Uh oh. Hold the bacon. It looks as if the Cons have finally realized that their Porky Action Plan ads are NOT as popular as they had hoped.
And although they have spent gazillions of OUR tax dollars to promote THEMSELVES.
Now they don't even dare ask Canadians what they think of them.
The Finance Department has ordered its pollsters to stop asking Canadians potentially embarrassing questions about Economic Action Plan advertising.
And with good reason eh? The results have been DISMAL
Results have been in sharp decline in recent years, with only a tiny fraction of those polled in 2013 saying they visited the EAP website or called a toll-free number, as the ads urge.
And so the Finance Department now has eliminated the question altogether, along with three other questions that asked Canadians to rate the government’s performance. There, too, the numbers had been dropping to new lows.
And they haven't fooled ANYONE...

The opposition parties and even some conservative commentators have called the action-plan ads thinly disguised propaganda. Editorials at major news organizations, including the National Post and the Globe and Mail, have said the ads are a waste of taxpayer dollars, designed to promote the Conservative party with public money.
And that's not counting the one that had to be pulled for FRAUD.
A Harper government advertisement touting a jobs program that does not yet exist has been pulled from the airwaves and won’t be seen again, Global News has learned.
The move to drop the ad about the Canada Job Grant came as the national advertising regulator was investigating 20 consumer complaints alleging it was misleading.
You know, this porky production...
That like all the other ads made so many extravagant claims.
Only to leave the unemployed disappointed and BITTER...

But here's the best part eh? The Cons don't dare ask Canadians what they think of those porky ads.
But according to the Finance Department flak Jack Aubrey, they WILL keep on making them:

“In an uncertain global economy, it is important that Canadians are aware of the measures and programs in the EAP and how they will lead to jobs, growth and long-term prosperity,” he said.
Because they will keep trying to brainwash us with our money.
Even if they drive us CRAZY...
And the good news?
It does show how desperate they are. And that they will do ANYTHING to try to win the next election.
And it won't work.
Every ad they run will only cost them more supporters.
Canadians have had their fill of Con propaganda.
And this piggy story will soon be over...

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Harpo strikes out onHumpback whales.
The Myth of Harper's Economic Competence by Sean Casey Liberal MP for Charlottetown, P.E.I.
"The Harper government has managed to convince many Canadians that it is a "steady hand" when it comes to the economy. This, of course, is a falsehood.
The Conservatives have deployed a well-oiled communications plan using catch phrases like "we're focused on jobs, growth and long term prosperity" or branding the federal budget as the "Economic Action Plan."
The Conservatives spend tens of millions of dollars of your money each year on partisan advertising -- selling Canadians a very tall tale.
Here are actual facts you will never see in one of those Conservative "Economic Action Plan" ads this coming fall and beyond -- usually during a hockey game.
• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era." -from:
Harper has added $174.6 Trillion to the national debt; he touts himself as a sound economic manager, who the hell is he kidding. A balanced budget means nothing if you are accumulating $17. 2 Trillion dollars per year in interest. When your total revenue is only $256.6 Billion and your expenses are $275.6 Billion, there is no balanced budget because you are not paying down the debt, with a debt like ours the economic managers are destroying the country financially, this is Harper and Flaherty's true legacy.
Harper is it seems a psychopathic liar and he has a hidden agenda to destroy Canada, the money tells the real story and Harper becomes unmasked and naked revealed as a charlatan.
This is the truth that needs to be advertised coast to coast from now until the next election like a broken record to shine the light of day on the Harper Governments fortress of lies deceit and treachery concealed under the Harper void literally a shroud of darkness that vacuums the light of day and the truth into a black hole of duplicity.
hi Steve...I saw the story and I'll have something to say about it later tonight. My first reaction? The Cons are shameless and their leader is a maniac...
hi Mogs...thanks for sharing Sean Casey's expose of the Harper economic record. Everything they do these days is designed to make people believe that those Con artists are good money managers. We can't puncture that myth enough, and I couldn't have summed up the situation any better than you did:
Harper is it seems a psychopathic liar and he has a hidden agenda to destroy Canada, the money tells the real story and Harper becomes unmasked and naked revealed as a charlatan.
This is the truth that needs to be advertised coast to coast from now until the next election like a broken record to shine the light of day on the Harper Governments fortress of lies deceit and treachery concealed under the Harper void literally a shroud of darkness that vacuums the light of day and the truth into a black hole of duplicity.
Who knew we would end up living in such darkness in a place like Canada? But it will only motivate us to fight even harder to bring back the light...
not only where the commercials a waste of taxpayers' dollars, they were bad ads, just from a production point of view. it was bad acting, scripting, the whole 9 yards. what a waste of our tax dollars.
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