It's called "conversion therapy" It's a pseudo scientific practice that uses high pressure psychological techniques to try to turn gay people into straight ones.
Some call it "pray away the gay" because of the many religious fanatics who spend their time trying to "save" LGBT people from themselves.
But in most cases what it amounts to is nothing less than child torture.
A recent Hollywood movie called Boy Erased, is based on a true story, and makes that only too clear.
Conversion therapy isn't just brutish and ineffective, it's dangerous.
The self loathing it encourages can lead to severe depression, anxiety, and an increased risk of suicide.
So the federal government has recently announced plans to ban the practice.
Only to have Andrew Scheer fail to support that ban, claiming he needs more time to study it.
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer told Global News on Wednesday that while his party opposes forced conversion therapy, he is waiting for further details before taking a stance on efforts to impose a federal ban on the discredited practice.
And to make matters worse, Scheer even seems to suggest that the practice would be OK if it was voluntary.
Even though that quack therapy is dangerous, has been condemned by all medical associations, children are not in a position to accept or reject it.
And Scheer's position, as Dale Smith points out, amounts to nothing more than weasel words.
The giant implication is that there are types of “voluntary” conversion therapy that he is okay with, and that is alarming because any kind of so-called “conversion therapy” is torture, whether entered into voluntarily or not – and it ignores that when people enter into it voluntarily, it’s because they have such a degree of self-loathing that they have deluded themselves into believing that they can change their sexual orientation in spite of all evidence to the contrary, and a lot of that self-loathing comes from the sorts of violence, whether physical, mental or spiritual, that has been inflicted upon them.
Weasel words designed to appeal to Scheer's rabid religious base, whose murderous hatred for LGBT people knows no bounds.
Which of course should not surprise anybody, since as I have pointed out many times, Scheer is also a miserable homophobe.

And the only thing that surprises me is that he has been able to get away with it, or conceal it, for so long.
But hopefully that will change now, because the reaction to Scheer's weasel words has been very encouraging, with progressives heaping abuse on him and his Cons running for cover.
And the creepy bigot must surely know that when even people like Charles Adler come after him he's in big trouble.

And of course for the Cons the timing couldn't be worse.
For with just over a hundred days to go before the election what more could we ask for than a chance to label Scheer and his Cons as kooks, who would tolerate the torture of children?
And what could be better than watching as their rancid bigotry destroys them?
While the decent people of this country rally behind this real Canadian leader...

And march with him to victory...
Fuck the Con media running interference with their "but but but Trudeau had 4 years to do this" and "that's not what Scheer said" BS. Or the bigots on social media demanding that Trudeau condemn FGM (he has) but running with the Jordan Peterson canard that gender-transition treatment is no different. Because let me get this, er... straight: Scheer is OK with "voluntary" psychological torture of LGBT people but not a woman's right to voluntarily exercise control over her reproductive system? Any legitimate journalists out there willing to press him on this, or are they still out there chasing squirrels about China, judges and "national unity" to make Trudeau look bad? Fuck this creep, the Deform Party and the media propagandists who prop him up. They need conversion therapy to implant common sense, a soul and a backbone. Nothing but fascism-enabling pieces of shit.
OT but BTW Simon, have you noticed on Twitter that a number of leading pollsters are having a spat with Grenier and the CBC? It started with backlash to that suspect poll about the Indigenous vote abandoning the Liberals, and has mushroomed into a dispute over unauthorized use of, and editorial speculation on, their data. Nik Nanos just demanded that they pull his research from Poll Tracker after Grenier said on Twitter that his confidence in the weighting of Nanos polls was lessened due to their regional paywall. Nanos is CTV's go-to guy, so makes me wonder if this is a further CTV vs. CBC issue? Something's wrong at the CBC, because Nanos has always been pretty accurate, so why should a change to their funding model cause Grenier to assume that their numbers are all of a sudden suspect? Does 338 Canada pony up the cost for the regionals? People need to know the right data in order to strategically vote.
As an aside, Darrell Bricker of Con-compromised Ipsos was having a semi-related pissing match with Gerald Butts, which doesn't surprise me but is nevertheless irresponsibly partisan and stupid. But all this put together, it's nerve-wracking for me to see the Moneyball guys and the national broadcaster in a tiff so close to an election. So, should I ignore CBC Poll Tracker and just pay attention to the individual polls and their trend line? Or ignore them when they're good and when they're bad, as is Gerry's advice?
Seems like there is no kind of bigot that Sheerly-not isn't.
Slowly but surely Scheer is being exposed as a politician who is more American than Canadian. He is anti-Muslim ,anti-gay, and anti-abortion. As you said Simon , the more Canadians learn about Scheer the more they will dislike him.
Scheers boatload of 18th century ideas should sink him, yet he floats.
Once you embrace the view that you and your clan are the chosen ones in God's view then it is logical that anything that interferes with the number of believers and their procreation is inspired by Satan. Its a big list but Andy just can't keep from nipping around the edges to ease his conscience with dreams of a big win when God takes matters into his own hands.
I used to be gay and I did conversion therapy. I'm now happily married and have two kids. It's not for everyone and I don't think kids or teenagers should enter treatment. But it saved my life (I used to be suicidal) and I'm a much more content human being.
Party like it's 1799!
OT but VERY important. Son of a bitch. "Green with envy" Wornout Consellout is back -- and he's Dizzy Lizzy's campaign strategist now! He wants to team up with May to split the vote and take out Trudeau! He doesn't care if he gets the Cons elected as long as he gets "back in the game." This obsessive piece of shit Roger Stone wannabe is absolutely deranged in his sick vendetta! Is Trudeau aware of this???
And guess who reported it? Bob fucking Fife! I hate that bastard Wornout as much as I hate Fife the Knife! And as for May, she clearly has zero integrity on any "climate file" if she's working with Trudeau's #1 enemy to help the fucking Oil Can Cons!
They can all rot in hell for what they intend to do to a good and decent man out of pure jealousy, revenge, and a naked power grab, and what they intend to do to a beautiful country such as Canada and its people. They are dirty, rotten scoundrels, the whole lot of them, with no principles or integrity beyond what's good for themselves. Trash.
I heard they even banned books about conversion therapy from Amazon the other day. We're truly in an Orwellian nightmare, Anon.
Hi Jackie....I just hope that a political leader who is so homophobic for religious reasons that he could condone child torture, is also quite capable of finding all kinds of ways to restrict or diminish the human rights of women. It's all the same struggle, and the Cons are the enemies of all of us...
Hi Jackie...I don't know what to say, as a poll addict I find this pollster war really annoying, especially on the eve of an election. I don't think we can ignore polls, even though we have to take their limitations into account, for we are going to need all the information we can get if we want to vote strategically. Unfortunately unless something changes, we are not going to be prepared as we were last time, and that could be costly...
Hi rumleyfips....yes, Scheer is a well rounded bigot, and as one of the religious variety I'm sure he feels very virtuous about that. This country was built on compromise, and with the diversity we have achieved, bigotry is a major threat and needs to be fought as hard as we possibly can. And Scheer is clearly not the leader we need...
Hi anon....like you I have always believed that Scheer is more of an American than Canadian politician. He is a more discreet version of Mike Pence, and a member in good standing of the religious right. And I only hope the polls are right when they suggest that the more Canadians know about him the more they dislike him, or this country will be in big trouble....
Hi Steve....The reason his boat of bigots still floats is because a lot of people in this country share his views. For example sixty per cent of Con supporters have racist views on immigration compared to fifteen per cent of Liberal supporters. And I hate to imagine how many homophobes there are out there. All I know is that any post with a gay subject is very unpopular so it's a very depressing situation, and with all the death threats I receive I am very aware that I could be killed tomorrow...
Hi RT...goodness knows that Scheer has more than made up for my lack of procreation with his five or isix kids and counting. His bigotry is a big part of who he is, even if he tries to hide that bigotry or religious fanaticism from Canadians. For example I believe his obsession with attacking Trudeau is fuelled by the prime minister's support for the rights of women and gays. I know it sounds bizarre, but so is Scheer...
HI anon...I don't know what to say.,I'm happy that you are happy, but I find it tragic that the bigotry of the world around you made you so unhappy and caused you to hate yourself so much that you became suicidal. As I said, I am glad it worked for you, but the overwhelming evidence is that it doesn't work for most others, and can have very harmful results. So I would prefer to see more work put into making gay people feel happy about being themselves...
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