Even by the low standards of Peter Dumbo MacKay, I thought it was bizarre when he claimed that a plot to commit a mass slaughter in Halifax was not linked to terrorism.
"What I can tell you is that this appeared to be a group of murderous misfits that were coming here or were living here and prepared to wreak havoc and mayhem on our community," he asserted at a news conference.
"The attack does not appear to have been culturally motivated, therefore not linked to terrorism," he said.
Especially since the Criminal Code states that terrorism is “politically, religiously or ideologically-motivated,” and makes no mention of cultural motivations.
But at least now I have a better idea go what that hapless Con stooge was trying to say:
It's not terrorism if it isn't the Muslims, it's just the neo-nazis.

The pair charged with conspiracy to commit murder by plotting an attack in a Halifax shopping mall on Valentine’s Day appear to support white supremacy and Adolf Hitler — and if found to have been motivated by their ideological beliefs — it would mean that by definition, they tried to commit a terrorist attack.
And what's equally disturbing is the way the RCMP was once again quick to back up MacKay's claim.
“This group of individuals we would not define as a terrorist group,” said RCMP Asst. Commissioner Brian Brennan. “Their friendship is not based on culture or ideology. They were four individuals who formed a friendship and decided to plan and commit a heinous crime.”
When they were also so quick to declare that the deranged gunman in Ottawa was "ideologically motivated" on the basis of a single video he made.

A video the RCMP Commissioner won't show us, so we can judge for ourselves whether he was a real terrorist or a maniac.
And just as much of a loser as those freaks in Halifax.
But of course that's what Stephen Harper would command his flunkies to do, because for him it's just a game. He wants to focus the attention of Canadians on the Great Terrorist/Muslim/Niqab Menace.
And use it to stir up xenophobia and create yet another wedge issue to try snatch another bloody majority.
While turning us into a surveillance state, and acting like a fascist.

Former CSIS officer Francois Lavigne is alarmed by the Conservative government’s new anti-terror bill. He believes the measures proposed in C-51 are unnecessary, a threat to the rights of Canadians and that the prime minister is using fascist techniques to push the bill.
“Some of these tactics are taken right out of the fascist playbook,” he said. “Create an enemy that is hard to identify. Make it an enemy that is nebulous and seems to be able to do things that nobody else can. Don’t define the enemy. Just identify. Generate fear around that enemy, Then send out the message that the only people who can deal with this enemy are us.”
But then we knew that eh?
We know to what dark place Stephen Harper would take us, and we know what we must do to make our country safer.
Defeat the foul Con regime, and give its grubby little dictator the hook.
Before his madness threatens us further...

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The best thing we could do is stop using the word "terrorist" because if we truly will not be intimidated by thugs who choose to kill and maim others, then why would we label them with a fear-based moniker? Makes no sense whatsoever. To apply a different label to a plot that was designed to kill in numbers, not unlike the pathetic soul who stormed parliament, is plainly intended to target a group and label them as the only ones capable of inflicting "terror". Mackay needs to answer some tough questions, if anyone bothers to ask the obvious.
Fascist yup that is the Harper con clown show and they all have to go. And because they are clowns we can all together united unelect them. Now that being said we must also deny them their fucking outrageous pensions and jail them instead.
Of course, to the Harper gov't the three are not terrorists ---they have WASPish names. Had there been an Abulla in the group than we would have had a Al quiada (sp?) or ISIS or Boko Haram or all of the above) cell just slavering.
For a similar and at the same time disjoint posting regarding the shooting in South Carolina have a look at http://mikethemadbiologist.com/2015/02/15/guns-still-make-you-stupid-2/ . In Hunt your Slaves link at the end of the post is also well-worth reading.
So this is what C-51 is about:
If the targets were muslims at the Shopping Centre, why wouldn't they be considered terrorists?
I wish you people would stop insulting clowns. Clowns are funny and bring joy to children. Harper and the gang are more like...assholes.
@ Anon 1:48 PM Okay I'll buy your schtick but you have to realize from my point of view the "Harper Con Clown Circus" is deceiving many and entertaining a few but it ain't children. They live in assholes!
They are assholes and enjoy their stupid roles.
Surely giving away Canada's oil , by not collecting royalties on it as we do in Alberta , is more of a threat to Canada's security than protesting the messes caused by extracting the stuff?
Now your giving assholes a bad name ! I think there is only one word that describes them properly "EVIL"
hi bcwaterboy...Others have suggested that, or suggested that the word be more rigidly defined. But of course the Cons are just playing politics, and clearly trying to stir up fear and xenophobia for their crass purposes. ISIS is the best thing that ever happened as far as they are concerned, and they will fan those flames even if they burn down the country....
hi mogs...I long resisted the use of the word fascist, but not any longer. For they are acting like fascists, and yes they should be made tp pay for what they have done to Canada and its values...
hi jrkrideau....you're right about that terrorist plot, if one of them had been a Muslim the Harperites would have been all over it like flies on shit. And don't forget that Harper tried to claim that because one of those loser killers in Quebec had a Facebook conversation with a troubled teenager who wanted to go to Syria, it was evidence of a wider conspiracy.
And thanks for the link, we live in truly troubling times, and insanity is everywhere...
hi Hugh...I saw that and wrote a post about it, because it really is unbelievable. How a member of the RCMP could come up with a report like that one is hard to believe, and definitely frightening. We live in dangerous times where reason doesn't stand a chance....
hi hinofan...it's interesting that not once in that police report is the threat of climate change mentioned. And it does make you wonder whether the police force is working for us or the Cons? It really is a nightmare and I can't wait to wake up....
hi Morlock...I can't answer that, because as I pointed out in my post, the Criminal Code is not on Mackay's side. He's making it up as he goes along, and the only question is why? I can only guess that they want to keep the focus on the Muslims, and if so it's despicable...
hi anon....yes I know I really do owe the real clowns of this world an apology, and for that matter also the real hogs of this world. For they too are better than Cons...
hi astone...OK you win this one. For nobody can deny that whether they wear clown costumes, or walk on all fours, they truly are evil....
Bring on the Duffy trial.........maybe he is classified a "terrorist"!
Former CSIS officer Francois Lavigne is alarmed by the Conservative government’s new anti-terror bill.
He believes the measures proposed in C-51 are unnecessary, a threat to the rights of Canadians and that the prime minister is using fascist techniques to push the bill.
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