In just a few hours I'll be leaving Canada and heading for my family home in the Scottish highlands.
And since I won't be able to do much blogging, and because the news is so grim these days, I thought I'd leave you with a message of hope.
A message from Bernie Sanders.

Because he was for me the real star of the Democratic convention.
He was greeted with the news that the Democratic establishment had been biased against his campaign, just as he said they were.
His message to his young army of supporters was greeted with boos.
He had to struggle with his emotions as his tearful brother addressed the convention.
But when the time came he did the right thing, and urged all progressives to unite to defeat Donald Trump for the reason he repeated again in this interview with Bill Maher.
I think what comes out of that convention is the understanding that Donald Trump is the most dangerous presidential candidate in the modern history of this country and he must be defeated."
He believes that climate change is a hoax. He wants to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top 1 percent," Sanders added. "But above and beyond all of that, this guy is running his entire campaign based on bigotry.
Thanks to Bernie the Democratic platform is the most progressive platform ever.
By managing to hold on to most of his supporters, and despite the way he was treated, he did help give Hillary Clinton a badly needed boost.

Among likely voters, Clinton is now polling at 46 percent; Donald Trump, 31 percent. Libertarian Gary Johnson’s polling at 7 percent; the Green Party’s Jill Stein, 2. (The day after the Republican National Convention, RABA had Clinton and Trump at 39 and 34, respectively.)
“After closing the gap to single digits last week, Trump’s post-convention bounce has disappeared,” said RABA Research’s John Del Cecato, a Democratic partner with the firm. “While Trump continues to struggle to consolidate support within his own party, Clinton has a sizable lead among independents, and is even peeling off a small slice of Republican voters.”
And best of all Bernie made it clear that he's not going anywhere, and the political revolution he started will continue.

"We must continue the political revolution. We must continue to bring millions of people into the political process to stand up and take on the billionaire class. To fight for economic and social and racial and environmental justice," Sanders said. "And that fight must continue the day after the election because fundamental changes, transformational changes, take time to happen. They don't happen overnight, so that movement has to continue."
And at a time when so many are gloomy and worried about the future, that is something to celebrate.
And Sanders and his supporters should be proud of what they have achieved.Take enormous pride in the historical accomplishments we have achieved together. #NotMeUshttps://t.co/QWHnRwSBgl— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 27, 2016
As for me I plan to spend a lot of time on this lonely beach, dozing in the dunes, and listening to the North Sea crashing against the shore, as I used to do as I was a boy.
Proud that we defeated our would be tyrant, and hearing in the roar of those angry waves the sounds of a coming revolution that will not be stopped, and will save the world.
Be happy, be optimistic, and as Bernie always says, never lose hope.
The journey continues, and I'll see you all soon.
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Have a great holiday, Simon! You've earned it.
I was reading that London University (School of Economics actually)did some research on how the media is treating Jeremy Corbin and discovered it is persistently biased against him in a way that is worse than any other UK politician has ever been treated. They called it in their report an extreme systemic bias. It IS the same old battle, isn't it - rich against poor, landlords against serfs, elite against peasants. They are heroes, people like Bernie and Jeremy.
Enjoy your stay, Simon! I go in October. This Borders guy might even take in a bit of the Highland's via Rabbie's tours! I've never been north of Perth so I'd love to take some of it in :)
Have a great holiday, we'll keep an eye on the Loser Party while you're gone. Especially Kenny. Can't believe he hasn't blocked me yet lol. ❤️💜💚💙💛💟 Pamela.
Even though Saunders will not become President, he will be noted most likely as a major influence on American politics in the first half of this century. he changed the democratic platform and took Clinton a tad further left. If she is elected, she will have him to thank and I do trust he will be given an seat in her cabinet.
Have a great time in Scotland and enjoy
HI Lorne....thank you I certainly intend to. In addition to lounging on that beach in the Moray, I'll also be spending four days in Edingburgh to take in the world's biggest and best Fringe festival and the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and plan to hit every fish and chips shop in my path !!!
Hi anon....you don't need a study to demonstrate how badly the media is treating Jeremy Corbyn. Even the Guardian has turned itself into a propaganda machine grinding out one arrack after the other against him. I have never seen anything like it. But the good news is that both Jeremy and Bernie are supported by armies of young people, and they will determine our future not the media. The elite can scream all it wants, but time is not on its side, and nothing will hold back the revolution this world needs if it's going to survive....
Hi Omar...thanks a lot, I am looking forward to getting away from the heat and Trump, not necessarily in that order. You should try to take a trip up north,. It's not as glamorous or exciting as Edinburgh, but it is really beautiful, there is a lot of rebel history, and of course all the best men come from there. ;)
Hi Pamela....thank you, and yes please keep a close eye on Kenney. I fear that in his present desperate state he's capable of anything. I would monitor him myself but he blocked me long ago, for what I have no idea. So much for chicken hawk Charlie..
Hi e.a.f...thank you I am already in Scotland, having a good time, and as I told Lorne, preparing to storm every fish and chips shop in sight. As for Bernie, I completely agree with you. His influence will be huge. He has helped normalize the word "socialism", his young army is poised to take over the Democratic Party just in time for the 2020 election. And Bernie has also made it clear that he has no intention of retiring, so all is good....
Don't forget to get your ration of deep-fried Mars bars.
Hi Simon,
Where's that beach? Want to look it up via Google. Don't worry. I won't be visiting in the next couple of weeks!
Thanks for the grea site!
Hi anon...that beach is near the Moray firth which runs all the way up to Inverness the so-called capital of the highlands, and is not far from the village of Findhorn, and the Lossiemouth RAF base....
Hi anon....no I don't like fried Mars bars, however when I picked up an incredibly good box of fish and chips this evening I noticed deep fried pizza had been added to the menu, so I just might give it a try. Or not... ;)
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