It really is the stuff of nightmares. Obama caught in a trap of his own making, and John McCain helping him to dig himself into an even bigger hole.
By getting a U.S. Senate committee to back Obama's punitive missile strike.
In return for an even bigger war:
The Senate foreign relations committee approved the resolution, with one abstention, after accepting an amendment by Republican Senator John McCain that advocated increasing support for rebel forces.The measure pledges support for "decisive changes to the present military balance of power" in Syria.
Because Poppy McCain doesn't just want Obama to degrade Syria...

He's hoping the fog of war will also eventually lead to a U.S. strike on Iran. Something McCain, and Israel, would like very much. For who can forget Poppy singing that old Beach Boy's tune Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran?
And these days Obama must do what Poppy wants.
John McCain may have lost the 2008 election, but at the moment he seems to be serving as deputy president.
While many Republicans (not to mention a whole lot of anti-war Democrats) are wary of another military operation in the Middle East, the price of McCain’s support is that U.S. “reverse the situation on the battlefield,” as he told NBC. He wants any Hill resolution to spell out that the aim of a cruise missile attack is to degrade Syria’s air defenses. “This is a regional conflict, guys. Don’t forget that,” McCain told Fox.
And what AIPAC, the largest Israeli lobby group in the U.S., also wants.
Which means from the moment Obama attacks Syria, Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud hawks will be trying to entrap him into attacking Iran. Even though a regional war would be catastrophic. Even though it could lead to a confrontation with the Russians.
And even though, as Jeffrey Simpson points out, Syria is NOT a test of U.S. leadership.
The United States remains the world’s undisputed military leader. It can act whenever it wants. Reluctance to do so in one case – this one – is not necessarily a test case for its leadership. Instead, it may reflect a mature, realpolitik judgment that no one yet has defined, or can define, what comes after the bombs and missiles fly.

But of course now it's probably to late to stop the rush to war. The die is cast. Obama gets to play the role of some tragic Hamlet, trapped by his own words, and condemned to serve the interests of those who would destroy him and his legacy.
And as for Poppy McCain he gets to play the role of General Buck Turgidson, the deranged Pentagon hawk in Dr Strangelove. Who when confronted with the news that some U.S. bombers are about to accidentally attack the Soviet Union.
Sees opportunity where others see disaster...
And we all know how that movie ended eh?
And what role Stephen Harper will be playing in this one.
Refusing to recall Parliament.
Secretly cheerleading for an attack on Iran.
Taking us all down with him...

Yup. If we survive the coming war let's all agree to do one thing eh?
Let's drive Stephen Harper and all the other warmongers from power.
And make the world a safer place...
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"Arbeit Macht Frei!"
God bless the U.S.A.!
I had submitted the following comments to Warren Kinsella's war advocacy in his September 4 blog entitled " Ten reasons why we must intervene in Syria" ..
I can find the same war advocacy, courtesy of Wall Street Journal war strategists, in the blogs of Harper supporters such as "The way the Ball bounces" who likewise advocate :
"We have a strategic interest in punishing people who use chemical weapons. We have a strategic interest in maintaining the credibility of an American president’s word. We have a strategic interest in making sure that the Syrian civil war does not become a regional civil war. And above all, we have a strategic interest in putting Hezbollah and its masters in Tehran on the back foot...."
It is useful to note that the Liberal and Conservative Parties, through their more vocal war advocates, draw their inspiration for imperialist war advocacy from similar sources and share similar concerns, maintaining the credibility of an American president, the goals and strategic interests of their allies Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and thrown in for good measure "humanitarian concern" over the fate of the Syrian people, who would be the target and suffer the cost of such war offensive.
The comments sections in media discussions in the US, France, Canada reveal a different picture, a war weary public distrustful of continuous media war propaganda and apprehensive with respect to further imperialist war adventures....
Imperialist war, whether against other imperialist nations or against some neo-colonial regime such as the current Syrian regime, provides a dividing line between genuine left and right, and as we are witnessing, the fault line with respect to such perspective is not falling where many so-called "progressives" imagined it would, whether in Canada, France, the US, Britain or other developed capitalist nations...
From discussions on a French left media forum concerning the Syrian war preparations of the French government:
"S'il existait des zones libérées fonctionnant de façon un tant soi peu démocratique, les journalistes se précipiteraient et les reportages se multiplieraient, même sur une seule zone de faibles dimensions. Souvenons nous de Benghazi en Libye, quand la TV nous vantait la formidable organisation démocratique avec participation de "femmes modernes" etc."
"Qu'il y ait des gens et des militants qui résistent aux groupes islamistes ou aux autres bandes armées pas nécessairement islamistes, c'est une chose. Que la démocratie règne dans les zones qui échappent à l'armée d'Assad en est une autre. Cet auteur se contredit d'ailleurs un peu à propos de la ville de Raqqa. Pourquoi des femmes auraient-elles manifesté pour demander la libération de détenus aux islamistes si ces derniers n'exerçaient pas le pouvoir dans cette ville, ou une grande partie du pouvoir ? Arrêter les gens et les mettre en prison, c'est tout de même une des preuves du pouvoir réel..."
"Pourquoi aucune des structures démocratiques mises en place selon lui ne chercherait à envoyer des représentants à l'étranger ou au moins à communiquer ?"
"Leur politique?
"Vite les américains et les français, bombardez, intervenez, mettez nous au pouvoir!
"Voila leur politique. Comme le CNT de Libye.
Ils joueront après les marionnettes des impérialistes...si les intégristes leur permettent."
"Demain quand l'agression impérialiste aura écrasé la Syrie et un nouveau gouvernement bourgeois soit mis en place (ou intégriste ou pro-impérialiste malgré les illusions de Copas) ils feront comme avec la Libye: ils oublieront leur complicité avec le crime et crieront plus fort encore contre l'Iran pour finir leur appui au plan stratégique impérialiste."
"Cela montre que le prétexte de l'impérialisme pour soutenir leur troupes au sol et réussir son plan de mainmisse sur la région n'est que cela, un prétexte. Que l'armée syrienne n'a pas utilisé des armes chimiques."
"Et politiquement cela est important parce que cela montre que les impérialistes, désespérés de l'échec de leurs troupes au sol, ainsi que de la "gouvernance" de leurs émirs dans les régions sous leur contrôle, ont décidé de faire semblant de croire même leurs mensonges le plus éhontées pour accomplir leurs plans stratégiques dans la région d'abord et après à l'échelle mondiale."
French left media discussion on the Syrian civil war and the interventionist schemes of the French government: (continued)
"Mais, je sais, cela ça ne vous intéresse pas. Vous n'avez des yeux que pour un "tyran Assad" surdimensionné (comme les impérialistes) et pour la "rébellion" (surdimensionnée aussi et fondamentaliste, comme les impérialistes et appuyés par sa presse d'ailleurs). Tout le reste, la confrontation US et ses "alliés" le gouvernement GB, le gouvernement Hollande (vu qu'une large parti des gens de ces pays sont contre) et surtout l'état sioniste contre l'Iran, la Chine et la Russie, cela n'existe pas pour vous, vous n'avez rien à y dire..."
"Il ne s'agit donc pas d'une "rébellion populaire" totalement lâchée par tous et qui a du mal manque d'armes? Mais qui compte avec du gaz sarin, des milliers des mercenaires fondamentalistes, et de l'argent et la presse et les armes et l'appui politique de l'impérialisme comme le dénoncent tous sauf les "MR"?."
"il n'y aurait pas aussi des "menées" de l'impérialisme US? (après tout il est le "parrain" de l'impérialisme français), Non, Si?
Et de quelle nature?
Et avec quels objectifs?
L'Iran (que vous vous préparez déjà à "condamner") ne serait pas à la suite de l'écrasement de la Syrie?
Tout ce conflit ne s'inscrit pas dans les plans stratégiques de l'impérialisme contre la Chine et la Russie, pour la domination mondiale? Non? Si?"
"Je ne sais pas pourquoi il faudrait rester systématiquement tout crédit à une des parties et faire aveuglement confiance à l'autre; surtout quand la logique indique que l'armée syrienne n'avait aucun intérêt de balancer ce type d'armes à ce moment précis.
Tout le monde dis que c'est un prétexte et même des députés réactionnaires dans des nombreux pays n'y croient pas."
"Tous calibrent cyniquement les "bénéfices" d'une possible guerre et se déterminent en conséquence (voir les cyniques déclarations des députés UMP par exemple).
Mais C**, R** et d'autres gobent allègrement de tels bobards. Je sais, ils ont l'estomac solide, ayant déjà digéré tout ce qui ont gobé sur la Libye, mais on n'est pas obligé d'avaler de tels boas constricteur. Moins encore de servir de caution de "extrême-gauche" (ou l'extrême naïveté) aux plans impérialistes."
"Parce que tout la question est là."
"La question syrienne sans les plans impérialistes pourrait se discuter, mais vu la réelle situation actuelle, il ne nous reste qu'à faire tout notre possible pour que l’impérialisme morde la poussière. Cela passe inévitablement pour le soutient critique, par un Front Uni contre l'impérialisme agresseur. C'est d’ailleurs le sens de l’opposition aux bombardement qui se préparent."
It is quite apparent that the same debates, whether there exists a "progressive core" to the Al Queda and Islamist imperialist-backed rebels fighting the Syrian regime, whether the left can support "humanitarian" imperialist intervention, the so-called punitive measures, likewise divide so-called "progressives" from the anti-imperialist left .....
It's allways the same and I'm sick of it. Back the crazies into a corner. What can this achieve? Death, weapon sales reason to go all in. Time to dig out the moat in your own eye for Christ sake. Not you Rene
I think Obama has outfoxed the MIC. First he got the military to veto an attack without congressional approval. He knew congress will never approve it on principle, cant vote for Obama.
The same way he got the US out of Iraq and soon Afgan. He screws up the status of forces agreement, and bingo no US troops.
WARNING! They Are Desperate To Start The Iran War!
Jim Stone 9/21/2012 http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/desperate.html
The world is being pushed to war on purpose, and those attempting to push this war are desperate. Fortunately, a majority of nations have intelligence agencies with a better ability to discover the truth than even the best of the truth movement, and now that the false flag genie is out of the bottle and under public scrutiny the elite have lost their primary war starting weapon. Phony items such as the Muhammad flick are now quickly skewered and shown for what they are, and absent it coming to light so quickly I really think we would be at war right now. Too many people cried foul for it to work, and even a few nailed the entire psy op dead on.
But there is still cause for concern. They may not have profited from the Muhammad film festival, but they are also not giving up on the overall theatrical presentation. It seems like since their war on Iran got stifled, they are after another object of their hatred, - Japan. How is it that suddenly the Chinese people are now in a rage? This following on the heels of a colossal failure in the Middle East is more than suspicious, it's damning. It's almost like they are trying to at least get their hands on a plain donut after dropping the sugar coated one in the desert sand.
My advice to the world: Don't fall for any of it. There is not going to be some mythical great awakening and push for war by ANYONE outside of external instigation, truth be told people almost never care about what is going on even 50 miles from them, people just want to live their lives. And in all cases, the local government will be what people...
...have to deal with face to face, and it is their own local situation that they will naturally get emotional about, NOT some stupid batch of islands no one lives on or an obscure, poorly produced youtube video.
The biggest danger we face is the fact that the people in charge of the theatrics are very powerful, and for some reason they are very desperate. They want a war. They know there is a major awareness happening in at least 15 percent of the public, and a gray awareness in approximately half. That's too much for them to deal with, statistically speaking three percent is the safety threshold. That may sound like a small number, but that is the magic number and we are well past that, far too many people see the lie machine for what it is. So our odds of war are in fact being determined by their ratio of desperation to that of public awareness. And that ratio is at a tipping point, it is impossible to know which way it is going to tilt.
Please don't fall for the next scam. Please do not fall for ANY scam. The wars are wanted and pushed by the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, a few loose nuts in Israel, the American Jewish community as proven by their tainted media, and the American military industrial machine and it's associated criminals such as Clinton and Bush. The silliness of the Mohammed movie proves that the real war pushers are in a minority even within that minority, because the poor production quality proves the talent pool is very small. Unfortunately the worst criminals rise to the top among those who govern wealthy people who slouch in their vigilance and submit to being heavily robbed by taxes which then in turn only provide the money to fund further corruption. This has happened to America, and for far too long, SO LONG now that all of the big players are in an increasingly small group. And that group has an agenda of world domination.
I learned an important thing in business. If someone decides they are going to steal and are not stopped or at least reprimanded for stealing, the stealing will escalate until it hits 100 percent theft. This trend also follows in politics. If politicians are allowed to be a criminals and are allowed to become worse and worse theives and murderers, those criminals, if funded with enough resources, will continue in their crimes until they rob and destroy the entire world. That is what we are up against, and we are one step away from it. They will do it by the consent of silence, DO NOT give them that!.
I am not certain they will manage to pull this off, but I am very worried. If they were not so desperate to make the final push I would put our odds at 50/50. But they ARE desperate, and desperate people do stupid things. Arrogance also plays a major role here, and if their desperation and arrogance happens to be at the right ratio they will go ahead with their war, consent be damned. They GOT their massive surveillance machine in place and have enough prison camps to handle the worst dissenters. And with the amount of awareness at a level far beyond three percent, THAT is what we need to worry about. I advise people that no matter what happens to get reported in the news, call it fake until you prove every point of the accompanying story line is not, and if they go ahead with the war anyway, LOCK AND LOAD, you are going to need to.
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