I'm afraid it's just too nice today to think of blogging instead of sailing. Or whatever.
But now that Hurricane Irma has finally come ashore in Florida, before CNN blew up from all that huffing and puffing.
And now that I can at least hope that Hurricane Mueller might take down Donald Trump AND Mike Pence .

Before I set off for the great blue yonder, I'd like to introduce you to my presently favourite candidate for president of the United States.
Hmmm... President Fox? Call off the hounds, I like it !!!!
But don't buy his hat, buy mine...

And have a great Sunday everybody...

h/t Jrkrideau
Thanks; that's a brightener to my day.
David Toronto
Vicente/Sacha 2020. Make America Mexicanadian Again.
Vincente Fox has always been a thorn in Trump's ass from the moment that loser launched his campaign, but he has outdone himself now. By the time the mariachis came out I was laughing so hard tears were running down my face. Thanks Simon!
Is he a dual citizen?
Vicente Fox is far from progressive. Wasn't he an executive with one of the big soft drink companies? Mexico has a HUGE problem with soft drinks and diabetes - most people have Indigenous ancestry, and have the same problem with too much sugar as Canadian Indigenous people.
Still, Trump seems uniquely horrible, and that was very funny.
Someone on Twitter just wrote that unlike our prime minister Trump has yet to send a message to Mexicans after their big earthquake. The Mexicans are their neighbours and they have sent help to Houston, but from Trump and his gang they got nothing. How low can that POS go?
Hi David...you're welcome. I'm finding Progressive Bloggers a little lugubrious these days, and I'm determined to do something to try to brighten up things a bit. And of course save my own sanity... ;)
hi anon...Make American Mexicanadian again? Yes or si, I like that too. Let me check with my running mate Vincente and see if we can use it... ;)
hi anon...you're welcome. I also liked the mariachis, and I think progressives should hire a a big and noisy band to play outside the White House or Mar-a-Lago and drive Trump bonkers...
hi lagatta...no, Fox is or was a fairly conservative president, and the chief executive of Coca Cola in Mexico and Latin America. And as you know I have a problem with sugar. But all things in this world are relative, nobody is perfect, Fox has been a thorn in Trump's side from the moment he decided to run for president, and in this crazy world the enemy of my enemy can sometimes be my friend...
hi anon...yes I heard about that, and it really is appalling, especially since the quake killed many more people than two hurricanes have done in the U.S. But then who can be surprised? Trump is not only a disgusting reactionary, he is also totally devoid of class...
Oh, I agree, and the video was very funny. Moreover, Fox speaks much better English, though it is his second language. Trump scarcely has a first language.
But the sugar abuse problem in Mexico is a public health problem (especially among a largely mestizo and Indigenous population) that is almost as dire as the problem of severe alcohol and tobacco abuse among Russian men, and attacks people much younger. I do wish Fox, who is obviously very fit for a man his age, could make some kind of amends.
I've heard on the news that Canada might be sending reconstruction aid to Cuba. I hope this also applies to Mexico, obviously asking the Cubans and the Mexicans what kind of help is required and desired.
Cuba, though a poor country, has a sterling record of sending medical aid to other countries in the Global south.
Trump does nothing but insult Mexico and its people. Mexico City is far older than any other major city in North America, as it was already a metropolis under successive Indigenous kingdoms.
By the way, the most progressive daily paper in Mexico is La Jornada.
Canada sending aid to Cuba? Get ready for Bannon's wacko conspiracy-nut blog to start a new round of Justin Castreau birther memes. Which in and of themselves were basically recycled from the same crap that Trump flung at Obama.
As the Clash once said, I'm so bored with the USA.
Venezuela has sent aid to Cuba and it appears that Cuba has dispatched almost 800 aid workers to other island nations.
@ Simon
If it can happen in Brazil perhaps it can happen it the USA. Note: the President is not dead in that photo.
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