We are told that we shouldn't judge them too harshly. That they are just the Canadian, or the Alberta version, of the yellow vests in France.
But their crude signs send out one ugly message after the other. Bigotry is good, the U.N. is bad, immigrants are a menace, Justin Trudeau is a traitor.
All over the internet these yellow bellies bellow and howl for him to be tried or hanged for treason.

And yes, enough is enough.
A Kamloops, B.C. radio host has been on the receiving end of a torrent of threats and abuse after posting a critical tweet about Canada’s Yellow Vest movement.
Radio NL host Brett Mineer took to Twitter on Wednesday to comment on what he felt were the uglier elements of the movement, including what he described as racist elements and conspiracy theories.

And isn't this pretty?
My mail bag now: pic.twitter.com/akD5u4B5XX— Brett Mineer (@MineerBrett) January 11, 2019
Bob Rae is right.

Many of those yellow bellies are nothing but racists, misogynists, homophobes, and/or conspiracy theory spouting kooks...

And Andrew Scheer is responsible for encouraging them with his lies, his Con kookery..

And his foul racism...

For which he can never be forgiven.
Not when the man he demonizes day after day is being bombarded with murderous threats.

And Scheer has yet to condemn them, the low life coward.
The wretched Con clown...

As for the yellow vests in Alberta who don't engage in vile behaviour, but are still demanding that Justin Trudeau give them a pipeline, and kill his carbon tax plan, even though it's the best way to fight climate change.
They need a reality check too.
Trudeau is already giving them a pipeline at great political cost to try to keep Alberta from threatening to separate. But he can't breathe life into a dying industry.
So if the yellow ones have a a problem they should take their frustrations out on Stephen Harper.
Who promised them the days of oil and roses would last forever...

When he should have known they were almost over.
As for the vile yellow bellies and other toxic Trudeau haters, it's no good trying to reason with them. They are either too brainwashed, or too dumb...

But they do need to understand this: In Canada we don't threaten to kill our leaders, and hope to get away with it.
So if they can't restrain themselves, and behave like Canadians instead of Americans.
The police should come down on those wannabe terrorists like a ton of bricks.
And send the whole damn lot of them to the big house where they belong...
There is something more insidious going on. We saw it in the Ukraine, and England
and Syria, and now the same powers are trying to use negative waves on Canada.
Andy's "elitism" bullshit has SFA to do with economic anxiety. He's framing Trudeau as Marie Antoinette -- or worse, the whole Trudeau family as the Romanovs. The latter being an apt "red flag" for the likelihood that Moscow is fanning the flames of this depraved "activist movement" that functions more like a gang or terrorist group than a "grassroots uprising." Northern Spring nothing. More like a yellow stream, and who do we know who has yellow streams as his "alleged" fetish?
Time for an investigation indeed. Not just into the Neon Nazis themselves, as someone called them, but their evident political safe space. Follow the money, fumigate the CPC and follow Fat Cat, Hair Trumpovich and their petro-pals in Petrograd before someone gets killed.
Simon can we please have a blog about a pig at the Table called Jennie.
It's crystal clear that these ignorant and dangerous yellow bellies are the result of Scheer's daily dose of lies and distortions. Our Dishonorable Leader of the Opposition has cultivated his Scheerlings much like Trump has with his Trumplings, full of hate and dumb as a rake they are. Trying to reason with these idiots reminds of the saying from mothers, "don't argue with stupid people".
These morons are revealing themselves to be the true dregs of society who, because of their own shortcomings and shitty lot in life, try to blame everyone but themselves for their miserable existence and asshole Scheer is more than happy to exploit that and use them against JT.
Here's a little advice to the yellow bellies, if this is how you behave in your daily lives with your boorish, obnoxious behavior and your threatening, confrontational approach, then it's no wonder you cant get a decent paying job for any length of time if ever. A simple reason for your problems is actually quite simple and should facilitate your understanding, look in the fucking mirror!!!
I agree, that kind of behaviour and those kind of threats have no place in Canada. What are the police waiting for to arrest them?And when is Scheer going to call on his goons to stop threatening the prime minister? If anything happens to Trudeau there will be hell to pay...
By the way, it is "hanged" not "hung", which refers to oil paintings or well-endowed dudes.
Totally agree with your post, Simon. Yellow vesting is causing confusion in Britain...interesting read here:
Yellow Vest Canada truck & vehicle convoys are organized by people with the Bernier PPC campaign, supported also by Scheer, leader of CPC. Plus supported by Saskatchewan acting Premier Scott Moe and cabinet ministers, who also organize Saturday rallies. Their plan is for a multi vehicle convoy, along Hwy #1 to converge on Ottawa. I am terrified if this group is allowed to continue to use vehicles as a way to protest. These convoys block emergency vehicles and are a hazard to motorist. A threat to public and national security. Malcontents and terrorist use vehicles as weapons. What if one of the Yellow Vest trucks is loaded with explosives in front of the parliament buildings?
Yellows Vests are the new Brownshirts? Cool, where do I sign up?
Ya but the first nations convoys holding up traffic is fine in your books right?
The Yellow Vest pages contain lots of noise and not much content. Generally resembles a tribe of Chimps running around hooting, drumming their chests and flinging feces at anything that they disapprove of. Facebook and their pay per click business model should be proud of what they have created.
The gates of hell would be a good place for you to start.
that truly about sums it up.
This is being organized by outside influences. its working. Not only do we have those people protesting but others commenting about how vile it is. People do have the right to say what they think and protest. Its in our Constitution. Now as to the death threats, that needs to be at a min. be checked out. However, most if questioned by the RCMP would shit themselves.
The guy with the Keep Canada Canadian, looks like he might be from the "wolf pack". I would like to ask him what it actually means to keep Canada, Canadian. It might be suggested to him it means, keeping Canada white. Canada never was white. The First Nations never were white. Then the Europeans arrived and then there went the neighborhood. So in response to the man with the keep Canada for Canadians, he and others like him need to get on the next ship, jet, whatever and leave the country, because a couple of generations ago, his ancestors weren't Canadian either.
of course First Nations convoys are "fine". Many of them travel through unceded land. To put it anther way, we're on their land and the last time I checked there weren't a whole lot of First Nation's conveny's with very large commercial trucks out there. Most of them include a lot of people walking. the vehicles being used in the Prairies for these protests all are large and could very well contain a great deal of explosives.
It might be pointed out there is a great deal of difference between holding up traffic and the possibility of bombs going off.
Hi Steve....There are already signs that some one, probably the Russians, are getting their cyber armies ready to intervene in the Canadian election campaign. As I've said before, it will be the dirtiest election Canada has ever seen...
Hi Jackie...The yellow vests in Europe are being supported by Russian elements so it would be naive to believe that the same thing isn't happening here. Our yellow bellies, waddle like Trumplings, quack like Trumplings, so one has to think they are Trumplings, and that the are capable of anything. Fortunately they are so scummy that they can't help fighting themselves, and although we don't have a Mueller, we do have an intelligence that is more than the match for them. And who knows what the cat might bring back...😼
Hi Steve...I assume you're talking about Jenni Byrne who just quit the Ford regime. I might do something about her rise and fall, but unfortunately that regime is so extreme that Byrne now comes out looking like a relative moderate, and I might have to lament her passing and that won't be easy...😉
Hi JD...The yellow bellies really are a scummy lot, and I haven't the slightest doubt that Scheer's relentless hate mongering is enabling them. It's a dangerous and criminally irresponsible game. Scheer is an alt-right extremist, and our dumb media's failure to acknowledge that is enabling him. We never needed a strong media more than we do now, but even with the evidence staring them in the face, they keep giving Scheer a pass. They now have about eight months to rip the mask off his face, or this country could be in big trouble...
Hi anon...The police like so many others in this country are suffering from it couldn't happen here syndrome. They are also hampered by the absence of strong hate laws. But some I know are on the case at last, and you can expect a wave of arrests very soon. And after that I fully expect that many hate mongers will be found huddling in a closet like their beloved Harper, wetting their pants and quivering with fear.....
Hi lagatta...thank you for that, those yellow bellies are not only bestial many are illiterate. I on the other hand am familiar with both hanged and hung, especially the latter....😎
Hi anon...Thanks for the link. It's interesting how wha's happening in Britain so closely resembles what is happening in Canada, with at least two groups of yellow bellies fighting themselves. Give a fanatic a uniform, and that's what happens. But of course I'm delighted, because the uber far right extremists can only cut the legs out from under the slightly more respectable others. And with a little bit of luck they will end up killing each other..l
Hi anon 8:13 PM...Don't worry, the yellow bellies are weaker than they look. They inflame each other, but I very much doubt they will impress most Canadians. Loud and vulgar dress up bigots are doomed to fail in this country. As I said above, all it will take is a few arrests, and they will scatter like roaches...
Hi anon@7:18 AM...Ha ha ha, I suppose you think that's funny. Do you have any idea how many Canadians sacrificed their lives to put the Nazis in the ground. Have you no shame? Do you really want to be called a traitor or just a loser? Smarten up while you still can...
Hi RT....I'm not surprised that the yellow vest pages are more noise than content. Most of them don't have much upstairs, and aren'tbplaying with a full deck. They like making outrageous statements or threatening people like Justin Trudeau. But as soon as the police come to their doors, they start blubbering like babies...
Hi e.a.f....yes, the yellow bellies are being encouraged by outside elements, but at least at this point they are little more than a bunch of wankers exciting only themselves. If you read the excellent blog Anti-Racist Canada, you can see what I mean. Most of them are so out of it they make losers look like geniuses. I don't care what most of them have to say, I've read their drivel in the pages of the Rebel. But when they start making death threats, they must and will be broken...
In Canada, they are lead by conspiracy Facebook pages and everyone is in their own version of the know. Everyone wants to say they know someone like that and get their likes on Instagram.
The political system here is like an episode of Blackmirror. Sadly, it doesn't appear to be a political experiment or a joke.
They are all bananas.
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