In my last post I looked at the way Canada's yellow vest movement has been taken over by alt-right extremists, and how many of them are calling Justin Trudeau a traitor.
And some are even demanding that he be executed.
And I noticed that wherever there are signs accusing Trudeau of treason, there are also signs denouncing the United Nation's Global Compact for Migration, claiming it would erase our borders.
And since the two are clearly related, and that claim is false, I wondered why Andrew Scheer was encouraging those extremists.

By making it sound like the Global Compact threatens Canadians.
When even people like Chris Alexander are calling Sheer's claims that it violates our sovereignty false.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is being called out by a former immigration minister in Stephen Harper's government for factual inaccuracies in a public statement Scheer made Tuesday in which he called on the Liberals to reject a UN agreement on migration.
Scheer’s statement is factually incorrect: this Compact is a political declaration, not a legally binding treaty: it has no impact on our sovereignty. Canada has always been a champion & example of safe, orderly & regular migration. https://t.co/wfk7VqAKJU— Chris Alexander (@calxandr) December 4, 2018
Others have pointed out that Scheer's claims that it could influence our media:
"It gives influence over Canada's immigration system to foreign entities. It attempts to influence how our free and independent media report on immigration issues and it could open the door to foreign bureaucrats telling Canada how to manage our borders," Scheer said.
Are full of baloney.

While Scheer and the Conservatives have identified language contained in the compact pertaining to media coverage and asking governments to avoid supporting racism and xenophobia, they do not make mention of additional language in it on the freedom of the press and freedom of expression.
For this reason, the experts agree that Scheer is not correct in his claim.
As are his claims that the situation at the border is a "crisis."

Given the facts and the views of the experts, while there's little doubt the situation poses a political and policy challenge for both Ottawa and the affected provinces, Scheer's contention of a "crisis" rates a ranking of "full of baloney."
Which can only lead to the obvious question: why are Scheer and his Cons continuing to promote all this baloney on their party website?
As well as raise all of these other questions:
Why does Scheer lie so much?

What dirty game is he playing?
Why is he encouraging the yellow vest extremists to call Justin Trudeau a traitor?

Does he not care that his lies could lead to tragedy?
And of course, the question I ask myself all the time:
How soon can we defeat this grotesque alt-right extremist?
And send him back to the ghastly gutter where he rightfully belongs...

To most of your questions regarding why Scheer is doing any number of things, the answer is simple: Because he can. It is part of freedom of speech. It may well be what he is saying isn't his honestly held opinion, but rather speech to make political gains, but what ever he says, he is entitled to say, unless of course he is advocating violence. Its part of freedom of speech.
Can't stand what he is saying, think he is grasping at the last straws to hang onto his position and that house he lives in, with the perks.
I understand many peoples' dislike for the U.N. they're a bloated, out of touch elitist group, who don't do much for world poverty, peace, etc. They're mostly appointed to their positions because of their affiliation with their home governments and never had it so good. Like Saudi Arabia the chair of the H.R. committee. Having said that, we don't have much else to "handle" the world's problems.
The men in the first picture, if you spoke with them, you might find many of them feel they have little to no control over their lives and their lives may not have turned out the way they wanted. This gives them an avenue to express themselves without going to see a shrink. they get put on "yellow vests" and feel they are part of something, that they are doing some thing. Many of them could benefit from joining a bowling league or stream keepers group. Now they all feel like tough guys.
Scheer is using them. Its cheap, just put the blame on some "outsider" for their problems, put it on line and viola. It is not beyond the realm this is being organized not by Canadians, but by outside influences, i.e. Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, American alt righters.
At some level I'd suggest we simply ignore them. To pay them attention is to give them credibility. On the other hand, if we don't speak out against them, we're at some level approving of them. Do not expect them to go away any time soon, but it is doubtful they will grow in numbers.
The last crowd picture, isn't a picture of happy people at a protest The one sign, "we shall never surrender". Like where did that come from. Surrender to what, to whom. Don't think that guy came up with the idea himself, but it does give people the impression we are at some type of war. never a good thing. then the guy with
Trudeau/treason written around a hangman's noose. WTF! Some one ought to ask him what the definition of Treason actually is. He won't know, just as many Americans who advocate trying dtrump for treason don't know what their laws concerning treason are. (Americans can only be tried for treason if they're at war with the country they're "involved" with. The picture contains, white males, who don't look happy, fit or all that well.
What ever is setting this all up, will continue until the next federal election. However, Scheer and mr. pee pee party most likely won't win the next election, and if they did, all those who receive the child cheques each month can then wave them good bye.
Follow the money. Andy is a useless idiot who can't think for himself. Forget Just Not Ready™, he's Just Following Orders™. Orders to make Trudeau a "one-term PM" (Mitch McConnell's language about Obama, hmm) by any means necessary. He made his career literally as Adolf Harper's mouthpiece, the Speaker of the (Crazy) House with Herr Katthoarder's oily paw up his ass. "No puppet, no puppet." A marionette tied up in a ball of yarn. Sniff around enough and you'll find plenty of litter clumps. And a trail of hairballs leading even further to whoever -- Saudi? Russia? US oiligarchs? Any and all of the above? -- are funding the League of Supervillains at the IDU.
I read somewhere that an oil company might be "sponsoring" those mothertruckin' morons aiming to go cosplay as Burt Reynolds, honk their horns outside Parliament and harass (or literally "target") Justin Trudeau. Surprise, surprise. Follow the money. Always follow the money. And meet them at their own truck stop. Steve here, yesterday he mentioned pink vests. I like that idea. Not every battle can be won with tweets. Sometimes you gotta take to the streets. Follow the money and watch that bandit run!
Sheer idiocy.
I believe that some Cons are hoping that somebody will try to kill Trudeau. I never thought I would say that, but the hate they spew all the time leaves me no choice. This country used to be different from the U.S., but thanks to the Cons our political scene is starting to resemble the nightmare down south. The next election will determine whether the country we love will survive or not.
"Does he not care that his lies could lead to tragedy?"
No he doesn't, Simon. Any other decent leader of an opposition would publicly distance themselves from those who threaten our PM. Scheer has embraced them. He wants their votes and he hates JT.
With morals like that we must ensure this douchebag is relegated to fetching Mad Max's coffee and sanitizing Tony Clement's keyboards once he is kicked out as leader of the opposition.
The Scheer Cons are religious reformers running under the progressive conservative banner. Rather than promote their specific brand of religion they have distilled its essence to appeal to a wider audience but essentially the Man makes the rules and our destiny is in His hands, the appointed ones interpret them, everyone else follows them or is a purity destroyer and subjected to coercion, punishment or excommunication. Enemies are numerous including politicians who promote the separation of state and religion, other religions, scientists, non traditional man / woman relationships, those that support individual rights vs religious state, etc . Once all of the glitter and rhetoric is stripped away the bottom line is the Reformacons would sooner see society destroyed than admit their vision is wrong. In this light their actions make perfect sense. Essentially for them its a win win, society either conforms or He will destroy it.
Why is he encouraging these nutbars? Because he needs the votes and they don't support him right now. He's not conservative enough for them, whatever that means these days. And with the con media doing their best to crap on Trudeau and the Liberals every day, he might find a path to victory. And when that happens, Canada will officially be a different country. Just like our neighbours to the south.
Hi e.a.f...Scheer has the right to say what he wants, but he doesn't have the right to lie all the time, or by demonizing Trudeau and making him sound like a threat, inflame some of his supporters to make death threats against our decent prime minister. There is a big difference between free speech and hate speech. They recognize that difference in places like Britain, and it's about time we recognized it here or it will lead to tragedy. As for the U.N. which we help found, it may have a bloated beaurocracy. But it employs some of the finest, bravest, and most idealistic field workers in the world. And wherever people are suffering from the effects of war and hunger and disease they are there to help. Some of them I am proud to say are my friends, and they are worth more than all the yellow bellies in the world...
Hi Jackie...you are right as usual,. We won't win this one with tweets alone,We can use Twitter to help us organize and get out the vote. But we need to find a way to investigate what is happening behind the scene. Where is the dark money coming from and from whom. We already know that big oil and the private health industry are in there, but who else is lurking in the bushes, and what foreign players are involved? How we do this I have no idea, and if the media was doing its job it wouldn't even be our problem. But we will find a way, and when we do the Cons will be in big trouble...
Hi rumleyfips...I'm not sure idiocy can properly explain what is going on. I see it more as more sinister than that. The Cons already have a massive data mining operation going, and they are able to target all kinds of groups, and motivate or scare them, without anybody else knowing what is going on. It's a potentially nation busting project, and whether Canada will survive or fly apart remains to be seen...
Hi anon...nobody should restrain themselves from speaking their mind, or fool themselves into thinking it couldn't happen here. Our country is being infected by American fascism and unless we can cure ourselves terrible things might happen. So yes, please spread the word. Some Cons want to kill Justin Trudeau and if they're not stopped they will tear this country apart...
Hi JD...I'm afraid you could be right. In the past an opposition leader would have intervened and called on his followers to cool their jets. It was the Canadian way to behave, and despite political differences, politicians coexisted in a civilized manner. But Scheer is about as Canadian as a three dollar bill. He's alt right to the core, and takes his inspiration from the religious fanatics who infest the United States. That's why it's so important to reveal who he really is before the election, for if he should win this country will never be the same...
Hi RT...Andrew Scheer, Rob Ford, and Jason Kenney all owe their victories to social conservatives. But still so many people in this complacent country are so blind. And still they insist it couldn't happen here. As I've said before, the next nine months will determine whether this country survives as a decent place to live, and at this point I wouldn't bet on the outcome...
Hi Joe...yes, I agree with everything you say. Scheer has to feed his rabid base raw meat, or he might lose them to Maxime Bernier who is becoming more extreme with every passing day. And if the Con media keeps attacking Trudeau while giving Scheer a pass, we could a silly lose this country, become just another appendage of Amerika, and regret it forever...
What an ignorant rant by someone who has no clue about what the Yellow Vest movement is all about. Maybe they should come out and join us on a Saturday to see what we are all about. Your posts show you are doing exactly what you accuse Scheer of doing. Lol
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