I don't like to brag, but even before he became Premier I predicted that Doug Ford would lead his government into the swamp of corruption.
There was just something about him that screamed "SCANDAL!!!"
Or Con HOG!!!

And now I see I'm not alone.
The patronage scandal that continues to batter the premier’s office has hit home for voters, with almost 60 per cent believing the Ford government is corrupt and even more saying too many “cronies” have been hired, a new poll suggests.
And while I'm doing my best not to gloat, because to be fair Con hogs can't help themselves.
I am gloating about Ford's effect on the political fortunes of Andrew Scheer.
Because this couldn't be more devastating.
A growing number of Ontario voters say the policies of the Ford government make them less likely to vote for Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives in the fall federal election, says a new poll that has been tracking the issue.
In June, 54 per cent of those polled by Corbett Communications said they felt that way, but now 60 per cent do.
And since I also predicted that Weak Andy would end up running from Ford...

“This is something Scheer is desperately afraid of and it hasn’t gotten any better,” said veteran pollster John Corbett. “It’s gotten worse … if things keep going like that, he has already lost Ontario.”
Now I'm not just gloating, I'm celebrating!!!

For with less than a hundred days to go before the federal election, these polls are also looking better and better.

Now I realize that the election is not yet won, and that many things can happen between now and then.
But I'm getting ready to party already...

Have you seen the latest Angus Reid? And a record of their right-leaning bias? It's a mirror image of Nanos, and the only one that shows such an outsized lead for the Cons. Yet only Nanos gets the outlier penalty despite being more historically accurate in federal elections? I'm seeing an open revolt on Twitter right now and I don't blame them! I am so fucking frustrated with Poll Tracker and the CBC's bullshit narrative! They really, really want to keep this "Trudeau is toast" story going. Fucking pathetic. I'm not gloating. Far from it. I'm pissed that Canada's own Rasmussen is being given the white glove treatment by the national broadcaster. They really are rigging the Moneyball machine in the Cons' favor. I am so angry I could just spit!
Yep keep fighting for that Marxist/Muslim/Transgender utopia. I'm sure everything will work out fine...
Simon, the horde is trending "Trudeau Must Go" on Twitter. Frank Graves has taken a "social media sabbatical" after the Reid poll produced a swarm of troll fights about "political pollsters". This is terrifying. It's a coordinated attack on Trudeau. Coincidentally after a bunch of other polls (especially Nanos) showed the Liberals' prospects improving, and Trudeau calls out Trump's racism (but gets slagged nonetheless for not going "far enough")? I can't believe this is happening. It's so surreal. It's like that Lord of the Flies torch and pitchfork mob you wrote about in the spring. Why do I feel like we're back in the 1930s?
Oh, because your white Aryan fundamentalist Christian dystopia worked out just fine in the 1930s? It's working out just fine in the U.S., U.K. and Europe now? Your type lost in 1865 and 1945 and will lose again and again and again no matter how hard we have to fight, so go back to your basement bunker with Eva and Blondi and STFU.
Bots N' Trolls.
Their motes N' beams are bound to backfire.
Speaking of Klanada Proud: They're not even hiding it anymore. Jeff Hasnoballs knows EXACTLY who he's signaling to. And people thought Comic Sans was the ugliest font.
OMG, the "Good Germans" have moved north. In other Nazi news, Kellyanne Klaubucher Kochsucker asked a Jewish reporter what his ethnicity was in response to a question about Trump's racist comments. Followed by a right-wing astroturf group in Canada mounting a hate campaign against the compassionate Canadian PM who condemned those comments, and styling their propaganda in German language with blackletter text. Interesting that someone pointed out in that thread, the IDU headquarters chaired by Herrball Harper is also im Deutschland...
By the way: "Nordlicher Polarkreiss" translates to "Northern Arctic Circle." In other words, where the Nazis of Russiamerica want all that black gold underneath, and need the planet to heat up enough so it can melt and they can sell it to the highest bidder... Progressives need to unite and vote under the big Liberal tent, because the NDP is useless, the Greens are stooges for everything against what they claim to stand for, and the RepubliCons of Americanada smell blood and are clamoring for an Anschluss...
How delicious that even the holi poli can see the boss hog is boss hog.
Its a melting pot, no one side is right, but working together we can row to the future. You want to fight about our petty diferances, I want to build upon our common humanity and our strenghts, as Sting said " if only Russians loved their children:"
Hey the family and friends shit show works in Murica, whats wrong with the Canadjuns? Why is it that corrupt gregarious clown shows put off more Canadians than they attract? Its only a guess but possibly it has something to do with resolution by compromise ( most of the time) rather than USA Team A kicking the crap out of Team B or vice versa. Was it an evil foreign power that switched out an external team B for an internal one or did they do it all on their own?
When Trump said Make America Great Again, that means he hated America as it was. Why didn't he leave as he is now telling anyone to do who doesn't like America as it is under his regime?
They can't really tell Trump to go back where he came from because Nazi Germany no longer exists.
Get help, Anonymous.
Hi Jackie...I saw the poll and then read Angus Reid's tweet that revealed his Con bias and in my opinion makes his poll results extremely dubious. But stay calm, we'll see what the poll results are in a few weeks. Even most of the Con friendly polls show the Liberals gaining strength, and at this point that's all that counts....
Hi anon @1:13 PM....The.kind of society I'm fighting for is infinitely better than the fascist place you inhabit. We thrashed you in the Second World War, will you Nazi Trumplings never learn?
Hi Jackie...I saw that absurd "Trudeau Must Go" hashtag. But like so many others I contributed one of the graphics I used in this post to the hashtag "Scheer Desperation" and it was trending number one long after the other one had disappeared. We are not just better than them, we are more of them...😼
Hi brawnfire...l hate to be crude but those Con I cels really need to get laid before they explode with frustration and look even more ridiculous...
Hi Jackie....Yes, the Cons are putting on quite a freak show, but the way I see it they are just making it even more obvious why we absolutely must defeat them. Like the Trumplings the Klanada Proud incels seek to distract and demoralize progressives, but we must focus like lasers on all their weak points and sooner or later they will fall apart...
Hi Steve....as you know I have always portrayed the Cons as hogs, so now that so many others share that view I'm feeling more than vindicated. Honk, honk, honkity honk !!! 🐷🐷🐷
Hi RT....There has never been a better time to showcase the difference between our Canadian values and what Trump's American is becoming. I'm sure that many Americans are hoping we can do that. For if we can halt or bury the populist tide we will encourage many others all over the world who are fighting for the same ideals of truth and justice....
Hi anon...Inagree with you, the low life Trump suggesting that he can make America great again isn't just absurd it's obscene. He'll only help make America greater again when he is in a jail cell...
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