and Islamophobia. Just doing my part in whatever way I can.
Hi Jackie,
Re: "inherited wealth", "eat the Rich", used as excuses to attack Justin Trudeau.
No. No. No.
The CONS in both our countries are pushing a false notion: Populists vs the Elites.
Not really, not for anyone who knows the least bit of history. There are more than I mention; many an 'elitist' whose honour has been public service.
Teddy Roosevelt was of the latter 'category', of the rich/and privileged/elite class, yet he ran as a true populist. His claim to fame was as an Environmentalist and Trust Buster against the Robber Barons of his day.
Then there was FDR, another elite/ rich and privileged, who did more for the social welfare of the common people than anyone ever has. In fact, the rich accused him of being a traitor to his class.
President John Kennedy another, a privileged rich guy whose life and career discredits the elitist enemy label. Whose life exemplified "Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country."
Justin Trudeau is every bit, of that same mold. Born to privilege but unselfish and unstinting when it comes to serving and caring about his country.
Hi anon...you're right about Scotland, they are developing renewable forms of energy at a fast pace, and on at least a couple of occasions have used them to provide all the power needed. But the problem we have in Canada is that we are resisting change, so transitioning from oil to green energy is going to be even more difficult. I'm frustrated by that, but since we can't raise the carbon tax to adequate levels, using the TMX profits to pay for that transition is something I can support. Our dependence on oil will not be ended until we have more green options...
Hi Jackie...the hatred aimed at Trudeau is not rational and has nothing to do with his policies. Albertans like to blame him for their bad choices, and that hatred is also fuelled by Trudeau's support for women's rights and gay rights, which makes it a toxic stew. I will never set foot in Alberta again until it changes, which judging by the state of things could take a long time...
Hi JD....You're absolutely right. Albertans blame everyone but themselves for the state of the oil industry, and the more they do that the harder it will be to transition to a greener economy. But when you look at the list of lobbyists and pro oil groups, as I did the other day, it's clear that the ordinary rednecks are just tools in the hands of the mighty. They are still dreaming of returning to the days of wine and roses, and don't seem to understand that those days are gone. I fear for the future of this country when reality finally catches up with that province...
Hi Jackie...I don't the Cons will get very far trying to portray Trudeau as privileged versus Scheer "the man of the people." Not when people have taken a look at Scheer's very comfortable upbringing, and at his enormous pension that must be carted around in a Brink's truck. As for the situation in the U.S., I'm trying to avoid taking a close look at the Democratic contest, because at this point at least it looks like a very large circular firing squad...
Hi Brawnfire....Yes, I agree, a person should be judged by their character rather than how much money they may have inherited. Teddy Roosevelt was one of the most populist presidents the U.S. has ever seen. And Justin Trudeau job as a teacher is hardly an example of the rich and the famous...
Hi Jackie....good for you. To my knowledge nobody in the MSM has looked at the misogyny and homophobia that is at the heart of what inspires so many deranged Trudeau haters. What seems so obvious to you and me, is completely absent from the coverage. Ten years from now historians will write that Trudeau was demonized in the same way Hillary Clinton was. And others will wonder how something so obvious could have been missed...
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